View Full Version : Looking for some info/quotes from the sheath makers out there. Quiver + Harness.

01-18-2018, 11:42 PM
As a free to play player, funds aren't as easily come by, especially at my low level. So I want to see what the best budget prices are for these items. So to keep the costs down, all I want are simple materials (basic leather?) and no bells and whistles adornments.

Forest green, or if that isn't available, hunter green.
Max storage (so max leathers used?)
Simple leather?
As for worn location, if one can be worn as a belt, meaning it doesn't take up a belt slot, then that is preferable. but if that isn't possible, then one worn on the belt.

Forest green, or if unavailable hunter green.
Max storage.
Simple leather?

So could you sheath makers out there hit me with some quotes on what you'd charge for such items?

01-19-2018, 05:38 AM
I'll PM you.

01-19-2018, 04:09 PM
Can I make a couple suggestions?

If you're F2P, and encumbrance isn't an issue, just put your weapons in a cloak or bag. You have a hard limit on items on your person (100?) and adding a weapon holder just takes one away. If you need it for the -2 lbs per weapon, then by all means, but I wouldn't get into any kind of weapon holder if your encumbrance isn't an issue.

As for the quiver - I'm not sure how much a warrior quiver holds (I can make them but I've never made one) but you might be better served buying a shop quiver and dying it hunter green at the dyer's tent in WL. It certainly will be cheaper - but again, I'm not sure what the difference in storage capacity is so if that's your goal than by all means.

TTM as Kilded in game. I can make both of those items and help you with options and costs.

01-19-2018, 04:12 PM
also, this shop in the Landing has a forest green quiver for sale that holds medium for only 5K. it may not be a warrior quiver so you won't get the encumbrance help, but it might be more budget friendly.


In all cases, I can help you out. PM me!

01-20-2018, 08:33 AM
Thanks for all the replies. I actually bumped into someone in-game who was willing to make me one so long as I provided the skins. The kobolds suffered greatly that day... lol
So aye, I'm having a quiver made. I may forego the harness for now though. It was just going to be used to hold convenience/emergency items anyway. Regarding how much a warrior quiver can hold, its 5 items, and a total of 25lb. So if you put 5 bundles of 24 arrows in it, their weight is cancelled. Encumbrance is the main reason why I wanted it, so I could free up space for loot and supplies.
And regarding the item limit, I am usually a bit of a pack-rat if it's an option... But if it isn't then I can manage my inventory. I can't imagine a situation where more than 100 items are needed, but being young, I may be wrong.
To be honest, the bank account limit/decreased drop rate makes me think I'm gonna be struggling to purchase all the expensive million silver items etc. I'll probably find a way around it. Maybe with a lil help from some friends. There really are some kind people in here. Like the gent offering to make me a quiver for free, two people offering me ruic longbows... But I digress lol
I'm sorted now quiver wise, but thanks for all your input people :)