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02-01-2018, 11:22 AM

Multi-User Dungeon - MUD1 Version 3E(19)

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************************************************** ***
* MUD2.COM is where you'll find the next generation *
* version of MUD1/British Legends. Another creation *
* of Richard Bartle, MUD2 offers many extras, *
* including smart mobiles, new areas, and more. *
* Best of all, it's free. Why not try it today? *
************************************************** ***

Origin of version: Thu Feb 1 15:13:19 2018

Welcome! By what name shall I call you?
This persona already exists - what's the password?
Welcome! By what name shall I call you?
This persona already exists - what's the password?

Hello, Sept!

Elizabethan tearoom.
This cosy, Tudor room is where all British Legends adventures start. Its
exposed oak beams and soft, velvet-covered furnishings provide it with the
ideal atmosphere in which to relax before venturing out into that strange,
timeless realm. A sense of decency and decorum prevails, and a feeling of
kinship with those who, like you, seek their destiny in The Land. There are
exits in all directions, each of which leads into a wisping, magical mist of
obvious teleportative properties...
Elizabethan tearoom.
This cosy, Tudor room is where all British Legends adventures start. Its
exposed oak beams and soft, velvet-covered furnishings provide it with the
ideal atmosphere in which to relax before venturing out into that strange,
timeless realm. A sense of decency and decorum prevails, and a feeling of
kinship with those who, like you, seek their destiny in The Land. There are
exits in all directions, each of which leads into a wisping, magical mist of
obvious teleportative properties...
*go out
Road opposite cottage.
You are standing on a badly paved road with a cemetery to the north and the
home of a grave-digger to the south. An inscription on the cemetery gates
out Narrow road.
east Narrow road.
northeast Dense forest.
south Path.
swamp Vegetable garden.
southeast Vegetable garden.
west Beaten track.
northwest Dense forest.
Sept is playing
This program was conceived, and the core written, by Roy Trubshaw during
his final year at Essex University. The remaining three-quarters were written
by Richard Bartle. Acknowledgement is given for the help and encouragement of
the following illustrious personages: Nigel Roberts, Brian Mallett and Ronan
Flood (see graveyard!). There now follows a short treatise on what British
Legends accepts as valid command and what not!
British Legends' natural language interface is fairly primitive, to
keep down the code (and because it's hard!). The sort of sentences it can
understand are of the form <verb> <object> WITH <instrmnt> and may be separated
by AND, THEN, a comma, a period, or a return. The game doesn't require that all
the fields be present, and so long as it has a verb it will accept virtually
any old rubbish and re-execute the last verb. This is a feature, ie. was put in
deliberately, so don't complain if, for example, SCORE <cr><rubbish><cr> does
2 SCOREs: since SCORE needs no object, <rubbish> will do! This can annoy if the
last thing you did was a move, but as you play you will find the facility
becoming more and more useful, eg GET AXE, GOAT, TREASURE.
In its efforts to get a readable sentence, British Legends will throw
out all manner of things, eg. it will parse OPEN KITCHEN DOOR as OPEN DOOR, as
it ignores the 2nd word if it knows the other 2. As a result, error messages
are less frequent, but when they do come they're not much use. Also, British
Legends will accept nigh on anything instead of WITH, so something like
OPEN DOOR GYROSCOPE KEYS will work. It also understands some 'inverse'
In order to help with long words, British Legends keeps a set of
pronouns maintained. IT is the last object mentioned, HIM is the last male, HER
is the last female, THEM is the last player; also kept are the default object
and instrument, if there are any (the default is the last anything you typed,
rather than you typed or was mentioned by British Legends).
There are problems if you carry more than 1 of the same object, as
British Legends takes the first one every time. So DOUSE BRAND will only get
first one and you'll have to put it in a container or drop it in another room
before you can douse the other. To light one brand from another is at least a
bit more easy, you just drop the one you want to light and hold the other, if
possible. Also, jumping off the cliff with an opened and a closed parachute
may not have the desired result...
To help speed things up, many common commands can be abbreviated,
for example G for GET, DR for DROP. Type COMMANDS and the minimum abbreviation
will be in upper case. Also, WI is short for WITH (in fact virtually anything
is!). Note that intermediate abbreviations, eg. INVE for INVENTORY, will rarely
be accepted - use either the longest or shortest form, but not something in
British Legends' British name is MUD ("Multi-User Dungeon"), so if
anyone occasionally refers to it by that name, you'll know what they mean!

