View Full Version : Cool spell, stupid usage
02-12-2005, 05:13 PM
An animated Ithzir adept thrusts both palms toward Jenovadeath!
An animated Ithzir adept hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Zenogais!
AS: +385 vs DS: +78 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +22 = +366
... and hits for 178 points of damage!
Horrid jolt of electricity shatters ribs in a sickening flash of light!
* Zenogais drops dead at your feet!
Zenogais becomes solid again.
An animated Ithzir adept hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Paradii!
AS: +385 vs DS: +252 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +67 = +239
... and hits for 64 points of damage!
Heavy shock to left hand. Fingers go numb.
He is stunned!
An animated Ithzir adept hurls a powerful lightning bolt at you!
AS: +385 vs DS: +498 with AvD: +50 + d100 roll: +14 = -49
A clean miss.
An animated Ithzir adept hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Herektir!
AS: +385 vs DS: +237 with AvD: +51 + d100 roll: +41 = +240
... and hits for 48 points of damage!
Heavy shock to chest illuminates ribcage. Cool!
He is stunned!
An animated Ithzir adept hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Kaseopea!
AS: +385 vs DS: +246 with AvD: +50 + d100 roll: +18 = +207
... and hits for 105 points of damage!
Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes left hand to elbow. Won't be using it for awhile.
She is stunned!
An animated Ithzir adept hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Silversi!
AS: +385 vs DS: +386 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +62 = +99
A clean miss.
An animated Ithzir adept hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Laikee!
AS: +385 vs DS: +190 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +32 = +264
... and hits for 116 points of damage!
Heavy jolt to abdomen causes skin to break open exposing liver. Yuck!
He is stunned!
An animated Ithzir adept hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Karlstar!
AS: +385 vs DS: +305 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +19 = +138
A layer of shifting stone absorbs 7 points of damage!
... and hits for 22 points of damage!
Visible wisps of electricity shoot up left arm. Youch!
He is stunned!
All of a sudden, Boomsplat rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet!
An animated Ithzir adept hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Boomsplat!
AS: +385 vs DS: +354 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +54 = +118
... and hits for 4 points of damage!
Static discharge to left hand. Kinda tickles.
An animated Ithzir adept hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Uved!
AS: +385 vs DS: +439 with AvD: +51 + d100 roll: +73 = +70
A clean miss.
An animated Ithzir adept hurls a powerful lightning bolt at Laanalar!
AS: +385 vs DS: +374 with AvD: +50 + d100 roll: +36 = +97
A clean miss.
* Zenogais just bit the dust!
Jenovadeath says, "What the."
A mottled wolverine searches around nervously.
Silversi gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Silversi gestures at Karlstar.
Nothing happens.
Paradii mutters under his breath.
The translucent sphere fades from around an animated Ithzir adept.
Taru just moved quietly into the area, his group following closely.
Speaking grimly in broken common, Paradii says, "Damnit."
A cranky lavaflow spirit floats in, following Heavenmoon.
An animated Ithzir adept closes his eyes while incanting an alien phrase.
>"that is just wrong
You say, "That is just wrong."
Herektir says, "How about not doin that."
Karlstar winces.
Jenovadeath says, "That was intriguing."
Taru waves to you.
An animated Ithzir adept thrusts his palms out to his sides!
A translucent sphere forms around an animated Ithzir adept.
A mottled wolverine slashes her teeth at an animated Ithzir adept! Ripping and tearing anything in the way!
... 20 points of damage!
Quick flick slashes the Ithzir adept's forehead!
The Ithzir adept is stunned!
Karlstar says, "Someone kill that thing."
Silversi meditates over Karlstar.
Silversi takes Karlstar's left arm damage.
Silentvengeance just arrived.
Silversi meditates over Karlstar.
Silversi takes all of Karlstar's blood loss.
Vestarr just arrived.
Silentvengeance just went through a glaesine arch.
Paradii closes his eyes and makes a quick, subtle gesture.
Karlstar gives Silversi a friendly hug.
Silversi murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Silversi concentrates.
Silversi looks a little better.
The raven blinks at you.
Taru chuckles.
>pr 409
Karlstar says, "Thank you."
You trace a simple rune while intoning the mystical phrase for Elemental Blast...
Your spell is ready.
* Rubytears just bit the dust!
