View Full Version : three setting spell prep ring

03-31-2018, 10:09 PM
blue-black sapphire ring

12 mil flat now

Three settings. Cursed, neutral, blessed. Only works for profession circles.
You cast 715 at it to get one of the three sets of messaging.
You cast Bless at it to get one of the three sets of messaging.
And for the other you cast remove curse or spiritual dispell on it to get the other.

bard=xxx chants a sinister, rhythmic verse...

You murmur under your breath, uttering only harsh, guttural sounds in an invocation of Blood Burst...

You make a quick, circular gesture, preparing Disintegrate...

You make a long, circular gesture, leaving a blue trail through the air as you prepare Disintegrate..

You slide a blue-black sapphire ring onto your finger and it flickers out of existence briefly, reappearing as a hazy blue mist. The blue mist collapses onto your finger, absorbing into your skin.

You begin carving relentlessly into your own flesh to remove your ring tattoo!

As the pain increases, you cry out and fall to the ground with the accursed ring tattoo removed!
[Stunned for 20 rounds!]
You clench your injured hand in pain, squeezing small pieces of flesh that you cut away from your finger and causing blood to stream out between your fingers. The warm scraps of flesh in your hand grow suddenly cold, and you can feel something firm in your grasp. Feeling suddenly exhausted, you let your hand fall open, revealing a blue-black sapphire ring sitting in your pal


A great hall opens before you, overseen by a regal-looking elf sitting on a raised throne. Before the elf stand what must be his three sons, if physical traits are any indication, each wearing a stately turquoise tunic with a dagger or sword strapped firmly to his slender form.

An elf kneeling before the three presents each with a ring of sapphire, as crowds of elves assembled in the hall politely applaud. Each of the three sons receives his ring in turn, and then a herald pronounces, "May these symbols serve and exhibit the good status and rank of the heir to the throne and his brothers during their campaign against the undead hordes, despite what Blessings or Curses fortune may bestow." The hall bursts into cheering and applause, which lingers in the back of your mind moments after the vision has ended.

Screams fill your ears as mobs of undead throw themselves into combat against the primarily elven force that surrounds you. A sapphire banner bearing the embroidered image of a peacock is held above a portion of the elven fighting force. Dozens of zombies, skeletons, and ghouls engage the elves at this, the front line of overwhelming forces on either side.

Suddenly a great deal of elven yelling can be heard over the din of battle, and the battle standard seen earlier jerks violently before being knocked to the ground. A sudden surge of defenders push back the throng of undead, revealing the three elven princes. The youngest brother lies wounded, tended by one of his siblings who quickly issues orders to the nearby infantry to bolster the line while the fallen is carried from the field of battle. The vision slowly fades.

A tomb of white stone sits in a small glade, surrounded by gravemarkers and similar vaults. A cool breeze passes through the shaded clearing, bringing with it fresh spring air. All is still except for the slight twitching and swaying of tree branches and a small cluster of daisies at the edge of the clearing. The soft light shining down on the glade dims, as the sky slowly rusts before yielding to the quiet of night.

The rustling of leaves announces two figures as they emerge at the edge of the clearing. They quickly amble over to the tomb, and in ambling through the midst of the glade, the moonlight reveals an elf and his giantman companion. The large fellow stands a few feet away from the vault, surveying the graveyard. His gaze moves across you without pause. Meanwhile, his partner makes a violent racket, shaking the chain that blocks entrance to the tomb. After what seems like several minutes, a rusted lock falls to the ground, and the chain clatters to the ground. The elf lights a lantern and slides quickly past the entrance of the tomb. A shriek emanates from the vault, sending the elf's sentry running for the cover of the nearby forest. The elf emerges from the tomb, grabbing and shaking his hand in a panic. The light of the lantern shows what appears to be a sapphire ring on his hand. A second shriek emits from the tomb, causing the elf to abandon his lantern and flee in the direction of his companion.

A blue sapphire ring sits on a large block, separating a tired looking auctioneer from a rowdy crowd of rough adventurer-types. A voice from the back of the crowd yells, "What does it do!?" and another exclaims, "Auction off somethin' good!" followed by snickering from across the room. Despite the insufferable crowd, the auctioneer continues his service, and the ring is sold to a respectable looking sylvan man.
Sensing the end of the ring's story, you bring your song to an abrupt close.

04-04-2018, 01:22 PM
crux buy this too!

04-04-2018, 02:14 PM
What does the wizard messaging look like?

04-04-2018, 02:18 PM
How does it change between states?

04-04-2018, 02:19 PM
cast 304 or curse at it

04-04-2018, 02:49 PM
How does it interact with prep phrases? Will it override custom professional preps or does it just affect spells still using the default messages?

04-04-2018, 02:51 PM
i think this is why i'm having trouble removing it now, waiting for assist now

05-06-2018, 03:18 PM
12 mil now