View Full Version : Quitting GS

12-14-2017, 04:35 AM
I know, we've been here before.

I also know, "Why you making a 'I'm quitting' post? No one cares!"

But let's face it, I'm kind of a big deal.

This is actually a decision I have been mulling for quite some time now.

My enjoyment of the game has been in the crapper for about a year. I kept going because the Dreavening service and getting so many people together in one place really kept the game alive for me for a while so I started focusing more on that. While totally paying attention to all of my characters while they hunted (for reals!) I would work on the Dreavening spell up script and adding new services, adding new achievements and stats that people seem to enjoy, adding in Roshambo tournaments and Cards Against Humanity to try and keep things fresh while everyone waited for the spells to start, and etc etc.

It seems crazy to spend almost 200 dollars a month on a game that one does not enjoy that much. And that is true. That's where selling silvers came into play. Contrary to popular belief I was not making bank off of selling silvers in GS, some months I was lucky to even break even after factoring in my monthly subscription fees. Then when the silver market crashed and I had to practically beg someone to buy my silvers at 5 dollars per I realized my choices were either A) Play this game that I'm not enjoying much even more to help recoup my monthly fees or B) Pay more money out of my own pocket every month for a game I'm not enjoying that much.

So, yes, the silver economy crashing and my non-existent faith in the GMs to actually revive it or help prop it up played a factor in this decision. In fact they seem to actively be trying to destroy the silver economy in my opinion.

This actually ended up with me playing the game even less because I was already not having much fun and now faced with the prospect of paying more and more money to have less and less fun. It got to the point where I mostly just afked out at a table and was just checking my computer every hour or so to see if it was time to do another Dreavening.

Eventually I had the idea to setup a Patreon to see if this could help recoup some of my monthly costs. At this point I was already pretty much just sitting at a table afk all day so I wasn't making much silvers at all. So this worked for a while, and again contrary to popular belief I never received enough money through Patreon to pay for my monthly fees. Never. And this is the fourth month my Patreon has been running. I'm not saying this to make people who enjoyed my Dreavenings feel bad for not donating more, I'm just clarifying because some people seem to think I was "making money" off of GS via Patreon. I wish. If I was just breaking even off of Patreon I would probably keep my accounts open and just keep doing what I'm doing. But I can no longer justify paying this much money for a game I don't really enjoy all that much anymore and quite frankly don't even play much...and no smart asses I don't mean because I was scripting so much I wasn't "playing" it to begin with, I mean I'm not even scripting it anymore. My characters pretty much sit at a table all day these days while I'm off doing other stuff.

Just so people don't get the idea that I'm only doing this to guilt people into donating to my Patreon I will be closing down my Patreon shortly as well.

There are other factors that played into this decision. I don't like the general direction the game is going, more and more pay events etc. I don't like the GMs' apparent desire to want to control all outside discussions of this game (taking over the wiki, trying to get everyone to move over to a new official-unofficial forum, starting their own Discord server to replace the player ran one, etc.)

Even my interests on these forums have waned over the past several months. I know a lot of people associate me with the political folder but I used to be pretty active in the GS part of the forums as well. These days I mostly just pay attention to the political folder because I like to discuss politics and even though I apparently make people cry with my truthiness I enjoy discussing politics because I like seeing other people's opinions on matters, whether I agree with them or not.

If this isn't juicy enough for some people here are some suggested rumors you can spread:

Dreaven is quitting because he got caught afk scripting.

Dreaven is quitting because the GMs said he couldn't have a Patreon anymore.

Dreaven is quitting because he's no longer making 10,000 dollars a month selling silvers.

Also if anyone is interested in buying my entire crew for say 10,000 dollars let me know. I'll even throw in all of my Dreavening scripts!

12-14-2017, 04:52 AM
TLDR: Tgo is quitting because Roy Moore lost.

12-14-2017, 04:55 AM
Dreaven is quitting because he is going to DRAGONREALMS.

12-14-2017, 05:06 AM
You can always come play ESO with me though.

12-14-2017, 05:09 AM
To clarify I don't think simu opening the discord had jack to do with control, Whirlin rage quit, then he got pissed off over more drama and really quit when he was supposedly about to come back. Right after that is when the official discord thing happened, literally right after. I could go into more on that but I don't feel like bringing out more drama. I would also argue certain players were trying to drag the gm's onto the new forum, and considering at least one post I saw on here with the stupid shit storm tossed at one of the gm's it's no wonder they don't come on here.

That being said it's going to be harsh without you running dreavenings. It made life easier for a lot of people.

12-14-2017, 05:34 AM
Whirlin rage quit?

12-14-2017, 05:44 AM
Supposedly done done, in any event it makes sense for a company to be running an official discord if they are going to use discord. I doubt they suddenly said screw all you guys, you can't have a player run discord about our game. I mean I could be wrong and they did but I doubt it.

12-14-2017, 05:48 AM
I see where dreaven is coming from. I'm starting to get very irked by all these pay2win events as well. Its gone overboard. And there's upcoming changes like the new fusion which just completely sucks with no player benefit - why making changes that pisses people off rather than create fun and excitement.

12-14-2017, 06:24 AM
I would say they do both, it kind of depends on the gm, and the fact they out right said they don't communicate between departments. The people doing one thing don't talk to the people doing the other thing and no real oversight. Then you have a qc department who dont seem to really be on the same page as the players. So we get some cool exciting things mixed with some very shitty things, then there is constant last minute changes, backtracking, messyness. Wyrom needs to to knock the everyone doing what they want crap off. If they all just really communicated and got the same page it would improve things a lot.

12-14-2017, 07:32 AM
I thought you quit?

12-14-2017, 07:40 AM
Also, tldr, dreaven has been implicated in a sexual assault where he exposed himself. As such, he is being let go from gs.

12-14-2017, 07:42 AM
Also, tldr, dreaven has been implicated in a sexual assault where he exposed himself. As such, he is being let go from gs.


12-14-2017, 07:59 AM
To clarify I don't think simu opening the discord had jack to do with control, Whirlin rage quit, then he got pissed off over more drama and really quit when he was supposedly about to come back. Right after that is when the official discord thing happened, literally right after. I could go into more on that but I don't feel like bringing out more drama. I would also argue certain players were trying to drag the gm's onto the new forum, and considering at least one post I saw on here with the stupid shit storm tossed at one of the gm's it's no wonder they don't come on here.

That being said it's going to be harsh without you running dreavenings. It made life easier for a lot of people.

Whirlin quit because GS made an official Discord channel instead of people using "Gemstone by Whirlin" one?


12-14-2017, 08:26 AM
Only nerds quit.....


12-14-2017, 08:27 AM
The game has apparently 4~5 more years in it before closing up

I've been hearing this claim for the past 20 years.

Tsk Tsk
12-14-2017, 08:50 AM
As much as you've lost pleasure in the game and that might be a huge part of why you're going, I promise there are tremendous benefits to your personal life when a lot of your time isn't invested into gaming. I made the leap the day my son was born and have never regretted it. Good on you TGO.

P.S. We all know you're quitting because you're not making 20k a month anymore and you can't tag people on the officials.

12-14-2017, 08:57 AM
I'm sorry if you feel down but you make the decisions so I can't convince you to stay. At least you said it in advance and not left for no reason. I guess I took you're services for granted and It has been great to see you and actually help anyone you meet. Whatever you maybe up to I hope it makes you happy. There are many games out there for you to play. I play Team Fortress 2 and my name is Rommel12304 there. If you are feeling a little penny punchy there are lots and I mean LOTS of hats to buy if you wanna look cool. Also some classic games would be nice to unwinde, like for me I play Red Alert 2 and Generals. I'm such an old timer!

Truly this disheartens me for such an important person who most people took for granted to leave. Guess I'll just woo some wizard or whatever to give me some spells. I'm asimpleman, allI need is Strength and Thurfel's ward, anda few spells for undead to fight. It's the Claidhmore.

I am new here, maybe about three months old. I like the community how friendly people are and how almost everyone is available for RP. But if you leave I won't beg for you to stay, leave if you have. You may just return one day, in maybe 5 or 10 years suppose the game lasts. I am concerned for the future of the community but there is nothing I can do about it, few here can. It's up to the higher ups for them to come to their

12-14-2017, 09:00 AM
Senses and somehow change. Is there a chance it may happen? Maybe. Are they doing it, I don't know. Again it's up to them to wake up. I hope you are happy to leave and again thank you all and I'm sorry if I annoyed anyone ingame or in the forums. See you in TF 2!

12-14-2017, 09:14 AM
It seems crazy to spend almost 200 dollars a month on a game that one does not enjoy that much. And that is true.


There are other factors that played into this decision. I don't like the general direction the game is going, more and more pay events etc. I don't like the GMs' apparent desire to want to control all outside discussions of this game (taking over the wiki, trying to get everyone to move over to a new official-unofficial forum, starting their own Discord server to replace the player ran one, etc.)

Just wanted to quote these particular points because they're things I feel very strongly about as well. I only have 2 accounts, one premium and one regular, but even then I have a difficult time justifying spending even ~$50 a month for a game when the company feels they need to charge for never ending pay festivals AND have a cash shop on top of everything. I don't feel like a customer, I feel like a mark.

12-14-2017, 09:20 AM
Supposedly done done, in any event it makes sense for a company to be running an official discord if they are going to use discord. I doubt they suddenly said screw all you guys, you can't have a player run discord about our game. I mean I could be wrong and they did but I doubt it.

