01-27-2005, 09:19 PM
And Krenith is the sole reason why.
[OOC]-Astare: "Ugh.... 25k"
[OOC]-Kystilin: "::astares::"
[OOC]-Astare: "60ish"
[OOC]-Marletto: "25k is lucky."
[OOC]-Teclys: "Did you kill someone?"
[OOC]-Astare: "heh no..."
[OOC]-Teclys: "What did you do?"
[OOC]-Astare: "I only killed one guy in town"
[OOC]-Astare: "and that was 80k"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Aah mine was 54k last time"
[OOC]-Astare: "i blew up a acid cloud thing ona box"
[OOC]-Kystilin: "only one? they are gettin petty"
[OOC]-Astare: "and endnagered public safety"
[OOC]-Marletto: "Thats lame"
[OOC]-Astare: "yeah it is"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Your on teras right?"
[OOC]-Marletto: "The fine for accidental death should be much less."
[OOC]-Astare: "illistim"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Aah"
[OOC]-Marletto: "the GM's like taking money out of the economy."
[OOC]-Astare: "thats ***"
[OOC]-You: "And who determines what's accidental?"
[OOC]-Astare: "25k for a trap that i blew up at a table.."
[OOC]-You: "People do happen to live at inns."
[OOC]-Marletto: "The people din't dismiss it?"
[OOC]-Astare: "it didn't hit people"
[OOC]-You: "It didn't hit players."
[OOC]-You: "And that's irrelevant. It's still dangerous"
[OOC]-You: "And against the law"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Bobs getting technical heh"
[OOC]-Astare: "cause he's ***"
[OOC]-Krenith: "what's against the law?"
[OOC]-You: "You living"
[OOC]-You: "Take care of it"
[OOC]-Krenith: "um. . .?"
[OOC]-Krenith: "ok. I like how you think you know what's against the law, though."
[OOC]-Krenith: "silly little boy."
[OOC]-Krenith: "isn't it about time for you to go to bed?"
[OOC]-Bremn: "anyone in sol able to spare a few spells?"
[OOC]-You: "You'll note that nobody acknowledged what you said, Krenith."
[OOC]-Putros: "I dunno I thought it was kinda funny"
[OOC]-You: "My guess is it's because you're fucking dumb."
[OOC]-Krenith: "actually, a few people chatted to me privately calling you all sorts of names and saying to ignore you"
[OOC]-You: "And I have a private message supporting it."
[OOC]-Marletto: "Bob, chill out"
[OOC]-Krenith: "ooh, a private message! You feel special, doncha, little boy?"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "He had more than one"
[OOC]-Chulo: "bob your *** shut up"
[OOC]-Chulo: "bob your *** shut up"
[OOC]-Maulifus: "children children"
[OOC]-Krenith: "nope, I'm just showing how you're wrong. Not saying it mattered."
[OOC]-Maulifus: "heh"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "So it's okay"
[OOC]-Astare: "agreed Chulo"
[OOC]-Bremn: "anyone able to spare a few spells in solhaven?"
[OOC]-Krenith: "but here are your responses, Bob."
[OOC]-Bremn: "or landing"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Im in the landing Bremn if you wanna come."
[OOC]-Spir: "The voice of Marletto says, "I think Bobmuhthol must be the most annoying person.""
[OOC]-Bremn: "ok omw whre?"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Trophy room"
[OOC]-Astare: "Spirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
[OOC]-Astare: "Spir your too late I got clothes on again :("
[OOC]-You: "Who the fuck is Marletto anyway?"
[OOC]-Spir: "Aw"
[OOC]-Krenith: "don't know, but he's obviously brighter than you. YOu're such a little kid, don't you have to watch teletubbies or something?"
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "but here are your responses, Bob.""
[OOC]-You: "I never received them."
[OOC]-Krenith: "I was referring to what people said before me"
[OOC]-Krenith: "like "bob your *** shut up""
[OOC]-You: "You have shitty references."
