View Full Version : Official: ESN - Transfer Scars

11-21-2017, 06:35 PM
On the sixth day of ESN, empaths gained the ability to transfer scars from other adventurers if they have 50 or more ranks of Mental Lore, Transference!
For those who will point out that this is a steep cost for a lore that has no other uses: that is only temporary. Mental Lore, Transference is being introduced as a lore for those who want to specialize in healing and will have more uses to come soon!

~ Konacon

This message was originally posted in Empaths, Developer's Corner - Empaths. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


11-21-2017, 06:37 PM
That's a great change! It always sucked telling new people that empaths couldn't heal scars.

I don't know about making Transference the new healing lore when Transformation has a lot of healing stuff in that area, though

11-21-2017, 06:42 PM
Will the chance for scar healing on 1100 healing spells Transference from Blessings? How about RT reductions from Transformation? Just pointing out that there are already two different lores for those who wish to specialize in healing, as my empath does.

Yes please. 6 Lores is a lot to manage, even marginally. I would like to see buffs for 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1107, and 1125 switched from SL: Blessing to ML: Transference. And a fixskills to go along with it, please. :)

This is not likely to happen. As far as talking about the problems with too many lores and balancing lores, it's probably best to wait until everything has come out to talk about whether or not too many lores are involved.

Will transferring scars have the same experience benefit as healing fresh wounds?

Transferring scars does grant experience, but not at exactly the same amounts as fresh wounds.

~ Konacon


11-21-2017, 06:57 PM
That is a great change.

11-21-2017, 09:55 PM
That's a great change! It always sucked telling new people that empaths couldn't heal scars.

I don't know about making Transference the new healing lore when Transformation has a lot of healing stuff in that area, though

I just have to say that transference is the.more logical lore, over transformation. Empaths dont transform the wounds, they transfer them, i can see blessing being replaced by trasformation, since transforming the scar while healing the wound sounds more logical than blessing the scar away.

11-21-2017, 10:10 PM
I just have to say that transference is the.more logical lore, over transformation. Empaths dont transform the wounds, they transfer them, i can see blessing being replaced by trasformation, since transforming the scar while healing the wound sounds more logical than blessing the scar away.

Well, they transfer wounds to themselves, THEN transform them. There will probably be an empath fixskills at the end of this if the changes are major enough, I just don't want to see healing stuff spread over two lores, plus all the others lores empaths are expected to train in.

11-22-2017, 07:51 AM
As a hunting empathy I can't say I care much about this change but I'm sure there are people who will dump TPs into Transference (I literally didn't know that was a lore and had to look it up) who are stoked about it and I didn't lose anything so good work GMs.