View Full Version : The Assorted Court
02-05-2005, 11:04 PM
I am one of the founders for this PRO. It's pretty freaking neat!
Please check out our website. (<3 Jolena). It's still in it's raw stages, but we're still working on it. If you have any questions.. post them here or contact us via email that's located on the website.
For now, our first event is this Sunday (13th) at 7pm EST. All details are on the site and I encourage you to show up for some fun.
02-06-2005, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Divinity
I am one of the founders for this PRO. It's pretty freaking neat!
Please check out our website. (<3 Jolena). It's still in it's raw stages, but we're still working on it. If you have any questions.. post them here or contact us via email that's located on the website.
For now, our first event is this Sunday (13th) at 7pm EST. All details are on the site and I encourage you to show up for some fun.
Found at that site:
"The services we at Assorted Court offer are tasteful, and once set up, the outcome and activities the individuals decide to engage in are entirely their responsibility and choice."
So, it's a whore house?
02-06-2005, 10:41 PM
I think it is them covering all bases, personally.
02-06-2005, 10:50 PM
I've never read a more vague description. I give it less than six months.
02-06-2005, 11:02 PM
Elanthian matchmaker! I think its a great idea.
But I can see how it might be misunderstood because if Jihna hears about it she will be trying to pay them for fresh slaves. :lol:
02-06-2005, 11:09 PM
::sigh:: It's not a whorehouse. We are not like Lisu..
We are merely a matchmaking service and it was our disclaimer saying that anything if/were to happen after our match is not our responsibility.
Yes, as Stunseed said, it was to cover all bases. What we are doing is tasteful and will not sell slaves or give people out for inappropriate actions (ie: consorts, whoring, etc.).
02-07-2005, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by Divinity
What we are doing is tasteful and will not sell slaves or give people out for inappropriate actions (ie: consorts, whoring, etc.).
So is there a chance of doing that down the line? :smilegrin:
02-07-2005, 12:33 AM
:lol: I don't think so. That would be against the GM's wishes and policies.
02-07-2005, 02:14 AM
OMG. In light of recent issues concerning a certain PC member' character with wizard-ACTUALLY-warrior-in-denial issues I request the next practicality you PRO people organize is a place for clinical and psychic evaluations.
Just think of all the business you would get???! And you could give group discounts. :yes: I bet Morvule would bring the DA on weekends to reform THEY'RE KILLING ADDICTIONS. :scared:
~R...who should probably sleep now
Miss X
02-07-2005, 12:34 PM
LOL I wish I knew why Caramia has such a problem with so many people. It's getting annoying.
I think its a really fun idea BTW, I hope it goes well! :)
I wonder how long it takes for the phrase, "A/S/L" to appear in this PRO.
- Arkans
Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-07-2005, 12:43 PM
Young 34!
Yes Please!
Kansas, but will travel for poon!
I'm kidding :)
02-07-2005, 01:52 PM
I hope the a/s/l thing never pops up. Ugh. :weird:
Good idea and hope it works out tho. I'm looking for a PRO that is all about NOT helping people tho!
- Arkans
Miss X
02-07-2005, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
Young 34!
Yes Please!
Kansas, but will travel for poon!
I'm kidding :)
Kidding about the YOUNG 34 bit anyway!!
jk <3 u really ;)
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
OMG. In light of recent issues concerning a certain PC member' character with wizard-ACTUALLY-warrior-in-denial issues I request the next practicality you PRO people organize is a place for clinical and psychic evaluations.
02-07-2005, 08:48 PM
Good idea and hope it works out tho. I'm looking for a PRO that is all about NOT helping people tho!
- Arkans >>
Not a PRO, but you might try the Obsidian Tower/Obsidian Legion. They are anti-people for the most part.
I'd be the first one to join their ranks only if Arkans didn't view all Dhe'nar as traitors to the Faendryl. I'm SOL it looks :(
- Arkans
02-08-2005, 07:33 AM
It's going to fail horribly because of the disgusting, eyesore of a website.
