View Full Version : Fully Unlocked entire Ghule set

09-17-2018, 09:02 PM
Since it has been made abuntently clear to me that they will never release the final unlock on the Ghule cloaks again i have decided tosell my entire set that i spent over a decade building up . I dont think a set this far along unlocked has every been sold , this is a complete set and will not be broken up . So here it goes a Decade of my life/merchants /silvers and all around begging up for sell .

#1 --- a viciously barbed leather whip

>remove whip
You quickly untie a viciously barbed leather whip from your flame-hued scarf. A flick of your wrist sends the coils snaking sinuously along the ground at your feet.
>analyze whip
You analyze your barbed leather whip and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that this whip can be altered by any merchant.

Currently you are able to use WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE, SPIN, and SNAP with the whip. If you happen to have special rings, cloaks, or fangs of similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the whip.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the barbed leather whip for you.

>look at whip
You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

>inspect whip
You carefully inspect your barbed leather whip.

After a careful inspection you determine that a viciously barbed leather whip requires skill in blunt weapons to use effectively.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of leather.
>analyze whip
You analyze your barbed leather whip and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that this whip can be altered by any merchant.

Currently you are able to use WEAR, REMOVE, WAVE, SPIN, and SNAP with the whip. If you happen to have special rings, cloaks, or fangs of similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the whip.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the barbed leather whip for you.
>appraise whip
Careful examination indicates the barbed leather whip has a base strength of 10 and a base durability of 75. You also determine the current integrity of the barbed leather whip to be at 100.0%.
>weigh whip
You carefully examine the barbed leather whip and determine that the weight is about 5 pounds.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>wave whip
You deftly wave your barbed leather whip around in several wide circles over your head, then bring it down in front of you with a quick snap of your wrist. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears!
You flash a wicked grin as the coils of your whip fall to the ground, showing off your fangs. Your blue cloak billows out behind you, and the world seems to momentarily take on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
R>snap whip
With a quick snap of your wrist, you crack your barbed leather whip in front of you. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Silvery flecks shoot violently from the tip! You flash a wicked grin as the coils of your whip fall to the ground, showing off your fangs. Your blue cloak billows out behind you, and the world seems to momentarily take on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
>spin whip
Deftly spinning your wrist, your wave your barbed leather whip in a wide circle in front of you. The whip rapidly builds up speed until the leather seems to form a solid circle in mid-air. Dozens of sparkling silvery flecks dance upon the air within the circle.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
A cloisonne turtle dove lifts its head and tucks it trustingly just behind your ear, cooing a softly trilling love song.
>wear whip
You carefully coil up your barbed leather whip and tie it to your flame-hued scarf.


#2 --- a fractured blackened feystone band

>look at band
Inset into the simple, polished feystone band is a faceted crystalline gem. The gem glows with a pink-sparked foxglove purple light.
>analyze band
You analyze your feystone band and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get the sense that this band can be altered, though there are some restrictions. Any merchant can change its base and long description, but it must remain a ring of some kind. The only elements of its showy description that can be altered are the material of the band, as well as the COLOR of light that the gem on it is giving off. For colors, stick to the actual hue/shade (not other things that it could be doing, like glowing, scintillating, or pulsing, for example), and specifically avoid "deep" in the color and "-hued" to prevent double wording in some messaging (-colored, etc. is fine).

Your band is currently set to the following color: pink-sparked foxglove purple. Some merchants may be able to change this for you.

Currently you are able to STARE/PEER/GAZE at the band. This band may be unlocked further (to allow for more color options) within special, rare circumstances.

>stare band
You raise your hand up in front of you and stare into the crystalline gem inset upon your polished feystone band. As the gem catches the light, you suppress a shudder, and the world momentarily takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
>peer band
You raise your hand up in front of you and stare into the crystalline gem inset upon your polished feystone band. As the gem catches the light, you suppress a shudder, and the world momentarily takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
>gaze band
You raise your hand up in front of you and stare into the crystalline gem inset upon your polished feystone band. As the gem catches the light, you suppress a shudder, and the world momentarily takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.


#3 ---- a pale web-covered sack.

>look at sack
Thick strands of webbing have been woven in a chaotic pattern to create the thick organic mesh of this web-covered sack. Hollow insect carcasses and bits of debris are interspersed and impossibly tangled within the walls, while thin web-covered straps extend from its sides.