Silversi gives Karlstar a friendly hug.
>cast at adep
Silversi nods.
You gesture at an animated Ithzir adept.
CS: +534 - TD: +471 + CvA: +19 + d100: +79 == +161
Warding failed!
... 35 points of damage!
Hard blow to chest breaking ribs!
Hard to breathe!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Silversi murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Silversi gestures.
Silversi's left arm looks better.
The Ithzir adept heads out.
02-12-2005, 05:15 PM
The stupid usage was attacking someone's animate. The sorcerer (I'm assuming Jenovadeath) should have killed the fucking companion.
02-12-2005, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
The stupid usage was attacking someone's animate. The sorcerer (I'm assuming Jenovadeath) should have killed the fucking companion.
This was done on the dais in the Nations, how was attacking it stupid?
02-12-2005, 05:22 PM
I don't see how location makes a difference.
02-12-2005, 05:27 PM
Animates are gonna get nerfed if this kind of random attacking keeps up.
02-12-2005, 05:28 PM
I see it this way, this creature walks in the dais starts to spell up Jeno then proceeds to cast at everyone there. It killed one and stunned a bunch of other people who were just sitting there. The companion attacked it, I not knowing whether this thing was going to continue its course cast at it as well.
If protecting myself and others is stupid then oh well. It is a cool spell but all I have seen from his use of it is an abuse of it and it will be nerfed and that is sad.
02-12-2005, 05:37 PM
A mottled wolverine slashes her teeth at an animated Ithzir adept! Ripping and tearing anything in the way!
Holy bad grammar! Batman!
02-12-2005, 05:53 PM
Yah, I dont understand how you can argue your point, Bob. That's like saying... "don't attack me when I bane you, because that's just stupid." If someone or something is trying to harm me, it dies, plain and simple.
02-12-2005, 07:18 PM
I'm assuming JD told the animate to "magic," which will have the animate cast a defensive spell at the Sorcerer.
Looks like Cone of Lightning was an end result.
An easy fix would be to just make all animate mass spells be player friendly. Would save on a lot of unintentional grief. The spell's still very buggy, though, so oddities like this should be expected.
Unless it was intentional on JD's part.
Liberi Fatali
02-12-2005, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by 3704558
I'm assuming JD told the animate to "magic," which will have the animate cast a defensive spell at the Sorcerer.
Looks like Cone of Lightning was an end result.
An easy fix would be to just make all animate mass spells be player friendly. Would save on a lot of unintentional grief. The spell's still very buggy, though, so oddities like this should be expected.
Unless it was intentional on JD's part.
Yeah, that was my Animate all right.
Although it wasn't intentional, I think I figured out what happened. I had made it attack ME (tell animate to attack jenovadeath), and it had casted a spell at me. It then gestured another spell, and I switched the command to: tell animate to magic Jenovadeath (which is supposed to cast defensive spells). Since it already had a spelled prepped, it must have cast that instead -- which was cone of lightning.
Quite the show!
Liberi Fatali
02-12-2005, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
The stupid usage was attacking someone's animate. The sorcerer (I'm assuming Jenovadeath) should have killed the fucking companion.
I'm not sure who's companion that was. The animate only had about 7 minutes left on its duration, so I wasn't really mad enough to kill the companion (or Katya, for that matter). Had I just animated it, though... hmhmhm, I think limbs would have been dismembered.
02-12-2005, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
The stupid usage was attacking someone's animate. The sorcerer (I'm assuming Jenovadeath) should have killed the fucking companion.
I'm not sure who's companion that was. The animate only had about 7 minutes left on its duration, so I wasn't really mad enough to kill the companion (or Katya, for that matter). Had I just animated it, though... hmhmhm, I think limbs would have been dismembered.
If your animate casts a spell that hits my way I will cast at it and if you choose to then cast at me, that is your choice. My choice is to protect myself and those around me from stupid sorc's who do not know how to handle the very thing they animate. I say stupid because if you do not know what could happen, then by all means go somewhere safe to test it out.
02-12-2005, 07:53 PM
<<If someone or something is trying to harm me, it dies, plain and simple.>>
At which point, Jenovadeath has the right to kill every single person.
My suggestion: kill the companion that attacked it.
