View Full Version : People have no ground to complain about me on PsiNet.

01-27-2005, 09:19 PM
And Krenith is the sole reason why.

[OOC]-Astare: "Ugh.... 25k"
[OOC]-Kystilin: "::astares::"
[OOC]-Astare: "60ish"
[OOC]-Marletto: "25k is lucky."
[OOC]-Teclys: "Did you kill someone?"
[OOC]-Astare: "heh no..."
[OOC]-Teclys: "What did you do?"
[OOC]-Astare: "I only killed one guy in town"
[OOC]-Astare: "and that was 80k"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Aah mine was 54k last time"
[OOC]-Astare: "i blew up a acid cloud thing ona box"
[OOC]-Kystilin: "only one? they are gettin petty"
[OOC]-Astare: "and endnagered public safety"
[OOC]-Marletto: "Thats lame"
[OOC]-Astare: "yeah it is"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Your on teras right?"
[OOC]-Marletto: "The fine for accidental death should be much less."
[OOC]-Astare: "illistim"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Aah"
[OOC]-Marletto: "the GM's like taking money out of the economy."
[OOC]-Astare: "thats ***"
[OOC]-You: "And who determines what's accidental?"
[OOC]-Astare: "25k for a trap that i blew up at a table.."
[OOC]-You: "People do happen to live at inns."
[OOC]-Marletto: "The people din't dismiss it?"
[OOC]-Astare: "it didn't hit people"
[OOC]-You: "It didn't hit players."
[OOC]-You: "And that's irrelevant. It's still dangerous"
[OOC]-You: "And against the law"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Bobs getting technical heh"
[OOC]-Astare: "cause he's ***"
[OOC]-Krenith: "what's against the law?"
[OOC]-You: "You living"
[OOC]-You: "Take care of it"
[OOC]-Krenith: "um. . .?"
[OOC]-Krenith: "ok. I like how you think you know what's against the law, though."
[OOC]-Krenith: "silly little boy."
[OOC]-Krenith: "isn't it about time for you to go to bed?"
[OOC]-Bremn: "anyone in sol able to spare a few spells?"
[OOC]-You: "You'll note that nobody acknowledged what you said, Krenith."
[OOC]-Putros: "I dunno I thought it was kinda funny"
[OOC]-You: "My guess is it's because you're fucking dumb."
[OOC]-Krenith: "actually, a few people chatted to me privately calling you all sorts of names and saying to ignore you"
[OOC]-You: "And I have a private message supporting it."
[OOC]-Marletto: "Bob, chill out"
[OOC]-Krenith: "ooh, a private message! You feel special, doncha, little boy?"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "He had more than one"
[OOC]-Chulo: "bob your *** shut up"
[OOC]-Chulo: "bob your *** shut up"
[OOC]-Maulifus: "children children"
[OOC]-Krenith: "nope, I'm just showing how you're wrong. Not saying it mattered."
[OOC]-Maulifus: "heh"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "So it's okay"
[OOC]-Astare: "agreed Chulo"
[OOC]-Bremn: "anyone able to spare a few spells in solhaven?"
[OOC]-Krenith: "but here are your responses, Bob."
[OOC]-Bremn: "or landing"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Im in the landing Bremn if you wanna come."
[OOC]-Spir: "The voice of Marletto says, "I think Bobmuhthol must be the most annoying person.""
[OOC]-Bremn: "ok omw whre?"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Trophy room"
[OOC]-Astare: "Spirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
[OOC]-Astare: "Spir your too late I got clothes on again :("
[OOC]-You: "Who the fuck is Marletto anyway?"
[OOC]-Spir: "Aw"
[OOC]-Krenith: "don't know, but he's obviously brighter than you. YOu're such a little kid, don't you have to watch teletubbies or something?"
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "but here are your responses, Bob.""
[OOC]-You: "I never received them."
[OOC]-Krenith: "I was referring to what people said before me"
[OOC]-Krenith: "like "bob your *** shut up""
[OOC]-You: "You have shitty references."
[OOC]-Spir: "Krenith, stfu, you're started to annoy me"
[OOC]-Astare: "Spirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
[OOC]-Krenith: "ooh, spir, another great thinker of our time!"
[OOC]-Putros: "Coming from Spir that means a lot mind you"
[OOC]-Marletto: "Bob, I believe you are intelligent. Just go 5 minutes without cursing like a sailor."
[OOC]-Spir: "It doesn't take a lot of thought to know that you need to stfu"
[OOC]-You: "Then you also believe that Krenith has no right to speak."
[OOC]-Astare: "Spir shhhhhh... Bob's a dousche..."
[OOC]-Darwar: "Exp. to next TP: 666 muhuhahaha"
[OOC]-Bremn: "everyone has a right to speak"
[OOC]-Krenith: "and you figure that how, Bob?"
