View Full Version : Buying Batches of 10-20m

12-11-2017, 10:04 AM
$4 per million

Don't want to sell, your choice.

Don't muddy my thread because you think I won't get any.

I have already purchased 87m at this price in these batch sizes.
+15m at time of edit.
PM if you prefer private sale due to price shame.

Willing to do GoA's.

12-11-2017, 10:19 AM
That’s a whole lot of disclaimers to add to a 3 word post.

12-11-2017, 10:58 AM
I highly doubt you have. muddy muddy muddy muddy.

It's easy to say you bought them at that price. I could say I sold mine at $8, but unless there is proof it's all spewing out of our mouths

12-11-2017, 11:18 AM
With silver sitting on the market at 5, the implied market rate is in the 4's, so 4 per is not an unreasonable amount.

Like many others, I thought WPS for silver would set a floor, but that turned out to be a nothingburger as the availability of WPS for silver opportunities are so tightly constrained and unpredictable that it has almost no effect on demand. More predictable opportunities (like a monthly WPS merchant with 25 slots) would likely improve this.

12-11-2017, 11:18 AM
i thought the market was at 5.5? Yeah they need to have more of those wtf seriously

12-11-2017, 11:38 AM
i thought the market was at 5.5? Yeah they need to have more of those wtf seriously

The exact market price at any specific time is hard to peg, but the upper boundary is easier to figure out. I define the upper boundary as the lowest sell offer price that remains on the market longer than 12 hours. For example, a player offers at $6.50 per, and the offer remains open for 12 hours. $6.50 is the upper boundary price. The actual market rate can be much lower than this, but it cannot be higher.

Right now a sell offer is open at $5/per, and it has been over 12 hours. So the implied market rate is below $5, and likely somewhere in the 4's right now.

12-11-2017, 11:41 AM
interesting thanks for explaining. I still doubt it's in the 4 but hey to each their own

12-11-2017, 11:41 AM
With silver sitting on the market at 5, the implied market rate is in the 4's, so 4 per is not an unreasonable amount.

Not sure I agree, but I’ll fox with ya. Assuming your ranges are correct, he is putting the market value at 4, with an implied value of 3. This post is another clear attempt to drive down silver value with bullshit.

12-11-2017, 11:46 AM
Not sure I agree, but I’ll fox with ya. Assuming your ranges are correct, he is putting the market value at 4, with an implied value of 3. This post is another clear attempt to drive down silver value with bullshit.

I agree with you. What I meant by not unreasonable amount is not one that is completely outside the bounds of reason and unsupported by market trends, and my argument was that 4 is in the ballpark. Since he is a buyer in a market where sellers outnumber him, his price sets the market, at least for that sale and time. So his offering price is actually the rate his is willing to buy at (4 per).

12-11-2017, 12:17 PM
I agree with you. What I meant by not unreasonable amount is not one that is completely outside the bounds of reason and unsupported by market trends, and my argument was that 4 is in the ballpark. Since he is a buyer in a market where sellers outnumber him, his price sets the market, at least for that sale and time. So his offering price is actually the rate his is willing to buy at (4 per).

I enjoy smart people. Thank you for explaining it.

12-11-2017, 02:34 PM
The exact market price at any specific time is hard to peg, but the upper boundary is easier to figure out. I define the upper boundary as the lowest sell offer price that remains on the market longer than 12 hours. For example, a player offers at $6.50 per, and the offer remains open for 12 hours. $6.50 is the upper boundary price. The actual market rate can be much lower than this, but it cannot be higher.

Right now a sell offer is open at $5/per, and it has been over 12 hours. So the implied market rate is below $5, and likely somewhere in the 4's right now.

This presumes that threads get closed when all is sold, takes no account for the quantity for sale, and leaves market manipulation completely out of the question. Someone selling 20 million at $5/mil, has little impact on the market, and may leave their post unedited for days after all has been sold.

12-11-2017, 02:46 PM
I enjoy smart people. Thank you for explaining it.


12-11-2017, 02:59 PM
This presumes that threads get closed when all is sold, takes no account for the quantity for sale, and leaves market manipulation completely out of the question. Someone selling 20 million at $5/mil, has little impact on the market, and may leave their post unedited for days after all has been sold.

Yes, the framework is based on publicly available data. So that's definitely something to account for, but my assumption is that posters behave rationally in announcing their products and level of availability, and that's likely not an assumption that's would account for much variance in estimated price.

The other assumption that counterbalances this is the per silver rate of private sales. While i have no information about those, I do have one assumption that I'm fairly confident about: the per silver rate that occurs via private transcation is almost always below the public, observable rate.

It's also fairly simple to assess the nature of the offer in determining market impact. A sale offer from an unknown poster for 3m at 5 per would receive less weight. But imagine this is a senior poster who sells silver often, has a capped character that generates much and spends little, who offers at 5/per. This person likely is a market maker at that price.