02-08-2005, 07:39 AM
02-08-2005, 04:49 PM
We're still working on our website. As I said, a work in progress.
Anyways, bumping this to let you all know more details have been added and updated.
02-08-2005, 04:52 PM
2 Sylphs please
Two young halfling boys, plz.
- Arkans
02-08-2005, 05:27 PM
Uhm.. :nutty: we don't give out kids..
Anyways, if you're seriously interested, again.. come to our first event. I'll post a detailed outlining in a bit.
02-08-2005, 06:21 PM
Okay, so, umm.. Do you do 13 year olds? I'll take two 13 year old boys! (TEENAGERS WINK WINK)
- Arkans
02-08-2005, 09:56 PM
I don't have a problem with a lot of people, Miss X. The list is really quite small in comparison to the bibles that others have posted of people they dislike. Some of the people here that I have called out have posted under more than one name, which I'm pretty good at sniffing out, although, not as good as Monsieur X is.
02-09-2005, 12:52 PM
I hope the a/s/l thing never pops up. Ugh.
You are:
__ Male
__ Female
__ Other (Please elaborate)
*~* OOC Section *~*
Are you at least 18 years of age?
If yes, do you as a player participate in acted out sexual relationships with your character?
02-09-2005, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Stunseed
I think it is them covering all bases, personally.
Gemstone is still a family oriented game. If they were to apply to be a PRO, some guidelines would have to put in place. Would YOU want to date those who cannot be named, or Warclaidhm?
02-09-2005, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Fission
I hope the a/s/l thing never pops up. Ugh.
You are:
__ Male
__ Female
__ Other (Please elaborate)
*~* OOC Section *~*
Are you at least 18 years of age?
If yes, do you as a player participate in acted out sexual relationships with your character?
Uhm, this was so we keep it out of the hands of innocents.
Honestly, we wanted to add something to the game and fulfill a need that all of us saw.
As for 13 year old boys.. I'm not going to even answer that anymore. Even jokingly, I don't think it's appropriate to continue the discussion.
So yes, back on topic.. These are the details for our first event. Come and have fun, or don't. Choice is yours. :)
The Elanthian Sampler: The 13th of Fashanos, 7 pm elven in the Moot Hall Assembly Room
Are you unsure of what to give that special person on the Day of Voaris and Laethe? Join The Assorted Court on this evening as we raffle off our festive holiday baskets. Be sure to bring your 10K to enter. These gifts are the perfect way to show all of your friends, family, and loved ones how much you appreciate them.
Or, if like most of us, you're having trouble figuring out who that "special" one is, come bid on your ideal match at our Elanthian Sampler auction
1. Basket Raffle – Tickets are 10,000 silvers each, limit of 1 per person. Four baskets will be separately raffled, each with a different theme. Each basket’s theme and contents will be announced before the coinciding raffle for it.
2. Elanthian Sampler Auction – Just like it sounds, you bid on a plethora of people offered in this “Sampler” for a chance to have a date with them. Minimum time with the date is one hour. Times and events involved will vary per person.
Potential People:
· Teclys
· Jenovadeath
· Aurawyn
· Endorian
· Chica
· Snowwolf
*If you are interested in participating in the Date Auction, please contact us at
02-09-2005, 04:51 PM
<<Uhm, this was so we keep it out of the hands of innocents.>>
Or maybe so people can cyber.
02-09-2005, 04:54 PM
Chica is so gettin bought!
02-09-2005, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Uhm, this was so we keep it out of the hands of innocents.>>
Or maybe so people can cyber.
To each their own. We're not going to help a person under 18 get that.
Thanks for your insight.
02-09-2005, 04:58 PM
<<We're not going to help a person under 18 get that.>>
But you will help a person over 18 get that. That's the point.
02-09-2005, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<We're not going to help a person under 18 get that.>>
But you will help a person over 18 get that. That's the point.
If that's what they want. We're just matching up similar people. If they want to do that afterwards, more power to them. We don't actually shove them into a nearby inn and toss them some massage oil.