[OOC]-Spir: "Krenith, stfu, you're started to annoy me"
[OOC]-Astare: "Spirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
[OOC]-Krenith: "ooh, spir, another great thinker of our time!"
[OOC]-Putros: "Coming from Spir that means a lot mind you"
[OOC]-Marletto: "Bob, I believe you are intelligent. Just go 5 minutes without cursing like a sailor."
[OOC]-Spir: "It doesn't take a lot of thought to know that you need to stfu"
[OOC]-You: "Then you also believe that Krenith has no right to speak."
[OOC]-Astare: "Spir shhhhhh... Bob's a dousche..."
[OOC]-Darwar: "Exp. to next TP: 666 muhuhahaha"
[OOC]-Bremn: "everyone has a right to speak"
[OOC]-Krenith: "and you figure that how, Bob?"
[OOC]-You: "Douche."
[OOC]-You: "Spell it correctly in the future"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "Bob sounds intelligent until he gets pissed and then his age shows."
[OOC]-Marletto: "Lol"
[OOC]-You: "Because you're so fucking stupid that you've lost your privilege."
[OOC]-Krenith: "agreed, Ziv."
[OOC]-Putros: "yea but the thing is he can't go 5 seconds iwthout getting mad"
[OOC]-Krenith: "and you have arrived at that conclusion how?"
[OOC]-Senja: "hold on.. did Bob just get after someone for saying someone shouldnt speak.. or did I read that wrong"
[OOC]-Astare: "he's got the temper of a DOUSSSSSSSSCHE"
[OOC]-Keyvon: "You should use your Mod powers and silence him, Bob."
[OOC]-Keyvon: "Wait..."
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "ok. I like how you think you know what's against the law, though.""
[OOC]-You: ""
[OOC]-Krenith: "um. . .yes. I said that."
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "silly little boy.""
[OOC]-Keyvon: "You're not a Mod, are you?"
[OOC]-Bremn: "no he said Krenith didnt have the right to speak"
[OOC]-Krenith: "and I still DO like how you think you know the law."
[OOC]-Krenith: "its kind of sweet, actually."
[OOC]-Astare: "cause he's a DOUSSSCHE"
[OOC]-Astare: ":)"
[OOC]-Putros: "I doubt Bob is a mod since he was force uninstalled before"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "He's like Judge Dredd. He is the law."
[OOC]-You: "Dude."
[OOC]-You: "It's fucking GemStone."
[OOC]-Astare: "Rawr"
[OOC]-Senja: "*astares* hehehe"
[OOC]-Teclys: "This conversation is annoying."
[OOC]-Keyvon: "So until you get an asterik next to your name, shut the fuck up about who has the right to do what."
[OOC]-You: "Anyone that does not know the laws in town [is] retarded."
[OOC]-Bremn: "needs to happen again Putro"
[OOC]-Astare: "*Senyas*"
[OOC]-Krenith: "you know, I don't think I realized this was GS. Thanks Bob!"
[OOC]-Maulifus: "I AM ABOVE THE LAW! (spooge's his hair)"
[OOC]-Astare: "er shit... I'm gettin beat up :("
[OOC]-Desorceri: "mmm lotta emeralds and diamonds tonight"
[OOC]-You: "Then you would also realize that everyone who plays knows what's illegal and what isn't, Krenith."
[OOC]-Astare: "keep on on swinging boys!"
[OOC]-Krenith: "no, not really."
[OOC]-Teclys: "Ha where you at Desorc..."
[OOC]-Teclys: "I wanna go there :x"
[OOC]-Laneey: "heh, what is spooge?"
[OOC]-Senja: "emeralds are rgeat for AD"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "I need to bring my bard where you are, Desorc"
[OOC]-You: "Unfortunately, you can only make stupid references to my age and not my ability to play the game."
[OOC]-Senja: "great"
[OOC]-Marletto: "Something can be illegal and still be stupid though Bob."
[OOC]-Maulifus: "lolol"
[OOC]-Astare: "Three cheers for Cone of Lightning!"
