View Full Version : Level 25 hunting

05-13-2018, 04:17 PM
What / where is the most profitable hunting for a duo of level 25 wizard and UAC rogue? I’ve heard you can really start raking in the coins at this level, but undead are poor and I’ve been on the Voln grind. Somebody mentioned over 1m a day profits, which made Darkstone come to mind..

Thanks in advance!

05-13-2018, 04:28 PM
Some stuff in zul logoth about that level, but don’t think it’s undead.

05-13-2018, 04:50 PM
Teras flats at lvl 25 will net you alot of money especially if there's two of you. To make it worth while you need to get ranger steam resist for your armour because there's a horrible periodical manoeuvre attack that can 1 shot you.

05-13-2018, 04:57 PM
What / where is the most profitable hunting for a duo of level 25 wizard and UAC rogue? I’ve heard you can really start raking in the coins at this level, but undead are poor and I’ve been on the Voln grind. Somebody mentioned over 1m a day profits, which made Darkstone come to mind..

Thanks in advance!

You just have to go where no one else hunts. That makes the advice to check out Teras quite sound. If you farm an area heavily you'll change the percentages and the loot will drop off so you might have to rotate through different areas. Overhunting will help you out but there's a limit of maybe 10 levels higher than your characters where you'll not get the "bonus".