01-30-2005, 09:28 PM
Most players try hard to remain IC (In Character) while in the game to preserve our fantasy atmosphere and to make the world of Elanthia a more vivid place. But there are a lot of terms commonly used that are only thinly veiled OOC (Out of Character), and are in fact pretty much the same thing as just saying the OOC words.

It takes a bit of experience and thought to recognize these types of terms and to learn better ways of phrasing things. It is easier than it seems, and pays off in big ways. To give an idea of the type of things being discussed, I will give some examples of common OOCisms.

Weather: Many players use the term "weather" to refer to game lag. If it's rainy or sunny, it's rainy or sunny for everyone in that town. So saying one character has bad weather while another doesn't, simply makes no sense. Other ways to get the point across are to say things like, "I'm feeling really sluggish at the moment," or "I'm so tired I can barely move," or maybe on a hot summer day, "It's so humid out I just don't feel very peppy."

Gods: The word "gods" is often used to refer to GMs (GameMasters), but again, it usually makes little sense when given any thought. Gods in Elanthia are the Arkati and other immortals, and they rarely are interested or involved in the types of things where this euphemism is used. A "god auction" can better be referred to as a "grand auction," since the Arkati aren't actually selling their stuff! A "god wedding" can be referred to as a "cathedral wedding."

Age: It used to be that character age was connected to their levels, which of course made little sense. Now that we have an actual age system in the game that is separate from levels, it is appropriate for us old timers to wean ourselves away from this euphemism as well. If you ask a character how old they are, don't be surprised to hear they are 143 years old, even if they are only level 5. When talking about creatures, the age of the creature is not likely to be known, but what can be known is that a warrior of lord stature can probably take them on or not.

Trainings: This one can be hotly debated as to how appropriate it is. Many roleplayers strongly feel that trainings are just as OOC as levels, and feel the term has no place here. Others feel that it is an acceptable alternative term. However a player feels about it, it is yet another example of a term that can usually be stated in a more IC manner, given a little thought.

Pages to study: Some players try to translate experience needed into a more IC terminology, usually coming up with things like, "1,234 more pages to study in my book." But again, it is simply a thinly veiled reference that is not really any better than saying, "1,234 experience to level." It might beveiled reference that is not really any better than saying, "1,234 experience to level." It might be better to say something along the lines of, "I have been practicing my skills very hard, and feel that I will be seeing some improvement soon."

These are just a few examples of the OOCisms commonly seen within the game. For players who are interested in improving their RP (roleplaying) skills and making their characters into living and breathing Elanthians, it is a good subject to which you can devote a bit of attention. Of course, all of the above situations are also easily solved by using WHISPER to convey information that you want to be exact or is OOC in nature, thus bypassing any need to come up with a clever euphemism.

01-31-2005, 04:27 PM
This message was actually inspired by a rather heated debate spanning hundreds of posts on the official boards. I am glad to see that the GMs have become increasingly more responsive to the requests of players.
This announcement serves to better better define policy and clarify the GM's stances on issues of Semi-OOC speech and behavior.

01-31-2005, 05:09 PM
I'm very glad to see this kind of announcment. :clap:

01-31-2005, 05:12 PM
There were two or three other announcements concerning roleplay a while back. Can someone perhaps dig them up? I was looking to pin them in the SR RP folder.

[Edited on 1-31-2005 by Fallen]

01-31-2005, 05:15 PM
Good to see they're finally focusing on bringing up roleplay.

Just kidding, Brooklyn arrived at 4:13 pm.

01-31-2005, 06:47 PM
They need to cease any and all of the hosts and GMs just poofing into the game if they want to start down this road. Jesus. So let me guess, weather will now be out of vogue and folks will just say "Must be a router down somewhere, or my internet connection sucks!"

I understand not referring to the GMs as gods, but let's be frank here. Gemstone is NOT the epitomy of an awesome roleplaying game. It's just not, it never will be. It's too big, imho.

I understand the announcement, but I kind of took it as being so clearly nitpicking that even those attempts at masking obvious OOC references are now frowned upon? If folks are that heated up over someone saying "weather" perhaps they are playing the wrong game. Really. Inferno has a much more intense RP atmosphere that is seriously enforced (or used to) - if someone doesn't like hearing someone talk about the "weather" they can just ignore it can't they? I mean, I don't correct folks who typo in game - as that's ooc.