>inspect sack
You carefully inspect your web-covered sack.

You estimate that a pale web-covered sack can store a fairly large amount (50-59 pounds) with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the sack, attaching it to your belt. The sack appears to serve some purpose.

You remember that you registered this item a couple months ago.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of organic material.

>analyze sack
You analyze your web-covered sack and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

Spider bags house living spiders that can be customized. Tier 2+ items are also part of the Ghule family of scripts. To see Ghule interactivity options and syntax help for Tier 2, ANALYZE again within 15 seconds.

You get a strong sense that the sack can be altered by any merchant. The sack must always be:
(1) a "regular" container of some sort (no clothing, jewelry, etc.)
(2) made out of webs or spidersilk.
Long descriptions are fine; no shows.

When altering the spiders inside, bear in mind the following:
(1) the article will always be a/an (for 1 spider) or a number such as 'two' (for multiple spiders)
(2) the noun can be pretty much any type of spider, but note that descriptors go into the
adjective field (eg. for 'brown recluse', 'brown' goes into the adjective field).
(3) Spiders can have a long description tacked on after the base 15/15/15 but no show.

This item is currently Tier 2 (of 3) with 1 (of 10) spider(s). Very few merchants can unlock it. Some merchants can add an additional spider.

Features supported: WEAR, REMOVE, POINT my sack at {target}, OPEN, CLOSE, PULL, TURN (target option).

You can tell that the sack is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
>analyze sack
You analyze your web-covered sack and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

PULL interacts with Ghule cloaks and claws.
TURN interacts with Ghule claws, rings, and fangs.

If you are having trouble figuring out how to target a player on the 'target option' verbs, first make sure you are wearing the item. Then use the syntax: <VERB> MY sack AT <player target>

ANALYZE again for main info.

You can tell that the sack is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

>wear sack
As you put on a pale web-covered sack, you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your hand! You quickly pull back your hand but cannot see any visible wound. A moment later you can feel a strange scratching presence in the back of your mind. It takes a moment to realize that the source is a gnarled grey spider with patchy hair within your sack.

>remove sack
As you remove the web-covered sack, you suddenly feel your connection to a gnarled grey spider with patchy hair begin to fade, leaving your mind void of the subtle scratching presence.

>batter sack
Taking a deep breath, you raise the web-covered sack high and bring it crashing down on the top of your head!

With a shocking lack of resistance, the web-covered sack pops open! Being braced for a hard struggle, this leaves you just a tad off-balance for a bit.

Roundtime: 9 sec.

>open sack
You focus for a moment on the spider within your web-covered sack. A few moments later a small opening appears at the top of your sack, revealing a gnarled grey spider with patchy hair, working within to obey your command.

>close sack
You focus for a moment on the spider within your web-covered sack. Moments later the sack is webbed shut by a gnarled grey spider with patchy hair, hiding the contents from view.

>pull sack
The presence in the back of your head begins to chant discordant sounds in a guttural yet soothing voice. Gathering your blue cloak around you to create a dark space, you find yourself rocking back and forth while quietly murmuring along.

With a sudden start, you savagely clutch your sack in your diamond-tipped claws, squeezing tightly to subdue the spider inside. The presence growls, then chuckles and falls silent.
>turn sack
As your fingers graze your web-covered sack, a gnarled grey spider with patchy hair skitters out of its opening and onto your diamond-tipped claws. The spider glows a pink-sparked foxglove purple tone to match the same hue bleeding through your vision. You flash an impish grin, baring your sharp platinum fangs, as the spider hisses threateningly, then skitters into the sack.

A sense of self-satisfaction nearly hums from the presence in the back of your mind.


#4 ----- some sharp diamond-tipped claws.

>inspect claws
You carefully inspect your diamond-tipped claws.

You determine that you could wear the claws anywhere on your body. The claws appears to serve some purpose

>anal claws
You analyze your diamond-tipped claws and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that the claws can be altered by any merchant. The claws must always be claws that are clearly hand-worn (i.e. not magically replacing your hands).

Currently you are able to use SCRATCH, EAT, POINT, and WAVE with the claws. If you happen to have special fangs or a ring of a similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the claws.

You get no sense of whether or not the claws may be further lightened.

