View Full Version : Why we don't cyber with strangers.
02-09-2005, 02:06 PM
I edited out her name, because I'd feel bad if I didn't. I won't feel bad, however, if someone were to figure out who it was and post it. With the clues I left in the log, I'm sure someone knows.
I was personally getting tired of her blatant OOC, so a friend dared me to do this. So I logged on as Luth, a character Grabbs made back when he still played. I didn't think it'd turn out like this...
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "Can I talk to you a moment?"
OOCQueen nods to you.
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "Privately?"
OOCQueen nods to you.
You grab OOCQueen's hand.
[Quartz Wolf Table]
The circular black oak table is polished to a high sheen, its surface glimmering with reflected light. A set of high-backed chairs surrounds the table, each padded with deep red velvet upholstery. The rounded edge of the table is bordered with inlaid quartz, forming a pattern of wolf shapes. You also see the OOCQueen disk and a badly damaged wooden box.
Also here: OOCQueen
Obvious exits: out
You smile at OOCQueen.
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "So, this is the deal."
OOCQueen asks, "Wassup?"
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "I'm in this "group", if you will."
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "And we do sort of ... "exotic things" if you catch my mean."
You see OOCQueen ICan'tStayInCharacter the Master Poet.
She appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "We're lookin' for a Faendryl. And I might have heard from the grapevine that you're into that stuff."
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "I was hoping that it was the truth."
OOCQueen says, "More detail/."
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "Well, I guess you could call us swingers."
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "Sometimes there's several, sometimes it's one on one."
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "We do role play, everything."
OOCQueen says, "Intresting ..only roadblock being i head to the rift this afternoon."
You frown.
You say, "Well..."
You say, "If you were up for it....we could do it right now."
OOCQueen asks, "You and i?"
You exclaim, "Sure!"
You say, "No one else in my group is around."
OOCQueen says, "Or a group."
OOCQueen says, "Hmm."
You say, "We'll start out with just you and I, and see if you like it."
You say, "Then we can graduate into a group, if you like."
OOCQueen says, "Mayhaps you can show me best what you mean by example."
You ponder.
(Luth grins at OOCQueen seductively.)
You say, "If you wish."
(Luth walks behind OOCQueen, and puts his hands on her waist.)
(Luth nibbles a bit a OOCQueen's ear.)
(Luth kisses OOCQueen's neck tenderly.)
You ask, "Mmmm, you like that?"
OOCQueen says, "The bardess is into .....shall we say rough play."
OOCQueen stares off into space.
You ask, "Is that right?"
You ask, "You like it rough?"
You ask, "Is Luth going to have to choke a bitch?"
(Luth pops like, 16 boners.)
(Luth pulls OOCQueen's hair hard.)
You exclaim, "SAY MY NAME!"
You exclaim, "SAY IT!"
You slap OOCQueen's cheek, hard.
OOCQueen says, "Luth."
You exclaim, "NO, SCREAM IT!"
OOCQueen says, "Luth."
(Luth takes his hand and sticks it in OOCQueen's crotch)
You ask, "You like that?"
OOCQueen squirms.
(Luth fists OOCQueen.)
OOCQueen screams!
You exclaim, "YEAH!"
You pull a pair of tattered leather trousers patched over the knees off your legs
You wave your tattered trousers around.
You put a pair of tattered leather trousers patched over the knees in your vruul skin longcoat.
OOCQueen moans.
(Luth shoves his dick in OOCQueen's mouth)
You say, "Work it around."
You say, "I'm gonna play the drums with your tonsils."
You exclaim, "Bark like a dog.!"
(OOCQueen thrusts her mouth deep onto you taking you deep in her throat)
You exclaim, "With my dick in your mouth!"
You exclaim, "YEAH!"
OOCQueen barks loudly!
You exclaim, "I'm gonna suck out your eyeballs, and piss in your sockets!"
OOCQueen whimpers
You exclaim, "Crawl around, you filthy dog!"
OOCQueen kneels down.
OOCQueen crawls around a bit on her hands and knees.
You exclaim, "That's right!"
OOCQueen crawls around a bit on her hands and knees.
You exclaim, "THAT'S RIGHT!"
You give OOCQueen a firm kick to the shin!
OOCQueen whimpers.
OOCQueen crawls around a bit on her hands and knees.
(Luth sticks his weiner in OOCQueen's butt.)
OOCQueen screams!
You exclaim, "I got some mail for ya!"
You ask, "Want me to deliver it in the rear?"
OOCQueen says, "Please master."
(Luth delivers it in the rear.)
You say, "O yeah, workin' your prostate."
OOCQueen moans.
You say, "O god...."
(Luth begins to breathe heavily with ectasyingly ectacsy.)
(Luth pumps OOCQueen several times.)
(Luth pulls out.)
You say. "Man, my cock looks like a fudge bar."
OOCQueen whimpers.
OOCQueen squirms.
You say, "Act like a monkey."
You exclaim, "I like havin sex with monkies!"
You slap OOCQueen's cheek, hard.
You slap OOCQueen's cheek, hard.
You exclaim, "DO IT!"
(Luth slaps OOCQueen across the face with his humungus black boner)
(OOCQueen hoots like a monkey while pushing back on you)
You exclaim, "BAD MONKEY!"
OOCQueen whines.
You say, "You need to be punished."
You say, "Put my boner in your ear."
You exclaim, "O YEAH!"
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "Just a sec. I just spooged on my keyboard."
You ask, "Alright...where were we?"
You ask, "You know what you are?"
You say, "A naughtly little chipmunk."
You ask, "You want my acorns?"
(Luth shows you his huge black acorns.)
OOCQueen says, "I gotta go ...i hafta get my spirit spells and hunt ."
(Luth pulls his dick out of your ear.)
You say, "Thank you."
OOCQueen says, "Please keep this betweem us."
You say, "Wait..."
