View Full Version : Greater White Ora (Iasha) Update E-mail

05-16-2018, 02:30 PM
Kaikala wrote:

Hey all,
Thanks for your patience so far with the black/white ora wins! I should have the script updates to allow for UAC done sometime before Monday closes out (or possibly tonight, but it's pretty late already!). If you can let me know what days/times of day you're most likely to be around this coming week, we'll see about setting a 'delivery' time.

Also, if you have any preference on the description for your item (15/15/15 and if, desired, a long or a show), please go ahead and send me what you have in mind. General guidelines for these items is listed at the bottom of the email. Beyond those, you can make them look like they're entirely made of the applicable metal if you want, though you're more than welcome to mix a non-metal material appropriate to boots/gloves in there, where the metal is the toes/soles/knuckles/palms. Bear in mind that requests still have to fall within QC standards. If you have no preference on the description, then I'll whip something up for you.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please let me know that as well!

~Kaikala / Goblyn

Alteration notes: the metal needs to be noted in the 15/15/15.

Black ora alter guidelines: it's a cursed item, so nothing light and fluffy for descriptions. There is a hard-coded message that will show up when you LOOK at the item, no matter how you alter it ("The <item> are shrouded in swirling shadows from top to bottom and no amount of light seems to be able to penetrate the gloom"). Any show description will precede the hard-coded part.
White ora alter guidelines: it's a holy item, so nothing that would contradict that. When it is worn by a paladin/cleric, there is a hard-coded message that will show up when you LOOK at the item, no matter how you alter it ('The <item> is surrounded by a <pure/baneful> white flickering flame that burns with the rage of divine fury." (pure/baneful depends on the Arkati the user is aligned to)). Any show description will precede the hard-coded part.

You wrote:

Quick question as someone brought it up. Does the greater white ora take up the flare and script slots while the greater black only resides on the script slot?

Kaikala wrote:

Re: quick question. It did not. It took up both slots, but that should no longer be the case by the time I get the item to you (fortunately I saw Leafiara's post when I was still in the midst of code-updating, so slid that update in at same time!).
Did you have a preference on what the item looked like? (If not, totally okay, but just want to make sure you don't have any specific preference before I get the item ready for you!)

05-16-2018, 02:37 PM
This is such a long time coming. After 1604 was released, Iasha weapons instantly became low rung weapons.

Three cheers for Kaikala! I'm so excited!

05-17-2018, 10:35 AM
It took up both slots, but that should no longer be the case by the time I get the item to you (fortunately I saw Leafiara's post when I was still in the midst of code-updating, so slid that update in at same time!).:D
Oh, so glad I asked about this--and that Chaoswynd even told me it was taking up both slots. I wouldn't have known!

Now to buy some neat flares at DR!

05-17-2018, 11:49 AM
So this thing can have double plasma flares, one from the flare slot the other from the script slot?

Correct. When live that is.

05-17-2018, 11:55 AM
Nice, although who knows when this will go “live”.

Go away macgyver

05-17-2018, 12:04 PM
Double plasma flares from 1625, and script flares, so potential 3 flares not to mention ensorcell?

05-17-2018, 12:12 PM
Double plasma flares from 1625, and script flares, so potential 3 flares not to mention ensorcell?

Would they even be possible to ensorcell? Sancted and all the other crap on them?

05-17-2018, 02:06 PM
Don’t think you can ensorcell white ora?

It's not on the list of ones that can't be: https://gswiki.play.net/Ensorcell_(735)

05-17-2018, 02:21 PM
You can definitely ensorcell white ora generally and Iasha weapons specifically

05-17-2018, 02:46 PM
Don’t think you can ensorcell white ora?

Go away macgyver

05-17-2018, 02:48 PM
So does anyone think this mean that Kaikala is taking over Iasha weapons? Meaning possible unlocks of tiers on older weapons? I know that Xerria supposedly did them sometimes, but having another would be helpful since I can never seem to catch Xerria.

05-17-2018, 10:33 PM
Hey gents, found this little gem in the wiki, to be sure it will be extremely difficult if not impossible to ensorcell an Iasha.

