01-30-2005, 11:15 AM
Here is a rather LONG log of Morvule playing with his animated creature.... Kadesha. Taken from the Official Boards...
the log with remarks bracketed of what happened after Morvule killed Kadesha.
This begins right after Morvule kills me while I was fighting anabyr'ana in front of him
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
Grains of sand pried loose by the wind and rain form a tiny bank along the facade of the Captain's Rest. The building's weathered sandstone walls and
salt-flecked slate roof give it the honest appearance of being one of Solhaven's oldest structures. You also see a lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra, a lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra, a snake-headed soulstone golem, an uncut diamond, a weathered thanot chest, a snake-headed soulstone golem, a white owl, a speckled owl that appears dead, an old barrel and a green striped tent.
Also here: Lord Morvule, the body of Vrairdrick who is lying down, the body of Great Lord Mohrgan who is lying down
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southwest
Morvule hisses, "Hm, yes. Thissss will do."
Morvule carefully sprinkes a bunch of crimson salt crystals onto your body. It looks like he is preparing to animate you.
You say, "Bah."
Morvule picks up an uncut diamond. [He jus finds a diamond on the ground? I bet Mekthros was there]
Morvule begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Morvule gestures at you.
Morvule intones deeply over your body, as slender glowing wisps gather towards the uncut diamond within his hand, like a swarm of moths to a lantern. The
diamond responds in kind, vibrating in coordinated rhythm as the wisps disappear within, leaving it faintly aglow. He holds his uncut diamond out towards you,
and turns it slowly as if winding up a mechanical clock. Your body responds likewise by slowly setting itself in motion...
You sense control of your bodily form drift towards Morvule...
Morvule's uncut diamond grows brighter and brighter, as if its core is burning itself hollow. After a few moments Morvule is left with a hollow husk of an uncut diamond.
Morvule hisses, "A jesssster musssst be able to walk."
Morvule smirks.
The ghostly voice of Mohrgan says, "You will never succeed swine."
Morvule hisses, "I already have."
The ghostly voice of Mohrgan says, "And your tricks amuse few."
Morvule hisses, "It issss merely a matter of time."
Mohrgan gives a ghostly chuckle.
You say, "My soul is Lorminstra's snake breath."
Morvule hisses, "Why musssst I care of what dusssst thinkssss?"
Morvule cocks his head at Mohrgan.
You hear Kiriane yell, "Tashalin thinks you're cute Morvule!"
You sense Railien looking in on you.
Morvule hisses, "Come, Jesssster."
Your corpse goes northeast.
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
Bayside Road borders the North Market, bustling with noise and activity. The North Market Pier juts northwestward into the bay. A street peddler has set up her cart nearby, doing a brisk trade with thirsty shoppers. You also see a lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra, an iron wand, the peddler Gertie and a small wooden sign.Also here: the body of Sevum who is lying down, the body of Benyark who is lying down
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
Lord Morvule just arrived.
Morvule hisses, "Good."
You say, "You talk funny Morvule."
You say, "Must have left over snake skin stuck to yer tongue."
Morvule hisses, "Let me imbue your body with ssssome... ussssefulnesssss, Jesssster."
Morvule suddenly whips his head around to stare at something unseen, his slitted eyes pulsing an eerie viridian shade. A burst of brilliant emerald light in the shadows reveals Kiriane!
Kiriane exclaims, "Eek!
Lord Morvule just went northeast.
Your corpse goes northeast.
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
Bayside Road widens here, as throngs of people head southward into the North Market. More than a few are drawn by the mouthwatering aroma of
fresh-baked goods wafting from the doorway of the half-timber building opposite the bridge. To the northwest, the Market Bridge spans the bay, heading towards Marshtown. You also see some black steel-plated boots, some matte green plate, an onyx-hilted forest green claidhmore, a hollow uncut diamond, a sphere-hilted sturdy steel longsword, a pair of forest green pants, some black steel-plated boots, a swan-crested thick steel breastplate, a white flask, a sphere-hilted sturdy steel longsword, a pair of forest green pants, a white-edged matte green shield, some black steel-plated boots, a swan-crested thick steel breastplate, a white-edged matte green shield and an old barrel.