(Luth gives you a money shot.)
You say, "Come back next year, I'll put some eggnog in your face."
OOCQueen says, "No tellin the general populace or posting ."
You say, "So long, bitches."
OOCQueen asks, "Promise?"
You nod to OOCQueen.
OOCQueen waves.
OOCQueen just went out.
If the Bardess in question is reading this, PLEASE GET A FUCKIN' CLUE!
I think I know who that is.
- Arkans
02-09-2005, 02:18 PM
02-09-2005, 02:21 PM
I don't know whats worse...Her going along with it, or you initiating it.. Takes one to know one I assume..
Still wrong either way ya look at it :)
[Edited on 2-9-2005 by Gizmo]
02-09-2005, 02:29 PM
:heart: sluts
02-09-2005, 02:42 PM
So basically you are blaming her for YOU being a fucking asshole.. gotcha.
02-09-2005, 02:46 PM
Oh good lord. I burn with pain at reading that.
02-09-2005, 02:56 PM
Urinal Poops
02-09-2005, 03:02 PM
That is seriously the funniest log i think i've ever read.
So basically you are blaming her for YOU being a fucking asshole.. gotcha.
Looks like someone else has played a frisky chipmunk as well, chitter, chitter!
02-09-2005, 03:06 PM
Hey look, another GOATSE fan!
02-09-2005, 03:07 PM
There are no words to describe .... either of you.
02-09-2005, 03:09 PM
Looks like someone else has played a frisky chipmunk as well, chitter, chitter!
Could be worse, could've played the monkey instead.
02-09-2005, 03:12 PM
Since the poster didn't respond to my comment.. and you did.. you'll do.
Acually I don't do anything like that.. I would certainly never cyber with someone I didn't know anything about, if I cybered with them at all. Besides the fact that cybersex is hardly the worst thing you can do, whether I do or not isn't the reason I called him an asshole. He made it a point to act in a totally degrading manner towards someone because of her "being ooc" and it annoying him. Did he talk to her? No. Did he complain to her? No. What he did was instead set her up for humiliation. Like he had the right or it was his place. Then he posted that bullshit here and sat back to laugh as he knew there are people that would know who he was talking about. I think the only reason he didn't mention her name was the backlash he might have gotten for posting it.
***I edited out her name, because I'd feel bad if I didn't. I won't feel bad, however, if someone were to figure out who it was and post it. With the clues I left in the log, I'm sure someone knows.***
Just a chickenshit way of saying "hey someone else post her name because I don't want the shit for doing it myself".
This whole thing was a pathetic and low way to get at someone for something stupid. I hope something like this happens to the poster so they can enjoy how "great" it feels to be humiliated.
02-09-2005, 03:15 PM
I know who that is...
While I can fault her alot for being highly OOC, I still think she's a nice person, and instead of talking to her about those problems, as Kainen said, you merely set her up for humiliation.
Urinal Poops
02-09-2005, 03:17 PM
Reguardless, still the funniest thing in gemstone i think i've ever read. I remember the first time i went to a certain town, i saw her openly talk about screen names in a populated area.
This post was brought to you by just another chickenshit.
02-09-2005, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
There are no words to describe .... either of you. I found some: (d) upload, post, hyperlink, or otherwise transmit Content that is invasive of one's privacy, libelous, obscene, personally threatening, tortuous, or ethnically, racially, or sexually objectionable.
02-09-2005, 03:21 PM
Did he talk to her? No. Did he complain to her? No. ~Kainen
Not in this post.
I didn't respond to your post because it didn't make any sense. I wasn't blaming her at all.
I know I'm an asshole. I don't care. I actually like being one.
I also don't care what anyone here thinks about me. If I did, I wouldn't have posted. So keep calling me names. Doesn't faze me at all. It's probably all true anyway.
02-09-2005, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by NihilistInc
Did he talk to her? No. Did he complain to her? No. ~Kainen
Not in this post.
I didn't respond to your post because it didn't make any sense. I wasn't blaming her at all.
I know I'm an asshole. I don't care. I actually like being one.
I also don't care what anyone here thinks about me. If I did, I wouldn't have posted. So keep calling me names. Doesn't faze me at all. It's probably all true anyway.
People who don't care don't respond.
02-09-2005, 03:23 PM
<<He made it a point to act in a totally degrading manner towards someone because of her "being ooc" and it annoying him.>>
I thought it was because she said...
OOCQueen says, "The bardess is into .....shall we say rough play."
Someone U2U me and tell me who it is.
02-09-2005, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Methais
<<He made it a point to act in a totally degrading manner towards someone because of her "being ooc" and it annoying him.>>
I thought it was because she said...
OOCQueen says, "The bardess is into .....shall we say rough play."
I wrote that because it was MORE than that. He didn't do that shit to her to do anything more than post it here to humilitate her later.
Originally posted by Methais
Someone U2U me and tell me who it is.
Methais is SO looking to meet up with this chick in game for some action.:P
02-09-2005, 03:29 PM
I can't help it. Even if it's mean, I just died laughing. :lol:
You say, "O yeah, workin' your prostate."
02-09-2005, 03:31 PM
Methais is SO looking to meet up with this chick in game for some action.
He's just the only one willing to admit it. She's going to be a busy little bardess pretty soon.
02-09-2005, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
People who don't care don't respond.
I guess you got me.
02-09-2005, 03:35 PM
It's Dessedemona. Duh!
[i]People who don't care don't respond.
They do if they find it amusing.
P.S. I'm mature.
[Edited on 2-9-2005 by Tsa`ah]
02-09-2005, 03:36 PM
Wait, am I reading this wrong, or is Kainen the person in question here??
02-09-2005, 03:40 PM
...and they say roleplaying is dead.
<OOCQueen says, "The bardess is into .....shall we say rough play.">>
Yea that gives it away... but she's really a fairly nice chick if you actually talk to her.
