View Full Version : where to hunt

Engines on Mute
01-30-2005, 01:01 AM
Anyone have any advice for me I am a 44th train warrior and I have been hunting in Elven Nations for ages and I just left there for a while and have no clue where to hunt someone told me to go to Teras?

I swing at 348 with signs and a 5x lance thanks for any help.

01-30-2005, 01:16 AM
Kiramon (gag), Shan, Pinefar.

01-30-2005, 11:07 AM
348 seems a bit low, think about doing weapon spec and/or surge of strength. That'll bring it up.

Also, if you can bless that lance you could try bonespear. dybs and wyverns are easy for their age.

01-30-2005, 06:36 PM
My warrior at 35 only swings at 292. Of course, he's sword/board, so it's easier for him to get away with, but that AS doesn't strike me as too problematic, assuming he's got a knockdown maneuver of some kind (which at 44 is a reasonable assumption).

Engines on Mute
01-30-2005, 06:42 PM
I don't have any problems with my AS and im maxed in weapon spec., polearm training, and combat manuevers plus I have 100 strength and that is with COL on and a 5x lance so I don't see how I can get that much higher except for strength which I have on 1/2 time anyway. when I hunt in groups with strength on and use warcrys I can get to 403. I use charge when I hunt which basically knocks anything down around my level or a little above without much trouble.

I went to pinefar last night and had a lot of trouble up there until I found a group to hunt with then it was fun but I think I still need to find somewhere better. I want to find somewhere that I can a good amount of treasure as well. How tough are Shan, do they do anything special?

01-30-2005, 06:43 PM
Shan spike, cast spells and worst of all disarm. Stick too EN. Its much easier.

01-30-2005, 06:45 PM
And the warriors can do something or other and have an AS of ~500.

Kiramon are cake, trali aren't bad. Just kill the shamans fast, because they can spike.

Engines on Mute
01-30-2005, 06:48 PM
Yeah I been hunting Trali for a while now they are really easy for me I just charge the shaman's as soon as I walk in a room with one in it. I was just seeing if there was anything worthwhile anywhere else for me to hunt because a change of scene is good once in a while plus I had to go to wehnimers landing to buy something and thats why i'm out there.

01-30-2005, 07:33 PM
I wouldn't worry about shan disarming you if you have any disarm training, especially when you're higher level than them. They couldn't disarm my warrior, who was 7 levels under them (in a group at the time, obviously) and he has 50ish ranks. Spike I would worry about. The other two are pures, and therefore charge fodder. Berserk would be a good thing to have, because there are also mammoth arachnids there.

01-31-2005, 10:26 AM
Kiramon are good for skins and gems, at least on Teras. Banshees are 50 and good for undead/ voln fu, if you do that. I've had my bard hunting there since her late 30s. Pyros are good for group hunts, and you can usually get in a hunting group (or at least find a partner) on Teras, if you're not a jerk.

Engines on Mute
01-31-2005, 11:39 PM
I just decided to go back to Trali in Ta'Illistim. I think its the best place in the entire game for me to hunt for a couple more trains at least. On a side note anyone know how long it takes for weapon bonding to start working? Says this for me now -

cman bonding info
You are bonded with the green golvern lance, but you feel that the connection is largely untested.

02-01-2005, 04:10 PM
About 10-15 hunts per rank. This is just my general feeling, and obviously will be inaccurate if your weapon gets different EXP per hunt.

Engines on Mute
02-01-2005, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
About 10-15 hunts per rank. This is just my general feeling, and obviously will be inaccurate if your weapon gets different EXP per hunt.

Certain weapons gain experience faster or slower then others? How do you know which gets which is there a system?

I just got my first rank working and it took like 7 or 8 hunts a couple I over hunted though I can't wait until I get double strike.

02-02-2005, 01:57 PM
By your weapon, I meant that if you hunt past fried, your weapon will (probably) keep gaining experience. I don't hunt past fried, because in my current hunting ground, it's definitely not a good idea to stay there longer than I have to. I didn't mean that say a lance gains exp slower than a whip-blade, or something. :)