View Full Version : What can be added to improve armor?

07-05-2018, 05:51 PM
Hi All,

I have some 6x heavy crit padded max light armor. I was wondering what "upgrades" can be added.

I know it can be enchanted to 10x
I know more padding can be added
I know resistances can be added
I know it can be ensorcelled up to T5
I know if can be spiked.

Can reactive flares also be added? Greater flares?

Also, I know the order that these upgrades are applied is important.

Bottom line: If you were making the perfect end game armor, what would you add and in what order would you add it?



07-05-2018, 06:00 PM
Flares can be added, not greater flares (combat script) as that is for weapons only. Some other options (1 total) can be added in the Category B slot (see link below). Adding one loses the armor's blessability (unless you choose permabless, undead bane it, or are a cleric/paladin and sanct it).

A "bane" can be added as that is its own slot.

An eligible combat or fluff script can be added.

Enhancive can be added.


As for the order, now that mages can enchant padded items and it being only 6x, I would mage enchant to 7x first for most economical (but lengthier) improvement.

And ensorcell it before before or after (I'm unclear which is easier for mage/sorc and probably depends on who you are using).

Add padding in the new windows as you can and get the rest as they are available.

07-05-2018, 06:44 PM
Just to reiterate: Flares, spikes, scripts, enhancives, sanctification, more padding (both crit and damage), and resistances. I've never seen Bane armor, except for high steel, but it might be a new avenue in the future. Permablessing would be possible but rather silly, I would think.

07-05-2018, 06:47 PM
What does undead bane armor do exactly?

07-05-2018, 07:36 PM
Add TD

07-05-2018, 07:36 PM
Add TD
