View Full Version : Smote by Phoen

01-28-2005, 03:35 PM
>l[The Divine Sun, Rotunda]
Summer-graced foliage from brass laurel trees surrounds the rotunda, eclipsing it in a cool shade. Dominating the rotunda with its elevated structure is a high dais, with a handsome statue resting upon it. Handwoven rugs of a grassy green are spread at the foot of the dais, allowing worshippers to pray in comfort. As wind breezes through the hollow forest, lilting and flute-like tones blend into a harmonious melody with the soft chiming of swaying honey beryl leaves. You also see the blue Kylinarr disk and a volatile tropical spirit that is flying around.
Also here: High Lady Kadesha who is sitting, Koleph, Desorceri, Great Lady Sherysse, Great Lady Wylde, Alcallisse, Calean, Yaten, Malikary, Shirkon, Galenok, Great Lord Mohrgan, Stunseed, Jolena, Great Lord Chomm, Ichiko, Lord Shonison, Kylinarr, Lord Syberus, High Lord Svardin, Callinar, Mourdeyan, Araneae, Zosopage, Nalfor who is sitting, Cryheart who is kneeling, Myrisa, Wariquan, Bisco, Raelee, Lord Naelan, Eilithyia, Railien who is kneeling, Lady Aysia, Subarashi, Elundil, Tashalin, Kiriane, Lord Ablen
Obvious exits: south

>l ablYou see Lord Ablen Clipaeum the Solar Templar.
He appears to be a Human.
He appears to be mature and taller than average. He has gold-flecked pale blue eyes and golden brown skin. He has shoulder length, straight honey blonde hair with bangs that frame the top of his face. He has a straight freckled nose and a trimmed, thick sunstreaked goatee.
He has a tiny sun-shaped mark on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a tall glass of fresh water in his right hand.
He is wearing a sun-shaped pendant hanging from a malachite neckchain, a polished black shield set with a golden sunburst in its center, a turquoise and gold sunburst symbol, a gold-trimmed white hooded mantle, some crossed leather back-sheaths, a weathered leather satchel, a gold wristchain, a gold-traced white silk tabard, a burnished rolaren-link hauberk, a blackworked white linen sack, a pair of loose gold-trimmed linen pants sashed with a length of dark blue silk, and some laced black leather boots.

groupZosopage is the leader of your group.
Desorceri is also a member of your group.
Galenok is also a member of your group.
Mohrgan is also a member of your group.
Stunseed is also a member of your group.
Jolena is also a member of your group.
Chomm is also a member of your group.
Ichiko is also a member of your group.
Shonison is also a member of your group.
Kylinarr is also a member of your group.
Syberus is also a member of your group.
Svardin is also a member of your group.
Mourdeyan is also a member of your group.
Araneae is also a member of your group.

Your group status is currently closed. You may not be joined or taken into another group by the actions of another player.

>You whisper, "Who put appointed this guy as leader?" to your group.

>You whisper, "I'm wondering if he has an Imperial Warrant or by what means he commands those troops." to your group.

>Syberus whispers to the group, "Well since he's a paladin of Pheon and seems to have nifty powers and what not.. i'd imagine it was just kinda the way things panned out."

>Desorceri whispers to the group, "I think he's a Paladin of Phoen."

>Svardin whispers, "He is a Paladian knight of Phoen."

>You quietly whisper to Svardin, "Don't see why that makes him our leader."

>You whisper, "Perhaps the troop were just sent by the Baron and are unrelated to Ablen." to your group.

>Svardin whispers, "He is not a leader, but an ally."

>Shonison whispers to the group, "The baron and Ablen both have different sets of troops out here...Kendryth even has some as well."

Cut out a whole bunch of talk including Ablen suggesting people not go to the triage tent but rather the Temple of Oleani and then some people asking if it was a good idea.

>Ablen says, "I will not order you to come here."

>Ablen says, "It was a suggestion."

>You ask, "What authority could you order by?"

>You peer quizzically at Ablen.

>Ablen says, "I cannot order you."

>Ablen nods to you.

>You nod.

A little more time passes

>Speaking to Ablen, Naelan asks, "Is Lord Ronan not able to send one of his paladins to aid you?"

>Ablen says, "He may be able, I do not speak for Lord Ronan."

>Ablen says, "Lord Phoen does not require aid, but it is gladly accepted."

