View Full Version : Fully unlocked Veola hat with 3 custom hair styles

01-13-2018, 08:19 PM
a briar rose vine headpiece featuring gilded autumn-hued leaves

Nonfunctional slot, worn in features

https://gswiki.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Veola fully unlocked for ALL zests

You analyze your rose vine headpiece and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This item is designed to display a gem or feather. The headpiece has three distinct descriptions, one when empty, a second when a gem is inserted, and a third when a feather is inserted. To insert an item, hold the headpiece in one hand, the item you'd like to insert in the opposite hand and PUSH headpiece. PULLing the headpiece will remove the hairpiece and restore the headpiece to its empty description. It has been fully unlocked and has the following verbs available: TWIST, TAP, ATTEND, NOD and SHAKE.

When worn, it will temporarily alter your hairstyle and supports up to three custom hairstyles in addition to the default setting. Currently it has the following custom hairstyles set:

<hair> bound into a tight chignon and secured by a briar rose vine headpiece featuring gilded autumn-hued leaves
<hair> caught up in a complex weave by the thorns at the back of a briar rose vine headpiece featuring gilded autumn-hued leaves
<hair> lifted into a tumble of finger-teased curls behind a briar rose vine headpiece featuring gilded autumn-hued leaves

To change between the available hairstyles, hold the item in your hands and TURN it.

When altering these items there is some important information to keep in mind. First, this item belongs to the BARRETTE group and may only be altered in one of the following nouns: Barrette, Haircomb, Fascinator, Cockade, Ornament, Headpiece, and Ribbon(s). And while each side is highly customizable, both the noun and material do need to remain the same for all three sides.

You get no sense of whether or not the headpiece may be further lightened.

SOME of the zests:

>wear headp
You don your rose vine headpiece.
>twist headp
Feeling slightly flustered, you begin to subconsciously twist a strand of white hair around your headpiece. Realizing what you're doing, you quickly lower your hand and adopt a more composed demeanor to face to the world.
>tap headp
Feeling a bit smug, you slowly tap your index finger against your temple as a knowing expression spreads across your face.
>attend headp
You glance down coyly, fingers absently attending to your rose vine headpiece, as an enigmatic expression plays across your face.
>nod headp
Deep within your own thoughts, you offer a slow, distracted nod.
>shake headp
You shake your head for a short moment, then stop suddenly, as if having second thoughts.
>remove headp
You reach up and remove the headpiece from your white hair.


>take head
You remove a briar rose vine headpiece featuring gilded autumn-hued leaves from in your dark wool longcloak.
>take quar
You remove a piece of citrine quartz from in your gem poke.
>push head
You gently place the quartz in your rose vine headpiece, taking care to arrange it just so.
You glance down to see a gilt briar rose vine headpiece with clusters of citrine quartz blooms in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
>pull head
With a gentle hand, you carefully remove the quartz from your rose vine headpiece.


You pick up a falcon feather.
>take head
You remove a briar rose vine headpiece featuring gilded autumn-hued leaves from in your dark wool longcloak.
>push head
You gently place the feather in your rose vine headpiece, taking care to arrange it just so.
You glance down to see a briar rose vine headpiece offset with a spray of falcon feathers in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
>pull head
With a gentle hand, you carefully remove the feather from your rose vine headpiece.

MB: 1m
CB: Sold on BO to private bidder
BO: 5m

01-14-2018, 03:05 PM

01-14-2018, 05:52 PM
Sold on BO to private bidder