Normally I would agree but half of Simu’s business model is getting players to do stuff for them for free that they’re usually too cheap and lazy to do themselves. The other half is getting their GMs to do everything else for pizza and beer money. Not even good beer either. They can probably only afford a 6 pack of Pabst, not even the tall cans. Probably ponies.

Please make a huge spectacle on the officials on your way out so Simu can look really stupid. Make sure to go off about the WPS bait & switch too.

When Dreaven is gone I will be offering Methenings. For only $10 a month you can have unlimited spell ups in whatever town I’m in at the time.

12-14-2017, 09:31 AM
Normally I would agree but half of Simu’s business model is getting players to do stuff for them for free that they’re usually too cheap and lazy to do themselves. The other half is getting their GMs to do everything else for pizza and beer money. Not even good beer either. They can probably only afford a 6 pack of Pabst, not even the tall cans. Probably ponies.

Please make a huge spectacle on the officials on your way out so Simu can look really stupid. Make sure to go off about the WPS bait & switch too.

When Dreaven is gone I will be offering Methenings. For only $10 a month you can have unlimited spell ups in whatever town I’m in at the time.

10 bucks for meth

12-14-2017, 09:56 AM
For what the game provides, it's grossly expensive. Especially for premium and platinum services it's just simply astronomical.

12-14-2017, 10:13 AM
i dont even use dreavenings but i dont like that he is going. fine i'll pay him 10 mil silvers a month to stay.

12-14-2017, 10:23 AM
it's everyone's first drug... I mean MMO experience. So it's always going to have the nostalgia and good times feeling. Also a sense of comfort in familiarity to come back to. It will do that until they shut the server down. People will keep playing/paying until they do. It would be great if they updated pricing to be more comparable to modern MMO's ($10-15 for a FULL account of characters). But I don't see that ever happening. I called it back in 2016 EG thread about Simu going to more and more micro-transaction for what is normally a one price and done event. I got neg rep for it, but my prediction came true this past 2017 EG. I'm still playing/paying though cause again, it's like a drug.

12-14-2017, 10:25 AM
Fuck him. It's just more attention seeking behavior like those people who leave dramatic FB posts about how they won't be on FB anymore.

If you're going to quit, just man up and quit. Sell your shit, close your accounts and go. No need to cry crocodile tears over how the corporation is taking away from your power as a player and blah blah blah.

Typical bullshit talking tough guy who's really just a sensitive snowflake crying on the inside and looking to his computer screen for validation in a meaningless life.

12-14-2017, 10:36 AM
Whirlin rage quit?
I wasn't going to go into it... but, I guess I'll piggyback off of Dreaven's thread.

Yeah, I initially left two months ago following the drama around Wednesday night Reim + Guild night Lag, when GMs (without reaching out to us once) nerfed Reim to no more than 5 creatures spawning in a room regardless of participants. They did not inform/discuss/or try to work with us on the change, and we had a shitty night where people didn't cap scrip in two hours... and then after wasting our time came to talk to us unscheduled. A little consideration could have gone a long way.

This was really a catalyst for a variety of health, financial, and family obligations that I was having. I also took my guides down at this point because hosting them in the wiki was a shitty decision. Wikis are better for collaboration, not single-contributor documents. I didn't like others editing them, their control over stating whether or not they would persist there, etc. Many were out dated, and having them there sucked.

Given the financial/health insurance out of pocket maximums, I decided to start taking my old guides and transitioning them to a patreon. Somewhere that I had more control over the content, better management than something like a google site, and I could ask for donations to help alleviate the stupidly high subscription costs, because I wasn't going to dedicate all that money to them when I had better, competing priorities. I rewrote the wizard guide, performed new analysis of ELR breakpoints/whatnot, was in the midst of reestablishing methodology for the Sorcerer guide. I also tied in the huge $1 rewards in with establishing your own color in the discord server... because people like that shit.

Was planning on trying to reactive and explaining my status, the patreon/etc for the Winterfest. But then in about a 24 hour span, HoA officers booted me without even so much as talking to me beforehand, and GMs released their own discord server... So, basically the culmination of what I was trying to bring to the game ripped away from me, and a potential reward tier for begging for donations removed. It was going to be an uphill battle to try to come back, and honestly... it's not worth it, for pretty much every reason Dreaven pointed out already. Like most of us, there's a ton of good Steam games in my library that I've already bought, and a lot of good F2P games out there. It's not worth pinching pennies or pissing off debtors more to keep the sub open.

I've been transitioning everything off.
*I asked Kranar to remove my moderator status (complete). Proposed someone else, but don't know if he followed that recommendation or not.
*Other forums account was deleted. You'll see some nice guest posts over there now.
*Unofficial Discord (which was renamed 3 weeks ago), I 'archived' all the text threads, added a link to other discord, gave the server to an active GM. Dunno if they deleted it or just kept it, don't care.
*Left all Simu-related Discord servers, curbed Discord friend lists, so I think only 4 people from Gemstone can contact me via Discord anymore... I think only one person I knew had mutual servers outside of them.
*Left the Steam Groups for Gemstone/Simu. I think I had mod of the Gemstone one, but it persists without me... not like those even matter anyway.
*I was planning on transitioning Youtube videos to Dreaven, but I think his interest level is about the same as mine. Let me know if you want them, otherwise I'll likely just delete them next week.
*Guides, in their most recent, some non-released forms, were given to GMs in .docx documents. I don't know if they want or plan to do anything with them, but they're in their hands.
*TERA guild for Gemstone players transitioned to a new owner.

For the character, the plans are as follows:
*His FWI shop is set to be auto-repoed on 1/6/2018. I will need to reactivate to transition to a new person.
*His project piece is being gifted to someone that can work with the holders of the 9/10x enchanting potions that I previously went in on purchasing.
*Need to pick up that SimuCon giftbox from forever ago
*Following those two. Whirlin will be transitioned to a new owner. In discussions with the new owner, since the character, gear, skills are built around being an archer-mage, there was value in having his gear: bow/quiver/enhancives/self-chargers in tact.
*No plans for the other characters at this time

12-14-2017, 10:42 AM
Fuck him. It's just more attention seeking behavior like those people who leave dramatic FB posts about how they won't be on FB anymore.

If you're going to quit, just man up and quit. Sell your shit, close your accounts and go. No need to cry crocodile tears over how the corporation is taking away from your power as a player and blah blah blah.

Typical bullshit talking tough guy who's really just a sensitive snowflake crying on the inside and looking to his computer screen for validation in a meaningless life.

Fuck off dude, this isn't a politics topic.

12-14-2017, 10:52 AM
he said crocodile tears, hehehehe.

12-14-2017, 10:52 AM
Fuck off dude, this isn't a politics topic.

Kiss my ass Taernath and fuck you too. I have no patience respect or tolerance for these tough guy PC bitches and their feelings. If tg wants to quit then just quit. I give zero fucks but am amused by his "cry for help".

12-14-2017, 10:53 AM
I also took my guides down at this point because hosting them in the wiki was a shitty decision. Wikis are better for collaboration, not single-contributor documents. I didn't like others editing them, their control over stating whether or not they would persist there, etc. Many were out dated, and having them there sucked.


Was planning on trying to reactive and explaining my status, the patreon/etc for the Winterfest. But then in about a 24 hour span, HoA officers booted me without even so much as talking to me beforehand, and GMs released their own discord server... So, basically the culmination of what I was trying to bring to the game ripped away from me, and a potential reward tier for begging for donations removed.

That sucks. Were the usual suspects editing/threatening to take down your guides?

The new discord is just a vehicle for the Simucon crowd to ERP with GMs, if it makes you feel any better.

12-14-2017, 10:55 AM
Whirlin, I've already stated as much on this matter, especially since i wasn't around for the CIA-esque coup, but it was totally uncool how this was handled and they really souls have had a discussion with you regarding everything.

12-14-2017, 10:57 AM
lol @ HOA kicking out whirlin. I guess there really is no honor among thieves. Funny how the story suddenly changes from "we had extended conversations with the GMs about the lag and it turned out it was guild night" and now its all "Omg it happened without any warning and even though we min/max the shit out of everything, we still failed to do what 4 mixed level people who dont even get full credit for each kill can do in 2 hours!"
Why dont you try and stick with one story instead of playing victim because you made 999 silvers instead 1001 per second or whatever other number crunching shit gets you down.

12-14-2017, 10:58 AM
I wasn't going to go into it... but, I guess I'll piggyback off of Dreaven's thread.

Yeah, I initially left two months ago following the drama around Wednesday night Reim + Guild night Lag, when GMs (without reaching out to us once) nerfed Reim to no more than 5 creatures spawning in a room regardless of participants. They did not inform/discuss/or try to work with us on the change, and we had a shitty night where people didn't cap scrip in two hours... and then after wasting our time came to talk to us unscheduled. A little consideration could have gone a long way.

This was really a catalyst for a variety of health, financial, and family obligations that I was having. I also took my guides down at this point because hosting them in the wiki was a shitty decision. Wikis are better for collaboration, not single-contributor documents. I didn't like others editing them, their control over stating whether or not they would persist there, etc. Many were out dated, and having them there sucked.

Given the financial/health insurance out of pocket maximums, I decided to start taking my old guides and transitioning them to a patreon. Somewhere that I had more control over the content, better management than something like a google site, and I could ask for donations to help alleviate the stupidly high subscription costs, because I wasn't going to dedicate all that money to them when I had better, competing priorities. I rewrote the wizard guide, performed new analysis of ELR breakpoints/whatnot, was in the midst of reestablishing methodology for the Sorcerer guide. I also tied in the huge $1 rewards in with establishing your own color in the discord server... because people like that shit.

