View Full Version : Most Lame Excuse for PvP

09-12-2003, 09:45 PM
What do you think is the most lame excuse used to commit PvP?

09-12-2003, 09:47 PM
Insulted my other character.

09-12-2003, 09:48 PM
You're a darkie.

09-12-2003, 09:48 PM
yup, insulted my other character sounds like the worst excuse to me.

09-12-2003, 10:15 PM
because the person is stupid is a great reason not a lame reason

09-12-2003, 10:17 PM
Define PvP.

A CHARACTER may react violently to insults, casting, someone doing something to another, etc.

There's a huge difference between CvC and PvP. So again, define your meaning.

09-13-2003, 02:07 AM
PvP by Simutronics policy is defined as (nice to see they clarified it!):

What is not acceptable is to initiate combat against unsuspecting victims, especially to prey upon weaker players for the singular enjoyment of the attacker. As a rule of thumb, Character vs. Character (role-playing -CvC) combat is acceptable, while Player vs. Player (OOC or disruptive - PvP) is not.

There's more about the gray areas of what constitutes PvP versus CvC, so if you need more than the above, go read it in the game.

Insults of anyone as a reason are lame. All that does is show people that you are easy to annoy, quick to get your buttons pushed, and weak attempts to stop them through death only creates an endless cycle of attention-getting that eventually becomes disruptive (and gets the GMs attention), or you ask for help resolving it (which still gets the GMs involved).

09-13-2003, 12:01 PM
Casting an offensive spell at someone (count bind, sleep etc.. ) is an open invite. I won't vote for that.

The severity of insults usually defines the severity of retaliation. I won't vote for those.

Insulting my other character. Never happen because there may be 2 people that play GS that can connect any of my characters. That could get my vote though.

It's a tie between annoying and stupid. I would have been banned years ago were any of those acceptable by the playing populace.

10-02-2003, 08:47 AM
Honestly, the most idiotic one to me is "because I can". Some people in the game have major superiority complexes, and the trains rush straight to their head. I'm 100 trains older than you, what are you gonna do about it is something that pisses me off to no ends. If I had a silver for everytime I've seen that scenario in game, I'd be rich. I'd willing trade those silvers to stick it to those fucking bullies. Just once......

I'm glad I am finally learning to use my backbone with some folk. Standing up to those who normally push you around definately changes things. But just because I can doesn't mean I go out and kick some little kid's ass. Takes the better person to sit down and not settle things with a sword.

10-02-2003, 08:51 AM
I find the best way to initiate PVP is to look at their race and say something mean. Doesn't work so much if they're Giants, as I am too. Works all too well with dirt elves.

hmm....perhaps I answered the question wrong.

10-02-2003, 08:55 AM
aye i have to agree with you wezas... dirty elves are often easy to rile up and give me a Faendryl and its even easier to get them goin and all red faced a little poke a little prod and they go mad..... then again there have been many times that i have tasted the nasty bite of implosion for my poking and prodding as Zvardin was so kind to show me the other day... But Fear not anyone who I scare The Edine "Died" perfectly... and the splatter from his blowing up well... as you guessed it splatterd in perfect geometric patterns.

10-02-2003, 10:04 AM
If you use another body to fight for you, you should have a penis permanently attached to both character's foreheads.

The only time I was attacked in the lands was because some little shit was mouthing off because he had a big body on the same account. He swapped this rogue in...

The name of the rogue is Iwqual. I'm assuming it was a bought character.

while I'm sitting down in the crypt with no sword or shield, this guy kills me. I'm like 12 trains at the time.

I reported and assisted, but they didn't do shit. This was blatant mechanics abuse, and they did zero. They gave me the, "well, if this continues..." BS.

You should have a dick placed on your forehead. This way, everyone knows that you suck and can't fight your own battles.

If Simu will not follow through on policy, they should at least make some sort of in-game punishment...

10-02-2003, 10:07 AM
Bah, the last thing I want is an Edine on my side. Is it too late to change my opinion?

10-02-2003, 11:11 AM
::gins:: well If The Edine is on your side that means your right didnt you know that wezas

10-02-2003, 05:26 PM
Heh, this was just sent to me by Grabbs. For those of you that don't know, Kolts, Mistros and Sabreo (n?) are all the same person.

[Ta'Illistim, Shimmarglin Court]
You also see a floating dais and an ironwork signpost.
Also here: the body of Great Lord Felhawk who is lying down
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest, southwest
>"You kept?
You ask, "You kept?"

