View Full Version : Expensive Stuff debate
09-14-2003, 05:47 PM
is it just me..or does stuff keep getting more and more insainly priced? Sheesh. I mean..who can HONESTLY earn 10mil just because they wanna buy something. I've been in GS for over 10 years..and the MOST I've ever held in my account at 1 time was maybe 5 mil
09-14-2003, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
is it just me..or does stuff keep getting more and more insainly priced? Sheesh. I mean..who can HONESTLY earn 10mil just because they wanna buy something. I've been in GS for over 10 years..and the MOST I've ever held in my account at 1 time was maybe 5 mil
I can make 1-2m a day skinning if I wanted too and played more. I think that is a honest way of making 10m in under 2 weeks.
09-14-2003, 05:57 PM
Christ, what do you skin?
09-14-2003, 06:09 PM
Moved to Gemstone Complaints. (Please keep all debates out of Merchants Market)
09-14-2003, 06:15 PM
Well, all of these 25m falchions and such are going to be virtually worthless when GS4 comes out with breakage.
Personally I wouldn't spend the money on anything past 5x anymoer until I see what the market's going to hold after the breakage implementation.
09-14-2003, 06:17 PM
aye, but what I was aiming at was ...10mil for a set of 5x hauberk that is only somewhat padded? I mean..gods. Sure, some people swear by padding..but I DO have a warrior who DOES get hit a lot..and I do just fine with plain old 4x hauberk
oh, and that hauberk was only 125k
09-14-2003, 06:22 PM
All over 4X is for lazy, you can easily get 60 right now without problems
Sure it's fun when it's easier, that's why there's so much MA:bouncy::bouncy:
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
is it just me..or does stuff keep getting more and more insainly priced? Sheesh. I mean..who can HONESTLY earn 10mil just because they wanna buy something. I've been in GS for over 10 years..and the MOST I've ever held in my account at 1 time was maybe 5 mil
I've been in GS for over 4 1/2 years and I think the most my account has seen is around 1.5 million. I did find a mage-rechargeable pearl that I let my IG brother sell. He got three million for it. I gave a million to him (which he tried to refuse), a million to a friend that had basically bought me everything since I had been hunting nymphs (he tried to refuse also) and kept a million myself.
I know some skins that go for a really good price if you're a good skinner (the few I know about are too old for me to hunt). For me, a good hunt means I get about fifteen thousand per hunt. I'm really not about making money, but it's nice to have at times.
Also, I agree with the weapon/armor thing. Not going to see me buying anything expensive right now until I see what GSIV holds in store. I only have two weapons that are over 4x and one set of armor that is over 4x. My other characters do fine with 4x. (the armor and my 5x weapons were gifts)
09-14-2003, 06:46 PM
I think the most I can make is a million every week (that's when I'm not it'd be a around 300k now). That's hunting a level 18 critter.
09-14-2003, 06:50 PM
I'd really like to know these skins? I can pull 75-90k a hunt getting 200 skins from nightmares..but that takes quite some time..So please, by all means..let me know. People get me silver, I do more shopping!
09-14-2003, 07:02 PM
Yes Sintik I remember you saying you could make that much skinning in a different thread and I remember asking you what critters. I don't remember an answer however. Not saying you didn't answer but I think if someone was going to make me this rich I would have remembered the name. :)
09-14-2003, 07:16 PM
It's nothing personal, but I don't tell people where I cash hunt. I don't because when everyone knows, then everyone hunts there then I get screwed.
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
I'd really like to know these skins? I can pull 75-90k a hunt getting 200 skins from nightmares..but that takes quite some time..So please, by all means..let me know. People get me silver, I do more shopping!
I know seeker eyes sell for a good price. I'm not sure how much because my character is too young to hunt them. I am also one that doesn't hunt a lot is one of the reasons I don't make a lot of coins.
I sort of imagine most people wouldn't want to post about (maybe relatively unknown) skins that get a good price. Maybe it would get too crowded or something? Or it might tell others(interpret others to mean people that hate you or want to make your life a living hell for instance) where you hunt. (not saying anyone asking for skins is doing this)
Originally posted by Gemstone101
It's nothing personal, but I don't tell people where I cash hunt. I don't because when everyone knows, then everyone hunts there then I get screwed.
Yeah... that. (beat me to it)
09-14-2003, 07:29 PM
Well then obviously you know a well kept secret and therefore can't be really surprised when people say they could never make that kind of money in the same amount of time.
Adhara has 244 ranks in first aid and the most I have ever gotten for a skin was about 2k (usually more like 1500). That's from a critter I can't really hunt by myself yet and so cannot cash hunt.
The distant second is worth about 1k per skin which reaps roughly 100-120k an hour. That's a 9-10 hour day cash hunting for 1 mil. Hardly worth it.
