View Full Version : Bad Parents.

02-14-2005, 12:18 AM
Seriously. I'm not a parent, and I don't plan to be for ages and ages, but I simply DO NOT understand what is so difficult about children in public.

Last night Jake took me to a great Valentine's dinner (the surprised I talked about in another thread) at this little, really intimate restaurant in the village at Lake Las Vegas. It was a very adult place, very grownup menu (read: no chicken fingers or hot dogs) yet I saw one group, a couple and an older man, with a three-year-old in tow.

They sat them next to us, and began complaining very loudly when they were informed that the restaurant didn't HAVE a children's menu. Instead, the kid subsisted on the bread served before the meal and a caesar salad he clearly didn't care for. His head barely made it to the table because there were no high chairs. He was ignored by the adults with him, so he spent his meal banging silverware on the table, spilling water on himself while trying to drink from the (adult) water goblets, and humming at the top of his lungs.

Tonight, neither of us felt like cooking, so we went down the street to Sweet Tomatoes (it's like a Souper Salad or Souplantation, bascially a big salad bar restaurant). All of a sudden while we're eating, this little kid comes TEARING down the aisle with his screeching mother on his heels. She grabbed him, FLIPPED him upside down, and carried him squealing and hollering back to his seat, where he continued to squeal, holler, cry, yell, whatever.

The problem I have with these two situations is different, and yet the same. Where do parents come off bringing children places that are clearly not appropriate for children? And why in the world, if your child cannot behave in public, would you force the rest of the people around you to endure his/her temper tantrums?

This isn't just about other people's comfort, either. When I still worked for Stations, I could count on seeing it - at least once a week, if not more - a kid would come to the casino (???) with their parents, be dumped off at the arcade with a roll of quarters, and the parents would disappear at the tables or at the slot machines for a few hours.

Do they have any idea how dangerous this is? It's not like the kids have baggage claim tags on them that are being checked at the door ... ANY adult could walk in, grab a kid and be out the door in ten seconds. We might have video of the kid being taken, but what does that matter when the kid is clearly no longer there?

What are people thinking?!?!?

02-14-2005, 12:20 AM
I'd beat the shit out of the kids like this until they spit blood and teeth.

- Arkans

02-14-2005, 12:24 AM
Just keep them in a cage until they hit puberty.

02-14-2005, 12:37 AM
While I'm sure we'll hear arguement about how parents of young children should be allowed to enjoy going out to the same places as those of us without children and that we should understand/excuse the children because they are young, but I really have to agree with Spungirl. When I go out with friend or family and I'm paying for a meal I expect the atmosphere to not be one of crying kids and angry parents. This obviously doesn't apply to family oriented eaterys or like mall food courts. I just don't think its too much to ask for parents to consider those around them when they consider where to and where not to bring their children. Just as they would ask me to have patience and consideration for their plight if I'm eatting in an enviornement more suited towards their needs.

[Edited on 2-14-2005 by Tijay]

02-14-2005, 12:55 AM
It's all about control. My mother use to take me to adult resturants, and expensive stores (Tiffany's and the like) and never had a problem with me. I had a hand's behind my back policy and if I stayed quiet during adult time, I always got rewarded with toys and movies. My mother was very big on Kid time and adult time. It can be done, but it seems rare sometimes to see well behaved children these days. It seems that they run the parents, but maybe I have watched WAY too many Jerry Springer episodes. :smilegrin:

02-14-2005, 01:00 AM
I agree with you, Toxic. I knew how to behave when I was in restaurants with my parents, but on the other hand, they'd never bring me someplace where they knew there wouldn't be anything for me to eat, or at least a high chair. You can't just assume people will be willing to acommodate kids, especially if it's a fancy restaurant. The running errands thing as the same with me... hands-off policies. Maybe your mom should teach "don't be a douchebag parent" classes.


02-14-2005, 01:07 AM
heh, I grew up with the slap policy..I keep my hands offa stuff that ain't mine and I don't make a fuss..and I won't get slapped!

I grew up fine. At least I think so ::twitch::

02-14-2005, 01:11 AM
You sometimes flinch during hugs though :sniffle:

There should be some Anti - Douchebag Classes for Parents! Make everyone's life easier!

02-14-2005, 01:12 AM
No no.

Parent applications.

You must pass an IQ and common sense test before being approved to have kids.

02-14-2005, 01:15 AM
An application, with classes required first and then specify how many children they can have. :yes:

02-14-2005, 01:35 AM
If you have a problem with the service than ask to be reseated. Parenting is a full time job and like any job you're not always at your best. Granted some are inherantly less skilled than others...

