View Full Version : Wearing individual armor pieces over full body armor

12-10-2017, 08:57 PM
I'm a bit confused about how this works. If I'm wearing say a 10x MCP full plate, and I put on some 4x LCP greaves that give some bonus to some stat (for the sake of that bonus), would that not mess up my existing plate stats? Or the higher value is taken, for both enchants and crit padding?

12-10-2017, 09:05 PM

1. No encumbrance issues because you are already at max AsG.
2. No issues of conflict with the armor on any other parts of your body other than the location of the greaves.
3. Enchant shouldn't be effected if the armor is 10x.
4. The issue would be if you mixed and matched padding. So if you had MCP armor but LDP greaves, you would get lesser effectiveness of the paddings on your legs. Using the SAME padding though, I don't think makes halving issues according to the most recent statements made. I looked for the cite, but I'm too lazy.

12-10-2017, 09:41 PM
Okay, so basically just have to check to make sure padding matches up.

12-10-2017, 09:42 PM
What Khariz says. 10x plate with MCP coverage for all body locations. Added encumbrance will be the weight of the greaves multiplied by your character's race encumbrance factor.

If an armor accessory with the same type of padding is worn over top of either full coverage or partial armor, then only the highest level of padding will apply.

Player is wearing "decently" damage padded light leather and a "very heavily" damage padded helm. He gets hit in the head. He would have an effective damage padding level of "very heavy". [Only the best level of damage padding is applied - Coase]



12-10-2017, 09:43 PM
I found what I said I wouldn't:

>>Regarding the armor accessories over armor, you're saying as long as one of the two parts of the equation has both types of padding, you won't see a halving of padding?
Not quite.
- Having 2 types of padding on the same item have no effect on each other.
- Having torso armor and an accessory of the same type of padding will choose the larger of the two.
- Having one of the two with padding, and the other with another attribute (including a different type of padding) will halve the padding benefit.

The reasoning behind this is if all of these properties are on the same item, the servicing aspect of those items is calculated accordingly. When split across two items, it would make those items serviceable independently much cheaper while providing the same benefit.

>>Could we see a change to assessing or loresong that will show how far into a padding/weighting cycle an item is?
It's something I'd like to do.

>>Lastly, if it's currently tempering, is it eligible for a service?

Zissu - Combat and Magic Systems Dev Lackey

12-12-2017, 11:04 AM
That post is from after the WPS updates?

12-12-2017, 01:09 PM
My post was, yes.

12-12-2017, 05:12 PM
Seems dumb that they allow you to put two types of padding on armor, but they kept the mix/match halvling thing for accessories.

I guess that if they made accessories impart the full bonus, it would cut into their profits from WPS merchants.