>SCRATCH claws
You reach up and make a violent scratching motion with one of your claws.
>eat claws
You reach up and casually pick between your sharp platinum fangs with one of your diamond-tipped claws.
>point claws
You point at your diamond-tipped claws.
>point claws at zac
You point one of your diamond-tipped claws at Zact, baring your sharp platinum fangs in a menacing grin. The world suddenly take on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
>wave claws
You extend your diamond-tipped claws menacingly in front of you, baring your sharp platinum fangs in a vicious grin.
>wave claws at zact
You extend your diamond-tipped claws menacingly toward Zact, baring your sharp platinum fangs in a vicious grin.


#5 --a pair of fake sharp platinum fangs

>wear fangs
You place your sharp platinum fangs in your mouth and adjust them until they are comfortable.

>remove fangs
You remove your sharp platinum fangs from your mouth

>inspect fangs
You carefully inspect your sharp platinum fangs.

You determine that you could wear the fangs anywhere on your body.

>analyze fangs
You analyze your sharp platinum fangs and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that the fangs can be altered by any merchant. The fangs must always be "fangs" and must clearly appear fake.

Currently you are able to use RUB, POINT AT, WEAR, REMOVE, HISS, EAT, LICK, GRIN, and LAUGH, with the fangs. If you happen to have a special cloak or ring of a similar build, you'll find that some things may look a bit fancier when you use the fangs. Currently, this cannot be unlocked any further.

You get no sense of whether or not the fangs may be further lightened.

>rub fangs
You reach up and polish the front of one of your sharp platinum fangs with the tip of your index finger.
>rub fangs with claws
You reach up and polish the front of one of your sharp platinum fangs with the tip of your index finger.
>point at fangs
You point at your sharp platinum fangs.
>point fangs at zact
You bare your sharp platinum fangs and glare menacingly at Zact. The world momentarily takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
>hiss fangs
You bare your sharp platinum fangs and hiss menacingly. The world momentarily takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
>eat fangs
You gnaw lightly on your lower lip. The razor-sharp tip of one of your fangs breaks the skin and causes a tiny bead of blood to appear, which you casually catch with the tip of your tongue.
>lick fangs
You run the tip of your tongue over the point of one of your fangs. The world momentarily takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
>grin fangs
You flash an evil grin, making sure the tips of your fangs are visible. The world momentarily takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
>laugh fangs
You cackle deep in your throat, your voice rising in chilling laughter. Your blue cloak billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.


#6 --a pointed grey wizard's hat.

>look at hat
You see nothing unusual.
>look in hat
There is nothing in there.
>inspect hat
You carefully inspect your grey wizard's hat.

You estimate that a pointed grey wizard's hat can store a very small amount (1-4 pounds) with enough space for a couple of items of very small size.

You determine that you could wear the hat on your head. The hat appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.
>analyze hat
You analyze your grey wizard's hat and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
Currently you are able to use TAP, TILT, BOW, KICK, DROP in, and GET from. If you happen to have special fangs or a ring of a similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the hat. Some merchants may be able to unlock this hat to a higher tier for you.

You get a strong sense that the aesthetics of hat can be altered by any merchant. It must remain a hat or hat-like item -- something that can be worn on the head but still reasonably store small items and be "tipped." (as in tipping your hat to someone).

You can tell that the hat is as light as it can get, but you might be able to have a talented merchant deepen its pockets for you.
>appraise hat
It's hard to say. Best take it to some shop that deals in this sort of thing.
>wear hat
You put a pointed grey wizard's hat on your head.
>remove hat
You take a pointed grey wizard's hat off your head.
>tap hat
You reach up and tip your hat. The world momentarily takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
>tilt hat
You reach up and tilt your grey wizard's hat so it casts a shadow over your eyes. The world momentarily takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue as you flash a wide grin, making sure to show off your fangs.
>bow hat
You reach up and remove your grey wizard's hat, dipping an elegant bow as you sweep it in a wide arc in front of you. You glance up suddenly and flash a wide grin, making sure to show off your fangs. The world momentarily takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue. You return your hat to your head with a flourish.
>kick hat
You reach up and remove your grey wizard's hat, then toss it into the air in front of you. A subtle twist of your shoulders, and the hat lands on the center of your chest, quickly spinning down along the length of your body. When it reaches your foot, you give it a fast kick with your toe, and it arcs up into the air before you, landing perfectly on your head once again.
>drop statue in hat
You reach up and lift one corner of your hat, then quickly stuff a bloodstained coiled dragon statue inside it.
>get statue
You reach up and lift one corner of your hat, then rummage around inside it until you find a bloodstained coiled dragon statue.