OOC as fuck, but nice nonetheless.
02-09-2005, 03:48 PM
No I am not.. I don't have a bard. I just don't like people who do shit to others for the sole purpose of humiliating them. People who make up names to post stuff instead of using thier main name are pathetic. If you don't have the balls to own up.. don't bother.
02-09-2005, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
People who make up names to post stuff instead of using thier main name are pathetic. If you don't have the balls to own up.. don't bother.
Registered 6-9-2004
You spelled "their" wrong.
02-09-2005, 04:00 PM
Wasn't talking about you, and I tend to spell that word wrong a lot.
02-09-2005, 04:30 PM
Uhm.. nevermind. :banghead:
02-09-2005, 04:35 PM
That was the funniest log I have ever seen. And if im correct, that is that bard bitch Dessedemona. I dont give a shit if she gets embarressed cuz its her fault for being a slut and sluts need to be exposed so we all can hit it. Now I know what to do everytime I see her...
Dessedemona just arrived.
You glance at Dessedomna.
(Xenostrus slaps the shit out of Dessedemona)
02-09-2005, 04:38 PM
OOCQueen says, "No tellin the general populace or posting ."
You say, "So long, bitches."
OOCQueen asks, "Promise?"
You nod to OOCQueen.
OOCQueen waves.
OOCQueen just went out.
So you post it anyway. This was just so wrong. Someone will always figure out who it is, and now we'll have dickheads like :yeahthat: who'll go out of their way to be a dick with her. This was just callous.
What exactly did you get out of all this humiliation? Because she's OOC alot? This is worth it? Sorry that's just pathetic.
02-09-2005, 04:42 PM
CT is the bardess!!!
02-09-2005, 04:43 PM
I've never had any ic interaction, but she seems really nice on Psinet. Why the needless slander?
If you don't like her ooc'ness.. don't, as you put it, "choke a bitch" but display exceptional RP and she will follow. :)
02-09-2005, 04:44 PM
Are you kidding me? I cyber way better than that crap and if anything I would have posted it myself. :moon2:
02-09-2005, 04:46 PM
Bayne she needs a promotion.
02-09-2005, 04:55 PM
So you post it anyway. This was just so wrong. Someone will always figure out who it is, and now we'll have dickheads like :yeahthat: who'll go out of their way to be a dick with her. This was just callous.
What exactly did you get out of all this humiliation? Because she's OOC alot? This is worth it? Sorry that's just pathetic. [/quote]
Who gives a fucking shit. Its a game. If she gets embarressed and upset then all she needs to do is type "quit" and all her troubles will be over.
02-09-2005, 04:56 PM
Heh. Every time I think I've seen the lowest level to which a poster can sink, someone limbers up their fingers, kicks that one, dim little brain cell into gear, and sets a new record for baseness.
Well done. Well done. :rolleyes:
02-09-2005, 04:56 PM
The people that complain that it was posted are fucking retarded. We'll see you at in the near future, I'm sure.
02-09-2005, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Divinity
but display exceptional RP and she will follow. :)
This will never happen. She doesn't understand what RP is. She refers to The Landing as "Whoville" and quotes Dr. Suess on a regular basis. There is no line between GS and RL for her. I constantly have to leave the Dais when she's around, for fear of my IQ dropping even lower than it already is.
She doesn't understand the fact that I've killed her multiple times means that I don't like her. She doesn't understand the reason I call her a stupid scabie-infested whore, is because I don't want her to talk to me anymore.
And even after all of this, she'll still try to be friends with me.
I don't understand how so many people like her. They're all wrong.
02-09-2005, 04:59 PM
Sweet roleplay, huh?
02-09-2005, 05:00 PM
But isnt that how sluts act? They like it when you call them names. To them its a compliment and a turn on.
Urinal Poops
02-09-2005, 05:06 PM
yeah, after reading the log of her dying and referring to someone in game as "ghey" and "body buyer" her cyber log makes me laugh even harder. I love how you people defend her shit.
[Edited on 2-9-2005 by Urinal Poops]
02-09-2005, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Xenostrus
But isnt that how sluts act? They like it when you call them names. To them its a compliment and a turn on.
Which one are you; Beavis or Butthead?
02-09-2005, 05:09 PM
Umm, who defended her, please? I can't seem to find that....
02-09-2005, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
What exactly did you get out of all this humiliation? Because she's OOC alot? This is worth it? Sorry that's just pathetic.
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "Just a sec. I just spooged on my keyboard."
02-09-2005, 05:12 PM
<<Umm, who defended her, please? I can't seem to find that....>>
I've never had any ic interaction, but she seems really nice on Psinet. Why the needless slander?
If you don't like her ooc'ness.. don't, as you put it, "choke a bitch" but display exceptional RP and she will follow.
Yea that gives it away... but she's really a fairly nice chick if you actually talk to her.
I still think she's a nice person, and instead of talking to her about those problems, as Kainen said, you merely set her up for humiliation.
02-09-2005, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
Originally posted by CrystalTears
What exactly did you get out of all this humiliation? Because she's OOC alot? This is worth it? Sorry that's just pathetic.
You quietly whisper to OOCQueen, "Just a sec. I just spooged on my keyboard."
I don't know what they make my keyboard out of, but it's non-stick.
02-09-2005, 05:13 PM
Which one are you; Beavis or Butthead? [/quote]
Now that was some dumb and extremely unfunny shit.
02-09-2005, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Sweet roleplay, huh?
The patheticness of you or her?
02-09-2005, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Xenostrus
Which one are you; Beavis or Butthead? [/quote]
Now that was some dumb and extremely unfunny shit. [/quote]
And you should know.
02-09-2005, 05:16 PM
02-09-2005, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Originally posted by Xenostrus
Which one are you; Beavis or Butthead?