02-09-2005, 05:14 PM
Whorehouses "match up similar people" too.
02-09-2005, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Whorehouses "match up similar people" too.
We're not a whorehouse. We are not affiliated or do anything like those type of places.
So, I'm just going to stop here. As much as I don't really like you degrading this.. debating with you is never going to stop whatever you're thinking in that head of yours.
So, here is my final thanks for looking and I'll just leave it at that.
02-09-2005, 05:24 PM
Chica wouldnt be involved in anything like that Bob.
02-10-2005, 04:57 AM
So if you don't necessarily offer or condone sexual activity, why all the explicit sex questions on your application?
Like the ones about preferences -- group sex? one-on-one sex? passionate affairs? Homo or het?
Why do those things even need to be mentioned if sex isn't involved?
I can certainly think of many ways to phrase a matchmaking or "friend-finding" service without making any sexual references or implications, and let "nature" take it's own course without being a purveyor of flesh.
If you want help rewording your application for the family-oriented, PG13 community of GS4, just let me know!
02-10-2005, 04:58 AM
Ah... and now I understand why Miss X has issues with my posts and finds them annoying!
02-10-2005, 05:14 AM
Actually, this kind of thing has been done, re-done, and over-done in the past. It's never lasted long, for whatever reason, so it sure wouldn't be on my priority list of things to worry about. :tumble:
02-10-2005, 05:22 AM
You're right, as usual, HN -- the only person I'd dare say is right 99% of the time!
This isn't a new or novel idea, and it has been tried before.
02-10-2005, 08:30 AM
So if you don't necessarily offer or condone sexual activity, why all the explicit sex questions on your application? >>
Perhaps this could be cleared up using a bit of creative web design. You could ask one question, stating, "Have you before, or do you ever plan to engage in sexual relationships with this character?"
If the answer is yes, then you open up a subsection of the webpage, which could ask more intimate questions. If No, then that entire portion of the site is skipped. Perhaps this would seek to eliminate some of the concerns others (Caramia) have.
02-10-2005, 08:37 AM
I agree. If they don't want to necessarily be promoted as anything sexual, why ask ANY sexual questions? The minute you do, you open yourself up to scrutiny that sex would be implied.
What people do AFTER the matchmaking has been done should be none of their business and does not need to be asked. No one needs to know what happens behind closed, private doors other than those involved.
I also don't agree with asking whether they are lesbian, bi, group or anything like that. I think asking to choose a gender preference for the matching is sufficient.
[Edited on 2/10/2005 by CrystalTears]
02-10-2005, 08:42 AM
I agree. If they don't want to necessarily be promoted as anything sexual, why ask ANY sexual questions? The minute you do, you open yourself up to scrutiny that sex would be implied.
What people do AFTER the matchmaking has been done should be none of their business and does not need to be asked. No one needs to know what happens behind closed, private doors other than those involved.>>
This is taking it a bit further, but still a good idea.
The problem is, the Assorted Court is trying to match people with similiar interests. Sex is a possible shared interest. I do not believe it would be a good idea for characters who often engage in sexual relationships In-game to be paired with those who don't. Even if nothing is expected or being promoted to happen, it is still a defining aspect of one's personality, and should be considered when "Match-making".
02-10-2005, 08:47 AM
How about asking a very benign question such as,
"What type of relationship is your character looking find with the aid of the Assorted Court?"
There could be selections such as Hunting Partner, Friend, or Romantic interest.
From there, if one chose romantic interest, A disclaimer would pop up listing all the neccessary statements that we would expect, and THEN ask the question,
"Have you before, or do you ever plan to engage in sexual relationships with this character?"
If yes, then you get additional clarifying questions, if no, you do not. You can be romantically involved in a relationship without sex.
Edited to add: Perhaps I should go and see the current construction of the site and posed questions before speculating further.
[Edited on 2-10-2005 by Fallen]
02-10-2005, 08:47 AM
From the other match-making sites I've seen, I've yet to see many that actually go into depth about sexual preferences and interests. You are either looking for a male or a female for dating, friendship or something more serious.