#7 --a dirty web-covered satchel

>look at satchel
Thick strands of webbing have been woven in a chaotic pattern to create the thick organic mesh of this web-covered satchel. Hollow insect carcasses and bits of debris are interspersed and impossibly tangled within the walls, while thin web-covered straps extend from its sides.

>wear satchel
As you put on a dirty web-covered satchel, you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your hand! You quickly pull back your hand but cannot see any visible wound. A moment later you can feel a strange scratching presence in the back of your mind. It takes a moment to realize that the source is a tan spider with stained yellow mandibles within your satchel.

>remove satchel
As you remove the web-covered satchel, you suddenly feel your connection to a tan spider with stained yellow mandibles begin to fade, leaving your mind void of the subtle scratching presence.

>inspect satchel
You carefully inspect your web-covered satchel.

You estimate that a dirty web-covered satchel can store a slightly large amount (40-49 pounds) with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the satchel, slinging it across your shoulders and back. The satchel appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of organic material.

>analyze satchel
You analyze your web-covered satchel and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

Spider bags house living spiders that can be customized. Tier 2+ items are also part of the Ghule family of scripts.

You get a strong sense that the satchel can be altered by any merchant. The satchel must always be:
(1) a "regular" container of some sort (no clothing, jewelry, etc.)
(2) made out of webs or spidersilk.
Long descriptions are fine; no shows.

When altering the spiders inside, bear in mind the following:
(1) the article will always be a/an (for 1 spider) or a number such as 'two' (for multiple spiders)
(2) the noun can be pretty much any type of spider, but note that descriptors go into the
adjective field (eg. for 'brown recluse', 'brown' goes into the adjective field).
(3) Spiders can have a long description tacked on after the base 15/15/15 but no show.

This item is currently Tier 1 (of 3) with 1 (of 10) spider(s). A handful of merchants can unlock it. Some merchants can add an additional spider.

Features supported: WEAR, REMOVE, POINT my satchel at {target}.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the web-covered satchel for you or deepen its pockets.


And now fer the moment of truth , what i been dreading for 10 years back when i bought this cloak , Had the scripts swapped to this cloak at Spitfire . When i was told for the 100th time i wont get the feature conceling Hood i wanted to hang myself


#8 --- a translucent blue cloak bearing silver stars connected by faded runes forming a pentagram

>look at cloak
You see nothing unusual.

>wear cloak
As you drape your blue cloak from your shoulders, it billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.

>remove cloak
You remove a translucent blue cloak bearing silver stars connected by faded runes forming a pentagram from your shoulders in an elegant sweeping motion that causes it to swirl mysteriously around you.

>inspect cloak
You carefully inspect your blue cloak.

You estimate that a translucent blue cloak bearing silver stars connected by faded runes forming a pentagram can store a gigantic amount (200-1000 pounds) with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the cloak, hanging it from your shoulders. The cloak appears to serve some purpose.

You remember that you registered this item a year and a few months ago.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.
>analyze cloak
You analyze your blue cloak and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that this cloak can be altered by any merchant. However it is altered, it must logically make sense as something that can "billow" out easily (so avoid requesting tight-fitting or super short garments if possible).

Currently you are able to use OPEN, CLOSE, WAVE, BOW, SHAKE, PULL, PUSH, SPIN, WEAR, and REMOVE with the cloak. If you happen to have special fangs of a similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the cloak. This cloak can be unlocked further only under special, rare circumstances.

[As a note, currently PUSH and PULL are fluff fun and do not truly conceal your features.]

