View Full Version : Official: HESS Rotations and Retirement

06-27-2018, 11:15 PM
The following list is tentatively going to be rotated and/or retired from the Scrip Shop after this run. This isn't a guarantee that these items may not come back in December or in 2019. It's the current plan though. Plans sometimes (usually) change.

Everything on the weapon rack.
Everything on the armor stand.
Permabless with holy water flares certificate.
Ironwright certificate.
RotFlares certificate.
De-fusion certificate.
Greater Elemental certificate.
Blink certificate.
Bubble Flares certificate.
Knockout Flares certificate.
Polearm Flares certificate.
Master Instrument certificate.
The enruned veniom band.
The enruned urglaes ring.
The white ora censer.
The silver-based sleek crystal sphere.

I realize that's a big list, but we have plans to add some new flavor to the HESS for next time.

Wyrom, PM

http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Paid%20Events:%20Adventures,%20Quests,%20and%20Sim uCoins/Duskruin%20Arena/view/9526

06-28-2018, 06:58 PM
"new flavor to the HESS for next time"

The new flavor is, ass. Rename HESS -> A.S.S. (for ass-flavor scrip shop). Somebody insert a picture from that movie within idiocracy.

06-28-2018, 07:57 PM
"new flavor to the HESS for next time"

The new flavor is, ass. Rename HESS -> A.S.S. (for ass-flavor scrip shop). Somebody insert a picture from that movie within idiocracy.

We probably won't even know who's A.S.S. it is or why we're laughing.

06-29-2018, 02:16 PM
We probably won't even know who's A.S.S. it is or why we're laughing.

You will the day before they launch it.