If they want to discuss sexual activity, they can figure that out once they start going out. I just don't think it needs to be something that's shared openly UNLESS the place was about SEXUAL matchmaking.
02-10-2005, 08:59 AM
If I were to be paired up with someone, and the relationship had even the slightest inclination of romantic involvement, I would wish to have it clearly defined before-hand.
Evarin dislikes the freakileaks.
If the character was into all that stuff, a more ..subdued character should never be suggested for them. This would create compatibility problems far beyond pure romantic involvement (Aggression, maturity, ect)
02-10-2005, 09:08 AM
Oh I agree with you. Just saying that a matchmaking service saying that they have nothing to do with sex, AND making sure they have a good sexual match is rather misleading, and frankly, quite wrong.
02-10-2005, 09:28 AM
Any further discussion on my part stemming from this vein would be putting words in Divinity's mouth. Perhaps some clarification, or reclarification of the Assorted Courts purpose is in order.
02-10-2005, 09:48 AM
Oh I agree with you. Just saying that a matchmaking service saying that they have nothing to do with sex, AND making sure they have a good sexual match is rather misleading, and frankly, quite wrong.
And every July 3rd and December 31st when I buy fireworks, I sign a disclaimer stating their sole purpose is to scare birds from my property, too. Couldn't be anything else, nope.
Miss X
02-10-2005, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Ah... and now I understand why Miss X has issues with my posts and finds them annoying!
I generally find it annoying when people post just to upset other people, I mean I understand we can't all be happy jolly nice people but why stir shit and make life harder for other people? I just don't get it I guess, I'd rather make people happy. :)
BTW it's not like I find every single post you make annoying, in fact I enjoy a lot of them. It's just that there are certain people that get targetted by the majority and most of those people are actually cool, I'd like us to just give some people a break is all.
[Edited on 10-2-05 by Miss X]
02-10-2005, 01:45 PM
You can make me happy !
Miss X
02-10-2005, 01:45 PM
We both know I already do that!! ;)
02-10-2005, 03:35 PM
if Eiderfleur joined and selected group as a preference, would she finally get teh oodles big cock?
02-10-2005, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
If I were to be paired up with someone, and the relationship had even the slightest inclination of romantic involvement, I would wish to have it clearly defined before-hand.
Evarin dislikes the freakileaks.
If the character was into all that stuff, a more ..subdued character should never be suggested for them. This would create compatibility problems far beyond pure romantic involvement (Aggression, maturity, ect)
That's why you ask someone if they're interested in a ROMANTIC relationship, or just looking for friends.
You don't need to be asking any sex questions, sex should be up to the individuals involved, not an intermediary.
Besides, if you need someone to find you a sex partner in GS because you can't find one on your own, you're either not looking or you're a dweeb.
I'm don't buy the I'm-too-busy- to-look-for-someone or the I-don't-play-that-much excuse either, sorry. If you were interested in developing a relationship... or roleplaying sex or cybering, it's easy to find in this game.
Edited to add a disclaimer that I was generally agreeing with Edaarin's remarks, not directing these remarks to him or suggesting he has trouble finding women! Sorry Edaarin!
[Edited on 2/11/2005 by Caramia]
02-10-2005, 09:32 PM
Ok, I'm trying my best to explain this. Obviously, I'm not very good with words or detailing the atmosphere we are trying to create on the website.
So here it goes..
We are trying to match people up. If there character is interested in sexual activities, we will match you up with the person you are trying to be with. Common interests.
It is not all about sex. That is a PART of the application.
When I was stating that we don't condone the sexual responsibilites of others, I meant that AFTER we make a match, and if the couple does something (as in extravagant, socially inappropriate, disturbing..), we are going to be neutral about it. I don't even know if that came out right. Basically, if you're trying to have sex with kids, do something really nashty or whatever have you.. we're not going to take responsibility for it, care to help you, yadda yadda.
