View Full Version : Artwork - Paintings

02-13-2018, 11:23 PM
All MBs are 250k. Pieces can be hung in your homes but may need GM assistance.

an ivory-matted vellum map

>look my map
The full-color map is beautifully rendered on fine vellum, matted with ivory linen, and mounted in a slim frame. East to west, the illustration is thick with lush forests. Most notable in its depiction are two sets of ruins. One is closer to the city of Ta'Illistim, while the other is densely packed between groves of highly animated, gnarly oaks. A small estate and nearby settlement are located in the southeast quadrant of the map, which comes to a close at the shoreline of the Lake of Fear.
There appears to be something written on it.

>read map
In the Common language, it reads:
"Map of Sylvarraend and its Environs"

CB: 250k to ktig TWICE

a large glass-mounted map

>look map
Contained within the glass is a map of the whole of Ta'Illistim. Each street is carefully inked, along with every business, residence, and region. Illustrated in exaggerated size are the Sapphire Gate, the Hanging Gardens, Library Aies, Ta'Illistim Keep in the center of the city, and Sylvar Pointe to the northeast. The space beyond the city walls is marked by mountains to the northwest and forests elsewhere, save for the observatory of Seethe Naedal, whose dome peeks out of clouds dotting the incline.
There appears to be something written on it.

>read map
In the Common language, it reads:
"Map of Ta'Illistim, 5101"

CB: 250k to ktig TWICE

a midnight-hued stained glass mosaic

>look mos
Scattered within the deep black glass are tiny circular pieces of white glass representing the night stars. In one half of the mosaic, traced with smooth silvery pieces of glass, is a slender man grasping a sword. The other half contains a larger man with a jackal-shaped head outlined with jagged golden glass shards. The two men stand facing each other, glaring into each other's eyes with intense, cold stares.
There appears to be something written on it.

>read mos
In the Common language, it reads:
"Battle for the Night, 5116"


a montage of three tall canvases

>look can
A trio of canvases, rendered in oil, feature abstract architectural scenes from around the city of Ta'Illistim. Bright blue and silvery grey pigments capture an array of staggered mosaic-tiled domes against a cloudless sky. Offsetting this striking central illustration of the Keep is an angular cobblestoned var lined with white marble villas to the left and the more gestural image of a swathe of green grass within a ring of cut stone socles to the right.
There appears to be something written on it.

>read can
In the Common language, it reads:
"Archi-Trio, 5117"


02-14-2018, 01:31 PM
MB on the first two:
an ivory-matted vellum map, "Map of Sylvarraend and its Environs"
a large glass-mounted map , "Map of Ta'Illistim, 5101"

02-16-2018, 05:14 AM