03-02-2018, 05:17 AM
During my first 3 years of the game I always rested in the secret workshop under the catacomb (the one you pull the cresset to enter). It's the one that has the "secret" entrance to Tykel's weapon shop. The broadsword always fascinated me, does anyone know any details behind it or who the initials might belong to? Unfortunately it was probably painted in the early 90s and anyone who has any inkling is long gone, but you never know.
[Catacombs, Secret Workshop]
This seems to be a secret workshop of some sort. Weapons in various states of completion are held in locked vises atop a large wooden workbench. Shelves filled with finely made tools line the walls. Against one corner leans a huge broadsword, the hugest you have ever seen. You also see a plain iron cresset in the shape of a trident bolted to the center of the wall and containing a pale, flickering flame and a rectangular depression in one of the walls.
Obvious exits: none
>l broad
The sword is much too large and heavy for you to even contemplate lifting. The initial engraved upon its hilt makes you doubly sure you wouldn't want to take it, even if you could.
>r broad
There is nothing there to read.
[Catacombs, Secret Workshop]
This seems to be a secret workshop of some sort. Weapons in various states of completion are held in locked vises atop a large wooden workbench. Shelves filled with finely made tools line the walls. Against one corner leans a huge broadsword, the hugest you have ever seen. You also see a plain iron cresset in the shape of a trident bolted to the center of the wall and containing a pale, flickering flame and a rectangular depression in one of the walls.
Obvious exits: none
>l broad
The sword is much too large and heavy for you to even contemplate lifting. The initial engraved upon its hilt makes you doubly sure you wouldn't want to take it, even if you could.
>r broad
There is nothing there to read.