You can tell that the cloak is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

( it says " This cloak can be unlocked further only under special, rare circumstances " but this is a lie it will never happen . This only reason im selling this whole set . Biggest let-down of my entire Gemstone life )

>open cloak
You throw open your blue cloak. It billows out behind you like a pair of wings.
>close cloak
You pull your blue cloak around yourself tightly, doing your best to conceal your form.
>open cloak
You throw open your blue cloak. It billows out behind you like a pair of wings.
>wave cloak
You catch the edge of your blue cloak with one arm and sweep it out in front of you until all that is left revealed are your eyes. The cloak ripples mysteriously as it moves.
>bow cloak
Holding the edge of your blue cloak, you dip an elegant bow. The cloak billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. You glance up and flash an evil grin, making sure the tips of your sharp platinum fangs are visible.
>shake cloak
You give your blue cloak a good shake, sending its folds rippling around your body. A slight shiver runs down your spine.
>pull cloak
You pull the hood of your blue cloak over your head, casting a shadow across your features. Just before releasing the hood, you glance upward and flash a wicked grin, showing off your sharp platinum fangs. The world suddenly takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
>push cloak
You push the hood of your blue cloak off of your head, revealing your features. Just before releasing the hood, you glance upward and flash a wicked grin, showing off your sharp platinum fangs. The world suddenly takes on a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
>spin cloak
You spin around smartly, but the folds of your blue cloak cling to you, as if something in the air is preventing the garment from moving freely in a wide arc.

third person view of Cloak

As Hoodtralfeck drapes a translucent blue cloak bearing silver stars connected by faded runes forming a pentagram from his shoulders, it billows out behind him as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.
Hoodtralfeck removes a translucent blue cloak bearing silver stars connected by faded runes forming a pentagram from his shoulders in an elegant sweeping motion that causes it to swirl mysteriously around him.

Hoodtralfeck pulls a translucent blue cloak bearing silver stars connected by faded runes forming a pentagram around himself tightly, obscuring most of his form.
Hoodtralfeck throws open his blue cloak. It billows out behind him like a pair of wings.
Hoodtralfeck pulls a translucent blue cloak bearing silver stars connected by faded runes forming a pentagram around himself tightly, obscuring most of his form.
Hoodtralfeck throws open his blue cloak. It billows out behind him like a pair of wings.
Hoodtralfeck catches the edge of his blue cloak with one arm and sweeps it out in front of him until all that is left revealed are his eyes. The cloak ripples mysteriously as it moves.
Holding the edge of his blue cloak, Hoodtralfeck dips an elegant bow. The cloak billows out behind him as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. Hoodtralfeck glances up and flashes an evil grin. The tips of his sharp platinum fangs are clearly visible protruding from beneath his upper lip.
Hoodtralfeck shakes out a translucent blue cloak bearing silver stars connected by faded runes forming a pentagram, sending its folds rippling around his body.
Hoodtralfeck pulls the hood of a translucent blue cloak bearing silver stars connected by faded runes forming a pentagram over his head, casting a shadow across his features. Just before releasing the hood, Hoodtralfeck glances upward and flashes a wicked grin, showing off the tips of a pair of fake sharp platinum fangs. His eyes suddenly flash with a pink-sparked foxglove purple glow.
Hoodtralfeck pushes the hood of a translucent blue cloak bearing silver stars connected by faded runes forming a pentagram off of his head, revealing his features. Just before releasing the hood, Hoodtralfeck glances upward and flashes a wicked grin, showing off the tips of a pair of fake sharp platinum fangs. His eyes suddenly flash with a pink-sparked foxglove purple glow.
Hoodtralfeck spins around smartly. Oddly, his cloak does not billow out with the movement.

3rd person view Hat

Hoodtralfeck reaches up and tips his hat. His eyes suddenly flash with a pink-sparked foxglove purple light.
Hoodtralfeck reaches up and tilts his hat so it casts a shadow over his eyes. His eyes suddenly flash with a pink-sparked foxglove purple light and a wide grin spreads across his face. The tips of his fangs are clearly visible beneath his upper lip.
Hoodtralfeck reaches up and removes his hat, then sweeps it in a wide arc in front of him as he dips an elegant bow. Hoodtralfeck glances up suddenly and flashes a wide grin. The tips of his fangs are clearly visible beneath his upper lip. His eyes flash with a pink-sparked foxglove purple light. Hoodtralfeck returns his hat to his head with a flourish.
Hoodtralfeck reaches up and removes his grey wizard's hat, then tosses it into the air in front of him. A subtle twist of his shoulders, and the hat lands on the center of his chest, quickly spinning down along the length of his body. When it reaches his foot, he gives it a fast kick with his toes, and it arcs up into the air before him, landing perfectly on his head once again.

Hoodtralfeck reaches up and lifts one corner of his hat, then quickly stuffs a bloodstained coiled dragon statue inside it.
Hoodtralfeck reaches up and lifts one corner of his hat, then rummages around inside it until he finds a bloodstained coiled dragon statue.
Hoodtralfeck takes a pointed grey wizard's hat off his head.

