View Full Version : Stun maneuvers?

02-04-2018, 10:09 AM
Anyone train stun maneuvers on their monk? Seems nice to be able to bail when stunned, but those 30 CM points also seem pretty expensive.

02-05-2018, 01:37 AM
Yeah it'd be nice but how often are you getting stunned? I'd maybe consider it after punch, kick, and grapple mastery. Not to mention evade mastery (rank 3 is 27% to outright evade an attack).

02-05-2018, 04:39 PM
I'm apparently getting stunned enough to consider training stun maneuvers! Maybe I just got spoiled by playing a warrior and beresrking out of stuns. In fact, seems like most professions have some means of dealing with stuns without having to drop 30 CM points (1120, 1635, 1040, 550, rogue guild stun maneuvers).

But yeah, my monk is only 63 currently, but I was thinking about stun maneuvers for my final 30 points. I hunt warcamps a lot and end up stunned sometimes when I try to take on a room full of creatures. Seems like I'm especially susceptible to shield maneuvers, as I'm a halfling with no shield training. I imagine it'd be nice to be able to run away when a shield bash knocks me on my head.

I'm at two ranks of evade, but still debating whether the third rank is worth a 9% increase when my DS is pretty high as it is and I don't often get hit hard even if I don't evade. Does anyone really train grapple mastery? I could see getting 1 rank, maybe, but I really only grapple when I need it to tier up.

I'm also still debating whether I want to eventually drop 10 points for the fifth rank of perfect self. I like passive maneuvers, but you definitely tend to get some diminishing returns for rank 5. Sometimes I wonder if perfect self is even worth all those points (52 to max it out!)

Do any monks train any active maneuvers at all? I can't seem to find the points for any active stuff.

At 63, my maneuvers are:
Flurry: 3
Kick mastery: 3
Punch mastery: 3
Evade mastery: 2
Burst: 3
Surge: 3
Perfect self: 3
Toughness: 1
Mobility: 1

I might have a single rank of focus or cunning defense, don't remember.

02-05-2018, 11:45 PM
I don't do warcamps, I primarily hunt undead as my monk is Voln but I've banked plenty of favor to skip a few levels. I focused him really heavy on spells at first to get them out of the way. Once I finish transformation lore (15 ranks to get brig level armor) I will start back into cman and finish punch mastery and kick mastery. I guess grapple mastery is really only helpful for that extra kick to MM and tiering. So yeah probably not worth it. In my opinion perfect self is one of the best cmans Monk's have, who else can add +10 to all their stats forever? Heres a peak at my training at 64:

My UAF is 373 (self spelled running 102)
DS is 400 in offensive (self spelled 1216/102)
Spirit TD is 273

Surge of Strength surge 3
Burst of Swiftness burst 3
Perfect Self perfectself 5
Punch Mastery punchmastery 2
Rolling Krynch Stance krynch 3

XXXX (at level 64), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 124 32
Combat Maneuvers...................| 190 90
Brawling...........................| 232 132
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 190 90
Physical Fitness...................| 242 142
Dodging............................| 292 192
Harness Power......................| 117 29
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 66 14
Perception.........................| 164 64
Climbing...........................| 160 60
Swimming...........................| 82 18

Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 20

Spell Lists
Minor Mental.......................| 20

02-06-2018, 09:36 AM
You gave up a lot of harness power for the piddly bonuses that transformation gives you. With 1220, 120, and 3x dodge you aren't getting hit so what's the point of the higher scale armor?

You should be able to use 1207 religiously and with 29 ranks of HP I doubt you can.

02-06-2018, 10:35 AM
Heh, I have twice the transformation lore you do at level 63. I do agree that the difference between ASG 11 and 12 may be “piddly,” but I went ahead and went for the 30 ranks to have chain equivalent. I generally prefer durability to DS, and with HCP robes + sunfist HCP plus chain-equivalent armor, I’m pretty durable. The extra durability lets me keep 1213 up instead of 1216 most of the time (yes, I even have 15 telepathy ranks), and that 30% stamina reduction lets me keep up my sunfist sigils (though it has to be either focus and minor bane OR major bane) and mstrike frequently.