Now that was some dumb and extremely unfunny shit. [/quote]
And you should know. [/quote]
I see your attempts to be a smartass and witty but you are failing miserably
02-09-2005, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Umm, who defended her, please? I can't seem to find that....>>
I've never had any ic interaction, but she seems really nice on Psinet. Why the needless slander?
If you don't like her ooc'ness.. don't, as you put it, "choke a bitch" but display exceptional RP and she will follow.
Yea that gives it away... but she's really a fairly nice chick if you actually talk to her.
I still think she's a nice person, and instead of talking to her about those problems, as Kainen said, you merely set her up for humiliation.
Not one of those quotes defends this person's behavior, as shown in the posted log. It's possible to think someone is a nice enough person without agreeing with everything that person does, and without defending that person's silly behavior. That's what's being done in these quotes. There is no defense of her in any of them.
02-09-2005, 05:19 PM
Ok, let me rephrase. I have seen people do things like this, and depending on who I'm playing, I'll try and rp with them and after some time they will follow.
Has anyone tried helping instead of reacting to her OOC'ness with anger and insults?
That was just wrong. Very wrong.
That being said, I laugh like hell at Bloodninja logs, I guess that makes me a bad person?
02-09-2005, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
That was just wrong. Very wrong.
That being said, I laugh like hell at Bloodninja logs, I guess that makes me a bad person?
Nah, Stanley. It just indicates you're easy to entertain. :shrug:
02-09-2005, 05:23 PM
<<That being said, I laugh like hell at Bloodninja logs, I guess that makes me a bad person?>>
I'm sure just about everyone not wicked dumb that posted in this thread does, too. And they don't complain that the people are being humiliated.
02-09-2005, 05:25 PM
Xeno is a stupid bitch and should be ignored as such. Bob is still a hormonally challanged teenager, no further comment there. I didn't defend her.. I condemned nihil's actions. As for her being ooc.. well way to be a hypocrit (never could remember how to spell that). People are just fucked up.. I don't know why or why people praise behavior like that instead of giving it what it deserves, but I do know that I am not going to sit there, read crap like that and go "huh huh, that was funny". Like I said.. I hope someone goes out of thier way to be fucked up to you.
02-09-2005, 05:27 PM
<<As for her being ooc.. well way to be a hypocrit (never could remember how to spell that).>>
Who are you even talking to? Do you know what hypocrite means?
<<Bob is still a hormonally challanged teenager, no further comment there.>>
I have a feeling you lost a lot of spelling bees.
<<Like I said.. I hope someone goes out of thier way to be fucked up to you.>>
And you called someone (but I don't know who) a hypocrite?
02-09-2005, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
Xeno is a stupid bitch and should be ignored as such. Bob is still a hormonally challanged teenager, no further comment there. I didn't defend her.. I condemned nihil's actions. As for her being ooc.. well way to be a hypocrit (never could remember how to spell that). People are just fucked up.. I don't know why or why people praise behavior like that instead of giving it what it deserves, but I do know that I am not going to sit there, read crap like that and go "huh huh, that was funny". Like I said.. I hope someone goes out of thier way to be fucked up to you.
So basically you are saying her behavior in game was alright? Im not sayin that him posting that log was right but she acted like a damn slut and I pointed that out. I dont care about her being OOC cuz I dont know her. Im not gonna sit here and be like "aawww poor girl. She belittled herself and someone posted it so everyone would find out." I dont give a shit. Thats her fuckin fault.
02-09-2005, 05:33 PM
You don't consider his actions OOC? To do what he did for the purpose of posting it here? She was ooc so then he turned around and decided to do the same to "wake her up". THAT is what I was refering to. I never entered spelling bees because I had no interest. I don't really care if I misspell some words because my point got across regardless. AND wishing some of what he did to her back upon him isn't what I would call being a hypocrit.
02-09-2005, 05:35 PM
Am I the only one that realizes Kainens stupidity?
02-09-2005, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Xenostrus
So basically you are saying her behavior in game was alright? Im not sayin that him posting that log was right but she acted like a damn slut and I pointed that out. I dont care about her being OOC cuz I dont know her. Im not gonna sit here and be like "aawww poor girl. She belittled herself and someone posted it so everyone would find out." I dont give a shit. Thats her fuckin fault.
Never said that.. I said his actions were bullshit. It's NOT her fault that he posted it.. it's HIS. Again.. amazing how people can condone crap like this.
02-09-2005, 05:36 PM
<<You don't consider his actions OOC?>>
WTF? Do you know what OOC is?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! PRIVATE != PUBLIC.
<<I never entered spelling bees because I had no interest. I don't really care if I misspell some words because my point got across regardless.>>
Your point BLOWS.
<<AND wishing some of what he did to her back upon him isn't what I would call being a hypocrit.>>
Then you're an ignorant hypocrite. To be against it and then condone it is very much hypocritical. I don't like murderers, but I'm not about to murder them for it. If the word is right in front of your face, you should at least be able to copy it, btw.
02-09-2005, 05:38 PM
I would rather be wrong than copy anything from you.
Well let me amend that to JUST about anything. There are somethings I would rather be in agreement with you on.
[Edited on 2-9-2005 by Kainen]
02-09-2005, 05:38 PM
I think the problem is that Kainen doesnt have the intellectual capacity to get his/her point off clearly so basically everything she/he says sounds like complete bullshit. Props for trying though
Pretty sad on both their parts.
Where are the GMs watching tables when you need them?
02-09-2005, 05:49 PM
<<I would rather be wrong than copy anything from you.>>
oh my god that is the dumbest thing I've read today. sweet comeback!!!!
02-09-2005, 05:55 PM
HOLY SHIT!! You know what, I blame myself for going to the website Methais posted. I will never be the same again. Thank you, you fuckin piece of shit! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!!
p.s.- I feel bad for the person that took the picture of your ass.
02-09-2005, 05:58 PM
Ok so this is the ONE time I have to say that it's a GOOD thing that Methais is obsessed with that site. Knowing that Xeno went there is just too funny.