Richard Bartle.
Score to date: 0
Level of experience: novice
Strength: 61 Stamina: 51 Dexterity: 38 Sex: male
Maximum stamina: 51
Weight carried: 0g (max. weight: 61000g)
Objects carried: 0 (max. number: 5)
Games played to date: 1
You'll have to try something else, I don't understand the first word
(which should be an action).
British Legends is a multi-player game of magic and mystery. You are an
adventurer exploring the dungeons and caves in The Land. It will accept
simple imperative sentences from you in (a subset of) English and attempt to
move you about The Land. Most simple movement commands are allowed, eg. n, sw,
west, up, jump, plus others you'll have to find out! It has the following set
commands, with abbreviations in upper case (either use the abbreviated form
or the full one, in-between ones won't necessarily be understood):

<name> <message> Sends <message> to the player called <name>.
Get <item> Allows you to pick up the <item>.
DRop <item> Allows you to let go of the <item>...
Kill <name> If <name> is nearby, start fighting!
Inventory What am I carrying?
USERS Say who is playing.
Look What can I see here? You can Look <direction>, too.
SCore How well am I doing?
QUIT I've had enough!
"<message> Send <message> to all in the room (talk).
CONVERSE Treat all lines as if they were "<message>.
SHout, <message> Send <message> to everyone.
STEAL <item> FROM <name> Attempt to transfer possession of <item> from
<name> to you!
FOLLOW <name> Attempt to follow <name> wherever they go.
LOSE <name> Stop <name> from following you!
HELP <name> Assist <name> in his actions, if he needs it
(eg. HELP BERT will allow Bert to, say, open
a heavy door if he says OPEN HEAVYDOOR or
REFUSE <name> Stop <name> from trying to assist you!
KEEP <item> If you say DROP <class>, where <item> is in
<class>, eg. TREASURE, then don't drop <item>.
BACK Go in opposite direction (may be rubbish if
there isn't one, eg. for swamp and jump).
ACT, <action> Sends <action> to everyone in the same room, with
asterisks around it, as if you had performed it, eg.
COMMANDS Short list of names of the above commands and
some others you might want to use.

Commands are processed up until a conjunction, such as 'and',
'then' '.', ',' or end of line. If a command is incomplete, an attempt to use
the previous command is made. Thus, 's...' will move south three times.
To score full points for any treasure, it must be dropped in the swamp.
You'll have to find the swamp yourselves! Points can also be gained
(or lost) for certain actions, eg. killing someone... If you leave a
game by QUITing then you can start again later. One point of lost
stamina (from fights!) is regained per minute you're out. If you're
killed, however, you have to start anew.

If you want to do an ordinary command in CONVERSE mode, you can
by putting it in brackets, eg. (who). Open brackets always take you out
of converse mode, close ones always put you in. ')' is the same as
typing CONVERSE except more dangerous as it doesn't tell you how to get
out (which is via '*' or '>').

Hope this message is informative enough. For extra info, type INFO.
Sept is playing
Road opposite cottage.
You are standing on a badly paved road with a cemetery to the north and the
home of a grave-digger to the south. An inscription on the cemetery gates
out Narrow road.
east Narrow road.
northeast Dense forest.
south Path.
swamp Vegetable garden.
southeast Vegetable garden.
west Beaten track.
northwest Dense forest.
Narrow road.
You are on a narrow east-west road with forest to the north and gorse scrub to
the south.
You are in a tangled mass of prickly gorse.
In front of hut.
You are standing in front of a ramshackle hut. Behind you is a field of gorse.
Further on to the south you can see a fast flowing river. To the east you can
see a range of mountains wreathed in mist and to the west is a small cottage.
*go hut
Direction expected after go.
*l hut
In front of hut.
You are standing in front of a ramshackle hut. Behind you is a field of gorse.
Further on to the south you can see a fast flowing river. To the east you can
see a range of mountains wreathed in mist and to the west is a small cottage.
*go cott
Direction expected after go.
south Woodsman's hut.
in Woodsman's hut.
out Gorse.
northwest Gorse.
north Gorse.
west East pasture.
southwest East pasture.
northeast Forest near mountains.
east Forest near mountains.
southeast Cave.
swamp Rapids.
Woodsman's hut.
The hut is obviously the home of a woodsman. There are various pieces of rude
wooden furniture scattered about. On the walls are stuffed fish and birds,
they appear old and are fixed firmly to the wall as if the owner has
treasured them for a long time.
A mighty woodsman's axe shines on the ground here.
An empty space on the wall is marked, in an unsteady but loving hand, by the
word "MOOSE".
*get axe
Axe taken.
You are currently holding the following:
*wield axe
You'll have to try something else, I don't understand the first word
(which should be an action).
Woodsman's hut.
The hut is obviously the home of a woodsman. There are various pieces of rude
wooden furniture scattered about. On the walls are stuffed fish and birds,
they appear old and are fixed firmly to the wall as if the owner has
treasured them for a long time.
An empty space on the wall is marked, in an unsteady but loving hand, by the
word "MOOSE".
swamp In front of hut.
out In front of hut.
north In front of hut.
In front of hut.
south Woodsman's hut.
in Woodsman's hut.
out Gorse.
northwest Gorse.
north Gorse.
west East pasture.
southwest East pasture.
northeast Forest near mountains.
east Forest near mountains.
southeast Cave.
swamp Rapids.
You'll have to try something else, I don't understand the first word
(which should be an action).
This is a cave, wherein once dwelled a hermit in times long passed. Above is a
huge mountain towering amongst the clouds, and outside can be seen a pasture,
small cottage and a cemetery in the distance. At the east end of the cave is
a small opening in the wall.
A sturdy ox lumbers past you nearby.
There is an ebony staff here without a rusty star on the end.
*kill ox
It was a very old ox and hadn't long to live anyway.
This is a cave, wherein once dwelled a hermit in times long passed. Above is a
huge mountain towering amongst the clouds, and outside can be seen a pasture,
small cottage and a cemetery in the distance. At the east end of the cave is
a small opening in the wall.
There lies the carcass of a murdered ox nearby.
There is an ebony staff here without a rusty star on the end.