I don’t really see the appeal of casting 1207 on everything. I mean, yeah it’s effective if you’re taking on one creature at a time, but what’s the fun in that? I’d rather just save the 3 seconds and 7 mana and focused mstrike lone targets at this point.

I’m kind of curious about those 90 MOC ranks. Do you really think all those points are worth it for one extra focused strike and one additional FoF offset? I’d rather just put those points into CM, personally...

I also notice you have twice as many spells as me. I suppose I’ll aim for 120 eventually, but that is a LOT of points for 15 DS and 20 spiritual TD. Yeah, I know you get 101/107 from that too, but those are pretty easily available elsewhere. I may put off getting 120 for a long time, as I kind of think I’d rather have enough MnM ranks to be able to cast 1219 reliably. Not really sure how many ranks that would be at cap, though.

Being in Sunfist rather than Voln, I do get an additional +7 TD, but at this point I don’t really feel like I have big TD issues. I imagine that will get worse with time. Being a halfling certainly helps with the TD issues (though I’d be willing to bet that your monk is also a halflling).

(at level 63), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 124 32
Combat Maneuvers...................| 230 130
Brawling...........................| 230 130
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 160 60
Physical Fitness...................| 241 141
Dodging............................| 293 193
Harness Power......................| 132 36
Spirit Mana Control................| 30 6
Mental Lore - Telepathy............| 70 15
Mental Lore - Transformation.......| 120 30
Perception.........................| 164 64
Climbing...........................| 160 60
Swimming...........................| 140 40

Spell Lists
Minor Mental.......................| 20

your Combat Maneuver training is as follows:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Combat Focus focus 1
Combat Mobility mobility 1
Combat Toughness toughness 1
Surge of Strength surge 3
Evade Mastery emastery 2
Burst of Swiftness burst 3
Perfect Self perfectself 3
Punch Mastery punchmastery 3
Kick Mastery kmastery 3
Flurry of Blows flurry 3

02-06-2018, 03:00 PM
Being a halfling certainly helps with the TD issues (though I’d be willing to bet that your monk is also a halflling).

Interestingly enough, being a halfling also helps you with not using 1207 because (and this varies from critter to critter) I found that halfling and gnome UAC users will regularly prone targets with their first few UAC attacks due to not being able to hit anywhere higher than the legs. This might be a reason why you find your 1207 mileage varies. Now with taller UAC fighters, you'll hit chest/abs/back/arms/head/neck enough that the target won't fall over (especially stun immune critters) because the crit tables aren't designed to make those hits cause knockdowns.

1207 is amazing though. It inflicts RT as well as prone status, which is invaluable for many reasons. I'd recommend revisiting your ability to use 1207 reliably once you start fighting durable casters (i.e. high HP with WoF or Wizard's Shield running) because these guys will be harder to prone and stun with your mstrike.

Does 1202 armor class help with maneuver durability? That's really the only time I can think a monk would need to train for higher armor class, and I was under the impression that only padding on armor helps in that regard.

02-06-2018, 03:32 PM
You gave up a lot of harness power for the piddly bonuses that transformation gives you. With 1220, 120, and 3x dodge you aren't getting hit so what's the point of the higher scale armor?

You should be able to use 1207 religiously and with 29 ranks of HP I doubt you can.

Your right about not getting hit, as my DS is 606 in Defensive but I want that oh shit I got hit hard get out of jail free card. I generally uphunt 10 levels so 1207 is less than reliable in those situations. I have 95 total mana but once I get more cman I will be working HP up, not even for the mana but so I can wear more outside spells in spellburst areas. Plus with 90 ranks in MoC I can focus mstrike (4 or 5 if i haven't jabbed them yet) every 60 seconds. But long term goals are to 1x HP, 2x cman and 24 ranks in ambush so I can knock down and smash heads but thats some time off. I wear SWCP robes so I'd like to get the full coverage scale armor. I'm not going to get anymore lore because I'll get chain in ~10 levels. But hell theres really no "wrong" way to train monks.