Sanctify (1625), the spell that bonds a weapon to a Paladin, can make a weapon extremely difficult to ensorcell since the spell adds sanctification and maybe flaring and enhancive properties to weapons. Depending on the properties of the weapon, the spell might take the weapon from possible to ensorcell to beyond the capabilities of even the most experienced sorcerer. Should the weapon become very difficult or impossible to ensorcell, it is recommended that the Paladin remove the bond from the weapon, especially at higher tiers. Bonded weapons always require the use of an inky black potion before an ensorcell difficulty test or channel attempt.

... if bonded, yes. Sanctification by itself adds to difficulty and requires an inky black potion. However, that does not make it impossible. If a paladin bonds to it, it can can near be. Which is exactly what that says, not what you think it says.

05-18-2018, 04:08 AM
Hey gents, found this little gem in the wiki, to be sure it will be extremely difficult if not impossible to ensorcell an Iasha.

Sanctify (1625), the spell that bonds a weapon to a Paladin, can make a weapon extremely difficult to ensorcell since the spell adds sanctification and maybe flaring and enhancive properties to weapons. Depending on the properties of the weapon, the spell might take the weapon from possible to ensorcell to beyond the capabilities of even the most experienced sorcerer. Should the weapon become very difficult or impossible to ensorcell, it is recommended that the Paladin remove the bond from the weapon, especially at higher tiers. Bonded weapons always require the use of an inky black potion before an ensorcell difficulty test or channel attempt.

Go away macgyver.

05-18-2018, 04:10 AM
... if bonded, yes. Sanctification by itself adds to difficulty and requires an inky black potion. However, that does not make it impossible. If a paladin bonds to it, it can can near be. Which is exactly what that says, not what you think it says.

I'd imagine a full unlocked iasha would be fucking hard though. Maybe impossible.

05-18-2018, 07:22 PM
Confirmed a t2 iasha now has t3 ensorcell, and the capped sorc who checked it could only fail the T4 if he was horribly unlucky

05-19-2018, 02:16 AM
Confirmed a t2 iasha now has t3 ensorcell, and the capped sorc who checked it could only fail the T4 if he was horribly unlucky

I'm more curious on a tier 3 Iasha. That is when it starts adding stat bonuses.

05-19-2018, 08:28 PM
had the capped sorc try a t3 iasha the item took the inky black potion but when he channeled the item resisted his spell and didnt give any kind of read at all and didnt drain him of necro juice, so t3's may be out.

05-19-2018, 10:17 PM
had the capped sorc try a t3 iasha the item took the inky black potion but when he channeled the item resisted his spell and didnt give any kind of read at all and didnt drain him of necro juice, so t3's may be out.

My T3 is ensorcelled. So there's nothing about the T3 that's inherently problematic.

05-20-2018, 03:54 AM
My T3 is ensorcelled. So there's nothing about the T3 that's inherently problematic.

Was it a merchant ensorcell though? Have they offered those yet?

05-20-2018, 08:58 AM
Was it a merchant ensorcell though? Have they offered those yet?

They were offered once, and then never again. When I pressed the reasoning, they stated it was never meant to be a non-PC service and will not be offered anymore.

05-20-2018, 09:02 AM
They were offered once, and then never again. When I pressed the reasoning, they stated it was never meant to be a non-PC service and will not be offered anymore.

Dumb. Lot of stuff that just isn't possible to ensorcell, like my dagger that for some reason isn't possible.

05-20-2018, 09:10 AM
Dumb. Lot of stuff that just isn't possible to ensorcell, like my dagger that for some reason isn't possible.

Agreed 100%

05-20-2018, 09:23 AM
Don't worry, after I win the powerball I'll buy GS and make it awesome. I'm already invested into the plan.

05-20-2018, 10:11 AM
No, it was done by a player. It's not the first Iasha I have had done.

05-20-2018, 10:34 AM
might you remember who so i could have them check my t3 iasha, perhaps my capped sorc isnt capped enough or doing something correctly

05-20-2018, 10:40 AM
might you remember who so i could have them check my t3 iasha, perhaps my capped sorc isnt capped enough or doing something correctly

I can check yoursif you'd like when i get home.

05-20-2018, 10:59 AM
might you remember who so i could have them check my t3 iasha, perhaps my capped sorc isnt capped enough or doing something correctly

Multiple people. I promise there is nothing about Iasha that prevents 735.

What IS possible though is that the GM who created yours accidentally turned the anti-magic flag on

05-20-2018, 11:02 AM
Multiple people. I promise there is nothing about Iasha that prevents 735.