Also here: Lady Neyana, Divid
Neyana melodically says, "You might want to stop doing that." [I think this was to Divid in regards to the debris on the ground, not to my appearance.]
Neyana blinks at you.
The voice of Kiriane exclaims, "Don't run away Kadesha!"
A wave of power flows out of nowhere towards you, surrounding you with a soft white light.
You concentrate on the Symbol of Need.
Kiriane comes out of hiding.
Kiriane reaches down and tenderly cradles your lifeless hand in his.
Your surroundings blur into a white fog . . .
[Solhaven, Liabo Plaza]
Easily as large as the entire North Market, the plaza is paved with a spiral pattern of alternating terra-cotta and golden-yellow bricks. On the eastern edge of the plaza stands an ornate, white limestone arch, and beyond it the brick-paved avenue stretches toward Vornavis' towering west wall. A steady mix of merchants, artisans, and clerics pass through the arch in both directions. You also see the Kerl disk, a golden brown jaguar, a tabby cat that appears dead, a raven, a grey stone arch, a terra-cotta bench and an old barrel with a short sword on it.
Also here: Kiriane, Koleph, Lord Syberus, Risky, Suntzhu, Radom, Calean, Kerl, the body of Vrairdrick who is lying down, the body of Teclya who is lying down,
Shykyre, Dillinja, Arshwikk
Obvious paths: north, west
[The first nice try but...]
You follow your master, Morvule.
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A small wooden dock extends out into the bay, the barnacle-covered pilings driven down through the rocky shore. The weathered planks run right up to the edge of the cobbled street. Noisy crowds jostle past as townsfolk scurry about their errands. You also see a speckled owl that appears dead, a white owl that is flying around, a grizzled Vornavian soldier and a grizzled Vornavian soldier.
Also here: Lord Morvule
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Kiriane just arrived.
Kiriane just went southwest.
You notice Kiriane try to tiptoe silently by you.
Chalces's group just arrived.
Chalces reaches down and tenderly cradles your lifeless hand in his.
Chalces traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Chalces gestures.
A brilliant light bathes you as your surroundings blur for a moment...
A grey, swirling mist surrounds you, its tendrils creeping around your feet and twisting into a thick, translucent mass that vaguely forms a curved wall around the chamber. A feeling of calmness and protection passes over you as you sense that nothing harmful may pass the swirling walls.
Also here: Chalces, Bronicslava
Obvious exits: out
[The next good try....but]
You follow your master, Morvule.
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
A small wooden dock extends out into the bay, the barnacle-covered pilings driven down through the rocky shore. The weathered planks run right up to the edge of the cobbled street. Noisy crowds jostle past as townsfolk scurry about their errands. You also see a speckled owl that appears dead, a white owl that is flying around, a grizzled Vornavian soldier and a grizzled Vornavian soldier.
Also here: Kiriane who is hiding, Lord Morvule
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest
You say, "'never happen chap, ya jes borrowin the body." [delayed reply to him saying he would make me useful, invasion lag and all that]
Kiriane comes out of hiding.
Kiriane forces your mouth open, and pours in a small amount from his gold-trimmed flask.
Kiriane put an opalescent gold-trimmed flask in his spidersilk cloak.
Morvule swerves his talons towards Kadesha, and a raging halo of flames engulfs her body and becomes absorbed into it.
[Eeep! my beard!]
You say, "I have more friends then you."
Morvule hisses, "Good, now you're rather usssseful."
Neyana melodically says, "You've been a bad boy."
The Symbol of Thought begins to burn in your mind and you hear Chalces thinking, "'Morvule seems to have animated Kadesha. Or something."
Mazerak clearly exclaims, "Hootie Hooot Hoooo!"
Mazerak's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
The voice of Kiriane says, "That didn't look too good."
Morvule glances at Mazerak.
Mazerak gestures at Morvule.
As Mazerak moves to cast, Morvule turns his slitted eyes toward him. Mazerak suddenly becomes wreathed in emerald flames and looks quite sickly!
You sense Zakah looking in on you.
* Mazerak drops dead at your feet!
You say, "Now warn others."
Morvule hisses, "Brilliant."
You sense Naelan looking in on you.
Neyana melodically says, "They are warned."
Morvule hisses, "Let ussss go vissssit your friendssss."