You hear the ghostly voice of Felhawk say, "aye"

You hear the ghostly voice of Felhawk say, "Thankee"

Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.

You ask, "Someone helpin' you already?"

You hear the ghostly voice of Felhawk ask, "Perhaps ye could tell Ossferatu I'm back on the net?"

You ask, "Huh?"
>steal fel
You reach into Felhawk's pockets and pull out 38 silvers.

You hear the ghostly voice of Felhawk say, "Ye mind thinkin ta Ossferatu, he was going ta raise me, but I had weather"

.steal.wiz fel

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
steal fel
You reach into Felhawk's pockets and pull out 158 silvers.

You nod to Felhawk.

Kolts just arrived.
think to oss Felhawks needs you.
steal fel
You focus your mind on Ossferatu and think:
"Felhawks needs you."
Roundtime 5 seconds.
...wait 5 seconds.

Kolts laughs!

Great Lady Beateficia just arrived.

[Script aborted.]
.steal.wiz fel

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
steal fel
You reach into Felhawk's pockets and pull out 102 silvers.
Beateficia says, "Felhawk...."

A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Ossferatu.
Beateficia asks, "now why didn't you leave?"
steal fel
You reach into Felhawk's pockets and pull out 72 silvers.

Kolts confidently says, "He claims he was getting a gem"

You hear the ghostly voice of Felhawk say, "I needed one gem"

Kolts removes a green glimaerstone from in his dark grey battle-cloak.

Kolts drops a green glimaerstone.
steal fel
Kolts confidently says, "Then leave"

You reach into Felhawk's pockets and pull out 79 silvers.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.

Beateficia says, "you didn't need the money, I gave you money"
rg stealth get glim

[Script aborted.]
...wait 1 seconds.
>rg stealth get glim
You carefully take hold of the green glimaerstone while remaining in the shadows.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You do not believe anyone noticed you slip out of hiding.

Kolts searches around for a moment.

You say, "Okay, I guess everything is okay."

Kolts confidently says, "Grabbs. again"

Kolts changes his tune, adding a new element to his song...
Kolts skillfully weaves another verse into his harmony, directing the sound of his voice at you.
You fall to the ground in a deep slumber.
You find that impossible under the effects of the lullabye.

Beateficia says, "oh good gosh...."

Kolts confidently asks, "That wasnt for you was it?"
You find that impossible under the effects of the lullabye.
You find that impossible under the effects of the lullabye.
Kolts confidently says, "That was so he would leave."

Beateficia says, "why didn't you ask me, I'd have given you one."

Beateficia sighs.

Kolts confidently says, "Gotta drop it from your hang next time"
Kolts grins at you.
You find that impossible under the effects of the lullabye.

Beateficia says, "okay..."

You hear the ghostly voice of Felhawk say, "Bothered ye enough"
You find that impossible under the effects of the lullabye.

Great Lord Mistros just arrived.

Beateficia says, "it's best that you get out of town period"

You shake off the effects of the lullabye.

Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.

Mistros traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Mistros gestures at some pothinir grass.
As the tendril of swirling gray magic leaves his hand, it is reflected off the grass's surface and disspates harmlessly into the air.

What more would I expect from someone that ran off with my 6x buckler and my wickedly curved scimitar when I dropped them in Jants one day, and then lied to my face when I asked if they had picked it up.

And so this doesn't turn into a flame against Grabbs, he knows about Kolts and Co. running off with my equipment, so he helps me take back what's rightfully mine.

Mason, would not cry if Kolts and Co. were all deeded.

10-03-2003, 07:47 AM
I find 'insulted my other character' to be most lame. Why? Because it's so obviously idiot.

The runner up would be 'because i can', a la a post i made not too long ago regarding Philosilan. Just plain retarded.

10-03-2003, 07:48 AM
By the way, I cannot expound enough upon the annoyingness of Sabreon/Mistros/Kolts...

10-03-2003, 11:51 AM
But, but, they deserve respect for making a House based entirely upon their own multiaccounts!

10-03-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
The runner up would be 'because i can', a la a post i made not too long ago regarding Philosilan. Just plain retarded.

So I'm not the only one who thinks Philosilan is an ass? Guess I'll need to do a forum search.

10-03-2003, 05:31 PM
If someone killed me "because they can", i would convince Evoz or Twisti to bring their character back just to deed the bastard... unless of course, the kill was done in RP, not just out of boredom..