[OOC]-You: "Douche."
[OOC]-You: "Spell it correctly in the future"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "Bob sounds intelligent until he gets pissed and then his age shows."
[OOC]-Marletto: "Lol"
[OOC]-You: "Because you're so fucking stupid that you've lost your privilege."
[OOC]-Krenith: "agreed, Ziv."
[OOC]-Putros: "yea but the thing is he can't go 5 seconds iwthout getting mad"
[OOC]-Krenith: "and you have arrived at that conclusion how?"
[OOC]-Senja: "hold on.. did Bob just get after someone for saying someone shouldnt speak.. or did I read that wrong"
[OOC]-Astare: "he's got the temper of a DOUSSSSSSSSCHE"
[OOC]-Keyvon: "You should use your Mod powers and silence him, Bob."
[OOC]-Keyvon: "Wait..."
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "ok. I like how you think you know what's against the law, though.""
[OOC]-You: ""
[OOC]-Krenith: "um. . .yes. I said that."
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "silly little boy.""
[OOC]-Keyvon: "You're not a Mod, are you?"
[OOC]-Bremn: "no he said Krenith didnt have the right to speak"
[OOC]-Krenith: "and I still DO like how you think you know the law."
[OOC]-Krenith: "its kind of sweet, actually."
[OOC]-Astare: "cause he's a DOUSSSCHE"
[OOC]-Astare: ":)"
[OOC]-Putros: "I doubt Bob is a mod since he was force uninstalled before"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "He's like Judge Dredd. He is the law."
[OOC]-You: "Dude."
[OOC]-You: "It's fucking GemStone."
[OOC]-Astare: "Rawr"
[OOC]-Senja: "*astares* hehehe"
[OOC]-Teclys: "This conversation is annoying."
[OOC]-Keyvon: "So until you get an asterik next to your name, shut the fuck up about who has the right to do what."
[OOC]-You: "Anyone that does not know the laws in town [is] retarded."
[OOC]-Bremn: "needs to happen again Putro"
[OOC]-Astare: "*Senyas*"
[OOC]-Krenith: "you know, I don't think I realized this was GS. Thanks Bob!"
[OOC]-Maulifus: "I AM ABOVE THE LAW! (spooge's his hair)"
[OOC]-Astare: "er shit... I'm gettin beat up :("
[OOC]-Desorceri: "mmm lotta emeralds and diamonds tonight"
[OOC]-You: "Then you would also realize that everyone who plays knows what's illegal and what isn't, Krenith."
[OOC]-Astare: "keep on on swinging boys!"
[OOC]-Krenith: "no, not really."
[OOC]-Teclys: "Ha where you at Desorc..."
[OOC]-Teclys: "I wanna go there :x"
[OOC]-Laneey: "heh, what is spooge?"
[OOC]-Senja: "emeralds are rgeat for AD"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "I need to bring my bard where you are, Desorc"
[OOC]-You: "Unfortunately, you can only make stupid references to my age and not my ability to play the game."
[OOC]-Senja: "great"
[OOC]-Marletto: "Something can be illegal and still be stupid though Bob."
[OOC]-Maulifus: "lolol"
[OOC]-Astare: "Three cheers for Cone of Lightning!"
[OOC]-Putros: "Would that be the same game you were banned from as well?"
[OOC]-Maulifus: "off south park"
[OOC]-Krenith: "you don't really play anymore, Bob. You sit and do nothing."
[OOC]-Laneey: "dern, i don't get to watch that enough"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "So I can buy all your gems and purify them myself."
[OOC]-You: "That doesn't make me any worse."
[OOC]-Krenith: "we don't KNOW your ability to play, do we?"
[OOC]-You: "You claim to."
[OOC]-Laneey: "just think what i'm not learning"
[OOC]-Krenith: "nope, never claimed to know your ability."
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "ok. I like how you think you know what's against the law, though.""
[OOC]-You: "Yes, yes you did."
[OOC]-Krenith: "no, no I did not."
[OOC]-Krenith: "we can keep playing this game, Bob. But you lose."
[OOC]-You: "rofl."
[PrivateTo]-Krenith: "YOU LOSE YOU LOSE"
[OOC]-Astare: "my buddy has a roomate named bob... we call him Bobo ****"
[OOC]-Krenith: "hmm, now bob's sending me private thoughts of YOU LOSE YOU LOSE. I love his maturity."
[OOC]-Aurawyn: "I think you both lose. You're fighting over the internet."
[PrivateTo]-Krenith: "YOU LOSE YOU LOSE"
[OOC]-Aurawyn: "It's not even a good fight."
[OOC]-Ziveron: "Bob's just pissed because he bought his comebacks on E-Bay and they aren't holding up."
[OOC]-Senja: "sounds like 2 kindergardners fighting over who gets to eat the paste"
[OOC]-Krenith: "anyone else ever have bob create a macro-key to send him/her something when he gets annoyed?"
[OOC]-Astare: "::senjas::"
[PrivateTo]-Krenith: "YOU LOSE YOU LOSE"