Neyana melodically says, "I thought on the amunet, Kadesha."
You say, "Warn others Zakah don't come."
The voice of Tashalin says, "SPiffy."
Kiriane comes out of hiding.
Kiriane is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Kiriane grabs you and tries to drag you, but you resist and stand firm.
[She tries several times]
The voice of Tashalin asks, "What'd ye do ta him?"
The ghostly voice of Mazerak clearly says, "I did."
Kiriane says, "Heavy dwarf."
You sense Naelan looking in on you.
Divid says, "They tend to be."
The voice of Kiriane asks, "Morvule, be a nice guy and have her amble east?"
You say, "Walk me by some yer minions snake."
You hear someone chuckling.
Morvule hisses, "Come, Jesssster. We have work to do."
Lord Morvule just went southwest.
You follow your master, Morvule.
[Solhaven, Bayside Road]
Bayside Road widens here, as throngs of people head southward into the North Market. More than a few are drawn by the mouthwatering aroma of
fresh-baked goods wafting from the doorway of the half-timber building opposite the bridge. To the northwest, the Market Bridge spans the bay, heading towards Marshtown. You also see an onyx-hilted forest green claidhmore, some matte green plate, a pair of forest green pants, a swan-crested thick steel breastplate, a white flask, a sphere-hilted sturdy steel longsword, a pair of forest green pants, a white-edged matte green shield, some black steel-plated boots, a swan-crested thick steel breastplate, a white-edged matte green shield and an old barrel.
Also here: Lord Morvule,
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, southwest, northwest
Lord Morvule just went southwest.
You follow your master, Morvule.
[Solhaven, Liabo Esplanade]
A towering pair of rose quartz swans kiss, their heads and necks forming a heart-shaped archway leading into a temple on the north side of the esplanade. To the east and west of the swans, a thick hedge of rose bushes bearing yellow, white, pink, and deep red roses forms a striking, if impenetrable, wall. Small rose quartz blocks replace the terra cotta bricks in this part of the avenue. You also see a wooden gate that leads behind Oleani's temple.
Also here: Lord Morvule, Sturart
Obvious paths: east, west
You see Lord Morvule Thinevael the Luukosian.
He appears to be very old, has emerald slit-pupiled eyes, and dark green scaled skin.
He has a pair of massive webbed emerald green wings arcing from his back shot with long spidery fingers ending in razored black talons.
He has a series of wavy ophidian marks upon his neck.
He is holding a solid black ora staff crowned with a wreath of razored bronze fangs in his right hand and a hollow uncut diamond in his left hand.
He is wearing a spherical bronze pendant inset with a glittering red gem, a high-collared shadowy cloak trailing wisps of inky darkness, a pair of skeletal bronzegauntlets tipped with razored black ora talons and some dark flowing robes slashed with sinuous trails of muted green.
Bone-jarring tremors herald the appearance of a snake-headed soulstone golem!
Bone-jarring tremors herald the appearance of a snake-headed soulstone golem!
Bone-jarring tremors herald the appearance of a snake-headed soulstone golem!
Bone-jarring tremors herald the appearance of a snake-headed soulstone golem!
You sense Naelan looking in on you.
[My warnings are being voiced to those Voln sighting me, for those who do not know, sight last awhile and one can hear my words if they sight me]
You say, "Watch the temple."
You say, "Watch the temple."
Morvule hisses, "Yessss, the temple."
A snake-headed soulstone golem stomps in.
You say, "Warn them there."
Morvule hisses, "Come."
[He already had the idea when he said let's see my friends... wasn't my fault!]
Lord Morvule just went through a wooden gate that leads behind Oleani's temple.
You follow your master, Morvule.
[Oleani's Temple, Prayer Garden]
On this side of the temple, tall hedges ring a small prayer garden, and white marble benches are scattered here and there for private moments of quiet contemplation. Pink water lilies float in a small pool next to a slate path leading behind the temple. A wooden gate leads to the esplanade, while an arched modwir door leads into the temple. You also see some manna bread, some manna bread, some manna bread, some manna bread, some manna bread, a grey wolf, a frolicsome will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, a capricious celestial spirit that is flying around, some manna bread, some manna bread, some manna bread, some pothinir grass, some acantha leaf, some basal moss, some ephlox moss, some aloeas stem, some ambrominas leaf, some basal moss, some ambrominas leaf, a rose-marrow potion, some haphip root, some wolifrew lichen, a rose-marrow potion, some wolifrew lichen, an arrow, an arrow, an arrow, a badly damaged wooden chest, some woth flower, some woth flower, some torban leaf, some torban leaf, a bundle of wooden arrows, a bundle of wooden arrows, some aloeas stem, a wooden arrow, a wooden arrow, a wooden arrow and an eastern path.
