View Full Version : SimuCon 2018

04-07-2018, 03:42 PM
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Lords and Ladies, Lads and Lassies, and Elanthians of All Ages, (and races, professions, mortal preferences, etc.):

SimuCon 5118 discussions officially start herewith.

What follows are our best efforts to communicate what we know will be, what we think will be, and what we hope will be. All is subject alteration and obfuscation as the occasion arises.


Dates, as already communicated, shall be Leyan the 8th through Restday the 12th of Phoenatos in the year 5118 of the Modern Era. For the chronologically challenged among us, that’s August 8-12, 2018.


The primary venue, as in the recent past, shall be the humble inn at the Sheraton Westport Chalet in St. Louis. You are invited, encouraged even, to take advantage of our block reservation at $107/night (plus the empire’s taxes and fees). There shall be a cutoff date; and the cutoff date shall be 18 July 2018. You shall book by this date or you shall pay dearly! You may do the reservation thing at https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/SimuCon2018. If you are a Cleric blessed with great patience, you may call (314) 878-1500. Be sure to let them know you are with SimuCon 2018 or they may put you with the rabble as you likely deserve.


We will get a crowdfunding campaign set up as soon as we find some silvers of our own with which to start it. Stay tuned for clarifications. In the meantime, we have armies of kobolds down in the dungeons stuffing good stuff into goodie stuff sacks. We’re not sure what all they’re putting in there yet... we’ll let you know as soon as we determine it’s safe to look in one and what the valuables shall be.

Please avail yourselves of this important point: SimuCon is free to attend! No one, no matter how indigent or in need of bathing, shall be turned away. So come in... join the fest... there’s a seat for you at the table. That said: without regard to paying (but THANK YOU! if you are) we would like to know you’re coming so we can do a nice fancy name tag for you. A sign up form shall be forthcoming shortly. If you decide to come out at the last minute, we’ll do you a kinda nice, handwritten, semi-fancy one.


Yeah, there will be some.

There’ll be some old favorites, and some new favorites, and some new, yet-to-be-determined-if-anyone-liked-them-or-not activities. Stay tuned for schedules.

Side Quests:

Yeah, there will be some of these too.

Again with the old favorites, new favorites references.

If there's anything you would like to organize and run, we’d be happy to support you. Be ye warned: venturing outside the Inn into the environs and dangers of St. Louis is beyond the jurisdiction and protections of SimuCon. You’re on your own out there! ...but if it’s a good idea, go for it!!

Really lookin’ forward to a rockin’ SimuCon, y’all!!

Original Post (http://forums.play.net/forums/SimuCon/SimuCon%20'18/General%20Discussions/view)

04-07-2018, 09:24 PM