In conclusion, what the fuck is wrong with these people?

[Edited on 1-28-2005 by HarmNone]

01-27-2005, 09:23 PM
< People have no ground to complain about me on PsiNet. >

So....that means you have no ground to complain about others?

01-27-2005, 09:24 PM
<<So....that means you have no ground to complain about others?>>

Incorrect. I am in the right and therefore have continents to stand on.

01-27-2005, 09:24 PM
Krenith is 4'11 250 pounds and is threatened by 14 year olds.

He also got outwitted by you.

What a shlub.

01-27-2005, 09:27 PM
< Incorrect. I am in the right and therefore have continents to stand on. >

Everyone thinks they are in the right. Otherwise, they wouldn't say anything, I'd suppose. You acted just as bad as him, however, stooping to your level isn't smart for any adult to do. I think you got exactly what you wanted, which was to get under his skin.


01-27-2005, 09:28 PM
<<You acted just as bad as him, however>>


<<I think you got exactly what you wanted, which was to get under his skin.>>

False. I wanted him to either stop being wrong or stop being a complete dick about it.

01-27-2005, 09:31 PM
Let's see what the divine Stunseed had to say.

[OOC]-Keyvon: "You should use your Mod powers and silence him, Bob."
[OOC]-Keyvon: "Wait..."
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "ok. I like how you think you know what's against the law, though.""
[OOC]-You: ""
[OOC]-Krenith: "um. . .yes. I said that."
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "silly little boy.""
[OOC]-Keyvon: "You're not a Mod, are you?"
[OOC]-Bremn: "no he said Krenith didnt have the right to speak"
[OOC]-Krenith: "and I still DO like how you think you know the law."
[OOC]-Krenith: "its kind of sweet, actually."
[OOC]-Astare: "cause he's a DOUSSSCHE"
[OOC]-Astare: ""
[OOC]-Putros: "I doubt Bob is a mod since he was force uninstalled before"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "He's like Judge Dredd. He is the law."
[OOC]-You: "Dude."
[OOC]-You: "It's fucking GemStone."
[OOC]-Astare: "Rawr"
[OOC]-Senja: "*astares* hehehe"
[OOC]-Teclys: "This conversation is annoying."
[OOC]-Keyvon: "So until you get an asterik next to your name, shut the fuck up about who has the right to do what."