02-09-2005, 06:01 PM
No one is defending this chick's actions. She's OOC, it's stupid, it sucks, she needs acting lessons.. whatever.
What some are upset about was that someone went out of their way to do this scene with someone they don't even know, strictly for the purpose of posting it here to chastize her. There was no point to it other than to be a raging prick.
I'm far from being a prude and I appreciate a good cyber log once in a while. But when she asked that it not be posted and he giggles like a girl and does it anyway? That's just fucked up, I don't care who it's targetting.
[Edited on 2/9/2005 by CrystalTears]
02-09-2005, 06:02 PM
02-09-2005, 06:06 PM
Heh, yeah but Lisa didn't say not to talk about it. Hell she liked to be talked about so it was free advertising. :D
02-09-2005, 06:08 PM
I still like the end of that one.
"You've been had, FOR FREE!"
02-09-2005, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Xenostrus
HOLY SHIT!! You know what, I blame myself for going to the website Methais posted. I will never be the same again. Thank you, you fuckin piece of shit! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!!
p.s.- I feel bad for the person that took the picture of your ass.
Have you seen the new one? The one with the 40oz. bottle stuck up there?
02-09-2005, 07:48 PM
I don't seem to remember anyone being enraged on Huka's behalf when Lisu made public their log strictly for the purpose of humiliating him (even though it backfired and she humiliated herself). Likewise, I can't recall anyone being worried about Garr/Janisi's humiliation over the sex-piercing log made public by Klaive.
I guess the fact that this was done for the express purpose of posting it makes it a bit different, and I agree that it's not nice. I fail to see how this is going to teach this character not to be OOC... if nothing else, hopefully she'll be more careful about whose dick she sticks in her ear from now on.
02-09-2005, 08:48 PM
If this bardess flaunts and advertises herself in the game the way Lisu did, then I take back what I said earlier and give a w00t w00t to the original poster.
If he did it just to get back at her for her OOC behavior, then I stand by what I said. It was a nasty thing to do to someone who didn't really deserve it.
02-09-2005, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
if nothing else, hopefully she'll be more careful about whose dick she sticks in her ear from now on.
02-09-2005, 09:12 PM
You exclaim, "I'm gonna suck out your eyeballs, and piss in your sockets!"
02-09-2005, 09:44 PM
Ew. That's not even remotely sexy.
-K, glad she only skimmed the log
Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-09-2005, 10:04 PM
I like Dessedemona, she's a pretty cool chick. Course, I think cybering her for the express purpose of humiliating is about as low as it gets.
Hope karma bites you in the ass.
02-09-2005, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Kainen
Ok so this is the ONE time I have to say that it's a GOOD thing that Methais is obsessed with that site. Knowing that Xeno went there is just too funny.
I wouldn't say obsessed, but you see. . .
Originally posted by Xenostrus
HOLY SHIT!! You know what, I blame myself for going to the website Methais posted. I will never be the same again. Thank you, you fuckin piece of shit! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!!
Now you understand :lol:
[Edited on 2-10-2005 by Methais]
02-09-2005, 10:14 PM
I have been in the same room as this person and most times was left sitting here at the screen thinking "crack is bad, step away from that pipe" She could be sweet but OOC way too much and most of the time way out in left field somewhere.
[Edited on 2-10-2005 by Brattt8525]
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I like Dessedemona, she's a pretty cool chick. Course, I think cybering her for the express purpose of humiliating is about as low as it gets.
Hope karma bites you in the ass.
Or maybe plays bongos on your tonsils.
02-09-2005, 10:36 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. bongos....tonsils. HAHAHAHA oh wait. thats not funny. bad Robin <slaps herself>
02-09-2005, 10:37 PM
She took it like a trooper though
Originally posted by Xenostrus
HOLY SHIT!! You know what, I blame myself for going to the website Methais posted. I will never be the same again. Thank you, you fuckin piece of shit! YOU RUINED MY LIFE!!!
p.s.- I feel bad for the person that took the picture of your ass.
Another one bites the dust.
02-10-2005, 04:48 AM
I've repeatedly tried to educate her about how OOC her comments are, when I was spending a lot of time in the same town as her, and she just didn't get it. I was nice about it too!
02-10-2005, 04:49 AM
She claims it was faked/made up.
02-10-2005, 04:53 AM
I don't know about this situation, Stay, but it certainly wouldn't be the first time a fake log had been used to denigrate someone.
02-10-2005, 05:29 AM
Being that people have been washed just for saying pimp at a table...I honestly think this one was faked. Saying bitch at a table would set off every bad word alarm in simu. Heh.
02-10-2005, 05:45 AM
<<Being that people have been washed just for saying pimp at a table...I honestly think this one was faked. Saying bitch at a table would set off every bad word alarm in simu. Heh.>>
False. Though I have to say
OOCQueen says, "No tellin the general populace or posting ."
is strong evidence of bullshit.
02-10-2005, 06:39 AM
I posted it because it's funny. Not to "get back" at her. If you don't think it's funny, then you are wrong. If I wanted to get back at her, I'd also post the 100+ logs of all the stupid fucking shit she does in game. If I wanted to get back at her, I'd have posted her name in the first place.
And I assure you all, it's not fake.
Originally posted by Adredrin
Being that people have been washed just for saying pimp at a table...I honestly think this one was faked. Saying bitch at a table would set off every bad word alarm in simu. Heh.
I said worse at tables many many many times before . .
Bet the GM's enjoyed it so didn't interfere.
Naomi Chan
02-10-2005, 12:23 PM
You're blaming her for being OOC when you're already whispering to her OOC?
Man if you think she was supposed to try and respond IC to such a shocking breach of protocol, maybe you should try being sexy or interesting first. ;)
02-10-2005, 12:27 PM
We've already established that I'm a "hypocrit". So, it's ok. I'm allowed to do that.