Was planning on trying to reactive and explaining my status, the patreon/etc for the Winterfest. But then in about a 24 hour span, HoA officers booted me without even so much as talking to me beforehand, and GMs released their own discord server... So, basically the culmination of what I was trying to bring to the game ripped away from me, and a potential reward tier for begging for donations removed. It was going to be an uphill battle to try to come back, and honestly... it's not worth it, for pretty much every reason Dreaven pointed out already. Like most of us, there's a ton of good Steam games in my library that I've already bought, and a lot of good F2P games out there. It's not worth pinching pennies or pissing off debtors more to keep the sub open.

I've been transitioning everything off.
*I asked Kranar to remove my moderator status (complete). Proposed someone else, but don't know if he followed that recommendation or not.
*Other forums account was deleted. You'll see some nice guest posts over there now.
*Unofficial Discord (which was renamed 3 weeks ago), I 'archived' all the text threads, added a link to other discord, gave the server to an active GM. Dunno if they deleted it or just kept it, don't care.
*Left all Simu-related Discord servers, curbed Discord friend lists, so I think only 4 people from Gemstone can contact me via Discord anymore... I think only one person I knew had mutual servers outside of them.
*Left the Steam Groups for Gemstone/Simu. I think I had mod of the Gemstone one, but it persists without me... not like those even matter anyway.
*I was planning on transitioning Youtube videos to Dreaven, but I think his interest level is about the same as mine. Let me know if you want them, otherwise I'll likely just delete them next week.
*Guides, in their most recent, some non-released forms, were given to GMs in .docx documents. I don't know if they want or plan to do anything with them, but they're in their hands.
*TERA guild for Gemstone players transitioned to a new owner.

For the character, the plans are as follows:
*His FWI shop is set to be auto-repoed on 1/6/2018. I will need to reactivate to transition to a new person.
*His project piece is being gifted to someone that can work with the holders of the 9/10x enchanting potions that I previously went in on purchasing.
*Need to pick up that SimuCon giftbox from forever ago
*Following those two. Whirlin will be transitioned to a new owner. In discussions with the new owner, since the character, gear, skills are built around being an archer-mage, there was value in having his gear: bow/quiver/enhancives/self-chargers in tact.
*No plans for the other characters at this time

quoting this for giggling over later

12-14-2017, 11:02 AM
i hate to see ya go Dreaven , i will miss the spell ups and running into mostly the entire game at the table . That being said i have a few comments about everything thats been said in this thread .

#1 -- I REALLY hope the Gemstone shutting down in a few years is just a comment based on fear . If Gemstone was to shut down i would be selling all my computer stuff the very next day . Since Gemstone is the only reason i got a computer back in 2005
and have got 3 new towers since then . Granted this last tower with badass video card i got for playing " Elder Scrolls Online " and " Star Wars : The Old Republic " . Both i have stopped playing like 3 years ago . If Gemstone ever does shut down ill be selling the computer and cancelling my internet right after , so PLEASE dont ever shut down Gemstone , i would miss everyone too much !!

#2--- If Gemstone really does shut down what will i do for my yearly vacation if there is no more SIMUCON to go to ? That week is the hightlight of the year for me !! Its the only time i can talk about my one true love in this world (Gemstone ) .

#3 --- I dont mind the pay to win events , i just wish that the items in these events was things i would like to have . I have never seen a item in said events that i like that was even semi affordable to me . The items i have wanted to get in those events was
either raffles/auctions where only 1-3 people will get it , or many avaible but price is like 200m silvers or up . Since i have never had over 75m at one time those items have always been out of reach fer me . I still love doing pay events like DR Arena and EG .
That being said Summit Academy is more or less a pointless event to me and will not be attending it again this time but VERY much looking forward to the next DR !! I even already have 10k blood script and a 50 run Arena booklet ready to go , just hoping
I will be able to afford a nice item/service this time instead of just buying a epic deepening or outright selling my Blood script due to no good items/services to buy .

#4--- People are saying that premium and Plat are over priced fer what you get . I agree with the Platinum part being that there is only like 10 people in Plat and yet they seem to get more very rare services/items/whatever for a part of the game that really
dont count/matter . As far as Premium goes i disagree entirely !! I think Premium is the best deal of the entire game . We get 16 char slots anf FWI and even Premium only merchants/services/festivals . If they made the platinum point able to transfer
into premium points i would upgrade to plat just to get the extra 100 premium points a month . Maybe if a GM reads this they could maybe make that happen . If so i would upgrade to plat in a heartbeat and pay another 10 bucks a month , im sure im not
the only one that would do so .

#5 --- Im rather enjoying the silvers price right now since they are affordable at 5 bucks per . If i was sitting on million and millions i would maybe complain but since im always broke in the game im able to actually buy silvers right now .

That seems to be all i can think of right now . I hope some of this input helps it mostly likely wont even be read since i am who i am and people tend to ignore me.


12-14-2017, 11:11 AM
I just wanted to address the gemstone shutdown in five years thing. It's a gross mischaracterization. A corporation has to place values on its assets for accounting, depreciation, financial analysis, and investor relations purposes. So the investor documents did mention an assessed five year "useful life" for GS, which is really just the company's own estimate on how much the GS asset is worth as a revenue generating asset.

Imagine trying to market value that 1992 Ford Bronco with 278,000 miles on it. In the used car market, it's completely worthless. But you can keep it running another 100,000 miles since you're a decent mechanic and can keep it running at minimal cost. So it's really not worth zero dollars to you.

12-14-2017, 11:12 AM
#4--- ...As far as Premium goes i disagree entirely !! I think Premium is the best deal of the entire game . We get 16 char slots anf FWI and even Premium only merchants/services/festivals .

And for only triple or more the monthly subscription cost for other games, which also gives you access to all of the content. What a steal!

12-14-2017, 11:30 AM
If GS were to shut down, I'd be concerned about the well-being of the individuals who have basically turned the game into, or greater than their real lives. Like Hood mentioning he would just disconnect from the internet. People just need to understand that at the end of everything, it's just a game. It's basically an elaborate board game. Additionally, it's hard to not see some of the rigged contests and raffles that go on. I've seen merchants point to someone and then turn their spinner on them, I've also seen legacy players make comments like "good choice" out in the open when raffles are drawn. It's not to say there aren't any righteous raffles or contests, but I'm seen my fair share of questionable actions...but in the end, maybe I'm just as crazy. This is also why I don't plan on doing any additional paid events going forward.

On topic, I'm sad to see Dreavenings go because it does help tremendously where hunting earlier is concerned. But the game should never become more than what it is, a game and when the game stops being interesting, you should just be able to pick up and go.

12-14-2017, 11:38 AM
Hahaha see you in 6 months, ya fuckin loser

12-14-2017, 12:59 PM
I'd quit but I have an enchanting project going. :/

12-14-2017, 01:04 PM
Yeah I wanna quit too, but I'm level 92.75 :weird:

Lord Orbstar
12-14-2017, 01:20 PM
play the game in a more limited fashion. really two normal accounts is reasonable( main and a pocket mage) or even just one main character that you enjoy playing and roleplaying with. Gemstone doesn't have to be this big over the top production of macros to be fun. I don't even use or own enhancives or a single macro other than LICH ;waggle/narost. its fun.

12-14-2017, 01:34 PM
And for only triple or more the monthly subscription cost for other games, which also gives you access to all of the content. What a steal!

well you save money on just getting the extra char slots , they are $2.50 a month fer each alt . with 10 alts its $40 a month . so we get 5 more alts fer free and all the FWI and other premium stuff fer free if ya look at it that way .

i really think being able to transfer Platinum points into Premium points is a great idea , i would even agree to having them be bound or after ya use the points on a item have said item be attuned to the account would be fine with me . If it makes the item/whatever attuned after using the points then that should not effect the overall econemy . I know alot of people will be not happy with this idea . But i dont plan on ever selling my points or the item i plan on enchanting with them if i ever get enough premium points to enchant it

12-14-2017, 01:52 PM
well you save money on just getting the extra char slots , they are $2.50 a month fer each alt . with 10 alts its $40 a month . so we get 5 more alts fer free and all the FWI and other premium stuff fer free if ya look at it that way .

It doesn't matter what way you try to justify it. A premium subscription is three or more times the cost of a monthly subscription to other games, which also give you full character slots and membership benefits. If you actually believe you're saving money by paying $40/month for a text based game subscription, well, you're a perfect customer for Simutronics.

12-14-2017, 02:13 PM
I honestly can't believe that in this day and age, people still pay such a high price for such an old text game.

12-14-2017, 03:18 PM
Fuck him. It's just more attention seeking behavior like those people who leave dramatic FB posts about how they won't be on FB anymore.

If you're going to quit, just man up and quit. Sell your shit, close your accounts and go. No need to cry crocodile tears over how the corporation is taking away from your power as a player and blah blah blah.

Typical bullshit talking tough guy who's really just a sensitive snowflake crying on the inside and looking to his computer screen for validation in a meaningless life.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how much of a tough guy do you consider yourself? Just curious. You talk like you're a pretty tough guy and all.

These days, I think everyone that quits should state exactly why just on the .00000001% chance Simu will eventually see a trend and pull their heads out of their Whatleyholes.

12-14-2017, 03:20 PM
Hahaha see you in 6 months, ya fuckin loser


12-14-2017, 03:26 PM
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Methais again."

12-14-2017, 03:52 PM

12-14-2017, 03:58 PM

We can only hope.