Yah, definitely not having kids for awhile. My wife will have her training in classroom management to help discipline our children thankfully though. My father wasn't exactly a stellar example of a good disciplinarian.

02-14-2005, 02:26 AM
Annoying kids come from annoying parents. Seriously, if a kid is being disrespectful, they probably have parents who are disrespectful of them and those around them. Kids learn what they see.

What I find more annoying are people I've "talked to" on the official GS boards who complain "I NEED guaranteed merchant services! I can't spend all the time at a pay merchant like you do because I have a family! I have kids!" I'm referring to a few specific posters, and several individuals I know personally with kids who ignore them to play GS. Put the GS crack pipe down, and go be with your kids! They need you more than your text based characters do.


02-14-2005, 02:36 AM
Are you serious? I need guaranteed merchant services because I have kids? OMFG. If you find yourself faced with the difficult decision of sitting at a merchant or tending to your baby, you officially lose at life.

GS is like any hobby - the more responsibilities you have, the less time you will have to devote to it. Duh.


02-14-2005, 03:54 AM
Speaking from a parent's point of view.. if you are not sure if your kids going to behave in the resturant.. DONT TAKE THEM. Kids that are allowed to run around, get into stuff and be a pain in the ass, in public, make me want to bitch slap thier parents.

02-14-2005, 04:11 AM
Thank goodness for parents like you, Kainen.


02-14-2005, 06:17 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Are you serious? I need guaranteed merchant services because I have kids? OMFG. If you find yourself faced with the difficult decision of sitting at a merchant or tending to your baby, you officially lose at life.

GS is like any hobby - the more responsibilities you have, the less time you will have to devote to it. Duh.


Totally. I can't remember the poster's name and I have been wracking my brain now for awhile about it.

She always used to sign her "I am such a good parent that I should be inherently entitled to alterations at festivals" and various other annoying posts on the official boards with ~G

As I noted somewhere else, I avoid the official boards now because the agitation just isn't worth it -- ala people like her. Agree as well. I always said if I was blessed with the ability to even HAVE a child (I have brittle Diabetes I) I'd so be gone from RPGs. You should need a liscense to have a kid. You need one to have a dog.


02-14-2005, 06:39 AM
Ugh. I too have boycotted the official boards, save for the Eorgina folder(s) and the socializing section. It seems like no matter what you post, you get automatically reamed by holier than thous or told how much you don't know by know-it-alls.

Of course, the same has been said of these boards, but I'm far more comfortable here.


02-14-2005, 06:52 AM
Of course. Here, we have equal opportunity snippiness. Hell, here we have "Make mock log to get even with your enemies" day! It seems on the official boards, only certain people can take the tone of a warmongering, snippy bitch without getting one of those sweet "your post has been removed because you suck" form letters in their email.

I'm much more comfortable on the unofficial BBS even if no GM ever reads any reaction we have to anything; further, I'm of the mind that no reaction we could have, if it's a sweeping policy (like the exp change for GSIV), would really matter. In that case, if you oppose on the official BBS, you're just told to go find a new game.


la la la, soooo...
I love parents like Kainen. First, I made a lot of money babysitting their kids before my first real job and second, because I know they're responsible for many pleasant dining experiences I have had. Hats to you :D


02-14-2005, 07:18 AM
I agree completely, sorry your night out was ruined by inconsiderate people. The most adult type eating place that I take my kids is Chilis, and they have a kid menu. My children are well behaved when I take them anywhere but murphy's law will always prevail at the worst possible time.

I took my kids to Chucky Cheese once, I know its a place for kids but the chaos of screaming running around children drove me insane. As far as those leaving the kids in the casino alone with a roll of quarters? they need to be reported for neglect. The way people are today you can't take your eyes off you child.

02-14-2005, 07:28 AM
I agree with Nakiro. If the arrangements were that unpleasant, ask to be reseated. I'm not saying that you're wrong to be disgusted or irritated, but one day you'll have an unruly kid on your hands (that normally is well behaved and the model child when eating out.) and you'll get glares from people who have no idea how fast a kid can go from awesome mode to complete meltdown - right there with the linen napkins and Waterford crystal and their hotdogs wrapped in blankets.

02-14-2005, 07:31 AM
Were my normally well-behaved child to have a meltdown in said situation, I would NOT choose to put other diners, or the restaurant, in the position of finding new seating arrangements. I would remove the offending child from the situation until they had calmed down, even if it meant missing my own meal. Why should everyone else have to rearrange because of one tantrum?