[Edited on 10-3-2003 by Chadj]

10-03-2003, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
So I'm not the only one who thinks Philosilan is an ass? Guess I'll need to do a forum search.

heh. You're definetely not. But be areful what you say, Philosilan's player will be a jackass and bring your personal life into question, because he has no defense against the particular log I posted. He cast at me, and said he did it 'because he can'.

08-28-2007, 11:22 AM
Resurrecting a few threads now that we know that the OP was Andraste.

08-28-2007, 11:24 AM
A bit on the lame side. No sense in cluttering the boards with more garbage, just link the old threads in the current threads.

I understand people have a hardon for her, no sense in making the community at large suffer.

08-28-2007, 11:25 AM
A bit on the lame side. No sense in cluttering the boards with more garbage, just link the old threads in the current threads.

I understand people have a hardon for her, no sense in making the community at large suffer.

I'm not making them read the thread. It's worthy to point out that we have a GM on here FISHING for shit.

08-28-2007, 11:26 AM
You're causing undue clutter.

Satiate your hardon through linking the garbage.

08-28-2007, 11:27 AM
You're causing undue clutter.

Satiate your hardon through linking the garbage.

No, thanks.

Try playing hide and go fuck yourself or something.

08-28-2007, 11:29 AM
You're causing undue clutter.

Satiate your hardon through linking the garbage.

Then someone responds in the linked thread... what the fucks the difference?

08-28-2007, 11:35 AM
No, thanks.

Try playing hide and go fuck yourself or something.

What more could I expect from a kid looking for alternative methods to chaffing his johnson.

Then someone responds in the linked thread... what the fucks the difference?

That logic would make sense if there had been a response to the last 50 linked threads.

08-28-2007, 11:36 AM
You lose. Move along now.

08-28-2007, 11:38 AM
That logic would make sense if there had been a response to the last 50 linked threads.

It has happened historically, might not be the last "50 threads linked" but whatever, old threads get revived quite frequently once they're linked to. ESPECIALLY if it has a whole new feel to the thread knowing it was some bullshit fishing thread.

08-28-2007, 11:43 AM
Sorry, the number of newer responses in older threads linked in current threads is so dismal it may as well be zilch ... feel free to go search this out for yourself.

I've rarely seen anyone respond to threads in this manner and I've been posting here a hell of a longer than you.

08-28-2007, 11:47 AM
Sorry, the number of newer responses in older threads linked in current threads is so dismal it may as well be zilch ... feel free to go search this out for yourself.

I've rarely seen anyone respond to threads in this manner and I've been posting here a hell of a longer than you.

And it's not exactly commonplace to find out years later that a GM has been posting on a board taking polls and fishing for information related to what she does in game.

Like I said in my PM to you: I had a legitimate reason for bumping these two threads in light of what is going on here right now. I understand that you don't like it, but there are plenty of people who are going to want to see the irony of Andraste here.

I'm sorry for going all "Bob" on you, but after I civilly PMed you and you kept on about your silly cluttering tirade (oh, the irony there too), I decided that reverting 20 years in the past would be my best recourse.

Face it, this thread is interesting now that it's common knowledge who posted it.

08-28-2007, 11:47 AM
Way to make drama over three bumped threads. It's not like old threads aren't bumped on occasion. Although I already knew Andraste posted as Caramia for a while now, it does shed new light when rereading her responses.

You could have not responded and they would have faded away again anyway.

08-28-2007, 11:51 AM
I've rarely seen anyone respond to threads in this manner and I've been posting here a hell of a longer than you.

Ah yes, the old "I've been playing GS for 17 years, so obviously you're retarded" argument. If you're going to do that, at least say it to a noob poster.

Admitting you have no substance to your argument... nicely done. You are clearly the reason for more "clutter" then Khariz.

08-28-2007, 11:52 AM
Lol ...

Ok, you see 2 year old threads being bumped for no other reason than someone just found out the OP was Andraste ... you have made comments about people bumping old as fuck threads yourself.

There's no sense in it

Sorry, I didn't cause the drama ... there's a few newer threads of it that the bumper in question could have just linked in ... instead we get 2 year old back wash.

08-28-2007, 11:53 AM
Lol ...

Ok, you see 2 year old threads being bumped for no other reason than someone just found out the OP was Andraste ... you have made comments about people bumping old as fuck threads yourself.

There's no sense in it

Sorry, I didn't cause the drama ... there's a few newer threads of it that the bumper in question could have just linked in ... instead we get 2 year old back wash.