12-14-2017, 04:19 PM
Just wanted to hop in and comment that since "the Dreavenings" started I really enjoyed the service they provided to all of the fellow players in the game. I often commented that they couldn't go on forever, and to enjoy them while they lasted. I am glad you have made the decision to quit since you have lost the passion for the game - no one should feel obligated to provide a service such as this, and at a personal cost to yourself. Thank you sincerely - I know myself, my friends, and many others enjoyed hours of great gameplay as a result of the services you provided.

I hope you eventually return, as we all do, years and years later. If not, thank you again for making such a charitable contribution to the community as a whole.

12-14-2017, 04:26 PM
Echoing other folks here, thanks for the service you provided to the community. Definitely helped to re-spark my interest in the game when I came back.

Always sad to loose folks who work to make the community better for other people, and for no real personal gain at that. Both you and Whirlin will be missed.

12-14-2017, 04:41 PM
I'll miss you. And I don't mean your spellups. I mean your face!

But seriously (though that was serious)...

Considering all the unwarranted drama that got thrown your way, if I were you I probably would have quit doing the Dreavenings a long time ago. Granted, it was a vocal minority, but people would complain about you monopolizing spellups or making the game too easy or lag or whatever else--even though it was never really just you, but all of us who went to the Dreavenings who made them what they were. You just took the brunt of the criticism, even though in my eyes you were the least selfish one of the 50-130 people there, and the one least deserving that criticism.

And I realize you didn't say a word about any of that just now and that's not why you're quitting, and it's more about money and fun and the silver economy and the direction of the game... I get it. I'm just bringing it up because I do think it's good you won't have to deal with random haters anymore. You're obviously a talented guy and I'm sure you'll find something great to do with your time. There's definitely no sense in sticking around paying for a game if you're not having fun, that's for sure.

So I'll just say thank you for everything. The funny, ironic thing is that even though you always train professions in their archetypes, you became an enabler for me to make all my characters mutants and get away with nonsense like a TWC paladin without even needing a stockpile of scrolls.

And thanks for being you in general too. I wasn't kidding about your face--you got a good laugh out of me with that :O almost every time!

12-14-2017, 04:51 PM
Not much i can say, i've been out of the loop since october but we'll all miss you man, if you stay you stay, if you don't you don't, i hope you find as much enjoyment out of the next thing you go to as you've had in gemstone! (before the whole loss of enjoyment stuff)

12-14-2017, 05:07 PM
Fuck that small minority

12-14-2017, 05:52 PM
Sorry to see you go, Dreaven. Your service definitely helped me get back into things, and like Leafiara said, it enabled alot of my mutants. (It also inspired me to begin growing my own horde of spellbots, not sure if that's good or bad.)

I'll continue to support you on Patreon until you close it out; not sure when you're making this officially official. Good luck, no matter what you do.



12-14-2017, 06:08 PM
I've been hearing this claim for the past 20 years.

Closer to 30 now for me. "TEH GEMSTONE III IS CLOSING!!OEONE@@!!" since like 1995? We're still here.....

12-14-2017, 06:09 PM
and yeah i know 2017 to 1995 isnt closer to 30 yrs but just go with it.

12-14-2017, 06:51 PM
Well, lots of posts, some not very nice and some nice. For me, it wasn't just the spell casting, I used to like to joke around with you too. That being said, I think the reason it's not that fun for you is all the scripting. If you'd come hunt with people or go do Reim (like I invited you :P ) it'd be much more entertaining. What I personally enjoy most about GS is the people that play, making friends, socializing, and just having fun. If I had to solo hunt all the time and worse, just watch scripts? I'd be bored stiff. I think you also should've said something sooner, and be honest, about the need for Patreon. No one I think had a clue that you spent that much on subs and that you aren't breaking even. I personally can't contribute now cause of my personal situation, but maybe others might have if they'd known the reason behind it. Not that you were trying to "make money", but get some support for dishing out all that money. If you do leave us though, know that I'll miss you. I also always appreciated what you did for me and the whole GS community. You'll be missed. - Lornieh/Authriea

12-14-2017, 07:13 PM
I.. I... well crap. *sniff* Please don't go... Ok, now that I have that out of my system, you do what you need to for you. We will miss you.

12-14-2017, 07:23 PM
Was planning on trying to reactive and explaining my status, the patreon/etc for the Winterfest. But then in about a 24 hour span, HoA officers booted me without even so much as talking to me beforehand,

Holy shit. What a dick move. I feel ya, it's like.. wtf you started the whole thing and now you got kicked out of your own creation. Aaanyways, I'll be doing the same soon, join you in the fields beyond. Too expensive, unappreciated, cut your losses.

12-14-2017, 07:54 PM
Sucks to see you go, TGO. I didn't always agree with your opinions or methods, but you did some great things for the community and I can't disagree with that. I wish you the best of luck.

Same thing for Whirlin, we don't see eye to eye on things and you can kind be a jerk but you're usually a pretty cool guy and it sounds like you really got the shaft there.

12-14-2017, 08:40 PM
Whirlin and Tgo01, out of curiosity, how do you feel about the new Patreon billing structure? Did it impact your decision at all?
If Gemstone ever does shut down ill be selling the computer and cancelling my internet right after~Rocktar~ you're off the hook. This is now the wildest thing I've ever heard.

12-14-2017, 09:53 PM
This bums me out but I fully understand the reasoning. The Dreavening channel won’t be the same!

12-14-2017, 10:00 PM
I don't normally chime in on these sort of threads, but felt so compelled after reading some of the posts here.. Id like to toss out there that you don't have to go balls to the wall playing this game and invest hundreds of dollars each month to really enjoy GS. I've been playing fairly regularly for the last ~15 so years and have done so for the most part with just a single character at time on a standard account. I don't play more than an a hour or two a day, if I'm lucky, and I'v even "quit" a while back once I had my first kid, but in the end I found that I it helped me mellow out the day if I just logged in a do a bounty or two, thus I kept on playing. I tried a premie account for a couple of months but just felt like I wasn't really maxing out its potential to justify the cost so I went back to a standard. I've never really had the time to dive into major paid events, nor really cared to invest the time or money into them. I know alot of the player base finds value and fun in attending them which is great for them, I also love buying up the cool gear later that people obtain from them once I save up the coin.
I have a great deal of respect for you Dreaven, for bringing an "outside the box" sort of service to the game and sparking some of the community feel that GS used to have back in the day. I offer that that you consider just staying connected to the community and try out the laid back approach, you don't have to pay hundreds of bucks a month and invest all your time to enjoy this game.. just sayin. Regardless what you decide, thank you for what you brought to GS!

12-14-2017, 10:03 PM
I don't normally chime in on these sort of threads, but felt so compelled after reading some of the posts here.. Id like to toss out there that you don't have to go balls to the wall playing this game and invest hundreds of dollars each month to really enjoy GS. I've been playing fairly regularly for the last ~15 so years and have done so for the most part with just a single character at time on a standard account. I don't play more than an a hour or two a day, if I'm lucky, and I'v even "quit" a while back once I had my first kid, but in the end I found that I it helped me mellow out the day if I just logged in a do a bounty or two, thus I kept on playing. I tried a premie account for a couple of months but just felt like I wasn't really maxing out its potential to justify the cost so I went back to a standard. I've never really had the time to dive into major paid events, nor really cared to invest the time or money into them. I know alot of the player base finds value and fun in attending them which is great for them, I also love buying up the cool gear later that people obtain from them once I save up the coin.
I have a great deal of respect for you Dreaven, for bringing an "outside the box" sort of service to the game and sparking some of the community feel that GS used to have back in the day. I offer that that you consider just staying connected to the community and try out the laid back approach, you don't have to pay hundreds of bucks a month and invest all your time to enjoy this game.. just sayin. Regardless what you decide, thank you for what you brought to GS!

I don't think he'd beable to help himself. He'd have one account and then think "well, two isn't so bad." And it'd snowball from there until he ends up exactly how he is right now.

12-14-2017, 10:16 PM
I'm sorry to see you both you go, Tgo01 and Whirlin. Your reasons for leaving are completely valid and I can't blame either of you for deciding quit. I think that everything you've both done has made a positive impact on the GS community and it the game isn't going to be the same without you. So, thanks for everything and I wish you both the best!

12-14-2017, 10:51 PM
I don't think he'd beable to help himself. He'd have one account and then think "well, two isn't so bad." And it'd snowball from there until he ends up exactly how he is right now.

Just like when Klaive said he was gonna stop sucking dick.

12-14-2017, 11:43 PM
I just saw the new star wars movie.

12-14-2017, 11:57 PM
I just saw the new shart wars movie.


12-15-2017, 12:04 AM
Sorry to see you go Dreaven, you made my time here infinitely easier and more enjoyable. I enjoyed the banter in chat and seeing folks who I'd otherwise not run into very often at the Wayside. I really appreciated all you did for everyone. Sorry to see you go too, Whirlin. I remember two years ago I PMd you before I created my first character. I hate seeing people like you two go, folks who provide awesome services for the community. I wouldn't have made it so far so fast, without frustration, if it hadn't been for the guides and the spells.

I think the thing that makes me saddest is hearing so many folks are quitting for reasons other than roleplaying- which is the sole reason I play the game. Whether the GM run stories or player-driven RP, that's what always made this game special to me, and brought me back after 20 years of being gone. I can't imagine paying for the game without engaging in that aspect of play. It's the reason I'd be willing to fork over what are in comparison exorbitant fees for something like GS to games like EQ, WOW, ES, etc... If it's just about the grind and items and silver, I just fail to see the point. You're just a pile of numbers and text descriptions, not truly a part of another world. I wish you'd taken more time to be a part of that, Dreaven, even if it only kept one character around.

You'll be missed.