3rd person view fangs

Hoodtralfeck reaches up and polishes the front of one of his sharp platinum fangs with the tip of his index finger.
Hoodtralfeck points at his sharp platinum fangs.
Hoodtralfeck bares his sharp platinum fangs and glares menacingly at Zact. His eyes suddenly flash with a pink-sparked foxglove purple light.
Hoodtralfeck bares his sharp platinum fangs and hisses menacingly. His eyes suddenly glow with a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
Hoodtralfeck gnaws lightly on his lower lip, as if lost in thought. The razor-sharp tip of one of his fangs breaks the skin and causes a tiny bead of blood to appear. Almost absent-mindedly, he catches it with the tip of his tongue.
Hoodtralfeck casually runs the tip of his tongue over the point of one of his sharp platinum fangs, somehow managing to appear both threatening and seductive at the same time. His eyes suddenly glow with a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
Hoodtralfeck flashes an evil grin. The tips of his sharp platinum fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip. His eyes suddenly glow with a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
Hoodtralfeck cackles evilly, his voice rising in chilling laughter. Two sharp platinum fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip. His blue cloak billows out behind him as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.

Hoodtralfeck flashes an evil grin. The tips of his sharp platinum fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip. His eyes suddenly glow with a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.
Hoodtralfeck cackles evilly, his voice rising in chilling laughter. Two sharp platinum fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip. His blue cloak billows out behind him as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.
Hoodtralfeck casually runs the tip of his tongue over the point of one of his sharp platinum fangs, somehow managing to appear both threatening and seductive at the same time. His eyes suddenly glow with a pink-sparked foxglove purple hue.

3rd person view claws

Hoodtralfeck reaches up and makes a violent scratching motion with one of his claws.
Hoodtralfeck reaches up and casually picks between his sharp platinum fangs with one of his diamond-tipped claws.
Hoodtralfeck points at his diamond-tipped claws.

Hoodtralfeck extends some sharp diamond-tipped claws menacingly in front of him, baring a pair of fake sharp platinum fangs in a vicious grin.
Hoodtralfeck points one of his diamond-tipped claws directly at Zact, baring a pair of fake sharp platinum fangs in a menacing grin. His eyes suddenly flash with a pink-sparked foxglove purple glow.
Hoodtralfeck extends some sharp diamond-tipped claws menacingly toward Zact, baring a pair of fake sharp platinum fangs in a vicious grin.

3rd person view of sack

Hoodtralfeck winces suddenly as he puts on a pale web-covered sack. He pauses for a moment to inspect his hand before shaking his head slowly.
A gnarled grey spider with patchy hair suddenly appears at the top of Hoodtralfeck's web-covered sack and seals it shut with thick webbing before disappearing back into the sack.
A small opening suddenly forms at the top of Hoodtralfeck's web-covered sack and you catch a quick glimpse of a gnarled grey spider with patchy hair disappearing back into the sack.

Hoodtralfeck removes a golden toy chest charm from in his web-covered sack.
Hoodtralfeck drops a golden toy chest charm.

A gnarled grey spider with patchy hair climbs out of Hoodtralfeck's web-covered sack and scurries down his leg to the ground.

The spider skitters over to a golden toy chest charm and investigates it for a moment, then quickly spins a cocoon of gossamer spiderweb around the charm.

Dragging a golden toy chest charm, the spider skitters quickly toward Hoodtralfeck, up his leg, and back into a pale web-covered sack. As it drags the charm into the sack, the spiderwebs binding it dissolve into dust.
Gathering his blue cloak around him so as to be shrouded in shadow, Hoodtralfeck begins rocking back and forth while quietly chanting discordant sounds in a gutteral voice, then abrupty stops as he savagely clutches his sack in his diamond-tipped claws, squeezing it tightly as if to subdue it.
As Hoodtralfeck's fingers graze his web-covered sack, a gnarled grey spider with patchy hair skitters out of its opening and onto his diamond-tipped claws. The spider glows a pink-sparked foxglove purple tone to match the same luminous hue bleeding across Hoodtralfeck's eyes. Hoodtralfeck flashes an impish grin, baring his sharp platinum fangs, as the spider hisses threateningly, then skitters into the sack.