[OOC]-Putros: "Would that be the same game you were banned from as well?"
[OOC]-Maulifus: "off south park"
[OOC]-Krenith: "you don't really play anymore, Bob. You sit and do nothing."
[OOC]-Laneey: "dern, i don't get to watch that enough"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "So I can buy all your gems and purify them myself."
[OOC]-You: "That doesn't make me any worse."
[OOC]-Krenith: "we don't KNOW your ability to play, do we?"
[OOC]-You: "You claim to."
[OOC]-Laneey: "just think what i'm not learning"
[OOC]-Krenith: "nope, never claimed to know your ability."
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "ok. I like how you think you know what's against the law, though.""
[OOC]-You: "Yes, yes you did."
[OOC]-Krenith: "no, no I did not."
[OOC]-Krenith: "we can keep playing this game, Bob. But you lose."
[OOC]-You: "rofl."
[PrivateTo]-Krenith: "YOU LOSE YOU LOSE"
[OOC]-Astare: "my buddy has a roomate named bob... we call him Bobo ****"
[OOC]-Krenith: "hmm, now bob's sending me private thoughts of YOU LOSE YOU LOSE. I love his maturity."
[OOC]-Aurawyn: "I think you both lose. You're fighting over the internet."
[PrivateTo]-Krenith: "YOU LOSE YOU LOSE"
[OOC]-Aurawyn: "It's not even a good fight."
[OOC]-Ziveron: "Bob's just pissed because he bought his comebacks on E-Bay and they aren't holding up."
[OOC]-Senja: "sounds like 2 kindergardners fighting over who gets to eat the paste"
[OOC]-Krenith: "anyone else ever have bob create a macro-key to send him/her something when he gets annoyed?"
[OOC]-Astare: "::senjas::"
[PrivateTo]-Krenith: "YOU LOSE YOU LOSE"
In conclusion, what the fuck is wrong with these people?
[Edited on 1-28-2005 by HarmNone]
[OOC]-Astare: "Ugh.... 25k"
[OOC]-Kystilin: "::astares::"
[OOC]-Astare: "60ish"
[OOC]-Marletto: "25k is lucky."
[OOC]-Teclys: "Did you kill someone?"
[OOC]-Astare: "heh no..."
[OOC]-Teclys: "What did you do?"
[OOC]-Astare: "I only killed one guy in town"
[OOC]-Astare: "and that was 80k"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Aah mine was 54k last time"
[OOC]-Astare: "i blew up a acid cloud thing ona box"
[OOC]-Kystilin: "only one? they are gettin petty"
[OOC]-Astare: "and endnagered public safety"
[OOC]-Marletto: "Thats lame"
[OOC]-Astare: "yeah it is"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Your on teras right?"
[OOC]-Marletto: "The fine for accidental death should be much less."
[OOC]-Astare: "illistim"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Aah"
[OOC]-Marletto: "the GM's like taking money out of the economy."
[OOC]-Astare: "thats ***"
[OOC]-You: "And who determines what's accidental?"
[OOC]-Astare: "25k for a trap that i blew up at a table.."
[OOC]-You: "People do happen to live at inns."
[OOC]-Marletto: "The people din't dismiss it?"
[OOC]-Astare: "it didn't hit people"
[OOC]-You: "It didn't hit players."
[OOC]-You: "And that's irrelevant. It's still dangerous"
[OOC]-You: "And against the law"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Bobs getting technical heh"
[OOC]-Astare: "cause he's ***"
[OOC]-Krenith: "what's against the law?"
[OOC]-You: "You living"
[OOC]-You: "Take care of it"
[OOC]-Krenith: "um. . .?"
[OOC]-Krenith: "ok. I like how you think you know what's against the law, though."
[OOC]-Krenith: "silly little boy."
[OOC]-Krenith: "isn't it about time for you to go to bed?"
[OOC]-Bremn: "anyone in sol able to spare a few spells?"