02-06-2018, 04:15 PM
I’m kind of curious about those 90 MOC ranks. Do you really think all those points are worth it for one extra focused strike and one additional FoF offset? I’d rather just put those points into CM, personally...

I also notice you have twice as many spells as me. I suppose I’ll aim for 120 eventually, but that is a LOT of points for 15 DS and 20 spiritual TD. Yeah, I know you get 101/107 from that too, but those are pretty easily available elsewhere. I may put off getting 120 for a long time, as I kind of think I’d rather have enough MnM ranks to be able to cast 1219 reliably. Not really sure how many ranks that would be at cap, though.

Being in Sunfist rather than Voln, I do get an additional +7 TD, but at this point I don’t really feel like I have big TD issues. I imagine that will get worse with time. Being a halfling certainly helps with the TD issues (though I’d be willing to bet that your monk is also a halflling).

I got the 90 ranks at level 45, it was super expensive but I'm "done" with that skill for a long time. Maybe I'll push for the next focused tier but honestly the 4 to 5 focused strikes with flares is generally plenty. Plus the extra 40 ranks in cman is a difference of what +20 UAF? I like the FoF and mstriking benefits more.

I also pushed really heavy for spells early on, had 1220 by 20 and 120 by 40ish? Again it was super expensive but I'm "done" with spells for a lone time. As I near cap I'll pick up 16 more levels in minor mental for the extra DS/TD from 1220 but I don't see the need right now. I want my monk to be able to hunt completely self sustained, really hoping I can do plane 1 in the Rift at 66 but we will see.

Yeah my monk is a halfling, why would you ever pick any other race? <kidding sort of>

02-06-2018, 04:17 PM
Does 1202 armor class help with maneuver durability? That's really the only time I can think a monk would need to train for higher armor class, and I was under the impression that only padding on armor helps in that regard.

Yeah I'm not sure the armor class from 1202 gets applied to maneuvers. Luckily I have crit padded robes.

02-06-2018, 04:21 PM
1207 is amazing though. It inflicts RT as well as prone status, which is invaluable for many reasons. I'd recommend revisiting your ability to use 1207 reliably once you start fighting durable casters (i.e. high HP with WoF or Wizard's Shield running) because these guys will be harder to prone and stun with your mstrike.

Does 1202 armor class help with maneuver durability? That's really the only time I can think a monk would need to train for higher armor class, and I was under the impression that only padding on armor helps in that regard.

I definitely use 1207 in some situations, but because it only hits a single target I don't find myself using it that frequently. And because I'm a halfling, I definitely tend to knock stuff down anyhow with ordinary attacks. If I were aiming for heads and trying to 1-shot individual creatures, I could see the appeal of 1207 (since I can't reach most creatures' heads anyhow), but I've never really liked aiming my attacks. With 1213 up, I often have the stamina to do a focused mstrike before the cooldown ends, and that usually seems fairly effective. I'm sure I may have to revisit my tactics as I gain levels and the creatures I'm fighting get tougher.

I doubt that increasing armor class with 1202 helps with maneuvers, but I still like having the extra protection for situations where I end up knocked down/immobilized/rt locked/dispelled and my DS drops enough to get hit. Yeah monks tend to have high DS, but there are always situations where your DS can drop precipitously.

This, of course, brings me back to the original purpose of this post, which is to wonder if it'd really be worth it to train stun maneuvers. I guess I'll have to answer that question myself in another 4m exp, since it's starting to look like no one else has really tried it. If only 1205 would work on any of the status effects that really matter :(

02-06-2018, 04:28 PM
I got the 90 ranks at level 45, it was super expensive but I'm "done" with that skill for a long time. Maybe I'll push for the next focused tier but honestly the 4 to 5 focused strikes with flares is generally plenty. Plus the extra 40 ranks in cman is a difference of what +20 UAF? I like the FoF and mstriking benefits more.