Gonna repeat myself because you ignore posts of substance:

And it's not exactly commonplace to find out years later that a GM has been posting on a board taking polls and fishing for information related to what she does in game.

Like I said in my PM to you: I had a legitimate reason for bumping these two threads in light of what is going on here right now. I understand that you don't like it, but there are plenty of people who are going to want to see the irony of Andraste here.

Face it, this thread is interesting now that it's common knowledge who posted it.

08-28-2007, 11:53 AM
Actually it sheds a hell of a lot of light on some things she posted on here.

08-28-2007, 11:54 AM
Ah yes, the old "I've been playing GS for 17 years, so obviously you're retarded" argument. If you're going to do that, at least say it to a noob poster.

Admitting you have no substance to your argument... nicely done. You are clearly the reason for more "clutter" then Khariz.

Actually no ... you could play that game, I was merely pointing out that in the years I have posted here (longer than you) it hasn't happened.

If you feel that my pointing out you haven't been here as long was an attack ... that's a personal problem on your part. I was pointing out the irrelevance of your comment based on experience you lack.

08-28-2007, 11:56 AM
No one has ever bumped a really old thread to prove a current point? Oh please. That happens ALL the time.

08-28-2007, 11:56 AM
And it's not exactly commonplace to find out years later that a GM has been posting on a board taking polls and fishing for information related to what she does in game.

Like I said in my PM to you: I had a legitimate reason for bumping these two threads in light of what is going on here right now. I understand that you don't like it, but there are plenty of people who are going to want to see the irony of Andraste here.

I'm sorry for going all "Bob" on you, but after I civilly PMed you and you kept on about your silly cluttering tirade (oh, the irony there too), I decided that reverting 20 years in the past would be my best recourse.

Face it, this thread is interesting now that it's common knowledge who posted it.

It would be out of topic to discuss the poster or the GM in this thread. The topic which resulted from Caramia being outed is in relation to GM issues. Not PVP. If you feel the name to flame her, why not just make a new thread about her and link the ones that contradicted the things she has done? You don't need to remind the majority of posters here ( they have been posting when this forum was at it's infancy ) what others have done. I assure you. They remember.

08-28-2007, 11:59 AM
It would be out of topic to discuss the poster or the GM in this thread. The topic which resulted from Caramia being outed is in relation to GM issues. Not PVP. If you feel the name to flame her, why not just make a new thread about her and link the ones that contradicted the things she has done? You don't need to remind the majority of posters here ( they have been posting when this forum was at it's infancy ) what others have done. I assure you. They remember.

Who flamed her? Oh that's right, nobody.

I'm showing people what she had posted in the past now that we know she is a GM in the game.

Mighty interesting. There's only been one person who has posted in this thread since I bumped it that doesn't find this amusing. Nobody is talking about her or berating her.

08-28-2007, 11:59 AM
Isn't that your purpose for bumping it?

Sean of the Thread
08-28-2007, 12:01 PM
Shalla's not too bright.

08-28-2007, 12:02 PM
Shalla's not too bright.

I just don't see the purpose of bumping this thread. If anything. It supported her reason for pulling Jesae.

08-28-2007, 12:02 PM
Isn't that your purpose for bumping it?

No, my purpose for bumping it should be pretty obvious if you are reading the board in context.

There are multiple threads complaining about her. Then in one of them, someone mentions that she posts here. Finally someone spills the name.

I find a few threads that I feel a GM started inappropriately on this board. I bump the threads so people can see she was fishing for shit here in the past.

That's not making fun of her. That's shining a spotlight on what I think were inapproriate actions of hers.

My bumps were not made with "Look at what this dumb cunt did" messages.

What people do in threads AFTER I bump them...is not my problem.

08-28-2007, 12:03 PM
Shalla's not too bright.

Pot, I'd like you to meet the kettle.

08-28-2007, 12:03 PM
I think he is doing it to show that suspicions might, in fact, be true.

From looking at these threads, I'd say it is most likely true.

08-28-2007, 12:05 PM
And would your suspicions have changed if he just linked the crap instead of bumping it?

You would have read anyway and commented in the thread it was linked to in all likeliness.

We're not even discussing the thread, we're commenting on lameness of bumping old threads that could have just been linked.

08-28-2007, 12:06 PM
And would your suspicions have changed if he just linked the crap instead of bumping it?

You would have read anyway and commented in the thread it was linked to in all likeliness.