Also here: Lord Morvule, Sturart, the body of Sevum who is lying down, Kurut, the body of Teclya who is lying down, Koleph, the body of Hrvac who is lying down,
the body of Cryheart who is lying down, the body of Benyark who is lying down, Alcallisse who is kneeling, Great Lord Mohrgan, the body of Galenok who is lying down, Shirkon, Syyre who is lying down, the body of Constellous who is lying down, the body of Myrisa who is lying down, Lord Arianiss who is lying down, Kippe, Shaiyde, the body of Meril who is lying down, Geminischild who is sitting, Drakam who is sitting, Aslar who is kneeling, Murgin who is lying down, Perigourd, High Lady Caladrial, Great Lord Rorge who is kneeling, Lord Maynist, Victorj who is sitting, Mistomeer who is kneeling, Boranth who is sleeping, Antonette who is sitting, Jolena who is lying down, Lady Leaia who is sitting, Zakah who is sitting, Great Lord Chomm who is sitting, Nit who is sitting, Lady Klymeria who is kneeling, Lady Raulda, Eahlstan who is sitting, Charna who is kneeling, Lady Raervin who is kneeling, Stunseed who is sitting, Great Lord Catthief, Kediaq, Great Lady Krystala who is sitting, Monax who is sitting, Raquele who is sitting, Great Lord Tunder who is sitting, Lady Auragin who is lying down, Philious, Great Lady Sheelanagig who is kneeling, Kiesha who is sitting, Niqi who is kneeling, Lord Aljian who is kneeling, Great Lord Kyntair who is kneeling, Blossom who is kneeling, Gnebb who is kneeling
Obvious paths: none
You curse your frail mortality. That certainly won't win you any favor with Lorminstra.
[I guess aimed curses don't work when dead, that was aimed for Morvule.]
Morvule hisses, "Why, hello."
Klymeria says, "Morvule is."
The ghostly voice of Myrisa says, "Oh hell."
Raquele stands up.
Perigourd says, "You again."
Alcallisse gasps.
Caladrial glances at Morvule.
Sheelanagig says, "Eeeekkk."
The ghostly voice of Cryheart says, "Oye."
Blossom shrieks!
Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Morvule.
Charna just went through an arched modwir door, dragging Myrisa with her.
[Charna does the smart thing.]
Kurut removes a blaestonberry ice from in his spidersilk tunic.
Caladrial removes a stiletto from in her witch's mantle.
You say, "Get out everyone."
Kurut drops a blaestonberry ice.
Perigourd draws his vultite greatsword. It makes a strange sound as it slides from his case, like the distant scream of a forlorn soul.
The ghostly voice of Constellous meekly says, "Oh man."
The ghostly voice of Teclya exclaims, "Hello yas ugly snake!"
Arianiss drops all defense as he moves into a battle-ready stance.
A white owl appears overhead, circling.
You say, "Get out everyone."
Morvule hisses, "I would like you to be entertained thissss evening. By my Jesssster."
Shirkon deeply says, "No, he inside here."
[Many more actions, spells, healings, ommitted for noise, it was chaotic. I try to leave in all the responses of people trying toflee or guard themselves in whatever manner.]
Zakah raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kurut removes a longsword from in his spidersilk tunic.
Blossom stands up.
Stunseed works his way into some padded chain armor.
Arianiss put a thin-bladed vaalorn-hilted cinquedea in his threaded back sheath.
Arianiss slings a veniom-bound mithril kite shield over his shoulder.
Mohrgan asks, "Back for more eh swine?"
Murgin stands up.
Arianiss drops all defense as he moves into a battle-ready stance.
Sheelanagig stands up.
Kurut just went through a wooden gate.
You sense Naelan looking in on you.
