View Full Version : question on lockpick enhancement formula

11-26-2017, 02:16 AM
I have 176 ranks of picking locks (fully trained level 61 bard with +50 enhancives to picking locks), and +40 dex bonus, and 75 ranks of minor elemental.

Today with 403 up, I got a -1000 lock on a roll of 36. So I estimate I can do at least a -1065 lock as a max with the above stat.

Any thoughts on how much the 403 spell is contributing to my picking base on the above?

11-26-2017, 02:39 AM

(Lockpick rnk + dex bns)×pick mod= max no lore

;e echo Spell[403].inspect
Might have a list of the bonus.

While active
;magic bonuses
Should tell you the boost.

11-26-2017, 03:59 PM
so my max with lore is 508.8?

If correct, that means I am getting a bonus of over 550 from lore. That seems high.

11-26-2017, 05:31 PM
so my max with lore is 508.8?

If correct, that means I am getting a bonus of over 550 from lore. That seems high.

Download ;lockmaster and it'll tell you your max locks/traps with & w/o lore pick by pick. I make your max lock with vaalin and no lore at -790 and w/ lore at -1053. Had you gotten a few reads on previous attempts?

No lore: pick mod * (skill + dex bonus)

W/ lore: pick mod * (skill + dex bonus + (trunc(lvl/2) + trunc(skill/10) + dex bonus + ceiling(MnE/10))

The lore formula isn't 100% known, afaik, but it's accurate-ish.

11-26-2017, 08:07 PM
Okay, skill + dex bonus might make more sense than ranks. That 316 x 2.4 = 758. Sounds more correct than ~500 ish. In that case I am getting about 300 from using 403.

As far as 403, I recall a GM post now that they removed the level bonus from the formula and added a 25% increase to your skill (quote below).

First, we plan to remove the level-based component from 403, leaving the Pick Locks skill, Minor Elemental ranks, and Dexterity bonus as the factors, weighted the same as they are now. As a result, 403 will provide a smaller bonus than it did previously, and the bonus will be flatter (grow more slowly) than before.

At the same time, we'll be modifying the basic lockpicking equation to increase the Pick Locks skill contribution by 25%; in effect, you will be treated as if your Pick Locks skill is 25% higher than it really is.

11-26-2017, 08:12 PM
Thanks by the way now I have some idea of what I am getting from 403 bonus.

11-27-2017, 12:50 PM
I downloaded ;lockmaster and I found it to be way off because it lists my max lock as -949 with self lore. As I said in the original message, it appears that I can do over -1050.

One thing it did help me with was to correct me for the vaalin modifier... I thought it was 2.4, lockmaster says 2.5 I looked on the wiki and thats correct.

11-27-2017, 03:05 PM
I downloaded ;lockmaster and I found it to be way off because it lists my max lock as -949 with self lore. As I said in the original message, it appears that I can do over -1050.

One thing it did help me with was to correct me for the vaalin modifier... I thought it was 2.4, lockmaster says 2.5 I looked on the wiki and thats correct.

It's entirely possible that ;lockmaster doesn't account for enhancives. If you see Faulkil in game or Peregrinesomethingorother on the officials, ask him to look at it.

I'm not convinced that the lockpick and lore formulas were changed as stated. I looked at 43 recent attempts and the old formula gives 95% accuracy (with the 2 misses looking a lot like pick damage) while the proposed new formula gives 51% accuracy.

11-27-2017, 08:23 PM
;lockmaster does account for enhancives. I know because I downloaded it, ran it with enhancives off, and with enhancives on. Totally adjusts to the enhancive, but even in doing that significantly underestimates the effect locklore has for my character.

I see what you mean that the formulas may not have been changed as stated. Regardless though, pretty sure MnE divided by 10 is way off (I would think about most MnE ranks would be divided by 2, but I think they could improve on a 1:1 ratio)