The reason for all the in-depth questions is because we want to make the best match for each person. You don't have to answer all of them. You can skip whatever you like, fill out what you feel comfortable and leave it at that. We just didn't want to match up a innocent virgin woman with a player of a guy that's looking for more exotic adventures.
As for the website, I believe I stated in my first post that it is a work in progress. Daily updates are being made because we are still trying to find our groove, what people are comfortable with and so forth.
As for us sticking around for a long time and it being done before.. I'm sure it has, and I can't say how long it will last, but we're excited. This game is all about having fun and being creative. We saw an opportunity and we're having a blast.
Take or leave it. Make your concerns, we are listening to them, and some we just smile and say, "Mmk." The serious suggestions I am going to bring up to the other girls.
For now, give us some slack. We haven't been around that long yet, and it's all about learning in the PRO's growth. :beer:
02-11-2005, 04:43 AM
If you want to be a serious lasting PRO that doesn't end up crossing the family-friendly, PG-13 rating of the game, then drop the whole sex part of the application.
All you need to know is if someone is looking for a romantic relationship or just a friend, you don't need to delve into if they like group sex orgies, homosexuality, one night stands or long-term relationships.
You can't guarantee that the applications are honest about what someone is looking for, if the player is male or female (and considering how many onscreen romances slip very easily over into real life you can certainly bet this is a HUGE issue with some people), and if the player is a minor (for which you can be sued for the corruption of -- at least one case has held up in court and been successfully prosecuted). You're hiking on a very slippery slope.
I happen to know that some of your applications have been filed by under-age males, some have been filed by over 18 females, and based on what was recited in a certain chat room, you're really not going to know which one is which. ;) I didn't write any of them, but I sure laughed at the content.
The obvious one isn't necessarily the "legal" one. Good luck!
[Edited on 2/11/2005 by Caramia]
02-11-2005, 05:25 AM
Caramia's advice is not without merit. It might be a good idea to take out all the sexually explicit questions. I see no problem in a question to determine whether or not the applicant is interested in a romantic relationship vs a platonic relationship, but the details of any romantic relationship should, in my opinion, be left to the parties involved.
02-11-2005, 05:56 AM
It is also worth bearing in mind that a 13 year old can say they are 18 on a online application form...think Garr/Rainbow (I think it was).
Putting your little disclaimer on your website might ease your conscience a bit, but in reality it does nothing. It doesnt stop a minor from engaging in sexual activities, just because you say they should be over 18.
Given the fact that there are a lot of underage players in GS4, why bother?
Isn't it the job of the parents to monitor what the child is doing on the internet? If a kid sneaks onto this site, blame the parents, not the host, c'mon now.
- Arkans
02-11-2005, 12:29 PM
I agree, Arkans, but it's silly to say "we're doing something about it" when the reality is that they can't control it at all.
Saying you are doing "something" doesn't mean you are preventing anything at all. It means steps have been taken, no matter how minor. I really don't see that much of a problem, personally.
- Arkans
02-11-2005, 12:31 PM
Chica's trying to corrupt minors??!?
02-11-2005, 12:34 PM
Chica tries to corrupt me every day.
02-11-2005, 12:35 PM
Me to, and i like it.
I have to agree with Arkans. It is something that already happens and has been a part of the game for years. Simu can't even control it.
Taking out the sex parts would be a good idea as Harmnone stated. Just focus on the relationship aspect and if it develops into cyber sex... it's out of your hands.
02-11-2005, 12:38 PM
or in them
mouth or ears too.. can't forget those.
02-11-2005, 12:56 PM
nutn like a good ear humpin
02-11-2005, 01:15 PM
nutn like a good ear humpin
Thank goodness for that.
02-11-2005, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by DeV
I have to agree with Arkans. It is something that already happens and has been a part of the game for years. Simu can't even control it.
Since only the account owner and not the person that plays on the account must be 18 or over, then parents should absolutely be aware of what their kids are doing online, and that includes noticing their usage, the times of day they play, and what they are playing.
I don't feel it's Simu's job to police the age level of the person playing (too hard to verify) or to check and see who is doing what in a private room.