09-14-2003, 07:31 PM
Anyone can potentially make millions in any gaming session via hunting.
It's adopting the scavenger mentality. Don't leave anything behind unless it's something that will weigh to heavily on encumberance.
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Anyone can potentially make millions in any gaming session via hunting.
It's adopting the scavenger mentality. Don't leave anything behind unless it's something that will weigh to heavily on encumberance.
He's right. I make most of my money this way. Heck, I do fairly good if I just go cruising the town for boxes on tables. Not millions by any means. But free coin and a chance to walk around and talk to people.
09-14-2003, 08:00 PM
I always find this funny..They say "Uhh...silver is easy to get! I can make x much a day!" then when you ask how, they all clam up. Makes me wonder if they really do make x ammount of silver
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
I always find this funny..They say "Uhh...silver is easy to get! I can make x much a day!" then when you ask how, they all clam up. Makes me wonder if they really do make x ammount of silver
I'd tell if I knew! <flails> Just listed a few reasons why someone might not want to tell. We all, most likely, have different agendas for playing Gemstone.
I do the scavenger thing that Tsa`ah posted about. However, it's never made me millions by any means. I sell most everything that can be sold. I don't do merchanting. Too much trouble for me, if I have a nice item that I don't use, I'll either locker it to be used as a gift or give it away then.
09-14-2003, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by Adhara
Well then obviously you know a well kept secret and therefore can't be really surprised when people say they could never make that kind of money in the same amount of time.
Adhara has 244 ranks in first aid and the most I have ever gotten for a skin was about 2k (usually more like 1500). That's from a critter I can't really hunt by myself yet and so cannot cash hunt.
The distant second is worth about 1k per skin which reaps roughly 100-120k an hour. That's a 9-10 hour day cash hunting for 1 mil. Hardly worth it.
Level 54 rogue
Aim like nothing, of course
centaur, 23
I was hunting them in advanced stanced, no fear of being hit
Made a small script so i would do the following with F1... Hide, ambush head, skin, take the skin, search and take what they left behind
3 seconds hiding, 5 seconds stricking, 1seconds getting the stuff= 9 seconds
let's say it took me 6 seconds to find an other centaur
9+6=15, so 4 centaurs per minute
I was getting around 750 silvers per skin, let's put it to 1k per centaur because they often give boxes, silvers and gems.
1k *4 =4k per minute*60=240k per hour
With weak centaur, and you get exp of boxes.
Just imagine the rest
cash hunting is easy, really easy
just one problem, it's FUCKING BORING!
[Edited on 9-15-2003 by Xcalibur]
09-14-2003, 09:38 PM
It is all dependent upon level to. I can't make a few million hunting with my lower leveled characters. I can still make good coin, providing that's what I'm hunting for, it's nothing like my rogue or ranger.
At the higher levels you will notice other characters leaving mid ranged stones behind. It's not uncommon for me to make my first round through the rift and having to leave because I'm so weighed down with stones and boxes that are left behind.
Sometimes I'll go weeks without selling any stones and have my bard sing to them (sucky MA tactic, oh well). I'll keep all the orb gems for charging or just sell them off and occasionally (maybe 3-5 times a month) I'll find a rechargeable gem.
The fact is many people whine about creatures being poor and the only way to get silver is via merchanting. These are the same people who never skin and leave stones not worth their time behind.
[Edited on 9-15-2003 by Tsa`ah]
09-14-2003, 10:10 PM
3-5 rechargeable gems a month??! Damn I can't wait to be rift age.
Well atleast Vipers offer skins, wasnt for that The Blighted Forest is a broke area think ive found one gem in two weeks.
09-14-2003, 10:18 PM
...oh god, Tsa'ah tell me you aren't Buronson and Ulfe.
09-14-2003, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
...oh god, Tsa'ah tell me you aren't Buronson and Ulfe.
That depends... would that be bad?
Seriously, no. I'm neither and have had too little contact with either to have formed an opinion.
3-5 rechargeable gems a month??! Damn I can't wait to be rift age.
I think people would actually be amazed to find pulsers are not as rare as they think. That would of kill the market of course.
I believe it was two weeks ago I found a bloodstone on the Glatoph... it was a pulser. I have probably found more than 5 pulsers on the ground or in abandoned boxes since I rolled up my bard last year.
I do wish at times the bard song would show the person's name that left it so I could go shake their hand for forking over an easy million, and then slap them.
[Edited on 9-15-2003 by Tsa`ah]
09-14-2003, 11:08 PM
Best skinning money in game is the Lake in Solhaven (Centaurs, fenghai, pra'dea, coyotes). Blighted forest skins are worth more but the spawn rate is ALOT slower. Raptors are supposedly good, but it's a smaller area with more hunters. I know people that could make 3mil/day on a regular basis skinning the lake in Haven. Even someone decent at killing and skinning the lake in Haven can pull a mil a day with minimal effort.
