View Full Version : Imperator: Rome

05-19-2018, 10:27 AM

Awww yiiisssss


05-19-2018, 11:20 AM
I wonder if this is anything like EU: Rome? Honestly given how feature complete EU4 and CK2 are I'm not too excited for another grand strat set earlier.

05-19-2018, 11:22 AM
I wonder if this is anything like EU: Rome? Honestly given how feature complete EU4 and CK2 are I'm not too excited for another grand strat set earlier.

It looks like a modern version, but it'll obviously have Rome centric things like Senate and all that. Perhaps you'll even beable to trait out Legions and all that. It is my favorite time period in history, so yeah, I'm excited for it.

I'd love to see it as a mixing between CK2 and EU4, where you're the state, but you still have families and such to control.

05-19-2018, 11:27 AM

Looks like you can decide what cohorts are composed of. Bunch of other buttons too.

05-19-2018, 11:45 AM
I'd love to see it as a mixing between CK2 and EU4, where you're the state, but you still have families and such to control.

So a feudal government with no gavelkind or council powers? That's pretty much what everyone gravitates toward in most CK2 runs.

Looks like you can decide what cohorts are composed of. Bunch of other buttons too.

That's just bog standard Paradox army management. It's exactly like that in CK2, just replace the velites with light infantry.

I also see the mil/dip/adm mana at the top with maybe some kind of Imperial Cult thing going on. I really hope there are a bunch of new mechanics in this. Bringing in some kind of Hearts of Iron supply and movement mechanic would be a good start.

05-19-2018, 12:10 PM
So a feudal government with no gavelkind or council powers? That's pretty much what everyone gravitates toward in most CK2 runs.


No, where you can control the families and stuff, multiple families... Like the Julii and the Junii and such. Marry them between each other, and to other nations and all that garbage. Perhaps create a new way to take over and vassalize other nations that isn't purely diplomatic or military... Like one of your Roman family lines takes over as that other country's leadership.

Like CK2 in a way, but also like EU4 in that you aren't controlling through the leader of a family.

05-19-2018, 12:46 PM

05-19-2018, 07:31 PM
Alexander. Hannibal. Caesar. These great men and dozens like them shaped the destiny of a continent. Mighty kings, clever generals and would-be gods made their mark on the ancient Mediterranean. Around this sea, close knit nations tested their mettle and virtue against each other in fierce combat, their cultural and political legacy now inseparable from what we understand as Western Civilization. But nothing was guaranteed. Can you change the course of history in Imperator: Rome?

Imperator: Rome is the newest grand strategy title from Paradox Development Studio. Set in the tumultuous centuries from Alexander’s Successor Empires in the East to the foundation of the Roman Empire, Imperator: Rome invites you to relive the pageantry and challenges of empire building in the classical era. Manage your population, keep an eye out for treachery, and keep faith with your gods.

Imperator: Rome’s features include:
Character Management:
A living world of characters with varying skills and traits that will change over time. They will lead your nation, govern your provinces and command your armies and fleets. We also introduce our new, more human-like character art.
Diverse Populations:
Citizens, freemen, tribesmen and slaves - each population with its own culture and religion. Whether they fill your armies, fill your coffers or fill your colonies, keep an eye on their happiness - your success depends on their satisfaction.
Battle Tactics:
Choose your approach before battle to counter the stratagems of your foes.
Military Traditions:
Each culture has a unique way of waging war. Romans and Celts have different options available to them. Unlock unique bonuses, abilities and units.
Different Government Types:
Manage the senate in a Republic, hold your court together in a monarchy, answer to the clans in a tribal system.
Barbarians and Rebellions:
Migrating barbarians may sack or settle your best land, while disloyal governors or generals can turn against you - taking their armies with them!
Goods provide bonuses to their home province. Will you take advantage of stockpiles for local strength or trade excess goods to spread the wealth around?
Provincial Improvement:
Invest in buildings, roads and defences to make your kingdom stronger and richer.

05-19-2018, 08:04 PM
We also introduce our new, more human-like character art.