We're not even discussing the thread, we're commenting on lameness of bumping old threads that could have just been linked.

No, "we" are not.

YOU are the only one talking about that. Everyone else it talking about the content.

08-28-2007, 12:07 PM
No, my purpose for bumping it should be pretty obvious if you are reading the board in context.

There are multiple threads complaining about her. Then in one of them, someone mentions that she posts here. Finally someone spills the name.

I find a few threads that I feel a GM started inappropriately on this board. I bump the threads so people can see she was fishing for shit here in the past.

That's not making fun of her. That's shining a spotlight on what I think were inapproriate actions of hers.

My bumps were not made with "Look at what this dumb cunt did" messages.

What people do in threads AFTER I bump them...is not my problem.

Khaladon once said. "Anything posted in players corner is suspect, whatever whatever, something at best" ( Please fill in the blanks )

The day a GM uses something posted in the PC to ban or harrass a player after what khaladon said? I would join the petition and sign that he and some GM's really are jack-asses.

08-28-2007, 12:08 PM
Khaladon once said. "Anything posted in players corner is suspect, whatever whatever, something at best" ( Please fill in the blanks )

The day a GM uses something posted in the PC to ban or harrass a player after what khaladon said? I would join the petition and sign that he is indeed a jack-ass.

And that has what to do with my post?

08-28-2007, 12:08 PM
No, "we" are not.

YOU are the only one talking about that. Everyone else it talking about the content.

Sorry, the last 3 pages have been discussing the bump ... what have you been reading?

08-28-2007, 12:10 PM
Sorry, the last 3 pages have been discussing the bump ... what have you been reading?

You might note the percentage of people in FAVOR of the bump due it its SUPREME APPLICABILITY to what we are talking about right now.

Get off yourself man.

08-28-2007, 12:11 PM
I pity anyone that mentions that they are Black on these boards...I can see the lynching party forming now.

08-28-2007, 12:12 PM
And that has what to do with my post?

I have no issue with your post. Just that you bumped an old thread when you could have just made a "New" thread and linked all the ones that people will have issues with. Instead of having 1 thread discussing and with links to what she has done.. We will have several bumped old threads by caramia.

Like Tsa'ah said. It will clutter the boards.

Edit: Having said that. I will refrain from replying and posting unless it's about the thread topic. If you want to continue this discussion.. I believe there is a summarized thread made just for her.

I think he is doing it to show that suspicions might, in fact, be true.

From looking at these threads, I'd say it is most likely true.

I understand. I just mean't it would be better to have one whole thread with all the evidence of her abuse to summarize it.. instead of having to go through every post she has ever made in the past.

08-28-2007, 12:13 PM
So just stop posting in it...and it will drop off the page.


08-28-2007, 12:14 PM
I'm not "on" myself. You're taking a page from the Sean2 book of logic throwing around all inclusive terms and taking an inkling of response also as all encompassing.

Andraste hasn't really been discussed in this thread since you bumped it ... bumping it served no other purpose than to what ... add to your post count? Throw up the attention whore flag?

Sorry your feathers got ruffled, but it was a pretty pointless bump.

08-28-2007, 12:15 PM
I have no issue with your post. Just that you bumped an old thread when you could have just made a "New" thread and linked all the ones that people will have issues with. Instead of having 1 thread discussing and with links to what she has done.. We will have several bumped old threads by caramia.

Like Tsa'ah said. It will clutter the boards.

OKay, lemme make a list for you:

1. We have multiple threads complaining about Andraste.

2. It was indicated in one that this OP is actually Andraste.

3. The TWO threads I bumped shine a light on her behavior and inappropriateness on this board.

4. If I started a NEW thread, we would be ONE threadcount HIGHER than we are now, instead of a net zero.

5. THEN, people would have posted in the threads that I linked, causing there to be a NEW thread AND two old threads.

I really shouldn't have to walk people through this shit.

Just get over it that you people are acting retarded about two threads being bumped.

08-28-2007, 12:17 PM
OKay, lemme make a list for you:

1. We have multiple threads complaining about Andraste.

2. It was indicated in one that this OP is actually Andraste.

3. The TWO threads I bumped shine a light on her behavior and inappropriateness on this board.

4. If I started a NEW thread, we would be ONE threadcount HIGHER than we are now, instead of a net zero.

5. THEN, people would have posted in the threads that I linked, causing there to be a NEW thread AND two old threads.

I really shouldn't have to walk people through this shit.

Just get over it that you people are acting retarded about two threads being bumped.