The framework doesn't account for market manipulation because it is nearly non-existent in the PC market. As I've stated before, this is for three reasons: 1) too easy to discern manipulation attempts; 2) market participants are too few and easily identified; and 3) there's not much to be made in the long-run.

12-11-2017, 03:18 PM
Enough talk, I will sell 100M, at $8 per!


12-11-2017, 04:26 PM
The exact market price at any specific time is hard to peg, but the upper boundary is easier to figure out. I define the upper boundary as the lowest sell offer price that remains on the market longer than 12 hours. For example, a player offers at $6.50 per, and the offer remains open for 12 hours. $6.50 is the upper boundary price. The actual market rate can be much lower than this, but it cannot be higher.

Right now a sell offer is open at $5/per, and it has been over 12 hours. So the implied market rate is below $5, and likely somewhere in the 4's right now.

If you're referring to my thread, they're selling steadily at 5 per. I don't update the thread every time a sale is made. Half the time I forget to update it after I sell out.

$5-5.5 per is still the going rate. Sold a bunch for 5.5 a week or two ago, sold a bunch for 5 today, I have more being sold later tonight, and will probably bump back up to 5.5 per after the holidays are over. Anyone who sells for less is simply ripping themselves off.

Like many others, I thought WPS for silver would set a floor, but that turned out to be a nothingburger as the availability of WPS for silver opportunities are so tightly constrained and unpredictable that it has almost no effect on demand. More predictable opportunities (like a monthly WPS merchant with 25 slots) would likely improve this.

I'm more interested in hearing what Simu has to say about this. Didn't they sell this whole WPS thing to us as WPS services being extremely common and easy to get? I haven't kept up much with it but I'm guessing there have been little to no WPS services offered since the last DR?

12-11-2017, 04:46 PM
Zissu posted this on the official forums back on Aug 26:

Moving to the above rescale allows W/P/S services to be offered more commonly at events, and even through automated NPCs. W/P/S offerings will be at most events, big or small, free or otherwise. Wandering merchants may also offer the service on occasion. While it is debuting at Duskruin as a bloodscrip service, it will be offered for silvers at most other venues. The system is built to replace the randomness of limited raffle wins and reward consistent progression.

And I received an email blast from Simu on Oct 11 advertising WPS changes that said:

For years, these services were always on the extremely rarer side, but that’s no longer the case! Moving forward, weighting, padding, and sighting will be offered at more venues with more opportunities to improve your gear!

And at EG, on the tail of that email blast, we had access to... a live merchant that raffled off a limited number of services and charged for the privilege. wompwompwomp

So who knows? I can't find a quote for it, but I recall reading that part of the idea was they wanted it to be affordable for casual folks to get things up to heavy without having to break the bank, but they would have to do it 10 services at a time. Assuming merchants were even available every 60 days exactly, that would still take you over 2 years. But if they only show up every never days, its hard to get excited about any of it.

12-11-2017, 06:25 PM
They made 25 services available to essentially everybody at DR. Getting a smithy invite was incredibly easy (a few extremely unlucky and loud individuals notwithstanding) -- didn't Wyrom say that like 80% of all chars who competed in the Arena eventually got one? And invites were being sold for like 100k silvers towards the end. Then, without comment, in EG, they put WPS behind a merchant and spinner wall and reduced services to 10. And to put the icing on the cake, the timing was such that it was juuuust within the 60 days so if you had an item worked on during DR you were SOL for all practical purposes (unless you wanted to pay 80 million or some shit). WPS is a complete shitshow.

12-12-2017, 12:14 AM
does it have to be rolled 10 times to be fair mcguyver? er necro? er 100 other fake accounts?

12-12-2017, 12:54 AM
just to verify this is not macguyver/necro

also purchased another 25m from 2 people today.

12-12-2017, 01:12 AM
I am not necro/macguyver either :) Good for you. If you are lying you are just dumb. If you aren't lying then they are dumb. :) either way someone is dumb. Not me!!

12-12-2017, 08:41 AM
Yeah, that $4 per price is bullshit and just out there to catch stupid sellers or artifically drive the market prices down. What a load of crap, I've been selling regularly at $5.5 and even a few at $6 cause they wanted it asap.

12-12-2017, 09:33 AM
According to a sale I just made up where I sold 500m @ $20 per your numbers are off.

12-12-2017, 11:03 AM
According to a sale I just made up where I sold 500m @ $20 per your numbers are off.

Made up sales are still sales!

Selling 100m $19 per save money today!

12-12-2017, 12:21 PM
Has Simu made any sort of official response to that WPS bullshit? Or are they just trying to sweep it under the rug hoping people will just forget about it?

12-12-2017, 01:55 PM
Right under the rug. If they dont comment on it, it never existed/happened. Like how new style fusion was going to make more powerful orbs and more common fusion shaman. Just more lies from the microtransaction king.