View Full Version : Nodread = crazy? (long log)

Miss X
01-24-2005, 07:03 PM
Ok, this just happened while we were resting in OTF. Is it just me that thinks Nodread is clearly insane?

Nodread asks, "Any healing available, please?"
You nod.
You take a quick appraisal of Nodread and find that he has minor cuts and bruises on his abdominal area.>
Nodread asks, "Or outfitting?"
Nodread glances at Maliku.
[East Woods, Hollow Tree]
You notice the Nodread disk, a plain maoral trunk, a sturdy iron box and the Chica disk.
Also here: Nodread (kneeling), Maliku (kneeling)
Obvious exits: none

Nodread bows to you.
Nodread says, "Many thanks."
Maliku glances at Nodread.
Maliku asks, "Outfitting? The hell you talking about?"
Nodread says, "I be missing an axe."
Maliku asks, "Why?"
Nodread says, "Thought you might have it."
Maliku asks, "The hell would i have your axe for?"
Maliku says, "I use a sonic lance."
Nodread says, "Recovered whilest I was dead."
Maliku asks, "Where did you die?"
Maliku says, "I can take a look."
Nodread says, "Sorry, thought mistook you for someone who might have been a good samaritan."
Nodread says, "Obviously I was wrong."
Nodread shrugs.
Maliku says, "..."
Maliku says, "I hunt the duct you moron."
You blink.
Speaking to Nodread, you say, "He wouldnt steal yer stuff."
Nodread says, "And have the attitude of a complete cretin."
You shake your head.
Maliku asks, "You expect me to be nice with someone accusing me of theft?"
Maliku laughs!
Nodread says, "Nobody said anything about theft, cept you chica."
You say, "Sweet Oleani."
Nodread says, "Both of you have a really nasty habit of accusing others for your own bias."
Your jaw drops.
Maliku says, "I must admit I hope I do find it now."
Nodread says, "No where, no way did I suggest anyone stole anything."

Maliku says, "I've been looking for a new toy to sell."
You say, "You have a serious attitude problem."
Nodread says, "Yes you do."
You say, "You came in here and pretty much accused him of taking your axe."
Maliku peers quizzically at you.
Nodread says, "I did not."
Maliku says, "His wit cuts deep."
Maliku chuckles.
Nodread says, "I asked if he had it."
Maliku's spirit appears to be lifted by the singing.
The mirror images surrounding Maliku undulate and grow stronger.
Maliku renews his songs.
Nodread says, "Read ALL the aboe."
Nodread says, "Above."
You blink.
You say, "I heard it."
Maliku rubs his chin thoughtfully.
You ask, "Did you write it down too?"
Nodread says, "I am seeking the one kind enough to recover my weapon for me."
Maliku asks, "You wrote it down?"
Maliku says, "Weird."
Maliku asks, "Where did you die?"
Nodread says, "Someone else snatched me off to Patrons before he could return it."
Maliku says, "..."
Maliku asks, "Who is "someone" ?"
Nodread says, "I apologize AGAIN for thinking you might have been nice enough to do such a good deed."
You look about with a puzzled expression on your face.
Maliku says, "..."
Maliku says, "Get the hell out."
Nodread exclaims, "If I knew, do you think I would be inquiring after it?!"
Maliku points at a round opening.
Maliku asks, "You don't know who fogged you away to the Patron's?"
You ask, "What makes you think he has it?"
Nodread asks, "Who?"
You point at Maliku.
Nodread says, "We have obviously established, Maliku doesn't have it, or the bent of mind to help another out."
Nodread shakes his head.
You ask, "How can he help you out if he doesnt have it and never has had it?"
Nodread says, "Cretins."
Maliku says, "I'll ask you one last time."
Maliku asks, "Where did you lose it?"
Maliku says, "So I can KEEP AN EYE OUT."
You say, "I am offended quite badly."
Nodread says, "It has been recovered."
Maliku shakes his head.
Maliku points at a round opening.
Nodread says, "Someone has it."
Maliku says, "Get."
Nodread says, "Please do."
Nodread says, "Someone not Maliku."
Maliku says, "It knows my name."
Maliku frowns at you.
You say, "I dont understand."
Nodread says, "I haven't accused him or anyone else of stealing anything."
Maliku says, "Go get your weapon and leave us in peace."
You ask, "Why come in here and start talking like you did then?"
Nodread says, "I merely asked if he had it."
Maliku says, "For al-Rakeesh's sakes."
You say, "You could have said."
Nodread says, "No bais, no accusation."
You say, "Hello there Maliku, do you happen to have seen an axe around here, I lost mine recently."
You say, "Im sure he would have been most helpful."
Maliku says, "Opposed to asking me for your outfitting."
You say, "But instead you decided to use sarcasm and insults."
Maliku says, "And glancing at me."
Maliku turns away from Nodread, ignoring him.
Maliku pulls you closer.
Maliku asks, "How's the fam?"
You say, "So I don't quite understand why you would expect either of us to help you."
You scoot over in front of Maliku.
You lean softly against Maliku.
Maliku reaches over and gently rests his hand on your arm.
Nodread says, "I said, "I be missing an axe - thought you might have it - recovered whilest I was dead - sorry, thought mistook you for someone who might have been a good samaritan."
Nodread says, "I never asked anyone to help in any way, other than to advise me if you had my weapon."

