View Full Version : Selling: plumed black willow mask

03-31-2018, 07:12 PM

weight: less than 2 lbs.

>examin mask
Polished and gleaming with a fresh coat of varnish, the mask is dark and fashioned with a faintly sardonic quirk to one of its carved brows. Glistening black raven feathers form a dark fringe around the face, lending it a faintly primitive appearance despite the obvious talent of its crafter. A plumed black willow mask is currently oriented to the left. Each of its eye sockets holds an aster opal.

>ana mask
You analyze your black willow mask and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:
The mask can be altered with a long or a show, but long descriptions must be kept short. The noun should not change from "mask," as it covers the entire face.

PUT - places a gem in the eye socket of the mask
KNOCK - removes a gem from the eye socket of the mask
TILT - tilts the mask to reveal the opposite eye socket

You get no sense of whether or not the mask may be further lightened.

>wear my mask
You raise the black willow mask to your face, and it latches on to your skin hungrily. After a moment of blinding agony, the mask settles onto your flesh like a second skin.

>look nips
You see Nips the Earthdelver.
He appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf.
He is taller than average. He has scintillating aster opals for eyes and golden brown skin. He has short, wavy jet black hair streaked with silver. He has a plumed black willow mask over his face and a broad chest.
He is in good shape.

>rem my mask
You pry at the edges of a plumed black willow mask. Pain shoots through your face and down your spine, as surely as if you had dug your nails deep into your flesh. Searing agony spreads across your face as the clinging mask slowly relaxes its grip upon you, coming off with a horrible, wet sucking sound.
You are stunned!


03-31-2018, 07:22 PM
BO from Evician