In the same sense she is allowed to act in that very manner as well.
I see her in the same light as I see you in that log. Not judging either of your actions but birds of a feather will flock together.
02-10-2005, 02:50 PM
I highly doubt this log is real for several reasons:
1. As someone else pointed out, you can get washed for just saying bitch at a table or damn.
2. I've seen Dessedemona speak, and she'd never say mayhaps.
>>OOCQueen says, "Mayhaps you can show me best what you mean by example." <<
3. She'd also never start dramatic bs sentences like... shall... that sound like something out of Michelle Ghellar from the bad Black Jack parody of Lord of the Rings.
>>OOCQueen says, "The bardess is into .....shall we say rough play." <<
4. Your punctuation is consistantly missing from your actions. Hers are generally not from act command actions, yet they are here. Very curious.
5. "No telling the general populace or posting."
That's pretty funny -- almost makes you think whoever wrote that already knew you would be posting it... hmmmm.
I know if I was cybering and as hot for you as you make this person out to be since she's a "slut", the last thing that would be on my mind would be a log of it getting out somewhere. A slut would probably be looking for more. Think about it from a slut's point of view (in an in character way -- if possible).
From a fantasy about Dessedemona perspective, I give this log an F- I mean come on guy, if you're into kink, where is the rope bondage?! -Highly disappointing and lacking creativity.
From a "fool me" perspective, I give this log an F-
Note the inconsistencies I found in a minor study.
From an "I'm mad and have a vendetta against someone for several months" perspective, I give this log a D-. You lived around Ta'illistim. You had plenty of time to study your subject. I am disappointed that this is all you could come up with.
From an immaturity perspective, this log is beyond rate! Never have I seen such a sad, backwards attempt to attack someone in a completely ooc fashion in the pathetic hope that a reaction will stem to Gemstone. Well done in making yourself look like a horse's ass! I guess maybe it is small enough to fit in someone's ear. :D
edited to add: Females lack a prostate and a cowper's gland. Please take basic anatomy. Further, I don't think they knew about the prostate gland in GS' time frame, so the lesson about remaining in character seems to have its own limitations.
[Edited on Thu, February th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]
02-10-2005, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Being that people have been washed just for saying pimp at a table...I honestly think this one was faked. Saying bitch at a table would set off every bad word alarm in simu. Heh.>>
Not necessarily. A long time ago I was at a table with someone and they got soaped or warned for saying something, and I was like "That's weird it doesn't happen to me, watch. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" and nothing happened.
02-10-2005, 03:13 PM
i swear all the time. and talk ooc at tables with friends.
- Arkans
Urinal Poops
02-10-2005, 03:39 PM
3. She'd also never start dramatic bs sentences like... shall... that sound like something out of Michelle Ghellar from the bad Black Jack parody of Lord of the Rings.
I dont think the poster normally uses eyeballs and piss in the same sentence either.
From a fantasy about Dessedemona perspective, I give this log an F- I mean come on guy, if you're into kink, where is the rope bondage?! -Highly disappointing and lacking creativity.
I dont think it was really about her needs, just her stupidity. You're missing the point entirely, as i highly doubt he's into any type of "kink" but instead trying to be hilarious and succeeding. Also I think about 30 other posters found it quite creative and hilarious.
As far as women not having prostates, wow... i've been using that line for atleast 4 years and every girl has been secretly laughing at me. Time to move on to the "package in the rear" line.
02-10-2005, 03:40 PM
Think what you want, but the log isn't fake.
I've seen people NOT at a table say "fuck", and nothing happened.
Dessedemona says stupid shit like "Mayhaps" all the time.
She constantly misses punctuation in everything that she does. So I don't know where you got "Hers are generally not from act command actions, yet they are here. Very curious."
I don't care either way. I'm just pointing out where you're wrong.
Originally posted by crazymage
i swear all the time. and talk ooc at tables with friends.
Seriously. I can't think of the last time I got reprimanded/washed at a table for being OOC or cursing. I know I've had countless sports conversations at tables with Sergey and nothing came of it.
The more I think about it the more I think log is bullshit. Would it be funny if it was real? Yeah, probably, but I don't think anyone is dumb enough to go along with something like that.
- Arkans
02-10-2005, 03:47 PM
I make it a habit to take any log I see with a grain of salt. Logs are just too easily fabricated. :shrug:
02-10-2005, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
Would it be funny if it was real?
- Arkans
Yes, which is why I posted it.
Also act commands never have punctuation unless you specifically add it.
>act test
(Tijay test)
>act test.
(Tijay test.)
02-10-2005, 03:50 PM
I hope this log was not created with your main Char, Nihilist.
The thing is, I don't think anyone with two braincells to rub together believes it's real. I mean, first of all, let's consider the source. I mean, these are the points we have to deal with.
1. Who the fuck are you? What kind of credibility do you have?
2. Is anyone that stupid to actually not realize that you wern't being for real? I mean, we can joke all we want, but no one is.
3. If someone wants to RP a slut, by all means, but one that RPs a slut most probably wants serious RP. Anyone can plainly see what you did was not serious.
4. The mannerisms and the responses were uncharacteristic of Dessedemona in every possible way.
5. The very idea that someone would be into that sort of engagement through that sort of invitation just doesn't fly with me, expecially the person in question.
6. This just really smells of some personal vendetta. Your log went way too cleanly and way too much in your favor. There were no, "WTF?!?!?" from the other party, which any normal person would say.
In short, it's horse shit. I see this as just a smear on someone's character and a pretty pathetic one. If you're going to do something worthwhile, at least make it SOMEWHAT legit looking, but the only thing that I gathered from this? Is that you're one giant cock toad.
- Arkans
02-10-2005, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by NihilistInc
Think what you want, but the log isn't fake.<<
Me thinks the lady doth protest too loudly. That is from Shakespeare.