The chances of anyone posting in threads you would have linked is near zilch. Feel free to comb through the billions of posts here to see for yourself.

08-28-2007, 12:18 PM
The chances of anyone posting in threads you would have linked is near zilch. Feel free to comb through the billions of posts here to see for yourself.

Not in this curcumstance, bubba.

People are INTERESTED in what Andraste has been doing while lurking about on these boards.

You have lost this round. It's time for you to move on. Or, if you'd like, you can just keep on digging. I find this pretty funny.

08-28-2007, 12:21 PM
Not in this curcumstance, bubba.

People are INTERESTED in what Andraste has been doing while lurking about on these boards.

You have lost this round. It's time for you to move on. Or, if you'd like, you can just keep on digging. I find this pretty funny.

Declaring yourself a winner and telling me to move on? That's laughable.

People are indeed interested, people are also annoyed at pointless bumps. The compromise is to link ... get that through your head.

08-28-2007, 12:21 PM
What a bunch of... nevermind, it's not about pvp. Shutting up. :)

08-28-2007, 12:21 PM
People are INTERESTED in what Andraste has been doing while lurking about on these boards.

I think that's stretching the definition of the word "interested" a little.

Just saying.

Haywood J.
08-28-2007, 12:22 PM
I think it's stupid. But go ahead, there are other stupid things here too.

08-28-2007, 12:23 PM
You should just post as Backlash again.

08-28-2007, 12:23 PM
Declaring yourself a winner and telling me to move on? That's laughable.

People are indeed interested, people are also annoyed at pointless bumps. The compromise is to link ... get that through your head.


Only you (and arguably Shalla) have been perturbed by the bump. Everyone else has either been verbally supportive, or has found the information useful.

As I have stated ad naseum, if I had merely linked the thread, someone else would have bumped them anyway, particularly because of the subject matter and applicability to other threads on the board.

It doesn't matter if you don't agree with my assessment. It would have happened.

Haywood J.
08-28-2007, 12:25 PM
You should just post as Backlash again.

I'm not sure why folks keep saying that, but I'm not Backlash.

Some Rogue
08-28-2007, 12:26 PM

08-28-2007, 12:27 PM

Only you (and arguably Shalla) have been perturbed by the bump. Everyone else has either been verbally supportive, or has found the information useful.

Not me...I think it's stupid...I think Caramia is stupid. She was always crabby when she posted. I like The Roselady much better. She was always Caramia's arch nemesis. The Roselady was cool, she should post here again. I wonder what happened to her. I know she was playing wow for a while, and then she kinda disappeared. A bit like Backlash, but more permanent. And no emospeech as she was leaving. I hope she is ok.

Hi Rosie if you are reading this.

08-28-2007, 12:27 PM


08-28-2007, 12:28 PM
I'm not sure why folks keep saying that, but I'm not Backlash.

Im much the same way that Psykos isnt Psykos...ok.

No-one cares, and you just make yourself look stupid by denying it. Much better to hold your hands up and say "Yeah, I'm a dick, you got me".

08-28-2007, 12:28 PM

Such anger.

08-28-2007, 12:30 PM

Only you (and arguably Shalla) have been perturbed by the bump. Everyone else has either been verbally supportive, or has found the information useful.

As I have stated ad naseum, if I had merely linked the thread, someone else would have bumped them anyway, particularly because of the subject matter and applicability to other threads on the board.

It doesn't matter if you don't agree with my assessment. It would have happened.

Ok ... deep breath ....

You're using all inclusive terms again ... this is not good for any argument you make.

As I have stated "ad nauseum", if you had linked the fuckers ... they wouldn't have been bumped by anyone outside of complete morons. And yes, we have plenty of them on the forum, but the chances of them caring enough to follow the link and then bump is almost zilch. Again, historically, linked threads don't get bumped ... people comment and quote on the older thread within the newer thread.

You're right on one thing, it doesn't matter if I agree with you ... but it the likeliness of it happening was very ... I mean very .. slim.

08-28-2007, 12:33 PM
Ok ... deep breath ....

You're using all inclusive terms again ... this is not good for any argument you make.

As I have stated "ad nauseum", if you had linked the fuckers ... they wouldn't have been bumped by anyone outside of complete morons. And yes, we have plenty of them on the forum, but the chances of them caring enough to follow the link and then bump is almost zilch. Again, historically, linked threads don't get bumped ... people comment and quote on the older thread within the newer thread.

