View Full Version : StormFront Problem: Crashing When Accessing Settings/Highlights

05-11-2018, 02:34 AM
I'm having a problem with Stormfront and I am about at my wit's end. Any help, insight, pointers, ideas for things I haven't tried, is welcome and appreciated.

Core Issue: Unable to access window 'Settings' menu/dialog or Stormfront's 'Highlights' menu/dialog. When right clicking on story window (or any other stream window) and clicking settings, Stormfront crashes. When I access the main Settings menu and then click on Highlights, Stormfront crashes.

Things I have Tried Logging in with and with and without Lich. Uninstalling/reinstalling the game launcher, StormFront, Lich, and Ruby. Storing settings locally and on the server.

Things To Note: This only occurs when trying to access the settings or highlights menu, as long as I make no attempt to do so StormFront chugs along just fine and I can play all the live long day. I can import an .xml file with settings and that works, so I can use a different character to set things up the way I want, export the settings to an .xml file, and then import to .xml to the pain in the ass borked character and that works fine. I tried importing a clean, default configuration/settings and it made no difference. That is a giant pain in the ass though, and I would really rather not have to do it. And as previously mentioned, this is only happening with one character.

Am I missing something? Any ideas for where to go next? This is seriously driving me batshit.

05-11-2018, 09:40 AM
It may be a silly question to ask, but are you on Windows 10? Also, are you running as admin if you are?

05-11-2018, 11:11 AM
Have you heard the gospel of WizardFE?

05-11-2018, 11:28 AM
It may be a silly question to ask, but are you on Windows 10? Also, are you running as admin if you are?

Not silly! I am running Windows 10 and I I do have Administrator Privileges.

Have you heard the gospel of WizardFE?

I have. I prefer Stormfront. And, more importantly. Wizard won't even install without crashing. So even if I wanted to, and I don't, it's not an option.

05-11-2018, 11:31 AM
I have. I prefer Stormfront. And, more importantly. Wizard won't even install without crashing. So even if I wanted to, and I don't, it's not an option.

Sounds like you've been excommunicated from the faith. May Wyrom have mercy on your soul.

05-11-2018, 02:17 PM
Fixed! Apparently something in the character's settings were corrupt and importing a StormFront.xml file doesn't actually overwrite everything. I needed to go to AppData>Roaming>StormFront and then delete the associated file. It uses a character's index number and not their name, so it can be a little confusing. But if you logout and then log back in it should be the most recent file in the directory.