02-12-2005, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<If someone or something is trying to harm me, it dies, plain and simple.>>
At which point, Jenovadeath has the right to kill every single person.
My suggestion: kill the companion that attacked it.
Bob you are a smart guy, and you can normally be known for debating the wrongs and rights of a situation regardless. This was wrong of Jeno to have endangered the safety of everyone in that room. The animate hurt and killed people for no reason, thus it needed to be made to move out or killed, no?
02-12-2005, 07:58 PM
Do companions attack at their own discretion? was the companions owner stunned or killed? and would that be reason for the animal to attack or did the ranger have to instruct the animal to do so?
02-12-2005, 07:59 PM
<<This was wrong of Jeno to have endangered the safety of everyone in that room. The animate hurt and killed people for no reason, thus it needed to be made to move out or killed, no?>>
Correct. But you're also giving him the opportunity to rightfully defend himself by kicking your ass when you do something about it. The one incident could have been over before it started.
02-12-2005, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<This was wrong of Jeno to have endangered the safety of everyone in that room. The animate hurt and killed people for no reason, thus it needed to be made to move out or killed, no?>>
Correct. But you're also giving him the opportunity to rightfully defend himself by kicking your ass when you do something about it. The one incident could have been over before it started.
So your saying he should be allowed to use/let his animate kill/stun anyone he chooses and they have no right to retailate? I know you couldn't honestly believe in that theory.
As far as him kicking my ass, sure he can but I can take a mighty chunk out of his just as fast. It is all a matter of who gets the first cast off. The only problem I have with him at this point is what happened tonight on the Dais. As much as he feels it is his right to do what he wishes with his animate I also have the right to do as I feel needed. My biggest concern is if this keeps happening the spell will be nerfed and that affects EVERYONE who wants to be able to use it.
02-12-2005, 08:07 PM
<<So your saying he should be allowed to use/let his animate kill/stun anyone he chooses and they have no right to retailate?>>
No, what I'm saying is he should be allowed to kill anyone who does retaliate. He has the same rights you do. By acknowledging the mistake and not killing someone over it, you could potentially save your own life. Just don't complain when you die defending yourself.
Sean of the Thread
02-12-2005, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<If someone or something is trying to harm me, it dies, plain and simple.>>
At which point, Jenovadeath has the right to kill every single person.
My suggestion: kill the companion that attacked it.
Bob you are a smart guy, and you can normally be known for debating the wrongs and rights of a situation regardless. This was wrong of Jeno to have endangered the safety of everyone in that room. The animate hurt and killed people for no reason, thus it needed to be made to move out or killed, no?
Instead of your highness suggesting that IT needed to be made to move out or killed...
Here is a suggestion, next time there is something/someone on the dais that you feel threatened by... LEAVE THE DAIS. Very simple. Enough with the fucking dais police. You don't own the dais, you are not it's protector. Go sit in the fucking inn or briarstone and stop your bitching.
02-12-2005, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Xyelin
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<If someone or something is trying to harm me, it dies, plain and simple.>>
At which point, Jenovadeath has the right to kill every single person.
My suggestion: kill the companion that attacked it.
Bob you are a smart guy, and you can normally be known for debating the wrongs and rights of a situation regardless. This was wrong of Jeno to have endangered the safety of everyone in that room. The animate hurt and killed people for no reason, thus it needed to be made to move out or killed, no?
Instead of your highness suggesting that IT needed to be made to move out or killed...
Here is a suggestion, next time there is something/someone on the dais that you feel threatened by... LEAVE THE DAIS. Very simple. Enough with the fucking dais police. You don't own the dais, you are not it's protector. Go sit in the fucking inn or briarstone and stop your bitching.
Ok sure alrighty then where to begin?
First asshole I would hate to see this spell nerfed because someone is being a jackass.
Second I do not have to leave a node in the game so that someone can come in and disrupt the entire room.
Third STFU and go play with yourself.
Sean of the Thread
02-12-2005, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Originally posted by Xyelin
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<If someone or something is trying to harm me, it dies, plain and simple.>>
At which point, Jenovadeath has the right to kill every single person.
My suggestion: kill the companion that attacked it.
Bob you are a smart guy, and you can normally be known for debating the wrongs and rights of a situation regardless. This was wrong of Jeno to have endangered the safety of everyone in that room. The animate hurt and killed people for no reason, thus it needed to be made to move out or killed, no?