12-15-2017, 01:04 AM
OMG...about time some srs darmas finally happened. Got my Christmas present early this year!!!11

See you both in a couple of months.

12-15-2017, 07:54 AM
I just saw the new star wars movie.

Why do you think anyone cares?

**BREEP BREEP BREEP** This is a Wrathbringer Red Alert. **BREEP BREEP BREEP** Candor just posted something **BREEP BREEP BREEP**
**BREEP BREEP BREEP** This is a Wrathbringer Red Alert. **BREEP BREEP BREEP** Candor just posted something **BREEP BREEP BREEP**


12-15-2017, 08:39 AM
Why do you think anyone cares?

**BREEP BREEP BREEP** This is a Wrathbringer Red Alert. **BREEP BREEP BREEP** Candor just posted something **BREEP BREEP BREEP**
**BREEP BREEP BREEP** This is a Wrathbringer Red Alert. **BREEP BREEP BREEP** Candor just posted something **BREEP BREEP BREEP**


I care.

12-15-2017, 10:09 AM
Why do I just keep shitting myself? Is it because I'm retarded?

**BREEP BREEP BREEP** This is a PC Red Alert. **BREEP BREEP BREEP** Candor just sharted again **BREEP BREEP BREEP**
**BREEP BREEP BREEP** This is a PC Red Alert. **BREEP BREEP BREEP** Candor just sharted again **BREEP BREEP BREEP**

Yeah, you maybe oughtta see a doctor about that...


12-15-2017, 12:11 PM
I enjoyed the banter in chat and seeing folks who I'd otherwise not run into very often at the Wayside.Yeah, I'll really miss this. GS characters and players don't come together for much of anything because of our different interests, but light-speed spellups and armor adjustments brought together more of the community than anything else. And that was even before he added imbeds, loresinging, roshambo, Cards Against Humanity... talk about something for everyone.

12-15-2017, 01:43 PM
Too bad to see Dreaven and Whirlin go. I haven't been very thrilled about the direction of the game the last couple years, either.

Not very interested in picking apart or elaborating on any of the personal details that went into these decisions, except one...

I also took my guides down at this point because hosting them in the wiki was a shitty decision. Wikis are better for collaboration, not single-contributor documents. I didn't like others editing them, their control over stating whether or not they would persist there, etc. Many were out dated, and having them there sucked.

Mainly because it got a typical "oh those evil wiki mods" replies:

That sucks. Were the usual suspects editing/threatening to take down your guides?

Whirlin ported his guides to gswiki during the new Player Guide Contest (https://gswiki.play.net/Player_Guide_Contest), and was selected among the winners, despite an extensive amount of said wiki work being moving existing guides to the wiki and overall not very collaborative.

Never had any issues with Whirlin concerning the wiki myself which I can recall, particularly as his approach was rather reasonable (i.e. not trying to commandeer general pages as his own etc). Still, let's be objective and note that the guides were put up during a contest, he was selected among winners, and got rewards, and took them down a couple years later. If anyone wants to add a dash of subjective "usual suspects" on the wiki, pfffft.

12-15-2017, 01:52 PM
Mainly because it got a typical "oh those evil wiki mods" replies:

I take it your ears were burning, Kaldonis? I'm sorry you can't accept that there is a moderating problem on the wiki.

12-15-2017, 01:59 PM
So Whirlin was rewarded for entering those guides and STILL ran away with his ball to try and make money off it? Wow, thats SUPER fucked up.

12-15-2017, 03:32 PM
I missed the part about trying to make money off his guides. Can someone TLDR the part I missed?

12-15-2017, 03:47 PM
So Whirlin was rewarded for entering those guides and STILL ran away with his ball to try and make money off it? Wow, thats SUPER fucked up.

That wasn't my point. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised that GMs, in-game player organizations, and even the nebulous wiki team gets thrown under the bus in these kinds of threads a bit rashly.

Whirlin was always cool with me, and I'm genuinely sad to see him go.

12-15-2017, 04:02 PM
I missed the part about trying to make money off his guides. Can someone TLDR the part I missed?

From Whirlin's post:

Given the financial/health insurance out of pocket maximums, I decided to start taking my old guides and transitioning them to a patreon. Somewhere that I had more control over the content, better management than something like a google site, and I could ask for donations to help alleviate the stupidly high subscription costs, because I wasn't going to dedicate all that money to them when I had better, competing priorities. I rewrote the wizard guide, performed new analysis of ELR breakpoints/whatnot, was in the midst of reestablishing methodology for the Sorcerer guide. I also tied in the huge $1 rewards in with establishing your own color in the discord server... because people like that shit.

So the TL;DR is kind of, he was going to transition updated versions of his guide to patreon so that people could show their appreciation for the time he was taking to work on them. I don't really think that's the same as "taking his ball" or double dipping off of the guides that he had previously submitted that were well out of date, but that's just my opinion.

12-15-2017, 04:30 PM
I take it your ears were burning, Kaldonis? I'm sorry you can't accept that there is a moderating problem on the wiki.

This is correct.

12-15-2017, 04:37 PM
From Whirlin's post:

So the TL;DR is kind of, he was going to transition updated versions of his guide to patreon so that people could show their appreciation for the time he was taking to work on them. I don't really think that's the same as "taking his ball" or double dipping off of the guides that he had previously submitted that were well out of date, but that's just my opinion.

Except, he (whirlin) mentions people updating his guides, submitted as part of a contest and thus now "owned" but the public, and allowed them to be submitted to the wiki, a group effort. Deciding one day that, oh yeah I might want to make money off that or i need to make money off that, and taking down something he was A) rewarded for as part of a contest and B) allowed to be public knowledge is just completely shit.

I respected Whirlin, had he setup a fund raiser or drive to help him with his problems, sure no worries I am even in a position to give a bit of money. But frankly, fuck him.
Fuck him - > For how the HOA consitently caused disruptions with the way they farmed and how little they gave a shit about how it impacted others. To the point that they basically said fuck you that anyone else was complaining, it was costing them silvers to be slowed down. They didnt give a shit they they were constantly breaking Reim and causing lag for the entire other game.

Fuck him -> for this shit he's pulling now about playing victim. He hijacked Dreaven's thread to cry about how he allied with such a shitty group of people that when he had problems and couldnt come around for a bit they fucking kicked him to the curb like the sack of shit he is. The same fucking disdain he displayed for the community with his group, his group turned around and showed him.

12-15-2017, 04:48 PM
Except, he (whirlin) mentions people updating his guides, submitted as part of a contest and thus now "owned" but the public, and allowed them to be submitted to the wiki, a group effort. Deciding one day that, oh yeah I might want to make money off that or i need to make money off that, and taking down something he was A) rewarded for as part of a contest and B) allowed to be public knowledge is just completely shit.

I respected Whirlin, had he setup a fund raiser or drive to help him with his problems, sure no worries I am even in a position to give a bit of money. But frankly, fuck him.
Fuck him - > For how the HOA consitently caused disruptions with the way they farmed and how little they gave a shit about how it impacted others. To the point that they basically said fuck you that anyone else was complaining, it was costing them silvers to be slowed down. They didnt give a shit they they were constantly breaking Reim and causing lag for the entire other game.

Fuck him -> for this shit he's pulling now about playing victim. He hijacked Dreaven's thread to cry about how he allied with such a shitty group of people that when he had problems and couldnt come around for a bit they fucking kicked him to the curb like the sack of shit he is. The same fucking disdain he displayed for the community with his group, his group turned around and showed him.

He didn't really hijack it. I asked him why he quit.

12-15-2017, 04:58 PM
He didn't really hijack it. I asked him why he quit.

Well, fuck me, you might be right about that point.

12-15-2017, 06:34 PM
I'm glad you are leaving, Dreaven, no one should do something they don't enjoy and don't get paid for!

Have fun doing whatever it is you wanna do. When you come back, don't do Dreavenings, try something new.

12-15-2017, 07:02 PM
Yes,if you do come back one day...Try something new like.. anti-dreavenings. Where you just go around unspelling everyone!

12-16-2017, 04:19 AM
So I went to you're last Dreavening, was really sad that it was you're last. Both IC and OOC. Take care lad, I remember when IC I spotted you outside of The North Gate and said how I usually don't see you outside of Wayside and you gave little Hlendril a playful bite. Or when I actually talked to you OOC and I asked if you still make YouTube videos and stream. Man, Wished I saved those logs. It was like meeting a superstar! Take care please take care! I play on stream if ya want someone to play with. Please, give you're loved ones time and love. We will miss you and if you do return we'll be here, ormost of us will. Again do take care!

12-16-2017, 08:47 AM
I will be offering Methenings. For only $10 a month you can have unlimited spell ups in whatever town I’m in at the time.

That's not what anyone wants when they go to a Methening.

12-16-2017, 08:51 AM
That's not what anyone wants when they go to a Methening.

I'll counter him with a DEAening.

12-16-2017, 10:29 AM
That's not what anyone wants when they go to a Methening.

I only have so much penis to go around.

12-16-2017, 10:33 AM
I only have so much penis to go around.

Reported to @mueller for Russian sexual harassment.

12-16-2017, 03:31 PM
Commentary below:

I know, we've been here before.

I also know, "Why you making a 'I'm quitting' post? No one cares!"

But let's face it, I'm kind of a big deal.

This is actually a decision I have been mulling for quite some time now.

Translation: I'm leaving because I'm not getting the attention and respect I think I deserve.

