View Full Version : CCF Acuity/Mana Flare slot up (delayed service)

05-12-2018, 05:24 PM
offer pulled, got a sweet deal on a runestaff for self use

05-13-2018, 02:52 AM
They have said 30m was a mistake and you may be looking at a higher fee when you go to redeem this fyi.

05-14-2018, 09:37 AM
Just an FYI. My 6x/6x Nerve staff with a T5 ensorcell was quoted at 165M to get it to 10x.

05-14-2018, 11:06 AM
Just an FYI. My 6x/6x Nerve staff with a T5 ensorcell was quoted at 165M to get it to 10x.


05-14-2018, 11:44 AM
Granted to do the same thing at Duskruin would of required FOUR - 40,000 bloodscrip certs if you could even get them at that cost before they scale up. So that's 160,000 bloodscrip. If you were to buy bloodscrip at 1.25 per that's 200m silvers. Definitely would be less if you farmed the scrip yourself, but for price comparison it's still cheaper (if MB was lower) to use this service than try to buy bloodscrip to get the individual certs.