View Full Version : Is it possible to identify the orbs currently in a fusion item?

07-04-2018, 07:03 PM
Got an armor with 3 slots, +13 CM, +13 THW, and an empty slot. I want to replace the THW with polearm, but both of the orbs currently in it look the same "a hoarfrost white orb". I don't want to risk taking both out, just want to remove the THW one. Any way to identify it? Is it possible to discharge them separately somehow?

07-04-2018, 07:05 PM
just wait for the premium festival this weekend, there is a merchant offering to remove with zero chance of damaging the orb

07-04-2018, 08:24 PM
You only take one out at a time. If you rub the armor, it will change which orb you are focused on. Doesn’t help much if you do not know which is which. I took some in and out like 10 times in a row and nothing ever broke or degraded.

07-04-2018, 10:34 PM
just wait for the premium festival this weekend, there is a merchant offering to remove with zero chance of damaging the orb

How do I find them this weekend?

07-04-2018, 10:35 PM
You only take one out at a time. If you rub the armor, it will change which orb you are focused on. Doesn’t help much if you do not know which is which. I took some in and out like 10 times in a row and nothing ever broke or degraded.

It's a got a pretty good CM one in there, and it's a 50/50 shot. With my luck I'd probably fuck it up.