View Full Version : What is the story weightless items?

12-20-2017, 02:17 PM
Digging through old threads, I see containers up to 150 lb that are weightless. I also see some that are weightless up to a certain amount. Was this a merchant services that added X pounds of weightlessness, do these services still happen, or are these items relics of the past, no longer made?

12-20-2017, 02:25 PM
The closest you will get these days is acquiring 100k+ bloodscrip to get, I THINK, 5% weight reduction flat added to a container now. This service is a high end scrip shop offering ($$$) and the price scales are people buy it. To give you an idea, when the service was first offered it was a rate of 30% reduction to fresh (no other reduction) containers and +10% to existing for the same price. They dropped the offering and kept the price high.

12-20-2017, 02:32 PM
But weight reduction is not the same... like, a 50% weight reducing bag that's got 50 lb of gear still weighs 25 lb. I'm talking about the fully weightless containers, that are 50 lb and weigh less than 1 lb when closed... was that a service, or those are just old auction items?

12-20-2017, 02:36 PM
Oh, I have not seen anything like that go out in my time here. If there was it was 1 at god auction or bloodscrip auction. my bad. I can't read.

12-20-2017, 03:02 PM
Yes it is older than the script created during RtCF that reduces item weight inside the container.

They were last released via raffle at RtCF, they have a couple tiers. Should be on the wiki. Only weightless when you close it.