I just think that Simu is trying to please so many folks that they are never going to succeed. I play Gemstone because it's not a strict RP environment. Been there, done that, not going there again.

But, I don't see any policy clarification anywhere Fallen. So if you are applauding this announcement I don't see it as anything but just a set of tips on how you can be better in-character. I seriously doubt you will find anyone getting a warning for saying "weather" or "gods".

[Edited on 1-31-2005 by TheRoseLady]

01-31-2005, 06:57 PM
You can't blame them for trying. I don't think anyone will be warned, but it doesn't hurt to put out pointers for future reference. Although I do agree that GMs and hosts showing up needs to go.

The "weather" one was always stupid because roleplaying-wise, it makes very little if no sense. Saying someone's weather is bad and the guy next to him saying it's fine just sounds ridiculous. I suppose everyone in GS has their own personal weather system. And don't get me started with "I need 200000 pages to train."

Masking OOC is just as bad sometimes as being outright OOC. I'm with them that if you need to discuss internet connections, lag, GMs or the like, then take it to whispers. Not everything needs to be roleplayed, some things need to be private.

[Edited on 1/31/2005 by CrystalTears]

01-31-2005, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Masking OOC is just as bad sometimes as being outright OOC. I'm with them that if you need to discuss internet connections, lag, GMs or the like, then take it to whispers. Not everything needs to be roleplayed, some things need to be private.

I dunno, I'll take someone bitching about the weather 10 times out of 10 instead of of yelling about their lag. I don't view this as one of those situations where its all or none and think somewhere there has to be an accepted medium and to me although they are still veiled ooc references I don't have a problem with terms like weather being that medium.

[Edited on 1-31-2005 by Tijay]

01-31-2005, 07:09 PM
I guess what I'm saying is, why does it have to be said at all?

I wouldn't report anyone about them though. They don't need to be that picky. Having preferences in how they want to see people play, sure, but I wouldn't insist on anything since that's wasted effort for the GS crowd.

01-31-2005, 07:14 PM
Don't get me wrong, I think it was a good thing for Simu to release the tips, in a if you want to better your roleplay these are some areas you might want to look at kinda way.

I can only assume as to why people find it necessary to say things like weather outloud, and my guess would be that generally you like to know if its just you or other people experiencing the lag. I suppose people could spam whispers asking about lag in an attempt to find out but I'm sure some people would find that equally annoying.

01-31-2005, 07:30 PM
The whole debate started around a suggested new verb, OOC nominate player. As it stands now, the only way to properly deal with characters being OOC without breaking characters is to report. However, many players do not wish to result to whispers, yet also do not think the OOC activity is Report worthy.

As for actual post, take a look at what it is trying to encourage. The post actually LISTS examples of alternate phrases to use to describe such situations as lag and age. It also suggest players (Gasp) Roleplay out questions or comments having to do with mechanics. It isn't hard, but it does take more effort than the old standbys.

I suppose it was not clearly defining policy as more taking an obvious stance against such stupid statements as, "I have 1234234 more pages until I train."

In my (Humble(heh)) Opinion, that type of statement should be corrected by a GM. Not in a negative way, just with a polite reminder that they should phrase their statement differently, and then list some examples.

All in all, any attempt to improve roleplay is a step in the right direction.

01-31-2005, 09:02 PM

They open their eyes when their population is getting lower and lower and lower.

01-31-2005, 10:37 PM
Fallen -

I think it's okay to put those tips out there and encourage roleplay. But since this is my day to by cynical - I just don't wish to encourage those who want their own brand of roleplay as the "correct" version. Gemstone is at best an entry level to medium roleplay game. Even getting folks who have NEVER RPed to consider an alternative way to say anything is good, however, I found that list to be an appeasement to a certain base who want Gemstone to be "their" way.

But to go back to policy. I don't see this as policy defining at all. I consider that an appeasement and another citation for the -"We encourage roleplay." It was put out as "Roleplaying Tips". That's a very different statement versus what they would putting out over a let's say afk scripting.

Too bad the examples didn't cover things that actually are annoying like AS/DS, I have 10,000 to train that sort of thing. Don't get me wrong it's a step in the right direction, but I think that it was was meant to placate a certain population.

