View Full Version : Calling All Clerics!
09-14-2003, 09:21 AM
When I played my Clerics, I was happiest most with their hunting.
Let us know what you like to hunt, what you hate to hunt. Whether you're a caster, or a swinger, or both.
I'll start off. I HATE wind wraithes. My Clerics are casters and when they have enough mana to be effective, they forget why they even carry a blade.
Every time my girl went to wind wraithes, she'd get knocked down, the airwall would fall, and of course, I wouldnt notice when I went to cast it back...she still had smite/bane prepped. Oops! So darn embarassing to bane yourself.
Let's hear some stories.
Acolyte Kurili, getting comfy for stories
09-15-2003, 12:50 AM
well..I've never had a cleric old enough to really have good hunting stories with...But!
Have you ever had a name on your brain, and casted at it insted? I was legging some older undead for my love Mazelina in game (getting her favor..) and she smiled at me as I was preping limb disrupt...then I smiled back, and blew her leg off, insted of the critter..Oi.
I've done that twice now.
09-15-2003, 12:51 AM
Yeah i've done that quite a few times
09-15-2003, 01:09 AM
Heh, yes so have I.
And casting bind instead of the sanct you wanted...another one of my bad moves.
Acolyte Kurili, needs glasses sometimes
09-15-2003, 01:10 AM
I remmber mellchion casting 525 instead of 425 in the park that was funny
09-15-2003, 04:33 AM
I'm your clerical god, ok.
hunting was fun .. then uliq decided as a cleric in the future i must suck .. so ive resided to prep 302 cast prep 302 cast .. it makes hunting so much fun
09-24-2003, 09:27 PM
I never got my cleric too high...undead hunting in ice mule's pretty thin for awhile. I hunted shades until 8, then snow spectres until 12 or 13, then I rerolled into a rogue because being a cleric was boring. However, double open hand 302ing anything was a blast.
09-24-2003, 09:37 PM
Koar's beard, how I hated wind wraiths!
HarmNone shudders
09-25-2003, 06:50 AM
I really enjoyed the Stronghold. Prior to that, I liked the Fhiorian Village and kiramon and raptors/leopards in EN... Hunting as a Bane-cleric is very satisfying.
09-25-2003, 07:19 AM
I loathed wind wraithes! Every darn time I got knocked down, and the airwall fell, I'd immediately re-cast it. Of course, forgetting that smite was already prepped. Of course, her share is excellent, and she infused. Lots. Especially when self-casting smite/bane.
It was awful! Much preferred banshees and eventually bonespear.
Acolyte Kurili
09-25-2003, 07:20 AM
Bane didnt suit that Cleric, so knowing DA was coming when she was made, she heard voices. A lot. And eventually converted to Zelia at a commune. She had been following Sheru before, so it wasnt a big jump to insanity.
Acolyte Kurili
i have to say i kinda did enjoy stronghold as a bane cleric .. mainly because i onyl died cause i was lazy and didnt knock things down sometimes ... but the stone hand got very frustrating at times
09-25-2003, 03:55 PM
Dude, here's the clerical formula for the Stronghold.
302 til dead.
Never die unless you do something dumb like I do and put my shield away and go offensive.
10-03-2003, 06:32 PM
I love swinging with my Cleric. This morning he turned 17 trains, and has a monsterous 221 AS, swinging a sancted waraxe. Plus going the route I did, I can 301 Zombies pretty easily as well. And following Zelia requires some type of RP, and I quite enjoy going nuts in a dark semi-serious world.
Love you Jolena!
10-06-2003, 05:52 PM
I rather enjoyed Zelia myself. Although mine walked a fine line. She was seldom overtly nuts. But then, how often does a psycho admit to being insane after they kill people? Unless they're sane enough to be preparing a defense of course.
She had a fruitcake talisman made for her at her conversion commune by Zelia, presumably. She introduced herself as "The Priestess of the Order of the Holy Fruitcake of Zelia". Not wrapped too tight, no matter how sane she wanted to think she was.
I miss her.
Acolyte Kurili
[Edited on 10-6-2003 by Kurili]
11-11-2003, 12:21 PM
As for the comment on wind wraiths, I got my cleric through there once he got walls pretty easily with a blade and even the use of the Zealot spell.
Being a bane caster the stronghold is the easiest hunt around for the age, and being an amnet junkee it feeds my need well to have a hunting area in Wehnimers.
Anyone have any ideas where to take a 75ish cleric with a 415 sustained swing and a 350ish CS once the stronghold fizzles out? I was thinking Ogres and vipers in the Nations because I -hate- Teras.
11-11-2003, 01:00 PM
Be prepared for some nasty maneuver based attacks in the Black Forest. If you haven't trained in CMs with your cleric, it's gonna get painful fast.
Otherwise, the forest is a good place for that train. Good gen-rate and it's not very crowded.
what do i hate... The Undead gap
11-13-2003, 04:42 PM
Thanks for the tips. Did train in CMs since the start so it looks like Ill go risk it out there and see.
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