View Full Version : Fans of Jacko Just as Wacko?

01-31-2005, 08:05 PM

There was an entire news segment on just now about people who support Michael Jackson's innocence. According to their news interviews, they are planning on staying "glued to the TV" for the entire trial, from jury selection to verdict. There's a fanclub here in Vegas that is planning a trip to California to "show support," and they're also planning several candelight vigils to pray for a good outcome from the trial.

I guess I have a hard time with equating celebrity to godliness, with one woman stating that he simply couldn't be guilty because "he's such a talented, wonderful person."


01-31-2005, 08:54 PM
There's definitely something wrong with people who literally WORSHIP celebrities. It's creepy that they would put their lives on hold to go watch his trial and to support someone they just know is innocent.

02-01-2005, 11:56 AM
These are 50 year old losers still living in their parent's basements.

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by xtc]

02-01-2005, 11:57 AM
I worship my cock. It is famous. I call it.. THE POLISH HAMMER

- Arkans

02-01-2005, 11:58 AM
Because you polish it a lot?

02-01-2005, 11:58 AM
If they believe he is innocent.. they also must believe OJ was innocent.

I bet MJ gets off. (and I'm not talking about him getting off on little boys.. I'm talking about him not going to prison.)

02-01-2005, 12:03 PM
I definately think he is troubled in the head as a result of being forced to grow up too quickly.

Part of me thinks that there's just too many people coming forward for the touching thing to be false.

The other part of me thinks that these parents might just see the other cases and have nothing but $$$$$ in mind.

If a kid comes forward and can describe MJ's junk - then that's enough evidence for me. But he'll still likely get off (the charges) very lightly.

02-01-2005, 12:06 PM
Whatever happened to Innocent Before Proven Guilty?

While my own verdict is still out on the guy (I sort of feel sorry for him in a way), I do truly believe its not possible for a celebrity of his status to get a fair trial anywhere in the civilised world.

I hate how the press say "they've found pornographic material in his house". Note they didn't say homosexual or child pornography. But they paint normal porn as a bad thing. Fuck that, show me a 36 year old man who doesn't own a scrap of porn and I'll show you a weirdo.

Anyway the fans; there was a program on a while back about UK fans who go over there simply to see him at the trial etc. I think any fan that progresses to the level of calling their quarry by their first names is a bit odd.

02-01-2005, 12:10 PM
I read on CNN that they found heterosexual as well as homosexual pornography materials. Didn't list what those were of course but yeah, it's fairly normal for a normal man to own porn. However, Michael is not normal and part of me feels sorry for him and the other part feels that he is guilty. The remaining part feels that the parents of these children as just as sick in the head as Michael is.

I wouldn't want to be alone with him let alone let a young child in my custody.

02-01-2005, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Whatever happened to Innocent Before Proven Guilty?

While my own verdict is still out on the guy (I sort of feel sorry for him in a way), I do truly believe its not possible for a celebrity of his status to get a fair trial anywhere in the civilised world.

I hate how the press say "they've found pornographic material in his house". Note they didn't say homosexual or child pornography. But they paint normal porn as a bad thing. Fuck that, show me a 36 year old man who doesn't own a scrap of porn and I'll show you a weirdo.

Anyway the fans; there was a program on a while back about UK fans who go over there simply to see him at the trial etc. I think any fan that progresses to the level of calling their quarry by their first names is a bit odd.

It wasn't so much that they found porn. It was that the porn was exactly where the child victims said it would be. Also stewardesses on his private jet have stated that Jacko instructed them to poor booze into diet coke cans, which he then served to the kids. Why is a fully grown man serving alcohol to children and showing them man on man pornography?

Let Jacko fry.

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by xtc]

02-01-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I hate how the press say "they've found pornographic material in his house". Note they didn't say homosexual or child pornography. But they paint normal porn as a bad thing. Fuck that, show me a 36 year old man who doesn't own a scrap of porn and I'll show you a weirdo.

I heard on the news that Jackson's lawyers were able to forbid the prosecution from using the words "pornagraphic" and "obscene" when referring to the porn they found.

02-01-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by DeV
remaining part feels that the parents of these children as just as sick in the head as Michael is.

Damn right. I totally agree.

02-01-2005, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
I definately think he is troubled in the head as a result of being forced to grow up too quickly.