[Edited on 2-14-2005 by SpunGirl]

02-14-2005, 07:46 AM
Only place worse than a restaurant w/a screaming kid is an airplane.

02-14-2005, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Were my normally well-behaved child to have a meltdown in said situation, I would NOT choose to put other diners, or the restaurant, in the position of finding new seating arrangements. I would remove the offending child from the situation until they had calmed down, even if it meant missing my own meal. Why should everyone else have to rearrange because of one tantrum?


[Edited on 2-14-2005 by SpunGirl]

If your kids is JUST having a bad day, then go the hell home. Why should others be subjected to juniors crap? Or if you can't go home take little junior to the bathroom and have a talk, and if the child still wants to ruin dinner for the other patrons take the child out of the situation period. It is a little thing called respect and consideration for others who don't think little screaming Bobby is just having a bad day.

02-14-2005, 08:27 AM
I liked my parents' approach. If I didn't behave in a restaurant, I got to spend the meal in the car.

02-14-2005, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
I took my kids to Chucky Cheese once, I know its a place for kids but the chaos of screaming running around children drove me insane.

The problem I have is that a ton of pafents forget that how you feel at Chucky Cheese is how your kids feel at most restaurants - annoyed and out of place.

Jorddyn, no kids, glad to give advice :D

Killer Kitten
02-14-2005, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by Adredrin
heh, I grew up with the slap policy..I keep my hands offa stuff that ain't mine and I don't make a fuss..and I won't get slapped!

I grew up fine. At least I think so ::twitch::

That's how I was raised, too. And if my mother wanted to go someplace where kids shouldn't go she got a sitter for us and we stayed home. If she took us out and we misbehaved we got a good swift slap that produced instant good behavior.

Of course nowadays if you lay a hand on your own kid you're apt to find yourself in police custody and your kids made wards of the state. It's considered child abuse to discipline your kids with anything harsher than a 'time out'.

My mother was quick to pop us one if she felt we were misbehaving, but we never felt abused. That's just how parents were.


02-14-2005, 09:43 AM
Which is why parents should carefully select which restaurants they choose to take their children to. Intimate Italian bistro = bad. Chuck E Cheese, good. Chili's, a la Brattt, perfectly acceptable in most circumstances. If there were "adult dining" where no kids under say, 13 were allowed, I'd patronize that restaurant all the damn time.


Edited to add: Sorry, should have quoted, this was in response to Jorddyn.

[Edited on 2-14-2005 by SpunGirl]

02-14-2005, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
If there were "adult dining" where no kids under say, 13 were allowed, I'd patronize that restaurant all the damn time.

You could always dine at a strip club :D

Jorddyn, helpful

02-14-2005, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by Jorddyn

Originally posted by Brattt8525
I took my kids to Chucky Cheese once, I know its a place for kids but the chaos of screaming running around children drove me insane.

The problem I have is that a ton of pafents forget that how you feel at Chucky Cheese is how your kids feel at most restaurants - annoyed and out of place.

Jorddyn, no kids, glad to give advice :D

Or the inverse ... how the parent feels at chuckee cheese is how the people around you feel when you bring your child to a resturant not tailored to them.

02-14-2005, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Are you serious? I need guaranteed merchant services because I have kids? OMFG. If you find yourself faced with the difficult decision of sitting at a merchant or tending to your baby, you officially lose at life.

GS is like any hobby - the more responsibilities you have, the less time you will have to devote to it. Duh.


What kid? :::::::::mblows a few things:::::::: Ohhhh that one..... was wondering what that noise was....... that is one FULL DIAPER :::::flees:::::::

02-14-2005, 10:25 AM
On a serious note, I agree. It is insane for people to take young children to resteraunts that do not cater, nor really want to, to kids. I love kids, I have one. But if my husband and I are out on a date, said child at a babysitter, I sure as hell don't want to be in a resteraunt with a screaming child.

I have one at home :D

02-14-2005, 11:04 AM
Actually, Caiy and her husband are a perfect example of parents dining out with a child appropriately. When I went to lunch with them while they were in town, they were attentive towards Kiara instead of just ignoring her to eat and chat. Kiara, in turn, was well-behaved because she didn't have to scream or cry to get her parents' attention. Nice how that works.