3rd person view of the whip

Hoodtralfeck carefully coils up a viciously barbed leather whip and ties it to his flame-hued scarf.
Hoodtralfeck quickly unties a viciously barbed leather whip from his flame-hued scarf. A flick of his wrist sends the coils snaking sinuously along the ground at his feet.
Hoodtralfeck deftly waves a viciously barbed leather whip around in several wide circles above his head, then brings it down in front of him with a quick snap of his wrist. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Hoodtralfeck flashes a wicked grin as the coils of his whip fall to the ground, showing off a pair of sharp platinum fangs protruding from beneath his lower lip. His cloak billows out behind him, and his eyes suddenly glow with a pink-sparked foxglove purple light.
Deftly spinning his wrist, Hoodtralfeck waves a viciously barbed leather whip in a wide circle in front of him. The whip rapidly builds up speed until the leather seems to form a solid circle in mid-air. Dozens of sparkling silvery flecks dance upon the air within the circle.
With a quick snap of his wrist, Hoodtralfeck cracks a viciously barbed leather whip in front of him. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Silvery flecks shoot violently from the tip! Hoodtralfeck flashes a wicked grin as the coils of his whip fall to the ground, showing off a pair of sharp platinum fangs protruding from beneath his lower lip. His cloak billows out behind him, and his eyes suddenly glow with a pink-sparked foxglove purple light.
With a quick snap of his wrist, Hoodtralfeck cracks a viciously barbed leather whip in front of him. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Silvery flecks shoot violently from the tip! Hoodtralfeck flashes a wicked grin as the coils of his whip fall to the ground, showing off a pair of sharp platinum fangs protruding from beneath his lower lip. His cloak billows out behind him, and his eyes suddenly glow with a pink-sparked foxglove purple light.
Deftly spinning his wrist, Hoodtralfeck waves a viciously barbed leather whip in a wide circle in front of him. The whip rapidly builds up speed until the leather seems to form a solid circle in mid-air. Dozens of sparkling silvery flecks dance upon the air within the circle.
Hoodtralfeck deftly waves a viciously barbed leather whip around in several wide circles above his head, then brings it down in front of him with a quick snap of his wrist. The resounding *CRACK* that results is almost enough to hurt your ears! Hoodtralfeck flashes a wicked grin as the coils of his whip fall to the ground, showing off a pair of sharp platinum fangs protruding from beneath his lower lip. His cloak billows out behind him, and his eyes suddenly glow with a pink-sparked foxglove purple light.

3rd person view of the ring/band

Hoodtralfeck's eyes suddenly flash with a pink-sparked foxglove purple glow.

and that is all . Only selling this cause i can never get the feature Hood , and it appears i have fallen into real life money problems so will be asking for Paypal for this

MB:$200 paypal

BO: a INSANE amount make a offer

09-18-2018, 01:25 AM
Tempting what a great set.... Unreal that you've collected it all. Might have to get a Title loan for this one.

09-18-2018, 03:20 AM
Tempting what a great set.... Unreal that you've collected it all. Might have to get a Title loan for this one.

I’ll loan you the money.

5 points a week; cumulative. Juice is running.

Just fucking pay me, ok?

09-18-2018, 08:17 PM
Get a feature concealing pin worn and keep your set. Best of both

09-18-2018, 08:31 PM
In case you miss(ed) it, on the officials...

The Ghule cloaks do not have feature-concealing ability, nor have they ever had it -- there isn't even support for that built into their code. The note in the ANALYZE about push/pull being fluffy verbs is to clarify that those verbs are exactly just that -- fluff -- since those are the same two verbs on actual feature-concealers that are used to hide/reveal your features. Hope that helps!


I'm pretty certain there'll be the (VERY, VERY) rare merchant who can unlock the teleporting, but, absolutely NO hood/feature-concealing will ever be implemented for them.

09-18-2018, 08:46 PM
In case you miss(ed) it, on the officials...

I'm pretty certain there'll be the (VERY, VERY) rare merchant who can unlock the teleporting, but, absolutely NO hood/feature-concealing will ever be implemented for them.

Its hood he will probably miss your post too

09-18-2018, 08:51 PM
Someone buy this tho so I can sell my set that actually has fully unlocked stuff for like 5 grand

09-18-2018, 09:25 PM

09-19-2018, 04:57 PM
bump price change