Instead of your highness suggesting that IT needed to be made to move out or killed...
Here is a suggestion, next time there is something/someone on the dais that you feel threatened by... LEAVE THE DAIS. Very simple. Enough with the fucking dais police. You don't own the dais, you are not it's protector. Go sit in the fucking inn or briarstone and stop your bitching.
Ok sure alrighty then where to begin?
First asshole I would hate to see this spell nerfed because someone is being a jackass.
Second I do not have to leave a node in the game so that someone can come in and disrupt the entire room.
Third STFU and go play with yourself.
First if you feel it is being used to disrupt what is obviously YOUR FUKING DAIS MISS DAIS POLICE then your options are as follows.. REPORT the "violator" and then immediately LEAVE THE FUCKING DAIS. Plenty of nodes in Illistim.
Second stop bitching.
Third go directly to your local area sheep farm and get your mullet sheared off. Thank You that is all.
02-12-2005, 09:24 PM
First if you feel it is being used to disrupt what is obviously YOUR FUKING DAIS MISS DAIS POLICE then your options are as follows.. REPORT the "violator" and then immediately LEAVE THE FUCKING DAIS. Plenty of nodes in Illistim.
Second stop bitching.
Third go directly to your local area sheep farm and get your mullet sheared off. Thank You that is all.
Again it is not up to myself to leave an area, I am not disrupting it. Secondly I don't report at the drop of a hat, I handled it IC. I was not bitching, I was merely showing what this person is doing that could make this spell nerfed, but your right why should I care, I don't have a sorc.
02-12-2005, 09:26 PM
<<Again it is not up to myself to leave an area>>
As far as I know, no one else is responsible to do it for you.
Sean of the Thread
02-12-2005, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Again it is not up to myself to leave an area>>
As far as I know, no one else is responsible to do it for you.
Beat me to this response.
02-12-2005, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Again it is not up to myself to leave an area>>
As far as I know, no one else is responsible to do it for you.
He told me to leave the area, I don't have too. Way to take it out of context though.:lol:
02-12-2005, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Do companions attack at their own discretion? was the companions owner stunned or killed? and would that be reason for the animal to attack or did the ranger have to instruct the animal to do so?
Companions will attack on their own if their owner is stunned or attacked. It's automatic. Companions can also attack if commanded by their owner. I'm not making any judgements on the right of the owner of the animate to strike back or anything, just stating a fact.
Sean of the Thread
02-12-2005, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Again it is not up to myself to leave an area>>
As far as I know, no one else is responsible to do it for you.
He told me to leave the area, I don't have too. Way to take it out of context though.:lol:
It is also not your job to attack someone elses animate on the dais thus causing more of a disruption when you could just go find another node. But oh yeah I forgot, you are the dais commander and that shall not be allowed!!
02-12-2005, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Do companions attack at their own discretion? was the companions owner stunned or killed? and would that be reason for the animal to attack or did the ranger have to instruct the animal to do so?
Companions will attack on their own if their owner is stunned or attacked. It's automatic. Companions can also attack if commanded by their owner. I'm not making any judgements on the right of the owner of the animate to strike back or anything, just stating a fact.
Thanks TRL, maybe the companion belonged to the guy who got killed or stunned then. At any rate the facts are the animate attacked the people in the Dais, in turn the companion attacked then I did as well. It attacked me I responded, facts plain and simple.
If those who say I had no right to attack something that attacked us, I have to really wonder what color your sky is. :lol:
Sean of the Thread
02-12-2005, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Do companions attack at their own discretion? was the companions owner stunned or killed? and would that be reason for the animal to attack or did the ranger have to instruct the animal to do so?
Companions will attack on their own if their owner is stunned or attacked. It's automatic. Companions can also attack if commanded by their owner. I'm not making any judgements on the right of the owner of the animate to strike back or anything, just stating a fact.
Thanks TRL, maybe the companion belonged to the guy who got killed or stunned then. At any rate the facts are the animate attacked the people in the Dais, in turn the companion attacked then I did as well. It attacked me I responded, facts plain and simple.
If those who say I had no right to attack something that attacked us, I have to really wonder what color your sky is. :lol:
What color is an implode?