Those 40 ranks would only yield 20 UAF, but you could put the CM points into rank 3 of punch mastery, 3 ranks of kick mastery, and a rank of evade mastery to yield +5 MM while punching, +15 MM while kicking (plus the tier-up bonuses), and +9% evade chance. UAF doesn't matter much, but the MM bonus is kind of a big deal.

And of course, those CM ranks help in defending against maneuvers.

02-06-2018, 04:29 PM
This, of course, brings me back to the original purpose of this post, which is to wonder if it'd really be worth it to train stun maneuvers. I guess I'll have to answer that question myself in another 4m exp, since it's starting to look like no one else has really tried it. If only 1205 would work on any of the status effects that really matter :(

Keep us updated if you decide to do stun maneuvers. Yeah 1205 removing/reducing stun would be awesome but I guess we do need some vulnerabilities.

02-06-2018, 04:50 PM
Those 40 ranks would only yield 20 UAF, but you could put the CM points into rank 3 of punch mastery, 3 ranks of kick mastery, and a rank of evade mastery to yield +5 MM while punching, +15 MM while kicking (plus the tier-up bonuses), and +9% evade chance. UAF doesn't matter much, but the MM bonus is kind of a big deal.

And of course, those CM ranks help in defending against maneuvers.

I finished transformation lore today and now I'll be working towards 2x cman. (only 924 physical TPs...) If you ever want to have a monk hunting party feel free to hit me up via PM.

Whats your redux like? Would be interested to see what the extra 20 spells is doing to my redux. I was planning on 3x PF but I think that will come much later.

[redux: Level: 64]
[redux: Primary skills: 142]
[redux: Secondary skils: 404]
[redux: Tertiary skills: 132]
[redux: Redux points: 3432.0]
[redux: Spell ranks: 40]
[redux: Your Redux estimates to be 29.05%.]

02-06-2018, 05:05 PM
I never felt the need for stun maneuvers.


02-06-2018, 05:10 PM
I never felt the need for stun maneuvers.

Interesting, why so much TWC, whats your spells like at 71, if you don't mind sharing what race and where are you hunting at 71?

02-06-2018, 05:23 PM
Been awhile since I hunted on my monk, don't remember why I had so much TWC. I ended up switching over to a THW/Mongoose build. Hunting minotaurs in the labyrinthe.


02-06-2018, 05:58 PM
Look like those 20 spells don't make a huge difference:

[redux: Level: 63]
[redux: Primary skills: 141]
[redux: Secondary skils: 415]
[redux: Tertiary skills: 130]
[redux: Redux points: 3460.0]
[redux: Spell ranks: 20]
[redux: Your Redux estimates to be 31.88%.]

02-06-2018, 07:59 PM
Reroll. You’re wasting time playing a monk.

02-06-2018, 08:38 PM
Look like those 20 spells don't make a huge difference:

[redux: Level: 63]
[redux: Primary skills: 141]
[redux: Secondary skils: 415]
[redux: Tertiary skills: 130]
[redux: Redux points: 3460.0]
[redux: Spell ranks: 20]
[redux: Your Redux estimates to be 31.88%.]

Woah, kinda surprised theres only a 2.83% decrease for 20 spell ranks. I would have guessed yours would be way more.

02-06-2018, 08:44 PM
Been awhile since I hunted on my monk, don't remember why I had so much TWC. I ended up switching over to a THW/Mongoose build. Hunting minotaurs in the labyrinthe.

Sorry about the total thread derailment but could you share some attacks? I've heard about non-uac monks but never seen one in action. I did yeti/dwellers a few levels ago but what I love about my monk so much is the fact he can travel around and hunt pretty much anywhere around his level and above.

02-06-2018, 09:31 PM
Sorry about the total thread derailment but could you share some attacks? I've heard about non-uac monks but never seen one in action. I did yeti/dwellers a few levels ago but what I love about my monk so much is the fact he can travel around and hunt pretty much anywhere around his level and above.

Here are a few showing mongoose procs. Don't know how viable a build like this would be at cap but it's fun.