01-31-2005, 10:42 PM
I read that announcement and thought they sounded like good ideas but I can understand how they might seem like an affront to those who have been playing for oodles long time. :yes:

01-31-2005, 11:00 PM
< I consider that an appeasement and another citation for the -"We encourage roleplay." It was put out as "Roleplaying Tips". >

What better way to start the movement towards role-play by hinting at it? A way to slowly phase out the OOC'ness, I find it genius.

01-31-2005, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by Stunseed
< I consider that an appeasement and another citation for the -"We encourage roleplay." It was put out as "Roleplaying Tips". >

What better way to start the movement towards role-play by hinting at it? A way to slowly phase out the OOC'ness, I find it genius.

You'll never phase out OOCness. The game is too big. But that comment specifically was more about Fallen saying it was a policy stance. To me, it was nothing but suggestions and hints AND another selling point that they are "encouraging roleplaying."

At the end of the day all the players represent revenue- green money- the ookers, the staunch roleplayers, the rollplayers and those who are mix of the above.

The real rub is who defines what is good roleplay, or valid roleplay.

Liberi Fatali
01-31-2005, 11:29 PM
[i]Originally posted by
The real rub is who defines what is good roleplay, or valid roleplay.

"..." = good roleplay!

"..." = valid roleplay!



02-01-2005, 02:11 AM
off topic but...W....T....F....???

Ashren [subdued]: "buying unpoison and undisease items, an onyx-tipped dark alum lockpick, and other rare or unique lockpicksWatch a teenage cheerleader suck her boyfriend's cock until it explodes like"
Ashren [subdued]: "well, that was VERY emberassing..SORRY!"


02-01-2005, 02:18 AM
Obviously that was one of those jerks that spam your IMs every ten seconds with that crap.

02-01-2005, 02:38 PM
All of that is common sense shit. I don't understand how they state any of that as optional.

02-01-2005, 02:43 PM
All of that is common sense shit. I don't understand how they state any of that as optional. >>

Careful, some here will quickly paint you as an Elitist for such "rigid" restrictions upon their roleplay.

02-01-2005, 06:19 PM
Since someone asked:

Previous RP tips: http://www.nilandia.com/roleplaying/tips.htm

Had them up for a while.


02-01-2005, 06:48 PM
Thank you, Nilandia.

02-10-2005, 06:50 PM
I might be late here, no telling since the dates aren't showing up for me on previous posts, but I applaud anything done by the GMs to try to get people to RP.

One of the things you have to get around though is the cliquishness of RP in GS. IMO I've seen people RP really well among their "chosen" but not in general. IMO again, this is because the very mechanics of advancement in GS are not conducive to RP.

For instance: I used to have a character I loved to play. Most violent empath you'll ever meet. Snaps bones back into place, digs around in open wounds etc, and sometimes doesn't even heal the wound just torments the injured. I adore her. However, in many circles in GS, roleplaying an empath is very frowned upon (as I saw first hand).

My empath was rather abused by another empath who would sit over all the wounds at the main healing place of a city and roboheal them for himself. She eventually took the hint and left. I trade stocks and work full time on another game as well as going back to finish my degree, I simply don't have the time to put up with that ignorant BS in an RPG.

Until people's attitudes change as a whole for RP, and until GS impliments some creative-oriented systems for learning, it is my opinion that the ignorant "If you don't do it like me, you're wrong" sentiment will stand. At the same time, however, I applaud whatever work they've been doing to try to get people more involved in RP.

>>Anyhow, I believe the best way to influence role-play is to lead by example. Everyone role-plays better (those that actually care) when in the presence of a good role-player, period. This will do much more than 9 billion posts about role-playing hints from Simu. <<

Edited to add: I think that was the most important thing I read in this thread.


[Edited on Thu, February th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]

02-11-2005, 03:02 AM
Definately a step in the right direction. I generally just try to be a good example if possible. When someone says a statement about weather or about reading pages I just act as though it never happened. It's a roleplaying game, GMs popping up can just be ignored, as far as I'm concerned they aren't there.

Amusingly, I was talking with a player who'd been around for several years at least and I made some comment in passing about how you don't "See titles" it's not like all the characters go around wearing name and profession tags. She had never thought about that. Little things you do can add up to more people roleplaying.