>You whisper, "If Phoen cared, he would just show up and remove the problem." to your group.

>Jolena gazes heavenward.

>Sherysse says, "The Fury will take their orders from their Generals."

>You nod to Sherysse.

>Galenok whispers to the group, "No he couldn't."

>A roaring ball of fire streaks through the air and strikes you!
... 25 points of damage!
Flames incinerate left arm to the bone. Not a pleasant sight.
You are stunned for 3 rounds!

The flames set you alight!
>Jolena whispers to the group, "Yes yes, just like Luukos would just show up right chiv? Come on now, this is petty."
>Eilithyia blinks.
>Desorceri frowns.
>Myrisa blinks.
>Naelan ducks his head.
>Meril sighs.
>Wylde blinks.
>Ablen raises an eyebrow in your direction.

The flames engulfing you flare up and sear your skin!

... 25 points of damage!
Right hand fried to a crisp. Think barbecue sauce.

>Klymeria ponders.

>Shirkon deeply says, "Ack."

>Myrisa shifts her weight.

>Desorceri gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Speaking to you, Jolena says, "I told you."

>Syberus quietly asks, "Is that really necessary?"

>Subarashi blinks.
>Jolena sighs.

>The flames engulfing you flare up and sear your skin!

... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to left leg. Gonna need lots of butter.
You are knocked to the ground!
>Jolena shakes her head.

>Galenok whispers to the group, "Because If he did then so could the four member of the dark alliance."
>Railien says, "Judgement."
>Desorceri gestures at you.
Nothing happens.
>Meril begins to roll you around on the ground in an attempt to put out the flames.

Meril fails to put out the flames!
Roundtime: 4 sec.

>Subarashi begins to roll you around on the ground in an attempt to put out the flames.

Subarashi fails to put out the flames!
Roundtime: 2 sec.

>Bisco says, "Oh look...a Morvule impersonator."

>Speaking to Ablen, Jolena says, "That isn't necessary."

>Meril begins to roll you around on the ground in an attempt to put out the flames.

Meril fails to put out the flames!
Roundtime: 2 sec.

>The flames engulfing you flare up and sear your skin!

... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left leg blackens kneecap.
You are stunned for 1 round!

>Mourdeyan begins to roll you around on the ground in an attempt to put out the flames.

Mourdeyan fails to put out the flames!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
>Subarashi begins to roll you around on the ground in an attempt to put out the flames.

Subarashi manages to put out the flames surrounding you!
>Desorceri gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

>Meril rolls you over.
>Zosopage rolls you over.
>Klymeria gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
>Desorceri gestures at you.
You are no longer stunned.

>Ablen says, "I had nothing to do with it."

>Desorceri rolls you over.

>Jolena exclaims, "Someone heal him!"
>Desorceri rolls you over.

>Sheelanagig winces.

>Myrisa shakes her head.

>Desorceri pulls you to your feet.

>Sherysse says, "Stop torturing Chivalrous."

>Shonison says, "I think that may have been Phoen himself."
>Smoke continues to rise from you as your clothing smolders.
>Kadesha asks, "Why is that happening?"
>Mourdeyan says, "Nice, real nice."

>Bisco says, "I think you might have ticked somebody off."
>Kiriane says, "It wasn't my doing either."

>You laugh at Shonison!
>Bisco nods to you.

>Subarashi blinks at Ablen.
>Malikary asks, "Wha jis appened?"
>Smoke continues to rise from you as your clothing smolders.
>Wylde frowns.

>Speaking to Shonison, you say, "Doubtful."
>Railien says, "He dun somethin' ta deserve it, ta feel flames in here."

>Jolena says, "Oh well this is just a fine display."

>Mourdeyan says, "Owww."
>Subarashi asks, "What could have caused that?"
>Jolena gazes heavenward.
>Syberus quietly says, "You sure do treat the folks that fight and die by your side with respect."

>Galenok says, "Chivalrous said something bordering on sacrilege."

>Ablen glances at a handsome Phoen statue.

>Smoke continues to rise from you as your clothing smolders.
>Ablen glances at you.

>Ablen says, "I do not know."
>Galenok says, "Frankly he got something he deserved."
>Smoke continues to rise from you as your clothing smolders.

>Jolena says, "Yes, Phoen shows us all how much he values our swords and the lives of those who fight."
>Jolena growls something vile beneath her breath.