05-20-2018, 01:20 PM

-Game starts at 450 AVC (304 B.C) and finishes in 14 A.D
-The map stretches from Hispania to India and from Scandinavia to Ethiopia, with 7000+ cities to conquer and pillage
- A pop system similar to Victoria 2, with pops having different cultures, political preferences and religions
-Units like War Elphants, Chariots, Heavy Cavalry and Legions
-Characters who can be loyal or disloyal, can start civil wars and much more

05-20-2018, 02:03 PM
Do you get to meet Jesus?

I love how people doubted this guy was Macguyver at first

05-20-2018, 02:12 PM
I love how people doubted this guy was Macguyver at first

He slow played this latest handle for a bit, though there were definite signs from the beginning, as usual.

06-03-2018, 06:21 PM
https://scontent.fmem1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/34307614_1935194859846535_3732546766017396736_o.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=b654d28daa6b9609c5b0dd9722815739&oe=5B812C54

06-05-2018, 08:01 AM
https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/34509874_1095947493887262_8050376074149756928_n.jp g?_nc_cat=0&oh=17074b2b536adae6e65743c30f8c926b&oe=5BBE6653

03-01-2019, 05:17 PM
Zomg, under 2 months to release

05-03-2019, 12:39 AM
I forgot that it came out a week ago until I saw it uncategorized in my Steam launcher. I played it a bit (the tutorial and poked around some minor nations) but nothing too major. It seems alright. Music is great, but the gameplay is a little bland. Paradox title on launch, I guess.

05-03-2019, 12:46 AM
I forgot that it came out a week ago until I saw it uncategorized in my Steam launcher. I played it a bit (the tutorial and poked around some minor nations) but nothing too major. It seems alright. Music is great, but the gameplay is a little bland. Paradox title on launch, I guess.

I bought it. Went forth and conquered. Nothing special yet. As with any paradox game, expansions will make it better. I hate that people defend this practice of theirs because paradox is a smaller developer.

05-09-2019, 10:02 PM
Revising my take to 'moderately ass'.

I've been playing that tribe in Tutorial Island trying to learn the systems (mainly colonization and pop growth) and... there's nothing to do. It's been running at full speed in the background as I type this. There have been a handful of generic, boring events that took place - think: 'do you want to hold a festival' from CK2. I've been attempting to manage loyalty of my two tribal chiefs, but even using all the tools available to me, I can only stop loyalty decline on one of them, the other inevitably craters and leads to civil war. Pop growth is super slow and incredibly uninteresting. The entire thing is just absolutely bland. I guess it's my fault for playing anything besides Rome in a game called Imperator: Rome.

Currently it's 'mostly negative' on Steam.

05-10-2019, 01:46 AM
I bought it. Not great. Waiting for 1.1 to give a review. Dont buy right now.

05-10-2019, 08:21 AM
Thanks guy, I'm a HUGE fan of roman History and I really love those kind of managing game. But with your critics and from what I read, I won't buy that piece of crap.

05-10-2019, 08:53 AM
Thanks guy, I'm a HUGE fan of roman History and I really love those kind of managing game. But with your critics and from what I read, I won't buy that piece of crap.

It is worth buying if you have no EU games. It'll only get better too.

05-10-2019, 09:16 AM
Paradox games generally have a fairly rough start because they make sure the base game is working well before they release it, unlike most other publishers. They also support their games for years and years with content expansions, both free and paid, that build on top of that solid but probably fairly barebones system on release.

If you like the style of game, and you like the period it's based on, you will like the game as it evolves. Also try EU4, Hearts of Iron IV, CK2, and Stellaris if you're looking for more fleshed out games in the same vein while you wait for expansions/updates.

05-10-2019, 01:13 PM
Paradox games generally have a fairly rough start because they make sure the base game is working well before they release it, unlike most other publishers. They also support their games for years and years with content expansions, both free and paid, that build on top of that solid but probably fairly barebones system on release.

I've played EU4, Stellaris, and HoI4 on release, CK2 maybe two months after release, and all were what I'd call 'fun'. Certainly they were missing features that came later, but even then I'd still play and recommend them in their vanilla state. Imperator is different. It's a... passable map painting simulator, but with no character. The UI is terrible, too. So much info that previous Paradox games have trained me to look for is buried under multiple menus or hidden in other non-intuitive ways. There's no reason for that, the games aren't made in a vacuum.

I'm sure it'll get better, but damn, I'm really disappointed in this one.