What IS possible though is that the GM who created yours accidentally turned the anti-magic flag on

I don't think I'm meaning to say it is prevented, just that it being tier 3 makes it too hard to do. I can't imagine them being easy with the stat bonuses and such that a tier 3 Iasha provides.

Unless you're my dagger. Then you're just impossible.

05-20-2018, 12:39 PM
I don't think I'm meaning to say it is prevented, just that it being tier 3 makes it too hard to do. I can't imagine them being easy with the stat bonuses and such that a tier 3 Iasha provides.

Unless you're my dagger. Then you're just impossible.

If you think about it- there's nothing about an Iasha that makes it any more difficult than a standard Paladin bonded weapon. Sanctified, plasma flares, and a moderate enhancive ability.

So they're not particularly easy, but they're not particularly hard either.

05-20-2018, 12:42 PM
If you think about it- there's nothing about an Iasha that makes it any more difficult than a standard Paladin bonded weapon. Sanctified, plasma flares, and a moderate enhancive ability.

So they're not particularly easy, but they're not particularly hard either.

And stat bonuses and teleportation ability.

05-21-2018, 10:14 AM
Can anyone confirm if Kai's shrine is outside Landing, can I teleport from EN to Landing once a day with these?

05-21-2018, 10:28 AM
Can anyone confirm if Kai's shrine is outside Landing, can I teleport from EN to Landing once a day with these?

No. The locations are hard coded- so they aren't affected by the realm changes (unless they go in and update the code). If there is no deity shrine in your immediate area, there is a fallback location in the region you are taken to.

05-21-2018, 10:28 AM
Can anyone confirm if Kai's shrine is outside Landing, can I teleport from EN to Landing once a day with these?

It goes to your deity's closest temple and doesn't go cross realms. I only ever used mine in Solhaven, where pretty much everyone has a temple though.

05-21-2018, 05:37 PM
i use mine to get into the huntress shrine in rivers rest

05-27-2018, 12:45 AM
Was there ever any update from this?

05-28-2018, 02:26 PM
Unfortunately yes, just came through:

Good news! The white ora updates are all done! Thanks so much for your patience with that.

Now for the bad news =( With the various updates, the white ora will still be taking up the flare spots in addition to the script slot. Sadness, I know, but figured you'd want to be aware. Whether or not that will change in the future, I don't know, but I'll check into it again at some point given that I know there's quite a bit of interest in that coming to fruition.

05-28-2018, 02:31 PM

05-28-2018, 04:22 PM
Alright then, I guess for now I'm back to saving for whenever they eventually release blink weapons again instead of improving the Iasha too much. (I'll still take my T3 to HCW over time and hope to get it to 8x--I do still love the weapon and its flavor and the flare messages still make me laugh all the time picturing them! I also think it might be the only perfect forged T3 in the game, or at least one of not very many. Just it's not a take-it-all-the-way-to-10x-and-make-this-my-final-ever-weapon kind of thing for me.)

Edit: Also back to advocating for buffing sanctification itself, or sanctified metals. It's never not going to be weird to me that there are two entire metals that are pretty much only usable to paladins, who no longer need it from level 25 on unless they want backup weapons or offhand weapons (I'm saying this as a TWC paladin), and clerics, who aren't especially good with weapons in most hunting grounds past level 80ish (again, saying this as someone who never did and never will give up weapons). If they'd do something to make white ora/eonake themselves more appealing, I wouldn't mind at all that Iasha takes up both slots.

05-28-2018, 05:15 PM
Alright then, I guess for now I'm back to saving for whenever they eventually release blink weapons again instead of improving the Iasha too much. (I'll still take my T3 to HCW over time and hope to get it to 8x--I do still love the weapon and its flavor and the flare messages still make me laugh all the time picturing them! I also think it might be the only perfect forged T3 in the game, or at least one of not very many. Just it's not a take-it-all-the-way-to-10x-and-make-this-my-final-ever-weapon kind of thing for me.)

Edit: Also back to advocating for buffing sanctification itself, or sanctified metals. It's never not going to be weird to me that there are two entire metals that are pretty much only usable to paladins, who no longer need it from level 25 on unless they want backup weapons or offhand weapons (I'm saying this as a TWC paladin), and clerics, who aren't especially good with weapons in most hunting grounds past level 80ish (again, saying this as someone who never did and never will give up weapons). If they'd do something to make white ora/eonake themselves more appealing, I wouldn't mind at all that Iasha takes up both slots.

