View Full Version : Brussell Sprouts

01-31-2005, 12:54 PM

Just went to a restaurant to grab some lunch and they had the syubject item as a side. I've never had them before (just never had the opportunity). I don't mind cabbage so I figured what the heck. BIG MISTAKE! I just spit the one bite out into the trash. Does anyone like this vile veggie?

01-31-2005, 12:58 PM
I like em... :)

01-31-2005, 01:01 PM
as long as they are fresh

01-31-2005, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Jenisi
I like em... :)

Well babe I adore a bunch of things about you but don't ever eat/order those things around me or I'll yack on ya :kiss:

01-31-2005, 01:03 PM
They can be made tasty...very very rarely.