A half-elven thug swings a broadsword at you!
As you parry a half-elven thug's attack, you see an opportunity for immediate retaliation!
You swing a twin-edged golvern battle axe at a half-elven thug!
AS: +432 vs DS: +260 with AvD: +51 + d100 roll: +75 = +298
... and hit for 85 points of damage!
Gruesome slash opens the half-elven thug's forehead!
Grey matter spills forth!

A lesser minotaur swings a curved silvery white greataxe at you!
As you parry a lesser minotaur's attack, you see an opportunity for immediate retaliation!
You swing a twin-edged golvern battle axe at a lesser minotaur!
The psychic energy surrounding a lesser minotaur intensifies the attack!
AS: +407 vs DS: +279 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +63 = +229
... and hit for 116 points of damage!
Incredible blast shatters head into a red spray.

In an awe inspiring display of combat mastery, a lesser minotaur engages you in a furious dance macabre, spiralling into a blur of strikes and ripostes!
A lesser minotaur swings a curved silvery white greataxe at you!
AS: +376 vs DS: +498 with AvD: +41 + d100 roll: +98 = +17
A clean miss.
A lesser minotaur swings a curved silvery white greataxe at you!
As you parry a lesser minotaur's attack, you see an opportunity for immediate retaliation!
You swing a twin-edged golvern battle axe at a lesser minotaur!
AS: +341 vs DS: +263 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +63 = +179
... and hit for 60 points of damage!
Hard hit shatters shield arm.
The lesser minotaur is stunned!
Roundtime: 3 sec.

A krag yeti swings a monstrous hairy hand at you!
As you parry a krag yeti's attack, you see an opportunity for immediate retaliation!
You swing a twin-edged golvern battle axe at a krag yeti!
AS: +427 vs DS: +287 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +56 = +234
... and hit for 98 points of damage!
The krag yeti twists away but is caught with a hard slash!
Back is broken!
The krag yeti is knocked to the ground!
The krag yeti is stunned!
Roundtime: 3 sec.

A krag yeti swings a monstrous hairy hand at you!
As you parry a krag yeti's attack, you see an opportunity for immediate retaliation!
You swing a twin-edged golvern battle axe at a krag yeti!
AS: +432 vs DS: +287 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +78 = +261
... and hit for 112 points of damage!
Spinal cord damaged by smash to the back.
The krag yeti is stunned!
Roundtime: 3 sec.

A lesser minotaur swings a curved silvery white greataxe at you!
As you parry a lesser minotaur's attack, you see an opportunity for immediate retaliation!
You swing a twin-edged golvern battle axe at a lesser minotaur!
AS: +408 vs DS: +263 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +34 = +217
... and hit for 100 points of damage!
Shield arm removed at the shoulder!
The lesser minotaur is stunned!
Roundtime: 3 sec.

02-07-2018, 01:03 PM
I recently converted my 51 monk into a ranged build to utilize the gnomish crossbow I picked up but didn't really have a character to use it on. His DS is so high I just stay kneeled in a room of 3 or fewer critters and just knock out eyes. It's so effective it's almost boring. I use qstrick -1 to reduce cock to 1 second for only 12 stamina. I can use it almost the entire hunt which gives me 4 second kills. Once I get more stamina/recovery I'll probably swap to qstr -2 on the shot so I'm doing 3 second shots.

His DS is over 300 in offensive while kneeling self-spelled and I can barely be touched by things 4+ levels higher than me. He's also a halfling so his ranged AS is like... 338 or something? Ranged is dumb.

Although, now that I mention it, I should probably stop using 102 and stop kneeling. The net result is similar but I should have a larger DS and no penalty to evasion. Derp.