Originally posted by NihilistInc
Dessedemona says stupid shit like "Mayhaps" all the time.
She constantly misses punctuation in everything that she does.<<
So in GS, which now finishes all your sentences for you and punctuates your verbs, she misses punctuation often? In an RPG where the majority do not use the act command, which is the only element of Gemstone that leaves you the ability to miss punctuation, she misses it often in your opinion? What are you stalking her hidden every time she uses an act command, or are you just grasping at straws now?
If we want to talk about missing things in logs, I'd like to know where the imput keys and the
are for the linefeeds. They're missing, which means someone either fabricated or edited your "log"; hence, another reason that I don't believe your "log".
Originally posted by NihilistInc>>I don't care either way.<<
But obviously you do since you took the time to respond to the post. Just sad guy. -Very sad. Go play with your rubber dollies and fantasize about text RPG characters some more.
02-10-2005, 04:07 PM
>So in GS, which now finishes all your sentences for you and punctuates your verbs,
>In an RPG where the majority do not use the act command, which is the only element of Gemstone that leaves you the ability to miss punctuation, she misses it often in your opinion? What are you stalking her hidden every time she uses an act command...
Punctuation doesn't only come at the end of a sentence. Besides you're the one that just said she always includes punctuation. Which was wrong.
>Your punctuation is consistantly missing from your actions. Hers are generally not from act command actions, yet they are here. Very curious.
02-10-2005, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
I hope this log was not created with your main Char, Nihilist.
The only name I changed was Desse's.
You're defending this log way too hard. It looks like you have something out for her more and more.
- Arkans
02-10-2005, 04:12 PM
I'm still posting because people are talking to me. Only reason.
02-10-2005, 04:12 PM
As Tijay was saying, smiles and ACTs don't add the punctuation unless you add them yourself. All other actions and regular speaking adds the punctuation automatically.
02-10-2005, 04:14 PM
Not to mention you smoke rotten cunthairs.
The fact is, you are coming off as a complete tool. No one is buying your log. Pack your shit up and go home man, you're as cool as a guy that beats up on retarded children.
- Arkans
02-10-2005, 04:20 PM
<<If we want to talk about missing things in logs, I'd like to know where the imput keys and the
are for the linefeeds. They're missing, which means someone either fabricated or edited your "log"; hence, another reason that I don't believe your "log".>>
1. Input. Retard.
2. Compressed feed = no >. You lose twice.
You're a horrible investigator.
02-10-2005, 04:21 PM
Only because someone asked me to post the original log...
Unfortuantly, it's the last bit of it, when I decided to log it.
>'alright...where were we?
You ask, "Alright...where were we?"
You've gained 1 physical training point.
(To use these new points, click on the "skill goals" link in the quick link bar.)
>'you know what you are?
You ask, "You know what you are?"
>'a naughtly little chipmunk.
You say, "A naughtly little chipmunk."
>'You want my acorns?
You ask, "You want my acorns?"
Dessedemona says, "I gotta go ...i hafta get my spirit spells and hunt ."
>act shows you his huge black acorns.
(Luth shows you his huge black acorns.)
Dessedemona stands up.
You sigh.
>act pulls his dick out of your ear.
(Luth pulls his dick out of your ear.)
>'thank you.
You say, "Thank you."
Dessedemona says, "Please keep this betweem us."
You say, "Wait..."
>act gives you a money shot.
(Luth gives you a money shot.)
>'come back next year, I'll put some eggnog in your face
You say, "Come back next year, I'll put some eggnog in your face."
>'so long, bitches
Dessedemona says, "No tellin the general populace or posting ."
You say, "So long, bitches."
Dessedemona asks, "Promise?"
>nod desse
You nod to Dessedemona.
Dessedemona waves.
Dessedemona just went out.
>wave desse
You can't wave that.
* Whoalii just bit the dust!
02-10-2005, 04:23 PM
The reason all the imput lines are gone, is because I cleaned the log up because I didn't log all of it. I just scrolled back afterwards and cut/paste.
Now I'm just trying to get my post count up.
Answesome! The tried and true, "I'm just trying to get my post count up" line. Can you even be more of an idiot? Seriously, do you huff glue?
Anyway, I'm just waiting for someone to forge a log of you doing something stupid, but at least put some effort in it. That would be a riot. Regardless, I think people here have more important things to do with their time, unlike yourself. Good work.
- Arkans
02-10-2005, 04:37 PM
What could someone do to deserve a fake log?
Piss off a twelve-year old on the internet.
- Arkans
02-10-2005, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Toxicvixen
What could someone do to deserve a fake log?
As far as I've seen Grandsome and Grabbs have had some sort of IN CHARACTER dispute with Dessedemona for awhile now. No clue what it's about, but I remember vaguely a confrontation at the opening to the portcullis in Ta'Illistim where they both attacked her (or he if it is the same person).
Anyway, it's just more of the same, aside from being blatantly ooc on one side now. ...and oddly enough harping about in character behavior.
02-10-2005, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
Originally posted by Toxicvixen
What could someone do to deserve a fake log?
As far as I've seen Grandsome and Grabbs have had some sort of IN CHARACTER dispute with Dessedemona for awhile now. No clue what it's about, but I remember vaguely a confrontation at the opening to the portcullis in Ta'Illistim where they both attacked her (or he if it is the same person).
Anyway, it's just more of the same, aside from being blatantly ooc on one side now. ...and oddly enough harping about in character behavior.
I was there for that actually.
Dessedemona had just shoved a box in Grandsome's hands and expected him to open it for her without even asking him if he was open for box picking etc. So he just kept the box. She then attacked him. He retalliated and killed her with one swing from what I recall.
She then went on the amunet and started calling him a roach etc. Grabbs basically told her to shut up because he was tired of hearing about it so she challenged them both.