[Edited on 2-13-2005 by Xyelin]
02-12-2005, 09:37 PM
Awesome quoting ability!
Not sure maybe you could tell me how closely your parents are related.
[Edited on 2-13-2005 by Brattt8525]
02-12-2005, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Again it is not up to myself to leave an area>>
As far as I know, no one else is responsible to do it for you.
He told me to leave the area, I don't have too. Way to take it out of context though.:lol:
You don't have to leave, but expect that you might get killed by a box, an errant animate casting the wrong spell, a miscue by someone casting a spell upon themselves or any number of things that can and do occur in public areas. If you get harmed by another - you can get angry or retaliate but the fact remains that you choose to be out amongst other folks. With that choice you accept the risk. If you want to be safe from the foibles of others - hang out in your home or at a table.
02-12-2005, 09:40 PM
1. He quoted perfectly.
2. His post made me laugh.
3. Nobody ever said you didn't have the right to defend yourself. Everyone else has the right to do the same, which results in defending against you and you dying, causing a scene which can be prevented.
02-12-2005, 09:44 PM
You don't have to leave, but expect that you might get killed by a box, an errant animate casting the wrong spell, a miscue by someone casting a spell upon themselves or any number of things that can and do occur in public areas. If you get harmed by another - you can get angry or retaliate but the fact remains that you choose to be out amongst other folks. With that choice you accept the risk. If you want to be safe from the foibles of others - hang out in your home or at a table.
I think the intial reasoning behind my post has been lost, par for the course. This is not a one time thing with Jeno, he has been disrupting the game with his abuse of this spell IMHO. You mean to tell me that what he is doing is ok? Would it be ok for me to walk in there and kill you just because I can? Or cast an unfriendly player spell watch you all die and it would be ok because you CHOOSE to sit there?
No it isn't, yes I am in a public area but that still does not mean what happened is ok. I have to wonder why some of you are defending a distruptive action?
02-12-2005, 09:48 PM
You didn't REPORT it, but you complain that it's disruptive and nothing is being done. If you want to take it into your own hands, expect to be killed. That's all we've said.
02-12-2005, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
1. He quoted perfectly.
2. His post made me laugh.
3. Nobody ever said you didn't have the right to defend yourself. Everyone else has the right to do the same, which results in defending against you and you dying, causing a scene which can be prevented.
No when I made the post he had not quoted perfectly. What has been said by some is that no one had the right to attack his animate even though it clearly attacked others. The companion had every right to attack as I had the right, no Dais police it is logical that I will retailate when cast upon.
But hey if you all are ok with someone doing this, then that is ok with me. Disregard my concerns for a cool spell.
02-12-2005, 09:49 PM
<<No when I made the post he had not quoted perfectly.>>
He had. I read it before you even replied.
<<What has been said by some is that no one had the right to attack his animate even though it clearly attacked others.>>
Nobody said it wasn't rightful. It's just stupid.
<<The companion had every right to attack as I had the right, no Dais police it is logical that I will retailate when cast upon.>>
But not smart.
Liberi Fatali
02-12-2005, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
This is not a one time thing with Jeno, he has been disrupting the game with his abuse of this spell IMHO.
Listen to me, you annoying little twat. I didn't purposely make it cast that spell. If I intended for it to go and kill people, it would have done just that. Had I known you were going to make such a fuss and falsely accuse me of attempting to murder everyone, I would have ended your character's life the moment you gestured at my animate.
Make no mistake about it, next time I will retaliate knowing the ignorance of the player behind Katya.
02-12-2005, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Brattt8525
This is not a one time thing with Jeno, he has been disrupting the game with his abuse of this spell IMHO.
Listen to me, you annoying little twat. I didn't purposely make it cast that spell. If I intended for it to go and kill people, it would have done just that. Had I known you were going to make such a fuss and falsely accuse me of attempting to murder everyone, I would have ended your character's life the moment you gestured at my animate.
Make no mistake about it, next time I will retaliate knowing the ignorance of the player behind Katya.
I never accused you of trying to kill everyone, please point me to where I said that. If you do not know what is going to happen with something you animate, please by all means take it out to a safe spot and test all you wish too. Otherwise you are endangering other paying customers without an ounce of respect for the other players.