My enjoyment of the game has been in the crapper for about a year. I kept going because the Dreavening service and getting so many people together in one place really kept the game alive for me for a while so I started focusing more on that. While totally paying attention to all of my characters while they hunted (for reals!) I would work on the Dreavening spell up script and adding new services, adding new achievements and stats that people seem to enjoy, adding in Roshambo tournaments and Cards Against Humanity to try and keep things fresh while everyone waited for the spells to start, and etc etc.

It seems crazy to spend almost 200 dollars a month on a game that one does not enjoy that much. And that is true. That's where selling silvers came into play. Contrary to popular belief I was not making bank off of selling silvers in GS, some months I was lucky to even break even after factoring in my monthly subscription fees. Then when the silver market crashed and I had to practically beg someone to buy my silvers at 5 dollars per I realized my choices were either A) Play this game that I'm not enjoying much even more to help recoup my monthly fees or B) Pay more money out of my own pocket every month for a game I'm not enjoying that much.

So, yes, the silver economy crashing and my non-existent faith in the GMs to actually revive it or help prop it up played a factor in this decision. In fact they seem to actively be trying to destroy the silver economy in my opinion.

Translation: I did not get the attention and respect from the community I think I deserved for the work I put into Dreavenings. I'm mad at the world because silvers are cheaper and I cannot make the money I think I deserve. This is the community's and GM's fault.

This actually ended up with me playing the game even less because I was already not having much fun and now faced with the prospect of paying more and more money to have less and less fun. It got to the point where I mostly just afked out at a table and was just checking my computer every hour or so to see if it was time to do another Dreavening.

Translation: I did not get the attention and respect from the community I think I deserved.

Eventually I had the idea to setup a Patreon to see if this could help recoup some of my monthly costs. At this point I was already pretty much just sitting at a table afk all day so I wasn't making much silvers at all. So this worked for a while, and again contrary to popular belief I never received enough money through Patreon to pay for my monthly fees. Never. And this is the fourth month my Patreon has been running. I'm not saying this to make people who enjoyed my Dreavenings feel bad for not donating more, I'm just clarifying because some people seem to think I was "making money" off of GS via Patreon. I wish. If I was just breaking even off of Patreon I would probably keep my accounts open and just keep doing what I'm doing. But I can no longer justify paying this much money for a game I don't really enjoy all that much anymore and quite frankly don't even play much...and no smart asses I don't mean because I was scripting so much I wasn't "playing" it to begin with, I mean I'm not even scripting it anymore. My characters pretty much sit at a table all day these days while I'm off doing other stuff.

Just so people don't get the idea that I'm only doing this to guilt people into donating to my Patreon I will be closing down my Patreon shortly as well.

Translation: I did not get the attention and respect from the community I think I deserved. Not enough people signed up. This is the community's fault.

There are other factors that played into this decision. I don't like the general direction the game is going, more and more pay events etc. I don't like the GMs' apparent desire to want to control all outside discussions of this game (taking over the wiki, trying to get everyone to move over to a new official-unofficial forum, starting their own Discord server to replace the player ran one, etc.)

Translation: It is everyone else's fault.

Even my interests on these forums have waned over the past several months. I know a lot of people associate me with the political folder but I used to be pretty active in the GS part of the forums as well. These days I mostly just pay attention to the political folder because I like to discuss politics and even though I apparently make people cry with my truthiness I enjoy discussing politics because I like seeing other people's opinions on matters, whether I agree with them or not.

Translation: My interest has waned because I am not getting the attention and respect I think I deserved.

If this isn't juicy enough for some people here are some suggested rumors you can spread:

Dreaven is quitting because he got caught afk scripting.

Dreaven is quitting because the GMs said he couldn't have a Patreon anymore.

Dreaven is quitting because he's no longer making 10,000 dollars a month selling silvers.

Also if anyone is interested in buying my entire crew for say 10,000 dollars let me know. I'll even throw in all of my Dreavening scripts!

Translation: I am taking my toys and going home because I am not getting the attention and respect I feel I deserved.

12-16-2017, 03:38 PM
Commentary below:

I wasn't going to go into it... but, I guess I'll piggyback off of Dreaven's thread.

Translation: I need attention too, because my name is Whirlin.

Yeah, I initially left two months ago following the drama around Wednesday night Reim + Guild night Lag, when GMs (without reaching out to us once) nerfed Reim to no more than 5 creatures spawning in a room regardless of participants. They did not inform/discuss/or try to work with us on the change, and we had a shitty night where people didn't cap scrip in two hours... and then after wasting our time came to talk to us unscheduled. A little consideration could have gone a long way.

Translation: My name is Whirlin and I'm important. Therefore the GM's must treat me as such.

This was really a catalyst for a variety of health, financial, and family obligations that I was having. I also took my guides down at this point because hosting them in the wiki was a shitty decision. Wikis are better for collaboration, not single-contributor documents. I didn't like others editing them, their control over stating whether or not they would persist there, etc. Many were out dated, and having them there sucked.

Translation: I took my toys and went home because I am Whirlin and have control over everything. Did I mention my name is Whirlin?

Given the financial/health insurance out of pocket maximums, I decided to start taking my old guides and transitioning them to a patreon. Somewhere that I had more control over the content, better management than something like a google site, and I could ask for donations to help alleviate the stupidly high subscription costs, because I wasn't going to dedicate all that money to them when I had better, competing priorities. I rewrote the wizard guide, performed new analysis of ELR breakpoints/whatnot, was in the midst of reestablishing methodology for the Sorcerer guide. I also tied in the huge $1 rewards in with establishing your own color in the discord server... because people like that shit.

Translation: I wanted to monetize my guides the way I wanted to. When that did not work out I decided to take my toys and go home.

Was planning on trying to reactive and explaining my status, the patreon/etc for the Winterfest. But then in about a 24 hour span, HoA officers booted me without even so much as talking to me beforehand, and GMs released their own discord server... So, basically the culmination of what I was trying to bring to the game ripped away from me, and a potential reward tier for begging for donations removed. It was going to be an uphill battle to try to come back, and honestly... it's not worth it, for pretty much every reason Dreaven pointed out already. Like most of us, there's a ton of good Steam games in my library that I've already bought, and a lot of good F2P games out there. It's not worth pinching pennies or pissing off debtors more to keep the sub open.

Translation: Other people realized I was not as important as I thought I was. My ego was hurt so I decided to take my toys and go home.

I've been transitioning everything off.
*I asked Kranar to remove my moderator status (complete). Proposed someone else, but don't know if he followed that recommendation or not.
*Other forums account was deleted. You'll see some nice guest posts over there now.
*Unofficial Discord (which was renamed 3 weeks ago), I 'archived' all the text threads, added a link to other discord, gave the server to an active GM. Dunno if they deleted it or just kept it, don't care.
*Left all Simu-related Discord servers, curbed Discord friend lists, so I think only 4 people from Gemstone can contact me via Discord anymore... I think only one person I knew had mutual servers outside of them.
*Left the Steam Groups for Gemstone/Simu. I think I had mod of the Gemstone one, but it persists without me... not like those even matter anyway.
*I was planning on transitioning Youtube videos to Dreaven, but I think his interest level is about the same as mine. Let me know if you want them, otherwise I'll likely just delete them next week.
*Guides, in their most recent, some non-released forms, were given to GMs in .docx documents. I don't know if they want or plan to do anything with them, but they're in their hands.
*TERA guild for Gemstone players transitioned to a new owner.

Translation: In addition to taking my toys and going home, I decided I wanted to throw a temper tantrum...because I am Whirlin.

For the character, the plans are as follows:
*His FWI shop is set to be auto-repoed on 1/6/2018. I will need to reactivate to transition to a new person.
*His project piece is being gifted to someone that can work with the holders of the 9/10x enchanting potions that I previously went in on purchasing.
*Need to pick up that SimuCon giftbox from forever ago
*Following those two. Whirlin will be transitioned to a new owner. In discussions with the new owner, since the character, gear, skills are built around being an archer-mage, there was value in having his gear: bow/quiver/enhancives/self-chargers in tact.
*No plans for the other characters at this time

Translation: Because I am Whirlin, I must tell everyone exactly what I am going to do with Whirlin because I am Whirlin.

12-16-2017, 03:43 PM
Sounding a bit salty there.

12-16-2017, 04:34 PM
I dunno, sounded pretty spot on to me.

12-17-2017, 11:42 AM
I dunno, sounded pretty spot on to me.

Is this anything like the brown spots in your underwear?

12-17-2017, 11:44 AM
Is this anything like the brown spots in your underwear?

You mean "butt spatter" evidence? No, nothing like that. I'm a butt spatter expert. I'd know.

12-17-2017, 11:47 AM
You mean "butt spatter" evidence? No, nothing like that. I'm a butt spatter expert. I'd know.

How can I be sure you’re telling the truth?

12-17-2017, 11:49 AM
How can I be sure you’re telling the truth?

Show me some butt spatter and I'll give you the trajectory, force, and distance from the ass at the time of sharting then you'll know I'm legit.

12-17-2017, 11:52 AM
Show me some butt spatter and I'll give you the trajectory, force, and distance from the ass at the time of sharting then you'll know I'm legit.


12-17-2017, 11:58 AM


12-17-2017, 12:14 PM
ugh, who uses u for vi? gross

12-17-2017, 01:52 PM
Dreaven, you're a piece of shit. I may actually reactivate now.

12-17-2017, 01:59 PM


12-17-2017, 02:41 PM
So rumor has it that Dreaven got busted for scripting. True or false?

12-17-2017, 02:46 PM
If that was the case he wouldnt have been able to choose when his ban/vacation was. The first time is a slap on the wrist, the second is a couple days off.
Considering they keep nerfing shit, its not hard to see how its becoming less and less worth the money we pay to keep playing.

