View Full Version : ELEMENTAL DISPEL (417) UPDATE

01-27-2005, 07:17 AM
GM Nitid has updated Elemental Dispel (417)!

This spell no longer removes part or all of a weapon's bonus. It will now remove the Elemental Blade (411) or Minor Elemental Edging (902) from weapons and arrows/bolts (bundles too!). Elemental Dispel can still drain charges or remove any stored spells from magic items.

01-27-2005, 11:10 AM
HEHE... can't believe they changed that feature!

One of my favorite memories was a long time ago when someone used dispel to take her FALchion from a 7x to a 5x. Of course, she was trying to cast it at FALgrin and not her FALchion.

Needless to say.. she was even more angry, which made me laugh my ass off.

01-27-2005, 11:13 AM
This is an excellent change. You can literally cost yourself millions. Also, it is annoying when you cannot throw away E-bladed weapons and such that clutter common areas.