View Full Version : bard CS

01-25-2005, 04:11 PM
I made a half-Krol bard

stats at LVL 8

Strength (STR): 92 (31) .. 92 (31)
Constitution (CON): 54 (12) ... 54 (12)
Dexterity (DEX): 74 (12) ... 74 (12)
Agility (AGI): 82 (21) ... 82 (21)
Discipline (DIS): 62 (6) ... 62 (6)
Aura (AUR): 93 (21) ... 93 (21)
Logic (LOG): 41 (-14) ... 41 (-14)
Intuition (INT): 34 (-8) ... 34 (-8)
Wisdom (WIS): 62 (1) ... 62 (1)
Influence (INF): 92 (16) ... 92 (16)

Armor Use..........................| 50 10
Two-Handed Weapons.....| 78 17
Physical Fitness................| 82 18
Dodging.......................... .| 15 3
Harness Power.............. ..| 50 10
Elemental Mana Control...| 40 8
Mental Lore - Telepathy....| 40 8
Perception.........................| 45 9
Climbing...........................| 40 8
Swimming.........................| 40 8
First Aid..........................| 35 7
Pickpocketing.................. | 20 4

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental.............| 1

Spell Lists
Bard..............................| 8

I know my numbers suck but how would I improve my Casting Strength....that stunning shout is pretty bad ass....should i throw some training into air lore?:?:

01-25-2005, 07:13 PM
there is a lot more you need to be concerned about as far as your skills go before even worrying about your 1008, and as the documentaion says, air lore only increases initial damage slightly

01-25-2005, 07:16 PM
More spells, levels, and stat bonus increases your CS.

01-25-2005, 07:33 PM
No CM isn't helping you either.

01-25-2005, 07:45 PM
nor is that low dodge

01-25-2005, 08:20 PM
just to add to the list... I'd get some MOC. My bard singles in it, and it really saves her in a swarm, both defensively (with the recent changes) and offensively.

In terms of freeing up some points for all of that, I can't imagine why you're more than singling in physical fitness... you don't really need swimming that much (well, I guess that depends on where you live), and I haven't really found much use for perception (especially when you'll eventually have 402) or first aid. Of course, I'd also say that you can do without the pickpocketing, but, to each his own.

Edited to add: but yeah, I'd try to pick up some air lore too... and not just for 1008. It also helps out with 1009, 1012, 1014 and 1035. My bard does 0.5x air lore and 1x mental lore.

[Edited on 1-26-2005 by Myitkyina]

01-25-2005, 09:21 PM
Crap used me fix skills already... damn it all
So preception is useless?

I'll make a few adjustments... thanks for the info and input...i got a long month ahead...:cry:

01-25-2005, 09:36 PM
Not to be rude but your bard is gonna suuuuuuck. Thanks

01-27-2005, 01:20 AM
The five things that factor into your bardic CS are:

1) Level (3 CS per level)
2) Aura bonus (1 CS per point of bonus)
3) Songs known (1 CS per song, assuming you're not more than 1x in spells/songs)
4) MinE spells known (.5 per spell)
4) 425 Elemental Targeting bonus (25 + (MinE spells - 25/2))

So I'm guessing your bard has a CS of:

Level: 8*3 == 24
Aura bonus: 21
Songs known: 8
MinE ranks: 1 * .5 == .5
425: 0 since you don't know it yet.

For a total of 53.5 which is rounded to 54. Sound about right?

1008 isn't going to be a reliable hunting tool for you at level 8. On the bright side, later in life you'll get some real mileage out of it, when it doesn't take a huge chunk of your mana and you have the CS to support it.

For now, rely on 1005.

01-27-2005, 01:57 PM
Or 1002, depending on the critter.

At 40, Czeska has no perception. I don't miss it. I 402 if I really need to look for something.

With interlevel training, I got enough swimming to get through Voln and then piled on more later if I needed it. Same with Climbing.

I also have 5 ranks of MOC, that's enough for me for now at least. I single in dodge and CM and have 1x spells, also, up to 1035 and 407. No first aid, I have enough empath friends, and the RT for eating herbs is no big deal. My empath is the skinner in the family.

And I know this is a moot point, but why oh why would you use your fix skills at so young an age? Hell you could completely switch everything in just a couple days in game most likely.

[Edited on 1-27-2005 by Czeska]

01-27-2005, 02:22 PM
with no fixskills i'd just start over, hell, you can be midway through level 6 by the time your first xxx runs out

02-09-2005, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by Lumi
The five things that factor into your bardic CS are:

1) Level (3 CS per level)
2) Aura bonus (1 CS per point of bonus)
3) Songs known (1 CS per song, assuming you're not more than 1x in spells/songs)
4) MinE spells known (.5 per spell)
4) 425 Elemental Targeting bonus (25 + (MinE spells - 25/2))

So I'm guessing your bard has a CS of:

Level: 8*3 == 24
Aura bonus: 21
Songs known: 8
MinE ranks: 1 * .5 == .5
425: 0 since you don't know it yet.

For a total of 53.5 which is rounded to 54. Sound about right?

1008 isn't going to be a reliable hunting tool for you at level 8. On the bright side, later in life you'll get some real mileage out of it, when it doesn't take a huge chunk of your mana and you have the CS to support it.

For now, rely on 1005.

Thats it...

I made him a while ago (when the last fixskills came out) and just got around to using him regular...

Thanks for all the useful input...