Please refrain from your juvenile threats/promises. Your almighty capped sorc does not scare my capped wizard, nor does the mere thought of him scare my younger characters. Get over yourself, you disrupted an area for your own means, period.
My point in posting what happened was to illustrate you have no regards for your fellow players in GS, but then again it is all about your enjoyment isn;t it?
Oh and calling me an annoying twat made me tingle please do it again. :lol:
02-12-2005, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Listen to me, you annoying little twat. I didn't purposely make it cast that spell. If I intended for it to go and kill people, it would have done just that. Had I known you were going to make such a fuss and falsely accuse me of attempting to murder everyone, I would have ended your character's life the moment you gestured at my animate.
Make no mistake about it, next time I will retaliate knowing the ignorance of the player behind Katya.
You made a mistake. Not the end of the world.
The sensible thing to do in this case is to just apologize and move along.
You chose to instead threaten someone with in game retaliation for an out of game dispute from a message board.
Batting two for two there.
Liberi Fatali
02-12-2005, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Diamondback
You made a mistake. Not the end of the world.
The sensible thing to do in this case is to just apologize and move along.
You chose to instead threaten someone with in game retaliation for an out of game dispute from a message board.
Batting two for two there.
There was no mistake made.
As much as I enjoy your opinion, it's quite worthless. The fact that she attacked my animate makes it completely 'in character' for me to attack her (not to mention her idiotic comments that ensued afterward. Oh, that's right, YOU WEREN'T THERE to experience them).
Batting with a .666 average isn't such a bad thing.
Liberi Fatali
02-12-2005, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Please refrain from your juvenile threats/promises. Your almighty capped sorc does not scare my capped wizard, nor does the mere thought of him scare my younger characters. Get over yourself, you disrupted an area for your own means, period.
My point in posting what happened was to illustrate you have no regards for your fellow players in GS,
Uh. The ONLY thing I've been able to correlate from your last few posts is that there is a scarcity of mentality on your behalf.
Read the point you illustrated above. You say I have 'no regard for my fellow players'. How can you even say that? For the third time, I did NOT do it on purpose. I don't know your age in real life, but you're quite the ignorant dotard. If I had to guess, I'd say no older than 16.
As for my 'threat', next time we have a conflict, I'll be happy to make a new thread titled 'The Fall of Katya!' I look foward to interacting with you next.
02-12-2005, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Diamondback
You made a mistake. Not the end of the world.
The sensible thing to do in this case is to just apologize and move along.
You chose to instead threaten someone with in game retaliation for an out of game dispute from a message board.
Batting two for two there.
There was no mistake made.
As much as I enjoy your opinion, it's quite worthless. The fact that she attacked my animate makes it completely 'in character' for me to attack her (not to mention her idiotic comments that ensued afterward. Oh, that's right, YOU WEREN'T THERE to experience them).
Batting with a .666 average isn't such a bad thing.
My saying "that was just wrong" was one comment, and was it idiotic? no, it was JUST WRONG to have hurt all of those people. Alos saying someones thoughts are worthless is JUST WRONG too. Opps there I go again thinking that you consider anyone else in this world except yourself.
Liberi Fatali
02-12-2005, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
My saying "that was just wrong" was one comment, and was it idiotic? no, it was JUST WRONG to have hurt all of those people. Alos saying someones thoughts are worthless is JUST WRONG too. Opps there I go again thinking that you consider anyone else in this world except yourself.
Not to be shrewd and infantile, but JESUS CHRIST, are you typing with your god damn PENIS? Your inability to convey correctly what you're thinking is absolutely dismal (and your grammar is terrible, too!).
02-12-2005, 11:59 PM
2 for 2... 2/2 = 1 Thank you all for this quick lesson in math.
02-12-2005, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Please refrain from your juvenile threats/promises. Your almighty capped sorc does not scare my capped wizard, nor does the mere thought of him scare my younger characters. Get over yourself, you disrupted an area for your own means, period.
My point in posting what happened was to illustrate you have no regards for your fellow players in GS,
Uh. The ONLY thing I've been able to correlate from your last few posts is that there is a scarcity of mentality on your behalf.
Read the point you illustrated above. You say I have 'no regard for my fellow players'. How can you even say that? For the third time, I did NOT do it on purpose. I don't know your age in real life, but you're quite the ignorant dotard. If I had to guess, I'd say no older than 16.