But "my level" is obviously too immature for you.

01-27-2005, 09:40 PM
I never claimed perfection. And you have no ability to control what people chat on Psinet. So until you are a mod, looks like my comment stands.

01-27-2005, 09:48 PM
<<I never claimed perfection.>>

That doesn't excuse hypocrisy.

01-27-2005, 10:03 PM
< False. I wanted him to either stop being wrong or stop being a complete dick about it. >

Being a dick to others....and yet you post like this?

< That doesn't excuse hypocrisy. >

I'm sure glad you notice the fact that you are much akin.

01-27-2005, 10:17 PM
I'd stop blaming others for your actions, personally. If you want to be a dick, do so. But you pussy out saying "IT'S ALL KRENITH'S FAULT".

Also, I'd really not do something like bring in others when using a point. It makes you seem immature even worse. Pony up, and you might get a little respect for that intelligence you sport.

Every time I think of Bob, I honestly ask "Why?". For a boy with alot of potential, I personally think you need a boot in your ass, and the fear of God in your mind.

Just my opinion.

01-27-2005, 10:22 PM
<<I'd stop blaming others for your actions, personally.>>

I blame Krenith for his actions. My actions have nothing to do with this and are not out of line.

<<If you want to be a dick, do so. But you pussy out saying "IT'S ALL KRENITH'S FAULT".>>

I don't remember saying that. I said people have no ground to complain about me while tolerating Krenith.

<<Also, I'd really not do something like bring in others when using a point. It makes you seem immature even worse. Pony up, and you might get a little respect for that intelligence you sport.>>

That was the point to my post. I didn't say anything else. Bad advice.

<<Every time I think of Bob, I honestly ask "Why?". For a boy with alot of potential, I personally think you need a boot in your ass, and the fear of God in your mind.>>

That's great.

Basically, your reply sucks, all your posts in this thread suck, and what you said on PsiNet sucks. But I'm at fault for that, too, I guess.

01-27-2005, 10:27 PM
< Basically, your reply sucks, all your posts in this thread suck, and what you said on PsiNet sucks. But I'm at fault for that, too, I guess. >

One could say the exact same thing of you.

01-27-2005, 10:35 PM
I <3 PRON!

Hopefully that lightened things up.

I am glad I don't play anymore

01-27-2005, 10:37 PM
Absolutely mind numbing.

01-27-2005, 10:50 PM
Everything else aside, it is stupid to think there shouldn't be a fine for blowing up a box in an inn. Go into a hotel, blow something up, and then try to explain to the police that "NO ONE WAS KILLED I WAS JUST TRYING TO GET THE SILVERS!!!!1111"

I'm sure they will understand.

01-27-2005, 11:04 PM
Super idea. One of yous go do that and tell us what mental institution to visit you in when its all finished. Dont forget to take pictures of your cardboard signs which shall read: FREE LOCKSMITHING AT MY THRAK TABLE and WILL WORK FOR SCARABS

01-27-2005, 11:13 PM
I found these lines particularly amusing:

[OOC]-Maulifus: "I AM ABOVE THE LAW! (spooge's his hair)"
[OOC]-Laneey: "heh, what is spooge?"

[OOC]-Astare: "my buddy has a roomate named bob... we call him Bobo ****"

[Edited on 1-28-2005 by HarmNone]

01-28-2005, 12:15 AM
how come nobody ever complain about me on psinet ?!...buncha hypocritical bastards....it's cause I'm Asian aint it ?! aint it ?!