Yuuuuge (at level 51), your base skill bonuses, ranks and goals are:
Skill Name | Actual Actual
| Bonus Ranks Goals In-Game Time to Goal
Combat Maneuvers...................| 154 54 54
Ranged Weapons.....................| 204 104 104
Ambush.............................| 152 52 52
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 50 10 10
Physical Fitness...................| 256 156 156
Dodging............................| 256 156 156
Harness Power......................| 150 50 50
Survival...........................| 102 24 24
Perception.........................| 204 104 104
Climbing...........................| 108 26 26
Swimming...........................| 108 26 26

Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 7 7

Spell Lists
Minor Mental.......................| 20 20

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Surge of Strength surge 3
Burst of Swiftness burst 3
Perfect Self perfectself 5

Edit Kill clip added (no qstrike)

You remove a single heavy crossbow bolt from a bundle of heavy crossbow bolts.
You flip open the stock of your mechanical crossbow and load a heavy crossbow bolt into it. As you do, several gears spin and whirl, drawing the bolt into the interior of your crossbow. You then quickly snap the stock shut.
You take a deep breath and focus inward, raising a hand and quietly murmuring the words of the Force Projection spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a snow madrinol.
A translucent force moves outward from you and toward a snow madrinol.
A snow madrinol is buffeted by the force and is knocked to the ground.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
You draw back on the bowstring of your mechanical crossbow causing its alum gears to whirl, lifting a heavy crossbow bolt from the interior and snapping it into place. Forcing stance to offensive.
You cock your mechanical crossbow.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
You kneel down.
You aim down the blue crystal sights and squeeze the trigger of your mechanical crossbow, the alum gears snapping into action!
You fire a heavy crossbow bolt at a snow madrinol!
AS: +334 vs DS: +156 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +58 = +274
... and hit for 75 points of damage!
Incredible shot to the eye penetrates deep into skull!
The snow madrinol rolls over onto its back, kicks several times and dies.
The heavy crossbow bolt sticks in a snow madrinol's left eye!
Roundtime: 3 sec.

02-07-2018, 04:12 PM
Yeah, those mechanical crossbows are pretty awesome for small races. I used one for a while on my halfling rogue, but dealing with blessed arrows is such a pain in the ass I gave it up and switched to UAC. Now my rogue and monk are the same level, but the monk is so much more fun I never play the rogue any more.

02-07-2018, 06:19 PM
You can also stop casting 102, get combat mobility and never be caught kneeling from AS/DS attacks to keep the attack bonus.

02-07-2018, 06:47 PM
I intentionally didn't take combat mobility because I didn't want stuff standing me up when I'm fighting swarms. I just stay kneeling and shoot things, hah.

02-27-2018, 02:52 AM
Nearing cap Meureii has 34.5% redux if I remember right. I'll pop in and check tomorrow morning.

Also, 1207 is great for the lower and mid levels. Minotaurs and the especially the Magus were made easy with those. I run a flurry build with 1213, 99 total mana, 215 stamina, the sigil offense/defense and major bane/protection running all times and mstrike jab every attack as needed in the warcamps. Don't seem to really ever run out of stamina or mana. 2 mstrikes and then kick abs and the room goes down.

When things get really tough 1219.

The lack of anything that breaks a stun is shitty but really with all the evade and 3x dodge with robes and FoF, you don't lay down long, auto stand, and the dodge/evade everything. Casters scare me when they're in there but the CS/TD spread is close enough where the roll needs to be stellar to do anything harmful.

MEDITATE CRUSH helps a lot and I use VACUUM a lot too in the camps since it's always a random void that gets ya.

I guess the best friend of a monk and breaking stuns is preventative.

02-27-2018, 04:16 AM
Are rangers still the only class without access to stun-breaker or stun-saver?

02-27-2018, 04:58 AM
Are rangers still the only class without access to stun-breaker or stun-saver?

I don't believe sorcerers do as well.

02-27-2018, 02:12 PM
Cloak of Shadows and 130. It's certainly not 100% effective but at least it has a chance.

02-27-2018, 03:04 PM
Cloak of Shadows and 130. It's certainly not 100% effective but at least it has a chance.

It's not a stun breaker. This spell only activates when you are stunned and take physical damage from an AS based attack (never seen if it could activate from a UAF attack). Plus, using 130 as your retribution spell can also kill you on it's own (the damage or critical from the retribution effect). Pretty bad escape tactic, but I suppose it does have a chance of saving you a deed!