As for my 'threat', next time we have a conflict, I'll be happy to make a new thread titled 'The Fall of Katya!' I look foward to interacting with you next.
If you do not know what could happen when you do something, yet you proceed to do it in an open area where others are the ones whop can be hurt........YOU HAVE NO REGARD FOR THEM.
Now I am done with you, it is very apparent you have your thoughts set in stone, just like your head.
So wait... What you guys are trying to say is that... you hate blacks?
- Arkans
02-13-2005, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
So wait... What you guys are trying to say is that... you hate blacks?
- Arkans
Damn you to hell Arkans, how did you catch those subtle undertones ? :?:
02-13-2005, 12:06 AM
<<If you do not know what could happen when you do something, yet you proceed to do it in an open area where others are the ones whop can be hurt........YOU HAVE NO REGARD FOR THEM.>>
He knew what could happen. His animate was supposed to cast a defensive spell on him. It was a fluke. Do you complain when someone accidentally typed 435 instead of 425, post about it, and then say they have no regard for people?
I am just thaaaaaaaaat good.
- Arkans
Liberi Fatali
02-13-2005, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Alarke
2 for 2... 2/2 = 1 Thank you all for this quick lesson in math.
Gah, I read that as 'two for three'. Thanks for the correction, though. ;)
02-13-2005, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
I think the intial reasoning behind my post has been lost, par for the course. This is not a one time thing with Jeno, he has been disrupting the game with his abuse of this spell IMHO. You mean to tell me that what he is doing is ok? Would it be ok for me to walk in there and kill you just because I can? Or cast an unfriendly player spell watch you all die and it would be ok because you CHOOSE to sit there?
No it isn't, yes I am in a public area but that still does not mean what happened is ok. I have to wonder why some of you are defending a distruptive action?
You are deeming his action to be disruptive to you. He said that he did so in error, I pointed out that being in public could subject you to mishaps.
Let me ask you a question, did your character witness him using his animate spell in Solhaven? Or are you culling that info from the boards, and using that as your justification that he is generally abusive with his spells? I can honestly say that had I not have read the logs here, I wouldn't have any idea what Jenovadeath is doing with his animates, and my characters would most definitely not have a clue.
I'm not defending Tabor. I'm merely stating that it is not realistic to demand that folks leave the dais or any other public area because you think that they shouldn't be there. You bear the risk, you have recourse if folks harm you. You can leave or report, you don't seem to want to do either. :shrug:
[Edited on 2-13-2005 by TheRoseLady]
Liberi Fatali
02-13-2005, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
I'm not defending Tabor.
Hey! :(
02-13-2005, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
I'm not defending Tabor.
Hey! :(
Hon, you don't need defending. You said it was an accident. Most people would accept that, apologize that they jumped to conclusions and not prolong the thread. But then again, we're not dealing with most people. :hug2:
02-13-2005, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Hon, you don't need defending. You said it was an accident. Most people would accept that, apologize that they jumped to conclusions and not prolong the thread. But then again, we're not dealing with most people. :hug2:
Tabor says he does not have to apologize for making such an error resulting in more than one person being injured, but you feel others should apologize to HIM for saying that he owes such an apology?
I don't follow that line of reasoning.
02-13-2005, 01:00 AM
With Tabor one usually has only one thing to say ... :loser:
Liberi Fatali
02-13-2005, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by C7L34N
With Tabor one usually has only one thing to say ... :loser:
Hmm, what is it you're trying to convey to me? Please elaborate, I'd love to hear your sophisticated answer!
02-13-2005, 01:13 AM
Hmm, what is it you're trying to convey to me? Please elaborate, I'd love to hear your sophisticated answer!
One only has to read your posts to arrive at that answer. Do keep posting though, makes fo a good laugh....
02-13-2005, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by Diamondback
Tabor says he does not have to apologize for making such an error resulting in more than one person being injured, but you feel others should apologize to HIM for saying that he owes such an apology?
I don't follow that line of reasoning.
Where did Tabor say that he doesn't have to apologize? (He admitted that it was an unintentional action.) Where did Bratt even intimate that she wanted an apology?
I think her intention was quite clear. She assumed that he did that on purpose and she wanted to draw attention to the usage of the spell. Naturally this thread kind of backfired because what he did was nothing more than a mishap.