They both turned up outside the Sapphire gate and hid while she was there badmouthing them some more. I know because Eider being nosey was there invisible. So was Tsabrak so as soon as Grabbs jumped out and killed Dessedemona, Grandsome stole the boxes that dropped from her disk and Tsabrak picked that moment in time to "wake up" and kill someone he had never interacted with, ie. Grandsome.
02-10-2005, 05:08 PM
Good to see she didn't use Tsabrak only on me.
02-10-2005, 05:46 PM
and the
are for the linefeeds. They're missing, which means someone either fabricated or edited your "log"; hence, another reason that I don't believe your "log".
Or squelched it...?
I have that squelched for all my characters.
02-10-2005, 05:49 PM
Turning them off is a Wizard option. Why would you squelch it?!
02-10-2005, 05:49 PM
Because I never saw the option?!
02-10-2005, 07:29 PM
The fued between Desse and Grabbs is over. For some reason she just started being really nice. So then they fucked and he was all like, "Oh yeah!. Your pussy feels good and crunchy" and she was all like, "Thanks your penis is all good and small." and then he was all like "I wanna take your butt and eat it" and she was all like "I wanna have my butt taken and eaten" then he was all like "eww your butt tastes like poo" and then she was like "I wonder why" and then he was all like "because it's shit duh" and then they sucked each other's dicks off and spit them out and sat on them and had lots of orgasms. True story. I was there and saw it.
[Edited on 2-11-2005 by HarmNone]
02-10-2005, 08:05 PM
02-10-2005, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
From a fantasy about Dessedemona perspective, I give this log an F- I mean come on guy, if you're into kink, where is the rope bondage?! -Highly disappointing and lacking creativity.
More creative kinks in the fake logs plz
02-10-2005, 08:10 PM
meet me west of bank jihna
02-10-2005, 08:21 PM
I went west of bank. This is what happen!!
Also here: Luth and Sergey.
Sergey glances at Luth.
(Luth humps Sergeys leg and giggles madly)
Sergey ponders.
(Sergey starts to fondle Luths HUGE ManTitties)
Sergey giggles.
Luth says,"OMG mansex is SO MUCH better"
Luth says,"I think this mansex is so perfect and it freed me of all my stupidness. Thank you Sergey"
Sergey gives Luth some coins.
(Sergey giggles and skips away.)
Sergey just went west.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-10-2005, 08:24 PM
That log I believe
02-10-2005, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Turning them off is a Wizard option. Why would you squelch it?!
I just tried the compress option. I'll stick with squelching; I don't like the way the text looks all squashed together.
02-10-2005, 08:30 PM
Its true I swear!!!!11??///]]......
02-10-2005, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Adredrin
Being that people have been washed just for saying pimp at a table...I honestly think this one was faked. Saying bitch at a table would set off every bad word alarm in simu. Heh.
This was what I was told when I asked about it awhile ago..
SEND[Elbrion] That word's a bit grey area, but the word itself is alright. If someone is being disruptive in its use, please do let us know, however. Just because it's not considered vulgar does not mean that it is appropriate to use it to harass someone.
SEND[Elbrion] If someone is harassing you, please do let us know. I'll peek in. Please also follow up with an ASSIST so that we can get all of the details. However, "bitch" is acceptable in regards to vulgarity, even though its use may violate disruptive behavior policy.
02-10-2005, 10:47 PM
<<Anyway, I'm just waiting for someone to forge a log of you doing something stupid, >>
[Silvergate Inn, Gold Room]
You see tons of pictures of George Michael and Elton John in seductive poses, all greased up and wearing speedos.
Also here: Luth, Haashek, and Warclaidhm.
(Luth pulls down Haashek's pants, bends him over and begins tossing his salad.)
Haashek moans.
Warclaidhm walks behind Luth.
Haashek says, "Ooh yeah baby, this is better than a huge hug from ANY of my super grandkids!"
(Warclaidhm mounts Luth and begins packing his fudge.)
Luth says, "Ufm ybea bbee, wunk maprosat!"
Warclaidhm asks, "What?"
(Luth removes his tongue from Haashek's anus.)
Luth says, "I said oh yeah baby, work my prostate!"
Warclaidhm says, "My mom just walked in and caught me I gotta go."
Warclaidhm just left.
Real log, honest.
[Edited on 2-11-2005 by Augie]
[Edited on 2-11-2005 by Methais]
anybody want to wunk maprosat, please?
- Arkans
02-10-2005, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
anybody want to wunk maprosat, please?
I'm short £28.99 :(
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02-11-2005, 12:50 AM
Ugh, that's disturbing.
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
You might also like:
Our Price
Doc Johnson Anal Probe Save: £4.00 £18.99
SpectraGel Smooth Tool
>go tab
You head over to the Whips'n'chains Table.
[Whips'n'chains Table]
Obvious exits: out
>look in my purse
In the tiny vinyl purse you see a Doc Johnson anal probe, some anal prayerbeads and a SpectraGel Smooth Tool.
>get probe from purse
You remove a Doc Johnson anal probe from in your vinyl purse.
>inspect my probe
You carefully inspect your Doc Johnson anal probe.
You determine that the probe can be worn in between "teh buttcheekz."
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>tap my pro
You tap a Doc Johnson anal probe.
>grin wicked
You grin wickedly.
>wear probe
In public???? Puhleaze!
>say now that's just Thilly :(
You sadly say, "Now that's just Thilly."
[Edited on 2-11-2005 by Diet Dr. Pepper, Tastes more like Regular Dr. Pepper]
[Edited on 2-11-2005 by Stanley Burrell]
02-11-2005, 02:05 AM
We forgot to mention the monkeys! How can you do it in mock logs without monkeys!!?? This guy has set a standard now after all. :clap:
I can't condone the use of monkeys to be involved in these mock logs as that would be serious cruelty to animals.
02-11-2005, 05:28 AM
Stanley, have you forgotten to take your Ritalin again?:wtf:
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