The appearance of great calm leaves Rorge as he looks up and glances around.
Rorge stands up.
Arianiss carefully diagnoses your injuries.
Boranth blinks a few times and then opens his eyes and looks around.
Boranth sits up.
Morvule gestures at Kadesha.
Klymeria stands up.
Perigourd rubs an onyx-bound bloodjewel amulet.
Perigourd suddenly disappears.
Rorge removes an eonake capped faewood runestaff from in his dwarven battle harness.
A deafening screech pierces the air around you as Sheelanagig struggles to remove her vultite falcata from her vruul skin thigh-sheath.
Niqi stands up.
Great Lord Rorge just went through a slate path.
Shaiyde bows to Niqi.
You say, "Get out."
Arianiss stands up.
Jolena stands up.
Lady Klymeria just went through a wooden gate.
You say, "Get out."
You say, "Get out."
Koleph just went through an arched modwir door.
The ghostly voice of Teclya exclaims, "Leave my mama alone!"
Niqi just went through a wooden gate.
You say, "Get out."
Syyre murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Syyre gestures.
Syyre springs upright with amazing agility!
Sheelanagig says, "No Kadesha...nooooo."
Blossom gestures at Gnebb.
Gnebb springs upright with amazing agility!
Jolena glares at Morvule.
Arianiss raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Raquele just went through a wooden gate.
Great Lady Sheelanagig just went through a wooden gate.
Charna just came through an arched modwir door.
Speaking angrily in Elven, Alcallisse says something you don't understand.
Arianiss gestures at you.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Arianiss encompassing you. You sense the comfort of salvation, and an image flashes before you, but it is gone before it
can be recognized.
Zakah removes a razor-sharp black vultite fist-scythe from in his grey dwarven robe.
Drakam makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Stunseed gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Stunseed gestures at Morvule.
Morvule shakes off the magic.
Niqi just came through a wooden gate.
Geminischild stands up.
Raquele just came through a wooden gate.
Zakah slings a black rose crested black shield off from over his shoulder.
Morvule hisses, "Do what I assssk."
Boranth glares at Morvule.
You sense Railien looking in on you.
Niqi just went through a slate path.
You sense Railien looking in on you.
Zakah just went through a wooden gate.
Morvule hisses, "Kill them."
Raquele chuckles.
Auragin kneels and begins to meditate.
Gnebb gestures at Meril.
Gnebb suddenly looks very drained.
A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Meril in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Meril, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Meril awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
Meril seems slightly different.
Morvule nods to you.
Victorj stands up.
Kippe just went through a wooden gate.
Charna just went through an arched modwir door, dragging Meril with her.
Mhordred just came through a wooden gate.
The ghostly voice of Cryheart says, "Morvule...you need to show some honor..stop feeding on the innocent."
Kyntair stands up.
You say, "Get out."
The ghostly voice of Teclya says, "Go away yas ugly dolt."
Leaia stands up.
You sense Naelan looking in on you.
You say, "Get out."
Charna just came through an arched modwir door.
You say, "Get out."
You say, "Get out."
Kadesha gestures into the air.
A wave of crimson ethereal ripples moves outward from Kadesha.
Charna is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 25 points of damage!
Flames burn hole in chest exposing ribs!
She is stunned!
Mhordred is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 28 points of damage!
Flames cook Mhordred's abdomen. Looks about medium well.
He is stunned!
Raquele is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Flame consumes Raquele's right arm all the way to the shoulder.
She is stunned!
Sturart is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Unbelievable heat melts Sturart's hand down to the wrist.
He is stunned!
Alcallisse is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Flame burns through Alcallisse's abdomen. Greasy smoke billows forth.
* Alcallisse drops dead at your feet!
The light blue glow leaves Alcallisse.
The air calms down around Alcallisse.
The dim aura fades from around Alcallisse.
Mohrgan is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 35 points of damage!
Blaze chars Mohrgan's left arm. What's left is unusable.
He is stunned!
Shirkon is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to left arm. Gonna need lots of butter.
He is stunned!
Syyre is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 28 points of damage!
Head explodes in flames! Grab some marshmallows.
* Syyre drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Syyre.
The very powerful look leaves Syyre.
The white light leaves Syyre.