09-15-2003, 01:01 AM
Just fucking merchant
09-15-2003, 01:49 AM
I used to love skin hunting in myklians (best) on the moon, vipers in blighted forest, and all critters in Pinefar.
- N
09-15-2003, 09:09 AM
Never skinned a thing in my life. The way to get rich is to get hand outs from people who leave, rip people off occasionally, get free money from hunting creatures, and then merchant. It's that simple.
09-15-2003, 09:17 AM
Raptors, you can make 100k a hunt or so.
09-15-2003, 09:40 AM
Merchanting. Stay has 0 ranks of FA. I can sell all my gear now for close to 100 million coins, best case prices. We'll see how breakage effects things.
I'll be trying power skinning and the scavenger mentality in GS4, though with the encumberance changes...We'll see.
09-15-2003, 10:14 AM
Getting "rich" in the game all depends on what you like to do. Some people enjoy merchanting, a very quick way to get cash if you have patience. I used to love doing it, but I lack the patience now. If your an excellent skinner, it is true you can make mad cash doing it.
Where i hunt.. mylakins have very valueable skins but they have a catch. Every time you touch them a hand wound. So unless you a strong empath, or have a empath bitch with you there it pretty much evens out the cost with herbs.
09-15-2003, 10:16 AM
Unless you make your own herbs. Myklians are too much of a pain in the ass. I'd prefer to walk over to Ta'Illistim and hit some stags and brindlecats, or raptors and mastodonic leopards. I don't imagine the monetary difference is much.
09-15-2003, 10:16 AM
Blah you forgfot the other way, going to ebay, and making money that way!
[Edited on 9-15-2003 by Solkern]
09-15-2003, 10:16 AM
You can make a mint in myklins. However, everyone else knows this...
09-15-2003, 10:19 AM
I hardly ever see anyone there.
09-15-2003, 10:20 AM
Lets all quit gs, and join me in NWN!
09-15-2003, 10:22 AM
Thats because Drizzsdt and a few others (Xulia among others) script hunts there.
09-15-2003, 10:23 AM
There is a NWN GS server. It has detailed maps of all the cities as well as some new stuff. Its RP enforced as well, unlike GS3.
09-15-2003, 10:23 AM
What every happened to tariajewel? does she still play?
09-15-2003, 10:24 AM
Dude, I saw that gs server, and I was like WTF, i thought ti was quite gay, to bad the server lags all the time, scripts there BLOW, item level restriction mods BLOW, they need to drop the current host, get a better one, remove ILR, actually just delete the fucking mod, before it ruins NWN
09-15-2003, 10:26 AM
How does one out of a million seperate servers spoil NWN? I don't really like it myself, I am a txt whore.
09-15-2003, 10:26 AM
I make decent coin skinning but I'm far from rich. I normally use my money to help buy gear for other people. I've never seen the point in having a bank account that has more zeros than I can count. I've got decent gear on all my guys so I really don't need to amass a fortune, besides I'd just spend it buying stupid things of the amulet.
09-15-2003, 10:27 AM
Fire rats and warcats are a good place for the young. I remember making 50-70 a hunt there between the levels of 15 and 25.
If I were hard up and the place was deserted, I would go there still.
09-15-2003, 10:27 AM
becuase it adds to the list of shitty mods, if you actually played NWN, you'll notice maybe 5 or 6 mods out of all the player run mod is a good mod thats why
09-15-2003, 10:28 AM
Must have self mana invisi brig...
09-15-2003, 10:30 AM
Like i playedthis one mod, had a good lay out, i was impresed, then when i reached lvl 20, we got a group of people together, went to the HARDEST boss, in the mod, i casted harm, then swung once, he was dead, and all he dropped was a lousy 26 gold pieces, what shit is that. NWn is the kinda game, where when you beat a boss, your suppose to get a badass treasure
09-15-2003, 10:31 AM
As is life. One film out of a hundred is passable, if that. The same applies for everything. You have to wade through the ocean of shit to find that tiny gold nugget. Years ago I thought I had found gold with GS. Now...
09-15-2003, 10:33 AM
No, you did find gold YEARS ago...who the fuck knows what the hell it is now, actually i have a pretty good idea
09-15-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by Solkern
No, you did find gold YEARS ago...who the fuck knows what the hell it is now, actually i have a pretty good idea
GS4 could be good, but I am not getting my hopes up.
09-15-2003, 10:42 AM
See, just do it this way, think its gonna be shitty, so when it is, you'll be like i thought so, but if it happens to be good, be like boy was i fucking wrong!
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