This one breaks my heart. I wish they had done it for at least T3 Iasha.

I wonder if it was balance reasons or mechanical limitations?

05-28-2018, 06:06 PM
Balance for what? it’s an extra stupid fire flares, who cares? And this shit takes 3 seconds to flag/unflag.
This is just a slot blocking because they want to sell some xyz shit at Dusk. $$$ over everything.

Um turning off the shelf 500k weapons into triple plasma flaring weapons?

05-28-2018, 07:58 PM
YESSS YESSS ALL the FUN ALL for YOU... fascist cunt.

Wow, someone got up on the wrong side of someone else's bed this morning.

05-28-2018, 08:02 PM
Also, I wish they'd update 1625 to work with UAC gear. Bonding to a set of gloves would be so much better.

05-28-2018, 08:03 PM
This one breaks my heart. I wish they had done it for at least T3 Iasha.

I wonder if it was balance reasons or mechanical limitations?I'm with you, was really hoping on this one. :/

I'm sure hoping they don't think it was for balance, since the entire reason I even brought it up on the officials was because the 2016 auction sold off a greater black ora weapon that also had acid flares. I mean, even the wiki points out that greater black ora can have two flares: https://gswiki.play.net/Black_ora#Pure_black_ora

The only disadvantage of black ora is needing to be uncursed all the time, I guess, but if that's all it takes to leave the flare slot open, I want to start seeing some more scripts with minor inconveniences. :P

05-29-2018, 12:09 AM
I'm with you, was really hoping on this one. :/

I'm sure hoping they don't think it was for balance, since the entire reason I even brought it up on the officials was because the 2016 auction sold off a greater black ora weapon that also had acid flares. I mean, even the wiki points out that greater black ora can have two flares: https://gswiki.play.net/Black_ora#Pure_black_ora

The only disadvantage of black ora is needing to be uncursed all the time, I guess, but if that's all it takes to leave the flare slot open, I want to start seeing some more scripts with minor inconveniences. :P

The tough part is that there are very few Black Ora weapons, but they sold Iasha off the shelf. And they've unlocked dozens upon dozens of them to T2. (And they're all sanctified)

So opening up the flare slot on these creates a mechanical consequence that isn't there with Black Ora.

05-29-2018, 02:52 AM
The tough part is that there are very few Black Ora weapons, but they sold Iasha off the shelf. And they've unlocked dozens upon dozens of them to T2. (And they're all sanctified)

So opening up the flare slot on these creates a mechanical consequence that isn't there with Black Ora.Hm, fair enough. So then it goes back to what you said before--wish they could at least do it for T3 Iashas if nothing else.

05-29-2018, 07:33 AM
There’s a balance argument there along the lines of what’s been said. I understand why they might have said no for balance reasons. (We don’t know their actual reason.)

However, if balance was their concern, it is misplaced. The script flares function only for clerics or paladins. The triple flare are available only to paladins, and only if they bond to the weapon. So far from being overpowered, it takes Iasha from inferior to superior for paladins only. They are superior for clerics only if you add flares via other means (like Premium Points). As noted, most clerics will continue to use runestaffs anyway.

Black ora are more limited in quantity but function for everyone. This is just a diffferent limiting mechanic - limiting who can use it instead of how many there are.

05-29-2018, 10:34 AM
However, if balance was their concern, it is misplaced. The script flares function only for clerics or paladins. [...]

Black ora are more limited in quantity but function for everyone. This is just a diffferent limiting mechanic - limiting who can use it instead of how many there are.I almost wrote something like that last night too, but then realized I wasn't 100% sure it wouldn't flare for other professions, so I passed off my weapon to my empath and, while the zests don't work, it did flare for her.

I don't know if that's intentional or a bug from any recent changes, though, since I also noticed the analyze info has disappeared from my Iashas--all of them, not just my CCF one. I've already sent in a bugitem about the analyze, so we'll see. (Edit: I didn't mention the flaring-for-an-empath part since, again, not sure if that's intentional or not. Feel free, anyone else, if you want to. :P)

06-19-2018, 06:58 PM
the iasha weapons at the current duskruin have an unlock available to will allow anyone to use the iasha if im reading it correctly