You're right on one thing, it doesn't matter if I agree with you ... but it the likeliness of it happening was very ... I mean very .. slim.

And again. The reason you are wrong is that there were already multiple threads about Andraste, indicating this she is the OP of this thread present on the board.

These "complete morons" you speak of love the GM bashing threads, so they would be aware of this fact.

Besides, do you understand that if I would have made a new thread to post links to these old threads, that I would have titled it something like "Wow, look what GM Andraste has been here posting all these years". So you seriously think the forum trolls would not have found the need to read that and then subsequently post bullshit in the linked threads?

I'm sorry, but...they would have.

08-28-2007, 12:35 PM
History is against you on this ... sorry. You've done nothing but create clutter.

Some Rogue
08-28-2007, 12:35 PM
Such anger.

The voices tell me to stab people...is that wrong?

08-28-2007, 12:36 PM

I will go with x2 for the win Alex.

08-28-2007, 12:38 PM
History is against you on this ... sorry. You've done nothing but create clutter.

You may pronounce him guilty a thousand times over...but the goddess of the eternal court of history will smile and tear to tatters, the brief of the state prosecutor and the sentence of this court. For she acquits him.

08-28-2007, 12:38 PM

In. x3

08-28-2007, 12:42 PM
I care. This is a thread that I would most likely participate or post in the future. I wouldn't want to post something a year from now talking about a recent PVP encounter and have it over-run by out of topic discussions because people are reminded of Caramia/andraste.

08-28-2007, 12:42 PM
History is against you on this ... sorry. You've done nothing but create clutter.

Can you seriously not understand that statistically history-at-large does not apply to a *specific* issue that trolls find juicy?

Let me see if I can come up with an example for you:

We have an apple tree that when all the apples on it are ripe, drops apples at a rate of 3 apples per day on calm days, and 7 apples per day on windy days. Sometimes little kids come by and pound on the trunk and branches and get a few extra apples to fall. One day though, this guy who really wants the apples comes by with a fucking battering ram and starts slamming it into the trunk of the tree and pretty much all the apples rain down.

If you look at the last 100 times someone beat on the trunk, you would see that it had no appreciable change in the amount of apples that fell. But you take the one or two times where someone really really wanted those apples and brought the necessary tools, and viola, an appreciable change.

That's what is happening here. You don't have some fluffwad concept that absolutely nobody (especially the trolls) don't give a shit about. You have a real, old, well-known Game Master slinking about this board, trying to drum up shit. The interest level is indicated by the number of present threads already talking about this, and the number of posts within.

This isn't kids trying to get an apple off a tree. This is me hitting the tree with a battering ram. I've got the apples now.

Some Rogue
08-28-2007, 12:50 PM
:inserts lame how you like them apples comment:

08-28-2007, 12:51 PM
Can you seriously not understand that statistically history-at-large does not apply to a *specific* issue that trolls find juicy?

Let me see if I can come up with an example for you:

We have an apple tree that when all the apples on it are ripe, drops apples at a rate of 3 apples per day on calm days, and 7 apples per day on windy days. Sometimes little kids come by and pound on the trunk and branches and get a few extra apples to fall. One day though, this guy who really wants the apples comes by with a fucking battering ram and starts slamming it into the trunk of the tree and pretty much all the apples rain down.

If you look at the last 100 times someone beat on the trunk, you would see that it had no appreciable change in the amount of apples that fell. But you take the one or two times where someone really really wanted those apples and brought the necessary tools, and viola, an appreciable change.

That's what is happening here. You don't have some fluffwad concept that absolutely nobody (especially the trolls) don't give a shit about. You have a real, old, well-known Game Master slinking about this board, trying to drum up shit. The interest level is indicated by the number of present threads already talking about this, and the number of posts within.

This isn't kids trying to get an apple off a tree. This is me hitting the tree with a battering ram. I've got the apples now.

Can you not understand that you're making yourself out to be a troll?

I'm sorry, but the reality of statistics ... history as I've said, is against you, with or without poor analogies.

08-28-2007, 12:51 PM
I care. This is a thread that I would most likely participate or post in the future. I wouldn't want to post something a year from now talking about a recent PVP encounter and have it over-run by out of topic discussions because people are reminded of Caramia/andraste.

That comment is so stupid even I didn't understand it.

08-28-2007, 12:55 PM
Can you not understand that you're making yourself out to be a troll?

I'm sorry, but the reality of statistics ... history as I've said, is against you, with or without poor analogies.