The air calms down around Syyre.
The deep blue glow leaves Syyre.
The powerful look leaves Syyre.
The opalescent aura fades from around Syyre.
The brilliant aura fades away from Syyre.
Syyre appears less confident.
The dim aura fades from around Syyre.
Arianiss is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 30 points of damage!
Fire burns through neck and destroys carotid artery. Painfully bloody way to die.
* Arianiss drops dead at your feet!
Geminischild is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Right forearm burned clean off. At least it's cauterized.
She is stunned!
Drakam is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to back toasts skin nicely.
Murgin is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to right arm. Gonna need lots of butter.
He is stunned!
Maynist is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left arm toasts skin to elbows.
He is stunned!
Victorj is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 30 points of damage!
Extreme heat causes Victorj's right leg to expand and snap. That must hurt!
He is stunned!
Mistomeer is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 29 points of damage!
Extreme heat causes Mistomeer's right leg to expand and snap. That must hurt!
He is stunned!
Boranth is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Flame burns everything but the bones from Boranth's left hand.
He is stunned!
Antonette is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 40 points of damage!
Left leg burned off at the knee. Ouch.
She is stunned!
Jolena is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 25 points of damage!
Flames burn hole in chest exposing ribs!
She is stunned!
Leaia is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Flames engulf body. Chest left a smoldering ruin.
* Leaia drops dead at your feet!
Nit is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Fire completely surrounds Nit. Blood boils and heart stops.
* Nit drops dead at your feet!
Eahlstan is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames to left arm toasts skin to elbows.
He is stunned!
Raervin is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Left arm incinerated. Unfortunate.
She is stunned!
Catthief is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Fire completely surrounds Catthief. Blood boils and heart stops.
* Catthief drops dead at your feet!
Kediaq is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 30 points of damage!
Extreme heat causes Kediaq's left arm to expand and snap. That must hurt!
He is stunned!
Krystala is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames char chest a crispy black.
She is stunned!
Monax is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 15 points of damage!
Burst of flames char abdomen a crispy black.
He is stunned!
Tunder is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 20 points of damage!
Nasty burns to right hand. Gonna need lots of butter.
He is stunned!
Auragin is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Neck completely incinerated; Auragin's head drops to the ground and rolls to your feet!
* Auragin drops dead at your feet!
Philious is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 25 points of damage!
Flames burn hole in chest exposing ribs!
He is stunned!
Kiesha is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Flames engulf body. Chest left a smoldering ruin.
* Kiesha drops dead at your feet!
Aljian is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 45 points of damage!
Left leg completely charred.
He is stunned!
Kyntair is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 60 points of damage!
Flames engulf body. Chest left a smoldering ruin.
* Kyntair drops dead at your feet!
Kyntair becomes solid again.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Kyntair.
The deep blue glow leaves Kyntair.
The bright luminescence fades from around Kyntair.
Kyntair seems slightly different.
The powerful look leaves Kyntair.
The white light leaves Kyntair.
The very powerful look leaves Kyntair.
A white glow rushes away from Kyntair.
The air calms down around Kyntair.
Kyntair seems hesitant.
Kyntair appears less confident.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Kyntair.
A subtle light fades from Kyntair's eyes.
Kyntair returns to normal color.
The brilliant aura fades away from Kyntair.
The dim aura fades from around Kyntair.
The light blue glow leaves Kyntair.
The opalescent aura fades from around Kyntair.
Blossom is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 55 points of damage!
Left hand burned off. Only a stump remains.
She is stunned!
Gnebb is buffeted by the crimson ethereal waves, and knocked to the ground.
... 70 points of damage!
Back burnt to the bone. Smoke curls up from what's left of Gnebb.
* Gnebb drops dead at your feet!
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Gnebb.
Gnebb returns to normal color.
Gnebb becomes solid again.
[Oleani's Temple, Prayer Garden]
On this side of the temple, tall hedges ring a small prayer garden, and white marble benches are scattered here and there for private moments of quiet contemplation. Pink water lilies float in a small pool next to a slate path leading behind the temple. A wooden gate leads to the esplanade, while an arched modwir door leads into the temple. You also see an eastern path.