>Sherysse glances at Ablen.
>Tashalin gives a sigh of frustration.

>Smoke continues to rise from you as your clothing smolders.
>Sherysse sighs.

>Jolena says, "Oh I know what he said and it wasn't worth that."
>Wariquan says, "Such sudden hostility."

>You say, "He could kill me, I'm certain."

>Kiriane says, "Divine judgement by the highest coin."

>Risky tugs at his beard, lost in thought.
>Smoke continues to rise from you as your clothing smolders.
>Speaking to Jolena, Galenok says, "If it had been said in Ronan's temple I would have taken steps myself."

>You say, "That doesn't mean much though."

>You say, "Many here could kill me."

Smoke continues to rise from you as your clothing smolders.

>Shonison says, "Phoen has never been known for letting people get away with anything...it's something I respect in that particular Arkati."

>Zosopage whispers to the group, "Ye could say the same with Koar but that is not their way. This is our fight."

>Speaking to Galenok, Jolena says, "It nae matters, Chiv laid his life down for this cause."

>Syberus quietly says, "Nothing like a vengeful god that can't take a little critizism to make your day better."

>Aysia asks, "Whose temple is this that it's your place to judge?"

>The stray bits of burning clothes finally stop smoldering and go out.

>Sherysse says, "Chivalrous remain respectful."

>Myrisa frowns at you.

>Nalfor says, "Lord Phoen's judgement is that of a stern father, it should always be respected."

>Bisco says, "This is lunacy."
>Ablen glances at Syberus.

>Ablen says, "Enough."

>Syberus shrugs.

>Speaking to you, Sherysse says, "That's an order."

>Speaking to Sherysse, you say, "As you wish."

>Bisco says, "Petty arguing amongst ourselves."

>Ablen says, "I will not hear this in my Lord's Temple."

>You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

>Ablen says, "If you will not speak of Him with honor, you will leave."

Syberus quietly asks, "Would this temple still be standing if we hadn't of fought for you today sir?"
>Syberus peers quizzically at Ablen.
>Syberus quietly says, "Ask yourself that."

Kiriane says, "Easy guys."
>Ablen asks, "Fought for me?"

>Jolena closes her eyes for a moment.
>Naelan winces.
>Naelan sighs.
>Myrisa blinks at Syberus.

>Klymeria quietly asks, "Would we if Ablen 'ad not fought fer us?"
>Klymeria peers quizzically at Syberus.

>Shonison says, "You're not dealing with Lorminstra here, people..."

Ablen says, "You fight for Solhaven."
>Zosopage says, "This is our fight and any help they can provide is appreciated. But this is our realm and we should defend it ourselves."
>Ablen says, "As do I."

Speaking to Syberus, Myrisa says, "You are a guest here, be respectful."
>Shirkon deeply says, "WE fought wids him, na fer him."
>Myrisa says, "This is our home."

>Wylde nods to Zosopage.
>Myrisa says, "We fight for OUR home."

>Kadesha says, "I wish more of the Liabo arkati would react similarly, I so tire of the constant blaspheming with no consequences."

>You say, "I fight for my Empire."

>Tashalin glances at Myrisa.

>Syberus scowls.

>Klymeria says, "We fought together."
>A pained expression crosses Subarashi's face.
>Klymeria shakes her head.
>Speaking to Ablen, Aysia says, "Don't listen to all this, Ablen. We're all on the same side here."

>Shonison nods to Kadesha.
>Nalfor nods to Kadesha.
>Ablen exclaims, "Silence!"

>Jolena says, "He didn't blaspheme."
>You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

>Jolena sighs.
>Ablen asks, "You wonder why the enemy so often has the upper hand?"
>Jolena shakes her head.

>Ablen exclaims, "You quarrel like dogs!"
>Raquele fidgets.

>Tashalin looks over at Ablen and shakes her head.
>Eilithyia slowly empties her lungs.
>Desorceri hangs his head.

>Desorceri sighs.

>Tashalin nods to Ablen.
>Syberus quietly says, "I dunno i think we were fine until someone started tossing around fireballs."
>Alcallisse winces.

>Kadesha says, "I didnt say he did, but I have heard many DA do so with inpunity, this is what angers me."

>Ablen says, "I do not know what happened, but this will get you no where."

>Zosopage says, "Fury remain silent please."
>Syberus nods to Zosopage.