And it doesn't matter, as statistics don't apply to exceptions.

That was my point.

You can go out a take on a poll on whether or not people like George Bush, but when someone subsequently shoots him in the face, the statistics no longer mean anything.

08-28-2007, 12:57 PM
And it doesn't matter, as statistics don't apply to exceptions.

That was my point.

You can go out a take on a poll on whether or not people like George Bush, but when someone subsequently shoots him in the face, the statistics no longer mean anything.

So because of the excpetions we should just toss common sense out of the window ... nice logic.

08-28-2007, 01:00 PM
So because of the excpetions we should just toss common sense out of the window ... nice logic.


But you have to be able to RECOGNIZE when an exception is occuring and understand what that means in applying statistics.

If the Bird Flu only statistically affects 3 people in Asia each year, but then someone motherfucker with a Bird Flu Needle Machine gun sprays down 40 people with the shit, it's going to look like, on paper, that 40 people in Asia got the Bird Flu this year.

It's an explanable statistically anomoly. So is this.

I will concede to you that normally a post containing a link to a thread will not cause an old thread to be bumped. I will NOT concede that this would have been the case here. There's just no fucking way with how hot of a topic this is.

08-28-2007, 01:01 PM
Actually, I find it VERY interesting that Andraste posted this thread... if she was asking this question, then what we think must have mattered at one point...
and to answer her question for myself... I think a good reason for PvP depends on your character...
if your character is generally short tempered and does not take to insult well, I could see them giving out a stun, silence, bind, or disrupting a limb for it...
and that gives the attackee a reason to retaliate.

everyone can't rp the same... people are not the same, and characters should not all think alike either. I have 37 characters now, and I'd say about 3 of them are short tempered, one of which is generally evil, and two can be quick to CvC.
I also have two characters that do no CvC / PvP at all, no matter what... and both of them have been attacked (one kinda runs his mouth alittle, so its expected) I DO NOT CRY TO THE GM's WHEN ONE OF MY "PASSIVE CHARACTERS" GETS ATTACKED.... it's all part of living in a world like Elanthia.

walk up to a black person in the U.S. and call them nigger... some will blow it off, some will argue with you about why you would use that word, but you will most likely get punched, hit with a brick, or shot...
Why should it be any different with someone calling a Faendryl a dirt elf? different characters will react different ways, and if it fits thier RP, I say it's acceptable.

the "because I can" excuse for PvP is kinda lame... but sometimes younger ones will run thier mouth to try to get you to attack them, just so they can call you a bully... in this case, I just try not to break rp... If I woulda killed a character my train or higher for it, I'll kill a character that is way younger too, and visa versa.

NOW... what I don't get, is the GM's jumping all over people who are fighting for whatever in character reason. But, when someone brings another character into it, or just takes it completely OOC, they do NOTHING... doesn't that make it PvP and not CvC...


Oh, that and... WTF is with GMs pulling people saying "I didn't see any RP there" then you have to say "the RP was two rooms and 15 minutes ago", or "they attacked me earlier, then ran"... IF NO ONE COMPLAINED, THEN THERE ISN'T A PROBLEM!!!

GM's... when you pull people because YOU wasn't watching when the fight started, that breaks any RP that was there, and that may have continued once the casting and swinging was done... again, IF NO ONE COMPLAINED, THEN THERE ISN'T A PROBLEM!

Anyway... done with my rant... now back to playing WoW where I can RP and PvP without getting pulled to a consulation room for it. :)

08-28-2007, 01:21 PM
I think a good reason for PvP would be to fight someone in GS over if they bumped a thread or linked to a thread.

There is exactly the same amount of reason to reuse a thread as there is to start a new one.

08-28-2007, 01:30 PM
A bit on the lame side. No sense in cluttering the boards with more garbage, just link the old threads in the current threads.

I understand people have a hardon for her, no sense in making the community at large suffer.

Here's mine:

08-28-2007, 01:34 PM

It's not hard to skip over a thread.

08-28-2007, 01:38 PM
It's hard when you're anal.

08-28-2007, 03:31 PM
At least he doesn't make NEW accounts in acts of cowardice.

(like you)


I only do it so I can post anonymously :)

So you're up to 4 now?

Haywood J.


You should just post as Backlash again.

I'm not sure why folks keep saying that, but I'm not Backlash.

I wanted to put this in proper order for you Backlash (nutless).

08-28-2007, 03:32 PM
It's hard when you're anal.

This so deserves to be in someone sig line...