Nodread says, "Didn't mean to over tax you, mentally or physically."
Nodread says, "Sheesh."
You chuckle.
Speaking to Maliku, you ask, "Do you hear something?"
(Maliku stomps his foot.)
Maliku says, "Was a bug."
Maliku nods to you.
Maliku says, "I killed it.
Nodread chuckles.
Nodread says, "Prolly that too is beyond him."
Nodread shrugs.
Nodread ducks his head and crawls into a round opening.
You let out a cheer!
You say, "Idiot."

01-24-2005, 07:15 PM
I didn't think he was accusing Maliku of stealing his weapon...he asked if Maliku MIGHT have it and was assuming Maliku hunted in the same area and might have picked it up from what I got of the whole thing.

01-24-2005, 07:15 PM
Yeah, he's dumb. Fuck him.

01-24-2005, 07:25 PM
Yeah, I don't think he was accusing of stealing either. But he could have been nicer about asking, or asking if anyone found his weapon. I don't see why he should have mistaken him for someone else. I always keep a mental note or a visual one of anyone who touches me or my stuff when I die. :grin: That whole thing was a confusing mess.

01-24-2005, 07:27 PM
The bad thing about text is what he said actually could go both ways. On one hand it seems like he acted like an ass from the start, while reading what he said over again the "good samiratan" could have been a reference to the person who actually recovered it when he died which he did know about and thought was Maliku. I don't think he was trying to be a smartass with the samaritan thing being a snide comment. Poor choice of words on his part, yes. But it looks to me like everything was taken the wrong way.

01-24-2005, 07:28 PM
I would have taken it the exact same way, if he wasn't accusing of stealing, it was the worst request for help ive ever seen.

01-24-2005, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Toxicvixen
Yeah, I don't think he was accusing of stealing either. But he could have been nicer about asking, or asking if anyone found his weapon. I don't see why he should have mistaken him for someone else. I always keep a mental note or a visual one of anyone who touches me or my stuff when I die. :grin: That whole thing was a confusing mess.

Yeah that too...he could have worded it differently, but maybe that is how he RP's?

From what I gathered, the person who rescued him SYM RET too fast and weapon was left behind so he didn't know who retrieved it only that it was retrieved.

01-24-2005, 07:36 PM
You're wrong if you think he wasn't accusing Maliku of taking it.

01-24-2005, 07:45 PM
Fucking idiot. I wish I HAD found it.


01-24-2005, 08:14 PM
Always seemed like a nice guy to me.

Seems like he thought that Maliku might have found his axe, and instead of just asking directly, he did so in an odd manner.

But I got the feeling that there is a history there with these characters?

Nodread says, "Both of you have a really nasty habit of accusing others for your own bias."

If there is a history or he's going off of some reputation, that would explain some of his comments.

01-24-2005, 08:29 PM
Ugh. Communication mess.

Just one thing bugged me: I'm fairly sure there are no samaritans in Elanthia, good or otherwise.

01-24-2005, 08:37 PM
<<But I got the feeling that there is a history there with these characters?

Nodread says, "Both of you have a really nasty habit of accusing others for your own bias."

If there is a history or he's going off of some reputation, that would explain some of his comments.>>

If there is, neither Chica nor myself knows anything about it...


[Edited on 1-25-2005 by Makkah]

Miss X
01-24-2005, 08:47 PM
The only interaction I have had with him in the past has been him asking for healing and me doing it. I'm not the type of person who would post a log complaining about someone if I had done something wrong/had a bad history with that person myself. I have no idea what 'reputation' he would have been going off, thanks.

01-24-2005, 09:04 PM
I didn't think he was accusing anyone. Nor do I think he's "clearly insane" from that log. I have had no interaction with him, but asking if anyone has found his lost weapon doesn't seem all that accusatory to me.

01-24-2005, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
The only interaction I have had with him in the past has been him asking for healing and me doing it. I'm not the type of person who would post a log complaining about someone if I had done something wrong/had a bad history with that person myself. I have no idea what 'reputation' he would have been going off, thanks.

I didn't imply that you were the type of person to post a one sided situation. Step back and don't get so defensive, I wasn't accusing you of anything. I was completely puzzled by his comment - and you should be too - especially if you don't have any history other than just normal interactions.

If it had been me, I would have stopped him right there and asked for clarification on such a disparaging remark.


01-24-2005, 11:44 PM
When I read the "I thought you might have been a good samaritan, guess I was wrong," bit, I took it as a sarcastic jab at the guy he thought had something he wasn't willing to give up.


01-25-2005, 12:35 AM
As an addendum... apparently Malok found his weapon in OTF proper somewhere.