That doesn't mean that players should disregard that GS4 is billed as family-friendly and PG-13 and condone cybersex. Even alluding to such a "promise" from a relationship seems to be something that's going to backfire somehow.
I always managed to find plenty of ways to play here that's fun, unique, and exciting without focusing on cybersex. By no means have my characters been nuns, but they never felt they absolutely needed to have sexual roleplay or cyber to make the world of Elanthia complete.
Originally posted by Caramia
I don't feel it's Simu's job to police the age level of the person playing (too hard to verify) or to check and see who is doing what in a private room.
I guess this is where we completely agree. I don't feel it's the job of their PRO to police the age level of the person filling out an application. They set down the requirements and if those are not met or false information is given after their services have been rendered, should their responsibility be any different than Simu's? I do think the types of relationships should be clearly defined. But, as far as anything else, I have to agree with the sentiments of your statement as it applies in this instance. :)
The thing is, the more information that is given to the group the better the matches can be made. It would be rather silly to match someone looking really only to cyber with someone that only wants to RP out a relationship. Might create weird situations as well as give bad light to the PRO.
- Arkans
02-11-2005, 11:23 PM
Yeah, that's what I was trying to explain time and time again. So, basically we're discussing all the suggestions. I had every officer read this thread and we'll discuss it in more detail tomorrow.
Edited to add:
The event is still going as planned. I saw some of the baskets and they're REALLY cool. Tons of goodies and nice themes. Satira kicks booty.
We also have another person going into our Date Auction - Merjinia.
We need another guy or two that wouldn't mind having at least an hour of their time auctioned off. If you're interested, please let us know at
Thanks again!
[Edited on 2-12-2005 by Divinity]
Does the guy get any money?
- Arkans
02-12-2005, 02:14 AM
No, the guy doesn't get any money.
By the way, thank you all for the ideas. We had a meeting tonight and we all decided to remove the sexual content from the application.
We'll probably put some kind of blanket statement on there telling people that we aren't going to discriminate against anyone, just so that area is covered.
Don't forget to come to our basket raffle and date auction on Sunday at 7 EST.
02-12-2005, 02:21 AM
Great idea, Satira. I really thing that will help your PRO to gain more respect and become an integral part of Elanthian life. :)
02-15-2005, 07:11 AM
Yeah, this is coming late. Been busy since it happened, so here it is..
Thank you to everyone that came. It had a wonderful turnout. We really appreciate the support you showed by being our guests and the others that volunteered their time as well.
02-15-2005, 07:41 AM
Glad you had a good turnout! :)
02-22-2005, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by JihnasSpirit
Elanthian matchmaker! I think its a great idea.
But I can see how it might be misunderstood because if Jihna hears about it she will be trying to pay them for fresh slaves. :lol:
Still trying to cage me Jihna :P
02-22-2005, 11:23 AM
who r u
heh. I just remembered. You must be Amarith's player. Yeah, Jihnas got a thing for Amariths bodices. Err....whats inside them. ;)
lol! Welcome to the PC.
[Edited on 2-22-2005 by JihnasSpirit]
02-22-2005, 12:12 PM
total scam i bought 3 women for like 2.5m! and havent gotten any of my hours!!
02-22-2005, 12:50 PM
total scam i bought 3 women for like 2.5m! and havent gotten any of my hours!! >>
1. Mind jolt is such a lovely spell.
2. Halflings are much better stunned than unstunned.
[Edited on 2-22-2005 by Fallen]
02-22-2005, 01:15 PM
Hrmm...I think you need to check with the women you bought, yes?
From my standpoint the event was awesome!
02-22-2005, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
total scam i bought 3 women for like 2.5m! and havent gotten any of my hours!! >>
1. Mind jolt is such a lovely spell.
2. Halflings are much better stunned than unstunned.
[Edited on 2-22-2005 by Fallen]
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
hahahaha. I'm pretty sure for the next hour, the picture of that in my head will affect me badly as I watch my CSI shows and point and yell things like,"OMG, CAUSE OF DEATH IS MINDJOLT"
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