02-27-2018, 03:35 PM
Yeah I don't think it's good, but I think rangers are literally the only class that just has to sit out a stun and have no chance of anything happening.

02-27-2018, 03:52 PM
Cloak of Shadows and 130. It's certainly not 100% effective but at least it has a chance.

Has its pros and cons. I've only had it kill me once, the rest of the time it's a lifesaver or an annoyance when it goes off on a one round stun and the next hit was 2 damage or something stupid like that.

02-27-2018, 04:05 PM
Ranger pets go ballistic if you hit the ranger...

02-27-2018, 05:34 PM
They don't usually do more than low rank crits and have a small chance of being swung at but yeah that's something.

02-27-2018, 05:48 PM
Ranger lack of stun-breakers is a main reason why I took my ranger to GoS. Ithzir armor is also a good option. Voln's new Symbol of Transcendence makes a lot of sense, too.

02-28-2018, 10:02 AM
Yeah, I always like to use 717 as my retribution for cloak of shadows. Doesn't do shit about the stun, but it'll usually kill or immobilize the thing that hit you in the first place. But honestly, 709 controls a room so effectively, my sorcs never worry about being stunned.

Definitely nice having the extra padding from GoS. Most of my characters are sunfist for the free padding, but I especially like it on my wizard: HCP armor + major protection + 520, and then if all that padding ain't enough, there's still Stop Time.

02-28-2018, 10:04 AM
Nearing cap Meureii has 34.5% redux if I remember right. I'll pop in and check tomorrow morning.

Also, 1207 is great for the lower and mid levels. Minotaurs and the especially the Magus were made easy with those. I run a flurry build with 1213, 99 total mana, 215 stamina, the sigil offense/defense and major bane/protection running all times and mstrike jab every attack as needed in the warcamps. Don't seem to really ever run out of stamina or mana. 2 mstrikes and then kick abs and the room goes down.

Haven't actually encountered too many other monks who use flurry. It's pretty badass if you have some gloves with nice flares. I have some of those greater fire flare gloves, and they're just absurd in troll camps with flurry up. Outside of camps, or against creatures that are immune to fire, though, I find myself kind of wishing I had Krynch sometimes.

02-28-2018, 12:20 PM
Haven't actually encountered too many other monks who use flurry. It's pretty badass if you have some gloves with nice flares. I have some of those greater fire flare gloves, and they're just absurd in troll camps with flurry up. Outside of camps, or against creatures that are immune to fire, though, I find myself kind of wishing I had Krynch sometimes.

Haven't come across that problem myself. Really anywhere you are you can cman feint, mstrike jab, punch head or kick ab and it's done with.


[redux: Primary skills: 278]
[redux: Secondary skils: 540]
[redux: Tertiary skills: 199]
[redux: Redux points: 5537.0]
[redux: Spell ranks: 55]
[redux: Your Redux estimates to be 36.43%.]

I was looking into the original topic of the thread and the stun man just doesn't do it for me. It's not really something you control and just has the chance of doing a random action while stunned. If it's a bad one I'll GoS out, and if not you just wait it out and watch yourself go from laying down to standing and dodging everything while stunned.

02-28-2018, 04:46 PM
Well my monk hit 66 a week ago and I survived my first hunt on Plane 1. Even kicked some witches to death. Strongest foe vanquished: a Vvrael witch. But its still pretty difficult at level 66 to make it a regular hunting area. So back to Temple Wyneb for him. I'll try Maaghara at 67 but I think I'll stick around Wyneb for a few more levels because its so easy.

02-28-2018, 04:47 PM
You should be able to easily and comfortably ride Wyneb until 70 and then move over to the tower, though it may not be very challenging in either place.

02-28-2018, 08:02 PM
You should be able to easily and comfortably ride Wyneb until 70 and then move over to the tower, though it may not be very challenging in either place.

Maaghara has a level requirement of 67, so I'll try it next level. But the spell casters in there are worse than Wyneb, so I have a feeling I'll stick around the Temple til 70ish or when I get bored.