02-01-2018, 11:27 AM

02-01-2018, 11:28 AM

I'm playing on telnet. I HAVE 0 SCRIPTS

02-01-2018, 11:29 AM
tl;dr = op is a tard.

02-01-2018, 11:30 AM
You are standing on the edge of a cliff surrounded by forest to the north and
a river to the south. A chill wind blows up the unclimbable and unscaled
heights. At the base of the cliff you can just make out the shapes of jagged
Clouds are beginning to gather in the sky.
As you approach the edge of the cliff the rock starts to crumble. Hurriedly
you retreat as you feel the ground begin to give way under your feet!
It has started to rain.

WEATHER SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

02-01-2018, 11:31 AM
You are splattered over a very large area, or at least most of you
is. The rest of your remains are, even now, being eaten by the seagulls
(especially your eyes). If you'd have looked properly before you leaped you
might have decided not to jump!
Persona updated.
Would you like to play again?
: yes

Multi-User Dungeon - MUD1 Version 3E(19)

You are invited to check out Section 9,
our discussion forum for MUD players.

Please direct your browser to:


************************************************** ***
* MUD2.COM is where you'll find the next generation *
* version of MUD1/British Legends. Another creation *
* of Richard Bartle, MUD2 offers many extras, *
* including smart mobiles, new areas, and more. *
* Best of all, it's free. Why not try it today? *
************************************************** ***

Origin of version: Thu Feb 1 15:13:19 2018

Your last game was today at 15:31:12.

Hello again, Sept!

Elizabethan tearoom.
This cosy, Tudor room is where all British Legends adventures start. Its
exposed oak beams and soft, velvet-covered furnishings provide it with the
ideal atmosphere in which to relax before venturing out into that strange,
timeless realm. A sense of decency and decorum prevails, and a feeling of
kinship with those who, like you, seek their destiny in The Land. There are
exits in all directions, each of which leads into a wisping, magical mist of
obvious teleportative properties...
You aren't carrying anything!
Score to date: 0
Level of experience: novice
Strength: 61 Stamina: 51 Dexterity: 38 Sex: male
Maximum stamina: 51
Weight carried: 0g (max. weight: 61000g)
Objects carried: 0 (max. number: 5)
Games played to date: 2

02-01-2018, 11:32 AM
I'm on chrome and I'm not going to update java on other browsers, so we can just rp right here.

TheFuckknight just arrived.
TheFuckknight asks, "What ho, knave?

02-01-2018, 11:34 AM
I'm on chrome and I'm not going to update java on other browsers, so we can just rp right here.

TheFuckknight just arrived.
TheFuckknight asks, "What ho, knave?

No, that is too modern looking. I'm pretty sure you have telnet.

02-01-2018, 11:36 AM
No, that is too modern looking. I'm pretty sure you have telnet.

TheFuckknight says, "Nay, I hast not configured yon telnet for many a moon."
TheFuckknight advances to within 10 horts of Sept.

02-01-2018, 11:39 AM
It is easy, just control panel "Turn windows features on/off" and then click telnet in the list. Then you can launch it form your browser.

Also, there are no > in the game.

It uses *

Also, I don't know what it looks like when you talk because all I see is...

*"How are you?