12-17-2017, 02:49 PM
If that was the case he wouldnt have been able to choose when his ban/vacation was. The first time is a slap on the wrist, the second is a couple days off.
Considering they keep nerfing shit, its not hard to see how its becoming less and less worth the money we pay to keep playing.

It could have triggered the quitting though...doesn't necessarily have to be a ban.

12-17-2017, 02:52 PM
He just got butthurt. His little hobby took over his life, he received adoration and had some power here. In short; he thought he was a big fish in a little pond. Simu checked him on that and he's taking his ball and going home.

12-17-2017, 02:56 PM
He just got butthurt. His little hobby took over his life, he received adoration and had some power here. In short; he thought he was a big fish in a little pond. Simu checked him on that and he's taking his ball and going home.

That's the sense I got as well as for Whirlin. Why can't people just play the game to enjoy it rather than becoming overly involved with it?

12-17-2017, 03:42 PM
That's the sense I got as well as for Whirlin. Why can't people just play the game to enjoy it rather than becoming overly involved with it?

GS is lyf, bro.

12-17-2017, 05:35 PM
Didn't realize so many people were jealous of me.

12-17-2017, 06:16 PM
Didn't realize so many people were jealous of me.

Did ya get busted for scriptz?

12-17-2017, 06:20 PM
Didn't realize so many people were jealous of me.

I'd be if you completed ;rogue

12-17-2017, 09:36 PM
For the people laughing at Dreaven or Whirlin, there's a concept they don't understand and I think it's generational.

A company, a community, a family, a sport team is 2 things: the people, and the loud (or leader). In this case, gemstone is losing not one but two leaders. Two people that put part of their personnality in the community. Two people that took risk, that tried to help others with their knowledge. Two people that were in front of the parade, not within. That's why they get critics at this moment, weak people shit on leaders but they won't take their place cause they don't have what it takes to be a real leader, someone that build something and not only to shit on it (because they're envious).

In gs3, when big, strong, loud, intelligent leaders left, there was a bit of gemstone dying. Every big name that left buried a bit more gs into its grave. The game changed and survived but is not what it was. It lacked what was strong in the past: dynamism.

The golden age has passed and it's been a while.

The people that are leaving, right now were fighters trying to not only make the game better but trying to make the game survivre more.

I salute you, Dreaven, Whirlin. For me, you were part of the reasons I like this game and your departure pains me for real.

Hope everything you will be doing with the time you put here will be as signifiant.

12-17-2017, 09:40 PM
I think this is the start of something much bigger. I know many of you here harbor similar feelings but are unable to express them for one reason or another. But both tgo and Whirlin leaving is going to be an inflection point. I would even go so far as to say that by Christmas of next year the game will average 250~300 prime time. (including alts etc.)

I totally agree with you.

12-17-2017, 10:27 PM
Maybe I'm missing some context here but I don't get the snide remarks these two are getting. Only reason I ever got back into GS was because I stumbled onto one of Whirlin's youtube videos, read his guides, found this forum. Both undeniably contributed to growing the community, and I think, survival of the game itself. Kudos to you and best of luck in whatever is next.

12-17-2017, 10:48 PM
Why can't people just play the game to enjoy it rather than becoming overly involved with it?
I'd guess it's because those people who become overly involved with it want more from the game than what the game currently offers. Whether it's mechanical, roleplay, information, or other things, they feel like they can contribute to that part of the game that is lacking.

Both undeniably contributed to growing the community, and I think, survival of the game itself. Kudos to you and best of luck in whatever is next.
Whole-heartedly agreed. No matter how or why Dreaven and Whirlin are getting out now, they both contributed to the game and community, and I also hope for the best of luck for both of them.

12-17-2017, 10:52 PM
Maybe I'm missing some context here but I don't get the snide remarks these two are getting. Only reason I ever got back into GS was because I stumbled onto one of Whirlin's youtube videos, read his guides, found this forum. Both undeniably contributed to growing the community, and I think, survival of the game itself. Kudos to you and best of luck in whatever is next.


12-17-2017, 10:56 PM
For the people laughing at Dreaven or Whirlin, there's a concept they don't understand and I think it's generational.

A company, a community, a family, a sport team is 2 things: the people, and the loud (or leader). In this case, gemstone is losing not one but two leaders. Two people that put part of their personnality in the community. Two people that took risk, that tried to help others with their knowledge. Two people that were in front of the parade, not within. That's why they get critics at this moment, weak people shit on leaders but they won't take their place cause they don't have what it takes to be a real leader, someone that build something and not only to shit on it (because they're envious).

In gs3, when big, strong, loud, intelligent leaders left, there was a bit of gemstone dying. Every big name that left buried a bit more gs into its grave. The game changed and survived but is not what it was. It lacked what was strong in the past: dynamism.

The golden age has passed and it's been a while.

The people that are leaving, right now were fighters trying to not only make the game better but trying to make the game survivre more.

I salute you, Dreaven, Whirlin. For me, you were part of the reasons I like this game and your departure pains me for real.

Hope everything you will be doing with the time you put here will be as signifiant.

Pretty melodramatic don't ya think? And no, none of this is generational unless you're making the point that the boys are acting like the millennial stereotype. This whole thing carries way less import than you're assigning it.

12-17-2017, 11:24 PM
For the people laughing at Dreaven or Whirlin, there's a concept they don't understand and I think it's generational.

A company, a community, a family, a sport team is 2 things: the people, and the loud (or leader). In this case, gemstone is losing not one but two leaders. Two people that put part of their personnality in the community. Two people that took risk, that tried to help others with their knowledge. Two people that were in front of the parade, not within. That's why they get critics at this moment, weak people shit on leaders but they won't take their place cause they don't have what it takes to be a real leader, someone that build something and not only to shit on it (because they're envious).

In gs3, when big, strong, loud, intelligent leaders left, there was a bit of gemstone dying. Every big name that left buried a bit more gs into its grave. The game changed and survived but is not what it was. It lacked what was strong in the past: dynamism.

The golden age has passed and it's been a while.

The people that are leaving, right now were fighters trying to not only make the game better but trying to make the game survivre more.

I salute you, Dreaven, Whirlin. For me, you were part of the reasons I like this game and your departure pains me for real.

Hope everything you will be doing with the time you put here will be as signifiant.


12-17-2017, 11:55 PM
Pretty melodramatic don't ya think? And no, none of this is generational unless you're making the point that the boys are acting like the millennial stereotype. This whole thing carries way less import than you're assigning it.

You're pretty stupid. And salty. And cunty. Like a salty cunty stupid person.

12-18-2017, 12:21 AM
The golden age has passed and it's been a while.

I've heard this a bunch of times. I started in 1995. You have a generation that is entirely gone that was Genie 1992-1994 and while people respect that for it's rarity it's kind of grown into a myth. A lot of people are like 1998 when 2000 people were on nightly was the golden age and I disagree again. It really comes down to storytelling, which is what this game does best. Each of us is an individual hero so when people bring up WoW when we're just a DPS/Heal/Tank cog and we're replaceable Gemstone IV seems to trump that and actually make us an important piece or an actual person. 2006-2008 was a legit tough time for the game, but honestly since 2010 the game has been pretty spectacular when you look at it from the lens of it's entire existence.

I've actually considered 2010-2016 the best gaming years in my experience. Likely based on the activity, flow, expansion of combat areas, mechanics and then finally, the storytelling.

2017 I've just had less free time.

Whirlin was a big contributor. Dreavenings had some mixed feelings, but both were active members of the community. You never want to lose players, but people, as a cycle, stop playing, take breaks, return or quit. It's just the nature of the beast. These two just happened to share their reasons and feelings of why. It's feedback that is true or false depending on the listener.


12-18-2017, 12:26 AM
I've heard this a bunch of times. I started in 1995. You have a generation that is entirely gone that was Genie 1992-1994 and while people respect that for it's rarity it's kind of grown into a myth. A lot of people are like 1998 when 2000 people were on nightly was the golden age and I disagree again. It really comes down to storytelling, which is what this game does best. Each of us is an individual hero so when people bring up WoW when we're just a DPS/Heal/Tank cog and we're replaceable Gemstone IV seems to trump that and actually make us an important piece or an actual person. 2006-2008 was a legit tough time for the game, but honestly since 2010 the game has been pretty spectacular when you look at it from the lens of it's entire existence.

I've actually considered 2010-2016 the best gaming years in my experience. Likely based on the activity, flow, expansion of combat areas, mechanics and then finally, the storytelling.

2017 I've just had less free time.

Whirlin was a big contributor. Dreavenings had some mixed feelings, but both were active members of the community. You never want to lose players, but people, as a cycle, stop playing, take breaks, return or quit. It's just the nature of the beast. These two just happened to share their reasons and feelings of why. It's feedback that is true or false depending on the listener.


Nah...some people are good for the community and some are bad. Whirlin's head was too big and he needed to go. Dreaven just needs to get over his snit and come back.

12-18-2017, 12:39 AM
Maybe I'm missing some context here but I don't get the snide remarks these two are getting.

Just personal grudges coming out of the woodwork.

12-18-2017, 01:13 AM
Nah...some people are good for the community and some are bad. Whirlin's head was too big and he needed to go. Dreaven just needs to get over his snit and come back.

Basically "I didn't personally like them and I'm glad they're gone." No one "needed" to go. This game can't have people leaving it. You're simply showing your jealousy.