01-28-2005, 12:33 AM
People have a right to complain about anyone they wish on PsiNet, Bob. It might be you, it might be Krenith, it might be someone else. However, if Jamus allows it the right is there.

A whole lot of complaints can be avoided by adjusting one's delivery.

Sean of the Thread
01-28-2005, 12:39 AM
Bob you're a douchebag thus stfu. Thank you that is all.

01-28-2005, 12:40 AM
Wow... Psinet sure sucks since i left.


01-28-2005, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by Makkah
Wow... Psinet sure sucks since i left.


I quit GS soon after you left Psinet. I think it has to do with a lack of Keller.

01-28-2005, 04:04 AM
Originally posted by Makkah
Wow... Psinet sure sucks since i left.


IIRC, Psinet sucked hard before you left. There was a slight improvement with your departure.
It still sucks in the main.

01-28-2005, 12:49 PM
No one has the right to complain about anyone.. simply do what I do and untune.. thats the best way to get bob to shut the fuck up.. turn it off. Almost everyone on there knows the way it goes.. bob acts like the foul mouthed teenager he is and people practically worship him for it.. take it or leave it.

01-28-2005, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Makkah
Wow... Psinet sure sucks since i left.


Yep. Its buggy, laggy. Don't know whats happened to it in the last few months.

01-28-2005, 01:40 PM
It's the server.. and the changes made to Psinet.

01-28-2005, 02:30 PM
Kainen, nobody cares what you think. Maybe you failed to read the log. As such, don't post here.

01-28-2005, 02:39 PM

01-28-2005, 03:06 PM
If you really didn't care.. you wouldn't have responded.. my first post on this topic was indeed on topic.. second one wasn't. it happens..

01-28-2005, 03:08 PM
PB, none of the "little folk" gathered 'round the throne are moving a whisker. They're all staring at the "king" like he's grown another nose! :lol:

01-28-2005, 03:14 PM
I'm kinda embarrassed to ask this, but what's a shlub? :blush:

01-28-2005, 03:19 PM
<<If you really didn't care.. you wouldn't have responded.. my first post on this topic was indeed on topic.. second one wasn't. it happens..>>

That's not true, because I really, really don't care what you have to say. I am far from opposing myself by telling you.

And for the love of God learn how to punctuate.

01-28-2005, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
I'm kinda embarrassed to ask this, but what's a shlub? :blush:

The correct spelling is "schlub". It's Yiddish for worthless oaf, fool, idiot, and the like.

01-28-2005, 03:21 PM

01-28-2005, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Kainen, nobody cares what you think. Maybe you failed to read the log. As such, don't post here.

Please, look in the mirror and repeat that ... many times.

I'll cherish the silence on this end.

01-28-2005, 03:30 PM
No matter how many times I tell myself that nobody cares what Kainen thinks, it doesn't seem to change anything. I already know it.

01-28-2005, 03:32 PM
Nobody is a word that's too big for its britches. I care what Kainen thinks. I'll bet there are others here who care what Kainen thinks, as well. Your mileage may vary. :)

01-28-2005, 03:33 PM
Okay, I'll use the same terminology that was used against me, then.

Almost nobody cares what Kainen thinks.

01-28-2005, 03:37 PM
It's certainly an improvement, Bob. Whether it's true or not is not proven. :smilegrin:

02-21-2005, 09:40 PM
:deadhorse: I don't know anyone that worships bob ... except himself.

02-21-2005, 10:11 PM
What an awesome bump.

You're a fucking idiot.

02-25-2005, 04:48 PM
Belated, but welcome back.

Psinet is for losers that are afraid of being alone and/or roleplaying.

02-25-2005, 04:49 PM
Nobody cares :'(

02-25-2005, 04:58 PM
Yep. I care relatively little about leaving GS. I care relatively nill about "missing my chance to be on PSInet."

02-25-2005, 06:09 PM
It's spelled nil, read some.