[OOC]-You: "You'll note that nobody acknowledged what you said, Krenith."
[OOC]-Putros: "I dunno I thought it was kinda funny"
[OOC]-You: "My guess is it's because you're fucking dumb."
[OOC]-Krenith: "actually, a few people chatted to me privately calling you all sorts of names and saying to ignore you"
[OOC]-You: "And I have a private message supporting it."
[OOC]-Marletto: "Bob, chill out"
[OOC]-Krenith: "ooh, a private message! You feel special, doncha, little boy?"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "He had more than one"
[OOC]-Chulo: "bob your *** shut up"
[OOC]-Chulo: "bob your *** shut up"
[OOC]-Maulifus: "children children"
[OOC]-Krenith: "nope, I'm just showing how you're wrong. Not saying it mattered."
[OOC]-Maulifus: "heh"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "So it's okay"
[OOC]-Astare: "agreed Chulo"
[OOC]-Bremn: "anyone able to spare a few spells in solhaven?"
[OOC]-Krenith: "but here are your responses, Bob."
[OOC]-Bremn: "or landing"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Im in the landing Bremn if you wanna come."
[OOC]-Spir: "The voice of Marletto says, "I think Bobmuhthol must be the most annoying person.""
[OOC]-Bremn: "ok omw whre?"
[OOC]-Teclys: "Trophy room"
[OOC]-Astare: "Spirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
[OOC]-Astare: "Spir your too late I got clothes on again :("
[OOC]-You: "Who the fuck is Marletto anyway?"
[OOC]-Spir: "Aw"
[OOC]-Krenith: "don't know, but he's obviously brighter than you. YOu're such a little kid, don't you have to watch teletubbies or something?"
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "but here are your responses, Bob.""
[OOC]-You: "I never received them."
[OOC]-Krenith: "I was referring to what people said before me"
[OOC]-Krenith: "like "bob your *** shut up""
[OOC]-You: "You have shitty references."
[OOC]-Spir: "Krenith, stfu, you're started to annoy me"
[OOC]-Astare: "Spirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
[OOC]-Krenith: "ooh, spir, another great thinker of our time!"
[OOC]-Putros: "Coming from Spir that means a lot mind you"
[OOC]-Marletto: "Bob, I believe you are intelligent. Just go 5 minutes without cursing like a sailor."
[OOC]-Spir: "It doesn't take a lot of thought to know that you need to stfu"
[OOC]-You: "Then you also believe that Krenith has no right to speak."
[OOC]-Astare: "Spir shhhhhh... Bob's a dousche..."
[OOC]-Darwar: "Exp. to next TP: 666 muhuhahaha"
[OOC]-Bremn: "everyone has a right to speak"
[OOC]-Krenith: "and you figure that how, Bob?"
[OOC]-You: "Douche."
[OOC]-You: "Spell it correctly in the future"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "Bob sounds intelligent until he gets pissed and then his age shows."
[OOC]-Marletto: "Lol"
[OOC]-You: "Because you're so fucking stupid that you've lost your privilege."
[OOC]-Krenith: "agreed, Ziv."
[OOC]-Putros: "yea but the thing is he can't go 5 seconds iwthout getting mad"
[OOC]-Krenith: "and you have arrived at that conclusion how?"
[OOC]-Senja: "hold on.. did Bob just get after someone for saying someone shouldnt speak.. or did I read that wrong"
[OOC]-Astare: "he's got the temper of a DOUSSSSSSSSCHE"
[OOC]-Keyvon: "You should use your Mod powers and silence him, Bob."
[OOC]-Keyvon: "Wait..."
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "ok. I like how you think you know what's against the law, though.""
[OOC]-You: ""
[OOC]-Krenith: "um. . .yes. I said that."
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "silly little boy.""
[OOC]-Keyvon: "You're not a Mod, are you?"
[OOC]-Bremn: "no he said Krenith didnt have the right to speak"
[OOC]-Krenith: "and I still DO like how you think you know the law."
[OOC]-Krenith: "its kind of sweet, actually."