02-14-2005, 11:16 AM
I have this problem. I like.. can't stand annoying loud kids, but they love me. Seriously, WTF is that happy horse shit?!?!?1/

- Arkans

02-14-2005, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
I have this problem. I like.. can't stand annoying loud kids, but they love me. Seriously, WTF is that happy horse shit?!?!?1/

- Arkans

My guess is despite the crap you spew here (of which I doubt u believe 50%) that you are probably a big softy in real life. Kids detect this and gravitate towards you. I guess you are a Polish Barney.

02-14-2005, 11:28 AM
Damn them kids!! GRRR

- Arkans

02-14-2005, 11:29 AM
arkans is a sweetyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Kiara sends you smooches :D

02-14-2005, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Actually, Caiy and her husband are a perfect example of parents dining out with a child appropriately. When I went to lunch with them while they were in town, they were attentive towards Kiara instead of just ignoring her to eat and chat. Kiara, in turn, was well-behaved because she didn't have to scream or cry to get her parents' attention. Nice how that works.


My cover is blown. I had everyone thinking I locked Kiara in closets and left her alone for hours. :P

PS: we need to do lunch again sometime! Especially now that your the new big thing in Vegas! hehe.

02-14-2005, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Killer Kitten
If she took us out and we misbehaved we got a good swift slap that produced instant good behavior. I'm really glad this has, for whatever reason, turned into an outdated mode of thought.

Being in the same elevator as a screaming kid is fun too. Mass never gets less tolerable with crying babies either.

On a less sarcastic note, omg Caiylania's back! :)

02-14-2005, 01:55 PM
Mass with crying babies? That's nice. Someone is trying to enjoy a solemn religious thing, there's a guy up there trying to concentrate on whether or not he's supposed to be speaking in Latin or English at a particular part, and someone's kid is screeching and they don't have the good sense to take them outside and calm them down. Because let's face it, there's nothing babies like better than a crowded church, probably hot, full of weird smells, strange sounds, and they're probably in some uncomfortable outfit. Sheesh.


02-14-2005, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Mass with crying babies? That's nice. Someone is trying to enjoy a solemn religious thing, there's a guy up there trying to concentrate on whether or not he's supposed to be speaking in Latin or English at a particular part, and someone's kid is screeching and they don't have the good sense to take them outside and calm them down. Because let's face it, there's nothing babies like better than a crowded church, probably hot, full of weird smells, strange sounds, and they're probably in some uncomfortable outfit. Sheesh.


Latin? Catholics still do mass in Latin?

02-14-2005, 02:41 PM
Every once inawhile we do some parts in Latin. I don't get why, considering we're in America, not Latinia (or as it's officialy known, Latin-place). Not only that, they're trying to bring back the sing-song. :gag:

But regardless, for the reasons Spun enumerated, not a good place for those of us who can't control ourselves.

02-14-2005, 02:44 PM
Latin is sofa king hardcore.

- Arkans

02-14-2005, 02:47 PM
<<Tonight, neither of us felt like cooking, so we went down the street to Sweet Tomatoes (it's like a Souper Salad or Souplantation, bascially a big salad bar restaurant). All of a sudden while we're eating, this little kid comes TEARING down the aisle with his screeching mother on his heels. She grabbed him, FLIPPED him upside down, and carried him squealing and hollering back to his seat, where he continued to squeal, holler, cry, yell, whatever. >>

As a mother of three children, yes I said three hehe, who's divorced and has been for 4 years now, I must say that I think there are two sides to this situation and should be looked at objectively. One one hand, NO the kids should not have been in the restaurant with you and your husband in your intimate setting. That is a no no and I'd never take my kids to a place like that. Also, if you don't pay attention to your children while dining, yes they will run around, act crazy, do whatever for attention so that is also a no no to neglect.

On the other hand, I've taken my kids to Soupersalad and Olive Garden and places like this and sometimes they are great, others they are not. Normally if my child is misbehaving in a situation like this, I take them to the bathroom for a chat and if said behavior continues I then remove them from the restaurant. As someone else suggested earlier I think.

My thing is this..parents are fallible as well. Once you become a parent you will certainly understand and I'm sure many parents that post here and read this thread will agree as well. It's never going to be 100% great all the time and you can't ever really predict how a kid is going to behave from one moment to the next. Just as someone else mentioned, they can go from angelic to melt down mode in one second flat without any warning whatsoever. I don't think I would have turned my kid UPSIDE DOWN :lol: However I would have chased him/her down, snatched him/her up and hauled him/her outside to handle the problem quickly. But just because someone's kid gets away suddenly from them, (ie. breaks for it without notice for no apparent reason suddenly while he/she is busy with their other two kids for example) doesn't make them a bad parent or unattentative. Situations vary each and every time. So perhaps while I agree that parents should take more care picking and choosing places to take children and how they handle it when a kid misbehaves, I also think that those who are on the opposite end of the situation (in most circumstances mind you) should take a breath, realize parenting is a difficult and often trial/error type job and mistakes will occurr. Give the parent a chance to handle the situation without automatically thinking "Oh they are HORRID parents! Look at that child running down the aisle!".