Malok, Maliku, Malok, Maliku

I dunno... perhaps he can't read.

01-25-2005, 09:51 AM
He had said that he didn't know who found his weapon, so if someone had told him something along the lines of "Oh someone named Mal... something found it" He might have been asking if you were this "Mal......" person.

I didn't find what he said to be accusatory, personally. But I wasn't there so can't really comment.

I've never had bad experiences with Nodread myself. :shrug:

01-25-2005, 09:59 AM
Chica is this the same idiot you and I had to deal with? If so, the guys a complete window licker. No way around it. He's about half a thought from being a house plant.

01-29-2005, 12:40 AM
I think this part sums up my opinion of this guy:

Nodread says, "Read ALL the aboe."
Nodread says, "Above."
You blink.
You say, "I heard it."
Maliku rubs his chin thoughtfully.
You ask, "Did you write it down too?"


Guy is clearly a twit.

02-03-2005, 07:56 AM
His arguing for months about how crappy Rogues were proved it.

02-03-2005, 08:15 AM
Anyone asking after a weapon they lost might want to NOT act like that. With the way some of the players are.. you'd be LUCKY to get it back if you are nice about it, much less having a attitude.

02-03-2005, 09:13 AM
That is a tough spot for a character to be in. If you are usually a stand-offish character, and you lose your gear, it can be very hard to RP getting help. I dropped my 10x twice in Bonespear, and nearly had an aneurism on both occasions. I definitely could have handled the situation better, but I just wanted my damned shield back. I swear to god, those fucking Waerns and Eidolons conspire against me.

For future reference, what was the creature disarming in that area?


Maliku says, "..." X 2

02-03-2005, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by Warriorbird
His arguing for months about how crappy Rogues were proved it.

You're probably thinking of Nodyre.

02-03-2005, 11:00 AM
I'm going with the guy is not insane. Maliku was out of character with the "Outfitting? What the hell you talking about?" comment. That already set the tone for hostility. I'd have my suspicion about him right after that. Maliku said hell a couple of more times which opened the door for OOC crap like "read above" etc...

In my opinion Hell doesn't exist in Gemstone.

You asked for comment so there is one.

[Edited on 2-3-2005 by Tromp]

02-03-2005, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by Fallen
For future reference, what was the creature disarming in that area?

Janissaries, though, any Ithzir will take your gear after you're already dead. Don't bring your 10x there. ;)

02-03-2005, 11:09 AM
<<Maliku was out of character with the "Outfitting? What the hell you talking about?" comment.>>


02-03-2005, 01:09 PM
eh, hell is iffy. Would be a good word for GMs to voice their opinion on.

Just take a look at Elanthian's understanding of the word Demon. These things can get confusing.

02-03-2005, 02:40 PM
They have. A certain cheap wench of a Mentor reported me for saying it over and over again. I was told as long as I wasn't making OOC references or purpousely offending a specific person, it was fine.

02-03-2005, 03:50 PM
They have. A certain cheap wench of a Mentor reported me for saying it over and over again. I was told as long as I wasn't making OOC references or purpousely offending a specific person, it was fine. >>

Were I to refer to Hell IG, I would probably be referring to chaotic/demonic valences, or a state of eternal suffering, ect. Having spent a decent amount of Time in Icemule, I can honestly say I believe both instances are alive and well in Elanthia.

02-10-2005, 12:38 AM
I know this kind of died, but I just read it.

Now, knowing that Malok recovered his weapon, and he was probably confused between Malok and Maliku (He didn't see his weapon recovered, so we can only guess he was told it was some Mal- named guy in OTF).

No, lets read the log again, assuming he thought you were the guy that recovered his weapon and was going to return it.

Nodread asks, "Any healing available, please?"
You nod.
You take a quick appraisal of Nodread and find that he has minor cuts and bruises on his abdominal area.>
Nodread asks, "Or outfitting?"
Nodread glances at Maliku.
Nodread bows to you.
Nodread says, "Many thanks."
Maliku glances at Nodread.
Maliku asks, "Outfitting? The hell you talking about?"
Nodread says, "I be missing an axe."
Maliku asks, "Why?"
Nodread says, "Thought you might have it."
Maliku asks, "The hell would i have your axe for?"
Maliku says, "I use a sonic lance."
Nodread says, "Recovered whilest I was dead."
Maliku asks, "Where did you die?"
Maliku says, "I can take a look."
Nodread says, "Sorry, thought mistook you for someone who might have been a good samaritan."
Nodread says, "Obviously I was wrong."
Nodread shrugs.

He that you might have been a good samarian, but he was wrong. He had already stated that he thought you might have it. He thought you were the good samaritan, but were wrong.

The problem in this situation is that you were on the defensive immediately and gave absolutely Zero benefit of the doubt. "The the hell..." "You are a moron.."

I'd even forgive him for the "read above" comment. He was probably so frustrated with "Why in the world are they acting like this to me." that he just wanted to be understood.