Part of me thinks that there's just too many people coming forward for the touching thing to be false.

The other part of me thinks that these parents might just see the other cases and have nothing but $$$$$ in mind.

If a kid comes forward and can describe MJ's junk - then that's enough evidence for me. But he'll still likely get off (the charges) very lightly.




"I definately think he is troubled in the head as a result of being forced to grow up too quickly."

Oh boo fucking hoo. It's a cop out by MJ and you are just buying into it.


02-01-2005, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by xtc
Why is a fully grown man serving alcohol to children and showing them man on man pornography?

Let Jacko fry.

As I said my own verdict is out on the man, and all the evidence and accusations do have their part in the inquest. However, Dev brought up a great point: why the fuck did the parents let them stay with him in the first place?

02-01-2005, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit



"I definately think he is troubled in the head as a result of being forced to grow up too quickly."

Oh boo fucking hoo. It's a cop out by MJ and you are just buying into it.


Me saying that I think he's fucked up in the head because of his youth doesn't make him innocent or guilty. It might partially explain the reason for his Neverland Ranch and his love of kids.

But to defend him touching kids improperly is something I'm not doing at all. Stop spinning my posts, O'Reilly.

02-01-2005, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue

Originally posted by xtc
Why is a fully grown man serving alcohol to children and showing them man on man pornography?

Let Jacko fry.

As I said my own verdict is out on the man, and all the evidence and accusations do have their part in the inquest. However, Dev brought up a great point: why the fuck did the parents let them stay with him in the first place?

OK the parents are fucked as well, but this does not let Jacko off the hook.

Let me ask you, if someone accused you of diddling little boys and the story carried nationally, 10 years later would you even be in the same room with minors without a witness? Would you invite them to sleep at your house?

02-01-2005, 12:25 PM
Being I'm the kind who doesn't give a fuck, probably yes, be-it for whatever reason. None of us however can even pretend to know whats going on in MJ's head, so comparing him to the normal person isn't going to work. There's always the case that these parents could be the money-grubbers the last possibly were. Why presume one mans guilt and not the others? I'll tell you why: because the media and world eats up anyone accused or convicted on paedophillia, guilty or innocent.

02-01-2005, 12:25 PM
I thought I heard on the news that they also found the fingerprints of the supposed victim on the porn. It's not that he HAD porn, it's that he was using it for bedtime stories.


02-01-2005, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I hate how the press say "they've found pornographic material in his house". Note they didn't say homosexual or child pornography. But they paint normal porn as a bad thing. Fuck that, show me a 36 year old man who doesn't own a scrap of porn and I'll show you a weirdo.

The kids fingerprints were in the porno mag.

That's the reason there is fuss over it.

Edit - Someone already said this. Good work Hulkein :thumbsup:

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by Hulkein]

02-01-2005, 01:01 PM
Good work Batma...I mean Hulkein. :up:

02-01-2005, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
why the fuck did the parents let them stay with him in the first place?
Whatever happened to Innocent Before Proven Guilty?

On another note, I'm glad my musical role models are all-around kickass guys.

02-01-2005, 04:27 PM
The point is, would you as a parent want your kids to sleep in the same room as an accused paedophile? Be him guilty or innocent, would you take that risk? I feel sorry for the guy. I don't think he see's the world like we do, and thats probably got alot to do with the fame he gained so young as well as a host of bitch yes-men like Uri Geller in his corner telling him that everything he's doing is normal and right.

02-01-2005, 05:02 PM
The problem is that 1) the parents don't think that Jackson is guilty of such a thing, and 2) are probably looking to get compensated in some way by having their little boy be MJ's favorite little kid.

I can't help but think of Chris Rock. "We love Michael Jackson so much that we let him have the first kid for free."

He's not well in the noggin. He needs serious help and needs to be as far away from children as possible. He needs to learn that it's NOT a good thing for children to sleep with strangers and it's NOT acceptable to give them alcohol and show them porn when they are not his kids. He thinks it's just fine and dandy to do it and that's what makes him sound all innocent and sweet, but once you reach your 40's, it's not so cute anymore.

02-01-2005, 05:05 PM
<<it's NOT acceptable to give them alcohol and show them porn when they are not his kids.>>

Right, good parents will do it themselves.

02-01-2005, 05:08 PM
Heh, well, if you're going to screw up kids, may as well make it only your own. :D