Just my two cents.

02-14-2005, 02:48 PM
My cousin had a TWO AND A HALF HOUR high holy mass for her wedding. It alternated between Latin and English.


PS It was also torture for me, who had no clue what was going on most of the time, for my father, who was having Catholic school flashbacks, and I'm sure for countless other guests.

02-14-2005, 02:48 PM
Movie theatres are also NOT an acceptable place to bring your screaming/talking/crying/loud ass children especially not to a PG-13 or rated R movie. I walked out of my last one because of that. "Oh... my kids only 2 and she's gonna talk because that's what 2 year olds do, deal with it." Yes, that's the ticket! Fucking dumbass parents.

The good ones I like though. :)

02-14-2005, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
But just because someone's kid gets away suddenly from them, (ie. breaks for it without notice for no apparent reason suddenly while he/she is busy with their other two kids for example) doesn't make them a bad parent or unattentative.

Yeah, I had more of an issue with a) the flipping upside down (it was a really violent move) and b) the fact that she kept him in the restaurant. I think you're right, kids can go out of control for whatever reason, but the good parents will remove them from the situation.

Regarding the movie thing, OMFG. I remember when Attack of the Clones came out, we went to see it and there was this lady with like, an 8-month old baby screaming in the theatre. She actually walked to the back with him and I thought she was leaving, but no-o. She proceeded to COVER HIS MOUTH with her hand and continue to watch the movie.

Also, little babies' eardrums aren't fully developed yet. Don't parents wonder that the booming DDS sound in most theatres might hurt the babies' ears?


02-14-2005, 02:54 PM
I have kids . 3 of them , 8, 7 and 5 . My oldest is even disabled, I take my kids to nice places because i know they can handle it. They have manners they use a napkin, they will eat what they are served and if for some reason they get something in their ass and feel the need to scream or yell , I will handle the situation immediatly. by removing them from the resturant or store and swifly swatting them id they continue to behave in a manner not acceptable, first i will try to talk to them about what it is that Im not liking. I get compliments all the time on how well my children behave. I do agree in a resturant where its the child cannot see over the table they should at least pay some attention to him, I cannot stand it on the rare moments my husband and I get to go out alone and there is a small child causing chaos , it makes me want to slap the parents. I mean come on we cant blame the child.. its a child.. they need to be taught rules and manners , it just shows that some people need classes before tryin to be a parent

[Edited on 2-14-2005 by Tiptoe]

02-14-2005, 02:56 PM
I went and saw Jurasic Park while I was pregnant and almost went into labor when the big dino ate the lawyer who was hiding in the stall of the porto-potty! :lol: Good times hehe.

Anyhow, yeah I don't even take my 3 year old to the movies to see G rated disney movies because he won't sit still. if I take my other two, he stays with a sitter.

02-14-2005, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Tiptoe
I have kids . 3 of them , 8, 7 and 5 . My oldest is even disabled, I take my kids to nice places because i know they can handle it. They have manners they use a napkin, they will eat what they are served and if for some reason they get something in their ass and feel the need to scream or yell , I will handle the situation immediatly. by removing them from the resturant or store and swifly swatting them. I get compliments all the time on how well my children behave. I do agree in a resturant where its the child cannot see over the table they should at least pay some attention to him, I cannot stand it on the rare moments my husband and I get to go out alone and there is a small child causing chaos , it makes me want to slap the parents. I mean come on we cant blame the child.. its a child.. they need to be taught rules and manners , it just shows that some people need classes before tryin to be a parent

I love this parent. :heart: :heart: :heart:


02-14-2005, 03:09 PM
It is about the parent.. though i do admit my children have run wild in ToysRus etc. they will not run like demons in a resturant nor the mall or anything of the sort, they need to learn that that is just bad behavior. For example.... why i hate walmart in my town

a typical day in walmart here has families of 11 or more with screaming, fighting,swearing,"gangster" like kids all over, they push past you , bump into you and look at you like you did something wrong , just yesterday i was there and this woman and her 6 kids walk by me, i move the cart around them and continue on my way, she passes me again , kids gawking at me and my family and she proceeds to stop her cart in the middle of the lane. DOES nothing while the older 2 bash eachother with their fists , doesnt take the box of cookies her toddler swiped away from him only watches as he tears the package open then throws it on the ground. Im standing there thinking :rant: :wtf: and she just lets them do all this ,. the middle two grab hair care products and start spraying them at eachother, and here i am thinking what the hell is the matter with you, I try to move around them and i say excuse us please, my daughter gets trapped between the two girls and their hairspray war, i turn around grab my daughter by the arm and pull her up next to me, i turn to the mother and said " I said EXCUSE me " she just looked at me with a blank look and im thinking what the hell .. then the daughter says to me " Maybe you should move ? You are in our way." I took one look at that little bitch and i turned to her mother and said "you are lucky she isnt mine i would have slapped the taste out of her mouth, but then again someone should slap you too for not teaching your children how to behave in public."

I am not afraid to speak my mind i think that parents need to be more aware of other people, like i said my children are not disrespectful and if they choose to be then I will handle it immediatly I have no respect for parents like this with the " holier than Thou " attitude, screw them they need to have a reality check

and teehee Love ya too K.. I'd let you slap my kids if they bothered you .. Mwahahaha

02-14-2005, 03:13 PM
I hate WalMart. If I have to go, the only time I'll do it is at like 2am. And I get pissed when I see kids in there at that time, because wtf, isn't it past their bedtimes!?


02-14-2005, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I hate WalMart. If I have to go, the only time I'll do it is at like 2am. And I get pissed when I see kids in there at that time, because wtf, isn't it past their bedtimes!?


what about when they have no shoes on .. and it's raining out.. or a nasty diaper hanging to their knees ? I dont get to go at 2 am b/c # 1 I have kids and # 2 my walmart isnt a 24hr one ! :cry:

02-14-2005, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by DeV
Movie theatres are also NOT an acceptable place to bring your screaming/talking/crying/loud ass children especially not to a PG-13 or rated R movie. I walked out of my last one because of that. "Oh... my kids only 2 and she's gonna talk because that's what 2 year olds do, deal with it." Yes, that's the ticket! Fucking dumbass parents.

God I hate THAT! :flamed: I can deal when its Shrek, but it drives me insane when its a movie they shouldn't take children too. Like HERO! One its an adult movie, two it is SUBTITLED! They tell you when you buy the ticket! The kids don't understand whats going on so screaming and running ensues! GARG!

02-14-2005, 03:54 PM
I took my son (he's 13) to see a movie and it was Shrek 2.. this lil kid in back of my kept running around and kicking my seat.. instead of yelling I turned to my son and said in a VERY loud voice "I am glad you were never like that when you were that age." I find that if you do that.. in most situations the parents will deal with the child. OR my other favorite "See that child there? That is NOT the way to act in public" I never hesitate to shame other people if thier kids are running around or screaming and acting like little animals.

02-14-2005, 03:56 PM
You get horrible looks when you do I bet, like your evil. If I saw that I would give you a big round of applause. Maybe even a shout of encore or PWNED!

02-14-2005, 04:19 PM
Yeah but I have more attitude than most people.. so if a few dirty looks is all I get.. eh so what, but it works most of the time.

02-14-2005, 04:20 PM
I'll make sure to let me kids know they are better than all other kids and let them do what they want!

- Arkans

Killer Kitten
02-14-2005, 04:52 PM
When Mike and I saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre there was a couple there with three kids, all under 10. What in the WORLD could they be thinking?

02-14-2005, 04:59 PM
"If you don't behave.. remember what Leatherface did to those bad kids? Yeah. That." :D

02-14-2005, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
"If you don't behave.. remember what Leatherface did to those bad kids? Yeah. That." :D


02-14-2005, 05:31 PM
<<When Mike and I saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre there was a couple there with three kids, all under 10. What in the WORLD could they be thinking?>>

My dad took me to see the South Park movie at the theater when I was 8. I've hardly been restricted from movies, sans the occasional Natural Born Killers or something similar when younger.

Killer Kitten
02-14-2005, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
"If you don't behave.. remember what Leatherface did to those bad kids? Yeah. That." :D

Oh, so you're saying these parents went to the Kimm school of child rearing?
Guaranteed to produce a nice lil crop of axe murderers!

02-14-2005, 07:44 PM
There was a movie theater in Flagstaff that had a "no kids under 13 policy" at R-rated movies after 6pm, no matter how many adults they were with. It was nice.
