View Full Version : First 30 days or level 20?

12-02-2017, 07:39 PM
So I've read posts saying that characters get 5 free fixskills before their first 30 days is up and others that say characters get 5 free fixskills before they hit level 20. I'm assuming the 30 days rule is obsolete and level 20 is the cutoff for the 5 free fixskills right?

So just to be clear, as long as I have not yet reached level 20, regardless of how many days have passed, I get 5 free fixskills?

12-02-2017, 08:04 PM
From level 0-19.999999 you have accelerated skill migration. Meaning you can change skills really really fast all the time.
You get 5 fixstats through check in at the inn. Able to change stats around.
Both.of these disappear the second you hit level 20