Could Tabor be more contrite? Yeah I'm sure he could.
Maybe I've seen one too many threads that have not gone the way a person wanted and they just created lots of drama as a result.
02-13-2005, 01:37 AM
Maybe I've seen one too many threads that have not gone the way a person wanted and they just created lots of drama as a result.
__________________________________________________ __
What the mass feeds on, right? :2beers:
Liberi Fatali
02-13-2005, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Could Tabor be more contrite? Yeah I'm sure he could..
Now wait a second! The ONLY person that died due to my mishap was MY other character! I don't think I ought to feel too sorrowful considering that no one else died.
02-13-2005, 01:50 AM
Now wait a second! The ONLY person that died due to my mishap was MY other character! I don't think I ought to feel too sorrowful considering that no one else died.
__________________________________________________ __
Many were injured though, no? But I guess they don't count. I like this, do continue posting....
02-13-2005, 01:58 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Now wait a second! The ONLY person that died due to my mishap was MY other character! I don't think I ought to feel too sorrowful considering that no one else died.
The way you have come across to me here is as follows.
It is alright for your actions to cause your animate to attack everyone in the room.
You feel such indignation that anyone who when so attacked would have their familliar attack your animate that you now say you should have killed the familiar if not the owner as well.
A world where you can attack anyone and no one can attack even your animate, forget attacking you.
I thought that level of egocentricity faded by age 7 or so.
02-13-2005, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Originally posted by Diamondback
Tabor says he does not have to apologize for making such an error resulting in more than one person being injured, but you feel others should apologize to HIM for saying that he owes such an apology?
I don't follow that line of reasoning.
Where did Tabor say that he doesn't have to apologize? (He admitted that it was an unintentional action.) Where did Bratt even intimate that she wanted an apology?
I think her intention was quite clear. She assumed that he did that on purpose and she wanted to draw attention to the usage of the spell. Naturally this thread kind of backfired because what he did was nothing more than a mishap.
Could Tabor be more contrite? Yeah I'm sure he could.
Maybe I've seen one too many threads that have not gone the way a person wanted and they just created lots of drama as a result.
I didn't create any drama, I replied to people who posted. The dramatic posts came from others.
[Edited on 2-13-2005 by Brattt8525]
[Edited on 2-13-2005 by Brattt8525]
Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-13-2005, 10:27 AM
What was this?
<All of a sudden, Boomsplat rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet! >
02-13-2005, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
What was this?
<All of a sudden, Boomsplat rolls hard to his side, and then leaps to his feet! >
Squares way of avoiding the cast? I thought it was pretty cool at any rate
02-13-2005, 10:39 AM
Boomsplat was the best thing in that log..... Also I think it is when you have mobiles cast on you isn't it?
At least that is what I always thought it was.
02-13-2005, 10:43 AM
Its called Mobility. Its a CM skill. If attacked while prone, it will bring you to your feet prior to the attack automatically.
02-13-2005, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Tabor
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
Could Tabor be more contrite? Yeah I'm sure he could..
Now wait a second! The ONLY person that died due to my mishap was MY other character! I don't think I ought to feel too sorrowful considering that no one else died.
Just because there were no deaths outside your own character - doesn't mean that people weren't inconvenienced or harmed from the mishap. There are varying degrees of contriteness for things, and generally it would be the graceful thing to do to apologize for the mishap and move on. To try and rationalize that you have no culpability because you didn't kill a character not belonging to you, is weak. Sometimes it's best to pick your battles and show grace when your risk of losing face is low. Save your obstinance when you actually have something of importance at stake. :hug2:
02-13-2005, 12:20 PM
Tabor, are you TRYING to get 730 messed with? It's stuff like that, that will end up getting 730 changed. Sorry but all I could think of when I read this thread was "here we go again".. in more ways than one :lol:
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
You didn't REPORT it, but you complain that it's disruptive and nothing is being done. If you want to take it into your own hands, expect to be killed. That's all we've said.
Why in the world would she expect to be killed? Most likely it would be Jenovadeath that would be doing the dying...
02-14-2005, 11:21 AM
Why are so many people jumping on Brattt? From what I've read she was just pointing out the harm stuff like this happening can do the release of a spell many people want and love.
If someone attacks me, I will attack back.. so what is the big deal??
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