Also here: a stunned Charna who is lying down, a stunned Mhordred who is lying down, a stunned Raquele who is lying down, Lord Morvule, a stunned Sturart who is lying down, the body of Sevum who is lying down, the body of Teclya who is lying down, the body of Hrvac who is lying down, the body of Cryheart who is lying down, the body of Benyark who is lying down, the body of Alcallisse who is lying down, a stunned Great Lord Mohrgan who is lying down, the body of Galenok who is lying down, a stunned Shirkon who is lying down, the body of Syyre who is lying down, the body of Constellous who is lying down, the body of Lord Arianiss who is lying down, a stunned Geminischild who is lying down, Drakam who is lying down, Aslar who is kneeling, a stunned Murgin who is lying down, High Lady Caladrial, a stunned Lord Maynist who is lying down, a stunned Victorj who is lying down, a stunned Mistomeer who is lying down, a stunned Boranth who is
lying down, a stunned Antonette who is lying down, a stunned Jolena who is lying down, the body of Lady Leaia who is lying down, Great Lord Chomm who is sitting, the body of Nit who is lying down, Lady Raulda, a stunned Eahlstan who is lying down, a stunned Lady Raervin who is lying down, Stunseed, the body of Great Lord Catthief who is lying down, a stunned Kediaq who is lying down, a stunned Great Lady Krystala who is lying down, a stunned Monax who is lying down, a stunned Great Lord Tunder who is lying down, the body of Lady Auragin who is lying down, a stunned Philious who is lying down, the body of Kiesha who is lying down, a stunned Lord Aljian who is lying down, the body of Great Lord Kyntair who is lying down, a stunned Blossom who is lying down, the body of Gnebb who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
Chomm stands up.
Stunseed smirks.
Morvule nods to you.
The ghostly voice of Hrvac confidently says, "Tough guy."
Great Lord Chomm just went through a wooden gate.
Subarashi just came through a wooden gate.
You say, "Ya shoulda listened to me'."
Morvule hisses, "Good."
Stunseed says, "You missed."
Murgin stands up.
The ghostly voice of Teclya says, "I will kill you Morvule."
Subarashi stares at Morvule.
Morvule traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Shirkon rolls to the right, then springs to his feet, ready again for action!
The ghostly voice of Galenok says, "Wow, that really sucked."
Stunseed gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Stunseed gestures at Morvule.
Morvule shakes off the magic.
You sense Naelan looking in on you.
Suntzhu just came through a wooden gate.
Tunder stands up.
You sense Sylviana looking in on you.
You say, "Hey I dont even know that spell."
Murgin squeaks out an indignant suggestion about Morvule's baking abilities.
Charna just crawled through an arched modwir door.
Tunder works his way into some rugged shadowy black armor capped with shiny vultite troll skull pauldrons.
Perigourd appears to be preparing to attempt dragging you.
The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.
The ghostly voice of Galenok says, "I hope Oleani really get's pissed."
The ghost of Arianiss whispers, "Almost stopped taht."
Philious stands up.
Morvule gestures at Stunseed.
CS: +1222 - TD: +216 + CvA: -8 + d100: +11 == +1009
Warding failed!
Stunseed is suddenly engulfed in brilliant white fire!
... and hits for 82 points of damage!
... 200 points of damage!
Back burnt to the bone. Smoke curls up from what's left of Stunseed.
* Stunseed drops dead at your feet!
Blossom just crawled painfully through a slate path.
The ghostly voice of Cryheart says, "Dark priest...ye show little courage."
Jolena swears long, loud and well.
Morvule hisses, "Not really."
Perigourd is trying to drag you. If you want to prevent this type "GROUP CLOSE".
Something just went through a slate path, dragging you behind it.
[Another nice try but..]
[Oleani's Temple, Wedding Bower]
Sculpted rose bushes ring the bower, their thin trunks adorned with violet ribbon streamers. A white silk runner covered with scattered rose petals of all colors extends towards a trellis sheltering a statue of Oleani and Phoen in a passionate embrace. A small grove of tanik trees barely conceals two tiny cottages from prying eyes. You also see a slate path leading out of the bower and a small grove of tanik trees.
Also here: Blossom who is lying down, Monax who is lying down, Niqi, Great Lord Rorge
Obvious paths: none
You sense Naelan looking in on you.
