View Full Version : Weapons upgrade conflict

05-01-2018, 08:06 AM
So I just acquired a T1 parasite weapon and I am conflicted on my next steps with DR around the corner.

It is LCW at the moment and 4x.

Do I save the BS and buy a T2 cert or do I sell the BS and convert to silver and take my 4x to 7x and get a T5 ensorcell.

I feel like the latter is the best/obvious choice IMO but I may be wrong. Taking thoughts from the community

05-01-2018, 08:33 AM
the difference between t1 and t2 is night and day it basically turns the mech aspects of the weapon on from my experience. which is worth more? the blood flares are pretty strong and you get some healing as well but T5 ensorc and an extra +15 to AS is pretty hard to beat

cost wise they are both comparable about 40 mil each way?

Yeah I don't really know the perks of the T2 like in real time and if they don't offer certain again it's a lock I go cert. I really am torn