However, in many circles in GS, roleplaying an empath is very frowned upon (as I saw first hand).

My main character is an anti-krolvin biggot who I end up killing about five very low level half-krolvins (along with the seldom older one, but there aren't many older ones) a month with. Lots of times when people who are his 'friend' see this they leave him, so to speak. It's not the most pleasant path for him but I'd rather stay true to the persona of my guy and add a bit of character to the game than have the least confrontational Gemstone experience. All that to say: roleplaying is almost always detrimental to power-leveling and getting prompt healing/picking/raising, because it's hard to roleplay a character with any sort of distinctive personality who won't anger someone. Thems the breaks.

Or you could just be a pansy like Arkans and say you hate everyone but then go around and giggle at halflings.

02-11-2005, 10:53 AM
Or you could just be a pansy like Arkans and say you hate everyone but then go around and giggle at halflings.

WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!/1/1//1/1/1/1/1/1/1/

- Arkans

02-11-2005, 11:23 AM
Fucking PWNeD!1111!!!1o1neoneone!!1

02-11-2005, 01:14 PM

- Arkans

02-11-2005, 02:26 PM
Arkans giggles at you!
Name: xxxxxxxxx Race: Halfling Profession: Empath (shown as: Empath)


02-11-2005, 02:39 PM
What I don't like is when I'm in hiding and a stranger will say my character's name.

"Do I know you?"


"How do you know my name?"

[Insert many different responses that don't make sense.]

Yeah, I haven't heard a good response to that yet. Doing something like this has made people think about what they just did though, and more often then not, they thank me for a new perspective. Teaching others by example, it does work!

02-11-2005, 06:30 PM
"I'm going to make a small breach of protocol which nobody but you will really notice."

"I"m going to draw attention to it!"

"I'm going to poorly respond, because I did not realize it was a breach of protocol!"

Yay for awesome roleplay.

02-11-2005, 09:07 PM
Unfortunately GS doesn't let people like empaths store non (act) command actions or special messaging for healing. That would be lovely and would cut down on that problem. I doubt it would ever happen though due to server limitiations etc.

None of my characters need titles imo. None of them use them. I see titles as something for people who want to go to the arcade and get the highest pinball score (or the highest post count :p ) utilize.

On the name thing, I tend to introduce my characters, but I have heard one really great (and really good comeback) to the "How do you know my name line" in TSC of all places.

Player1 "How do you know my name?"
Player2 "I've heard of you."
Player1 "I only been here a day."
Player2 "You're famous already!"

funny and served its purpose.


02-11-2005, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Divinity
What I don't like is when I'm in hiding and a stranger will say my character's name.

"Do I know you?"


"How do you know my name?"

[Insert many different responses that don't make sense.]

Yeah, I haven't heard a good response to that yet. Doing something like this has made people think about what they just did though, and more often then not, they thank me for a new perspective. Teaching others by example, it does work!

On the contrary, there is a reasonable explanation for some professions to know someone's name without being formally introduced.

Empaths and clerics, if they have ever healed or raised you, and if they are roleplayed in a way that facilitates the assumption, might know your name through the knowledge gleaned from having "shared" your spirit through the process of healing or raising. I've known those who healed/raised that way, and it seemed perfectly logical to me that they would know my ranger's name.

Wizards and sorcerers? Possibly, due to the fact that they are inherently magical. However, it would take consistent and creative roleplay for them to carry this off.

02-11-2005, 10:17 PM
Don't forget warriors. Warriors know peoples' names because that's just how awesome they are. :)

02-11-2005, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Arkans giggles at you!
Name: xxxxxxxxx Race: Halfling Profession: Empath (shown as: Empath)


As we showed in that thread with Luth and the bardess, logs cannot be faked, irrefutable evidence that Arkans is a nancy-boy!

02-11-2005, 11:20 PM
Christ, the name debate bugs me to no end. Bugged how people know your name? I hope these bug you as well:

1. How you don't have to eat.
2. How you don't have to drink
3. How your weapon doesn't break
4. How you do not get sick with common diseases
5. How you do not incur massive amounts of RT from moving in large rooms
6. Mstrike
7. Magic

Should I keep going?

It's a fucking game. Not everything is going to be realistic and you need the supsension of disbelief. OH NO YOUR RP IS NOT GOOD ENUFF!!11

- Arkans