12-18-2017, 03:02 AM
I've heard this a bunch of times. I started in 1995. You have a generation that is entirely gone that was Genie 1992-1994 and while people respect that for it's rarity it's kind of grown into a myth. A lot of people are like 1998 when 2000 people were on nightly was the golden age and I disagree again. It really comes down to storytelling, which is what this game does best. Each of us is an individual hero so when people bring up WoW when we're just a DPS/Heal/Tank cog and we're replaceable Gemstone IV seems to trump that and actually make us an important piece or an actual person. 2006-2008 was a legit tough time for the game, but honestly since 2010 the game has been pretty spectacular when you look at it from the lens of it's entire existence.

There are still a very few of us around from the Genie days.

You're right it comes down to the storytelling, and GS has done it well from the beginning - especially the room descriptions which paint the scenery very well. Players have become so immersed in the game that it became the number one priority in their lives, even over marriages and careers. GS player history would likely make for a good book with a good writer and some research.

12-18-2017, 07:20 AM
There are still a very few of us around from the Genie days.

You're right it comes down to the storytelling, and GS has done it well from the beginning - especially the room descriptions which paint the scenery very well. Players have become so immersed in the game that it became the number one priority in their lives, even over marriages and careers. GS player history would likely make for a good book with a good writer and some research.

Chapter 1: I want a broadsword!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-18-2017, 09:34 AM
There are still a very few of us around from the Genie days.

You're right it comes down to the storytelling, and GS has done it well from the beginning - especially the room descriptions which paint the scenery very well. Players have become so immersed in the game that it became the number one priority in their lives, even over marriages and careers. GS player history would likely make for a good book with a good writer and some research.

take a poop, candork.

12-18-2017, 03:09 PM
take a poop, candork.

Yeah yeah yeah..."you're retarded" or "take a dump" - pretty much all you can think of to insult someone.

12-18-2017, 03:10 PM
Yeah yeah yeah..."you're retarded" or "take a dump" - pretty much all you can think of to insult someone...snicker...

You're a retarded dump taker.

12-18-2017, 03:12 PM
You're a retarded dump taker.

You are beyond pathetic. Go away little boy.

12-18-2017, 03:55 PM
I am beyond pathetic. Go away while I poopie my pants like a little boy.

gross, though I understand your need for privacy.

12-18-2017, 04:16 PM
gross, though I understand your need for privacy.

I didn't know Candor was Latrin's other account.

12-18-2017, 04:28 PM
I didn't know Candor was Latrin's other account.

Yeah, latrin is the account where he rp's a smart person troll, candor is his maxed out retard account.

Lord Orbstar
12-18-2017, 04:40 PM
I'd guess it's because those people who become overly involved with it want more from the game than what the game currently offers. Whether it's mechanical, roleplay, information, or other things, they feel like they can contribute to that part of the game that is lacking.

Whole-heartedly agreed. No matter how or why Dreaven and Whirlin are getting out now, they both contributed to the game and community, and I also hope for the best of luck for both of them.

Well said.

12-18-2017, 05:11 PM
were you trying to copy weapons master name from Menzoberranzan

12-18-2017, 05:15 PM
Yeah, latrin is the account where he rp's a smart person troll, candor is his maxed out retard account.

I'm going back to ignoring you now. Perhaps in another couple years I'll acknowledge that you exist. Maybe.

12-18-2017, 05:17 PM
I'm going back to ignoring you and secretly viewing your posts anyway now. Perhaps in another couple years I'll acknowledge that you exist. Maybe.

Still an easily triggered big baby, I see. See ya, Fartboy.

12-18-2017, 05:45 PM
Yeah, latrin is the account where he rp's a smart person troll, candor is his maxed out retard account.

But they both poopie their pants?

EDIT: I just realized something. It's commonly said that shitting your pants will get you out of any situation in life. But if the situation is already about you shitting yourself, what good does shitting yourself again do?


12-18-2017, 06:06 PM
Leaving GemStone is hardly ever about GemStone, but rather the seductiveness of other pleasures in life.

12-18-2017, 06:54 PM
Leaving GemStone is hardly ever about GemStone, but rather the seductiveness of other pleasures in life.

I left Gemstone because of Gemstone. I came back a few times, left even quicker.

12-18-2017, 07:26 PM
Leaving GemStone is hardly ever about GemStone, but rather the seductiveness of other pleasures in life.

This is a bit of an overgeneralization that's not apparently accurate even in an anecdotal sense. While it does seem this was the case with Dreaven, Whirlin appears to have been forced out prematurely due to machinations connected to the game.

I am being pressured to transition away from the game based on principle, not because of any marked increase in my other opportunities for pleasure. I am disappointed with the tendency of game development to focus on squeezing the already small player base as opposed to pursuing long-term revenue streams that benefit BOTH the players and the company (i.e. marketing & growing the game's population).

12-18-2017, 09:16 PM
This is a bit of an overgeneralization that's not apparently accurate even in an anecdotal sense. While it does seem this was the case with Dreaven, Whirlin appears to have been forced out prematurely due to machinations connected to the game.

No one is being forced out.

12-19-2017, 12:56 AM
Leaving GemStone is hardly ever about GemStone, but rather the seductiveness of other pleasures in life.

I left GS because it just wasn't fun for the cost anymore and I don't want to be gimped with a F2P.

12-24-2017, 10:40 AM
Except, he (whirlin) mentions people updating his guides, submitted as part of a contest and thus now "owned" but the public, and allowed them to be submitted to the wiki, a group effort. Deciding one day that, oh yeah I might want to make money off that or i need to make money off that, and taking down something he was A) rewarded for as part of a contest and B) allowed to be public knowledge is just completely shit.

I respected Whirlin, had he setup a fund raiser or drive to help him with his problems, sure no worries I am even in a position to give a bit of money. But frankly, fuck him.
Fuck him - > For how the HOA consitently caused disruptions with the way they farmed and how little they gave a shit about how it impacted others. To the point that they basically said fuck you that anyone else was complaining, it was costing them silvers to be slowed down. They didnt give a shit they they were constantly breaking Reim and causing lag for the entire other game.

Fuck him -> for this shit he's pulling now about playing victim. He hijacked Dreaven's thread to cry about how he allied with such a shitty group of people that when he had problems and couldnt come around for a bit they fucking kicked him to the curb like the sack of shit he is. The same fucking disdain he displayed for the community with his group, his group turned around and showed him.

Know what, I find it hilarious that Hand of Arkati still gets blamed for that shit. There were issues with Reim before they started in there. Christ, i never heard you fucks complaining when there was massive global lag during Kenstrom's invasions. I usually stop playing during EG, because of the massive issues that occur with game lag.

I was a member of HOA. Still am, technically, since they never removed me from the MHO. I stopped going to Reim nights simply because of my work schedule. Don't blame us for a game that can barely support 400 players on their hardware on a good day. Remember when they said that the 64-bit server upgrade would eliminate a lot of the issues? issues we're still having today?

Jesus Ordim, i thought i was a bitter angry fuck. You're bitter. angry. and batshit insane. Seek help.

Everyone leaving: Merry Christmas, and good luck to you in whatever you do.

12-24-2017, 11:04 AM
I've heard plenty of people complain about massive global lag during Kenstrom's invasions.

12-24-2017, 11:33 AM
The main problem is when there is shit tons of people doing spammy things like casting spells that hit every critter in the room one or more times, over and over and over again. That is where the game engine falls apart. Instead of splitting up spreading the pressure across multiple rooms, Whirlin and gang got all pissy with "do you know how hard that is to do?" and "but our silvers per second earnings!". Showing a disregard for the condition of the game that they were directly causing. However, it does point out just how fucked up this community is that we'd all rather infight with ourselves while shoveling cash into Simutronics gaping maw of a money furnace than to stand up and demand to get what we pay for.

12-24-2017, 11:34 AM
The main problem is when there is shit tons of people doing spammy things like casting spells that hit every critter in the room one or more times, over and over and over again. That is where the game engine falls apart. Instead of splitting up spreading the pressure across multiple rooms, Whirlin and gang got all pissy with "do you know how hard that is to do?" and "but our silvers per second earnings!". Showing a disregard for the condition of the game that they were directly causing. However, it does point out just how fucked up this community is that we'd all rather infight with ourselves while shoveling cash into Simutronics gaping maw of a money furnace than to stand up and demand to get what we pay for.

lol @ your rep

12-24-2017, 11:53 AM
lol @ your rep


12-24-2017, 01:09 PM
Know what, I find it hilarious that Hand of Arkati still gets blamed for that shit. There were issues with Reim before they started in there. Christ, i never heard you fucks complaining when there was massive global lag during Kenstrom's invasions. I usually stop playing during EG, because of the massive issues that occur with game lag.

I was a member of HOA. Still am, technically, since they never removed me from the MHO. I stopped going to Reim nights simply because of my work schedule. Don't blame us for a game that can barely support 400 players on their hardware on a good day. Remember when they said that the 64-bit server upgrade would eliminate a lot of the issues? issues we're still having today?

Jesus Ordim, i thought i was a bitter angry fuck. You're bitter. angry. and batshit insane. Seek help.

Everyone leaving: Merry Christmas, and good luck to you in whatever you do.

Um...because Anus of Arkati caused the lag. And who cares if there is lag with Kenstrom's invasions. Kenstrom > than Anus.

So glad Whirlin is gone. That dude's ego needed to be cut down to size. I think Dreaven meant well but his head was getting too big as well.

Ordim - you're just crazy and are WAY over worked up over a stupid game. You really need to align your priorities in life...like seriously.

12-24-2017, 02:05 PM
Ordim - you're just crazy and are WAY over worked up over a stupid game. You really need to align your priorities in life...like seriously.

Yeah, Ordim.

12-24-2017, 02:07 PM
Yeah, Ordim.
