View Full Version : Swiftkick (few questions)

01-15-2018, 09:36 AM
1. Does this maneuver have a height component?
2. Is ambush actually taken into account per the Wiki for all cheapshots?
3. It forces offensive identical to 216, correct?
4. What's the duration of the stance effect?


01-15-2018, 08:55 PM
Answered some my own questions.

1. It seemed to - some enemies like stone trolls had a -15 penalty. Oddly enough, however, stone giants had a 0 penalty.
2. Yes, absolutely. As little as 5 ranks changed the end roll by a margin of 3.
3. Yes.
4. Short as hell. Doesn't seem to apply roundtime.

Bonus! It seems UAC boots proc with swiftkick. They also worked for footstomp and this includes the ensorcell flare.