[OOC]-Astare: "cause he's a DOUSSSCHE"
[OOC]-Astare: ":)"
[OOC]-Putros: "I doubt Bob is a mod since he was force uninstalled before"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "He's like Judge Dredd. He is the law."
[OOC]-You: "Dude."
[OOC]-You: "It's fucking GemStone."
[OOC]-Astare: "Rawr"
[OOC]-Senja: "*astares* hehehe"
[OOC]-Teclys: "This conversation is annoying."
[OOC]-Keyvon: "So until you get an asterik next to your name, shut the fuck up about who has the right to do what."
[OOC]-You: "Anyone that does not know the laws in town [is] retarded."
[OOC]-Bremn: "needs to happen again Putro"
[OOC]-Astare: "*Senyas*"
[OOC]-Krenith: "you know, I don't think I realized this was GS. Thanks Bob!"
[OOC]-Maulifus: "I AM ABOVE THE LAW! (spooge's his hair)"
[OOC]-Astare: "er shit... I'm gettin beat up :("
[OOC]-Desorceri: "mmm lotta emeralds and diamonds tonight"
[OOC]-You: "Then you would also realize that everyone who plays knows what's illegal and what isn't, Krenith."
[OOC]-Astare: "keep on on swinging boys!"
[OOC]-Krenith: "no, not really."
[OOC]-Teclys: "Ha where you at Desorc..."
[OOC]-Teclys: "I wanna go there :x"
[OOC]-Laneey: "heh, what is spooge?"
[OOC]-Senja: "emeralds are rgeat for AD"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "I need to bring my bard where you are, Desorc"
[OOC]-You: "Unfortunately, you can only make stupid references to my age and not my ability to play the game."
[OOC]-Senja: "great"
[OOC]-Marletto: "Something can be illegal and still be stupid though Bob."
[OOC]-Maulifus: "lolol"
[OOC]-Astare: "Three cheers for Cone of Lightning!"
[OOC]-Putros: "Would that be the same game you were banned from as well?"
[OOC]-Maulifus: "off south park"
[OOC]-Krenith: "you don't really play anymore, Bob. You sit and do nothing."
[OOC]-Laneey: "dern, i don't get to watch that enough"
[OOC]-Ziveron: "So I can buy all your gems and purify them myself."
[OOC]-You: "That doesn't make me any worse."
[OOC]-Krenith: "we don't KNOW your ability to play, do we?"
[OOC]-You: "You claim to."
[OOC]-Laneey: "just think what i'm not learning"
[OOC]-Krenith: "nope, never claimed to know your ability."
[OOC]-You: "[OOC]-Krenith: "ok. I like how you think you know what's against the law, though.""
[OOC]-You: "Yes, yes you did."
[OOC]-Krenith: "no, no I did not."
[OOC]-Krenith: "we can keep playing this game, Bob. But you lose."
[OOC]-You: "rofl."
[PrivateTo]-Krenith: "YOU LOSE YOU LOSE"
[OOC]-Astare: "my buddy has a roomate named bob... we call him Bobo ****"
[OOC]-Krenith: "hmm, now bob's sending me private thoughts of YOU LOSE YOU LOSE. I love his maturity."
[OOC]-Aurawyn: "I think you both lose. You're fighting over the internet."
[PrivateTo]-Krenith: "YOU LOSE YOU LOSE"
[OOC]-Aurawyn: "It's not even a good fight."
[OOC]-Ziveron: "Bob's just pissed because he bought his comebacks on E-Bay and they aren't holding up."
[OOC]-Senja: "sounds like 2 kindergardners fighting over who gets to eat the paste"
[OOC]-Krenith: "anyone else ever have bob create a macro-key to send him/her something when he gets annoyed?"
[OOC]-Astare: "::senjas::"
[PrivateTo]-Krenith: "YOU LOSE YOU LOSE"
In conclusion, what the fuck is wrong with these people?
[Edited on 1-28-2005 by HarmNone]