View Full Version : U2 Tickets

02-01-2005, 04:44 PM
So my U2 tickets got here. May 9 in Chicago, first row behind general admission. I'm not a huge U2 fan, but I've never seen them live. I'm really excited, as the live show should kick ass. Anyone else planning on catching them this time around?

02-01-2005, 04:46 PM
You make Latrinsorm cry.

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by Tijay]

02-01-2005, 04:46 PM
They've had nothing to say for many years now, but I wouldn't mind seeing em. I'd much rather see NIN, but they sold out in less than 15 mins, and tickets are like $600 now...

02-01-2005, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
They've had nothing to say for many years now, but I wouldn't mind seeing em. I'd much rather see NIN, but they sold out in less than 15 mins, and tickets are like $600 now...

Unlike most other bands - I've liked NIN's music through all their phases and albums. Never thought one of my favorites would be a damn instrumental.

My girl asked me if I wanted to see Sting when he comes into town soon. I was kinda "meh" so I think she got the hint.

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by Wezas]

02-01-2005, 04:52 PM
I saw them years go, it was an excellent show.

I think since Bono has become Mr. Politico he hasn't really been concentrating on making music. However kudos to him for doing something positive with his fame.

[Edited on 2-1-2005 by xtc]

02-01-2005, 04:52 PM
On the one hand, I cry.

On the other hand, I'm reasonably sure I'll be able to get tickets for either the NY or Boston shows and have a car by then.

On the third and final hand, I'd like to thank Mistomeer for bringing another tour to my attention. I hate their new website.

02-01-2005, 06:14 PM
I had intentions of going to see U2 in NY or NJ until I saw the prices. I dont mind paying $100-$150 a ticket but after ticketmaster gets through with you, you end up paying $200+. Maybe the guy w/connections in our office will come through...I'll keep my fingers crossed.

02-01-2005, 06:55 PM
After Q104.3 played U2 for the whole fucking weekend, I never want to hear a U2 song again.

02-01-2005, 09:43 PM
U2 is the second best band I have ever seen live, and I think they've always not only put out great music, (with the exception of the mid 90's when they went techno), they've always used their fame for what they believe in, and not some gimmick to make themselves look better in the public eye.

They are what pop/rock is supposed to be. Not 5 boys who look good strung together with some studio magic.

02-01-2005, 09:58 PM
One of the few shows I'm sad I missed. All that You Can't Leave Behind and Achtung Baby are both etched in moments in my mind. The kind of music every musician should hope to make. At the same time, Pop and How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb are big misses in my book, so they do stumble.

02-01-2005, 09:58 PM
I like how he uses his music as a political passport. Bono is the kewlest treehugger evar. And the music is good too.

02-01-2005, 11:01 PM
U2 are great in concert.

02-02-2005, 12:21 AM
I've heard seeing U2 live is a religous experience. Im not a huge fan of their new stuff at all, but i wouldn't mind seeing them! Also i've heard NIN has one of the best live shows ever.

02-02-2005, 08:36 AM
You guys suck.. I paid only $20 to see U2 live in concert. Great concert.

Of course that was back in 1985 (I think) Buffalo, NY.

02-02-2005, 08:42 AM
And I bet you were the coolest 40 year old ever in 1985 too!

02-02-2005, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
So my U2 tickets got here. May 9 in Chicago, first row behind general admission. I'm not a huge U2 fan, but I've never seen them live. I'm really excited, as the live show should kick ass. Anyone else planning on catching them this time around?

Dude next time you run out of Toliet Paper just IM me I'll send you some and it will be alot cheaper than paying for those tickets.

02-02-2005, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
And I bet you were the coolest 40 year old ever in 1985 too!

You make me sad.


02-02-2005, 08:55 AM
Even if his seats are far out, it'll still be worth it to see the concert on the screen and hear the sound.

02-02-2005, 09:36 AM
U2 concert - that brings back memories.

It was the fall of '87. I had just turned 30, some friends got me tickets for the Joshua Tree tour, RFK Stadium. I saw Springsteen that same year at the Capitol Center and I said at the time that U2 was a better live experience.

The band had absolutely incredible energy, but RFK lacks the kind of intimacy that can really make a musical concert special.

I hope that 18 years later they still have the same drive and emotion. They can probably play their instruments better. Enjoy the show.


02-02-2005, 10:12 AM
U2 is about as fun as a kick in the crotch.

02-02-2005, 09:23 PM
Sorry Anticor, you are wrong.
I'm not a huge U2 fan, but I have no doubt that their live show will kick ass.

02-02-2005, 09:46 PM
It was the fall of '87. I had just turned 30

I had just been born.

02-02-2005, 09:51 PM
Closest they get is Philly, and they sold out. :crie:

02-02-2005, 10:33 PM
It scares me deeply that my sister was born in the same year as Artha.

[Edited on 2-3-2005 by Warriorbird]

02-03-2005, 07:10 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
You guys suck.. I paid only $20 to see U2 live in concert. Great concert.

Of course that was back in 1985 (I think) Buffalo, NY.

This reminds me of the first concert I ever saw, Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA. Summer of 1984. My then boyfriend told me that I would probably never see a show like it again, and he was right. Elton John/Billy Joel, Chicago, Live/Counting Crows, (insert a bunch of country artists here) have never even come close.

Despite having access to the box seats that my husband's company has - I don't really try to see many bands live.

Should be fun for you, Misto.

02-03-2005, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Sorry Anticor, you are wrong.
I'm not a huge U2 fan, but I have no doubt that their live show will kick ass.

I was actually going to go to a U2 concert I almost bought the tickets then I remembered that I liked girls.

02-03-2005, 01:59 PM
< Live/Counting Crows have never even come close. >

Live was 110% better in concert/live performances.

02-03-2005, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling

Originally posted by Mistomeer
Sorry Anticor, you are wrong.
I'm not a huge U2 fan, but I have no doubt that their live show will kick ass.

I was actually going to go to a U2 concert I almost bought the tickets then I remembered that I liked girls.

Girls that live in trailer parks, are trying to save their last tooth, and listen to Kid Rock don't really count. :)

02-03-2005, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Stunseed
< Live/Counting Crows have never even come close. >

Live was 110% better in concert/live performances.

I lost interest in Live after their second album. I enjoyed their first two, then got bored when everything else just sounded the same. They did put on a good show at the Tibetan Freedom Concert though.