You follow your master, Morvule.
[Oleani's Temple, Prayer Garden]
On this side of the temple, tall hedges ring a small prayer garden, and white marble benches are scattered here and there for private moments of quiet contemplation. Pink water lilies float in a small pool next to a slate path leading behind the temple. A wooden gate leads to the esplanade, while an arched modwir door leads into the temple. You also see an eastern path.
Also here: Suntzhu, Subarashi, Mhordred who is lying down, a stunned Raquele who is lying down, Lord Morvule, the body of Sevum who is lying down, the body of Teclya who is lying down, the body of Hrvac who is lying down, the body of Cryheart who is lying down, the body of Benyark who is lying down, the body of Alcallisse who is lying down, Great Lord Mohrgan who is lying down, the body of Galenok who is lying down, Shirkon, the body of Syyre who is lying down, the body of Constellous who is lying down, the body of Lord Arianiss who is lying down, Geminischild who is lying down, Drakam who is sitting, Aslar who is kneeling, Murgin, High Lady Caladrial, Lord Maynist who is lying down, Victorj who is lying down, Mistomeer who is lying down, Boranth, a stunned Antonette who is lying down, Jolena, the body of Lady Leaia who is lying down, the body of Nit who is lying down, Lady Raulda, Eahlstan who is lying down, a stunned Lady Raervin who is lying down, the body of Stunseed who is lying down, the body of Great Lord Catthief who is lying down, Kediaq who is lying down, Great Lady Krystala
who is lying down, Great Lord Tunder, the body of Lady Auragin who is lying down, Philious, the body of Kiesha who is lying down, a stunned Lord Aljian who is lying down, the body of Great Lord Kyntair who is lying down, the body of Gnebb who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
Charna just came through an arched modwir door.
Jolena screams!
Geminischild sits up.
Victorj attempts to roll to his feet, but ends up just rolling around on the ground a bit.
Jolena exclaims, "No!"
Mohrgan stands up.
Bone-jarring tremors herald the appearance of a snake-headed soulstone golem!
Bone-jarring tremors herald the appearance of a snake-headed soulstone golem!
Bone-jarring tremors herald the appearance of a snake-headed soulstone golem!
Bone-jarring tremors herald the appearance of a snake-headed soulstone golem!
Mistomeer stands up.
The ghostly voice of Stunseed says, "Touche'."
Subarashi groans.
The ghostly voice of Kyntair warmly says, "Aye, she will."
Jolena falls to her knees beside the body of Stunseed and wails mournfully!
You sense Railien looking in on you.
The ghost of Arianiss whispers, "I tried tending you but you were considered standing."
A snake-headed soulstone golem raises its massive foot and attempts to smash Shirkon!
AS: +443 vs DS: +162 with AvD: +15 + d100 roll: +59 = +355
... and hits for 38 points of damage!
Crushing blow crumples Shirkon's nose!
He is stunned!
A snake-headed soulstone golem swings a massive arm at Charna!
AS: +433 vs DS: +128 with AvD: +40 + d100 roll: +57 = +402
... and hits for 97 points of damage!
Hard hit shatters weapon arm.
She is stunned!
A snake-headed soulstone golem raises its massive foot and attempts to smash Raquele!
AS: +453 vs DS: +68 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +58 = +485
... and hits for 195 points of damage!
Massive blow smashes through ribs and drives Raquele's heart out the back.
* Raquele drops dead at your feet!
The very powerful look leaves Raquele.
The white light leaves Raquele.
The air calms down around Raquele.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Raquele.
Raquele returns to normal color.
A satisfied rumbling comes from within the soulstone golem.
Morvule hisses, "Fall beneath my petssss."
Suntzhu's group just went through an arched modwir door.
A snake-headed soulstone golem raises its massive foot and attempts to smash Philious!
AS: +443 vs DS: +80 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +53 = +445
... and hits for 101 points of damage!
Eye crushed by a hard blow to the face!
He is stunned!
Mhordred stands up.
The ghostly voice of Kyntair warmly says, "Ye made a big mistake ye idiot Morvule."
Victorj just crawled painfully through a wooden gate.
Lord Morvule just went through a wooden gate.
You follow your master, Morvule.
[Solhaven, Liabo Esplanade]
A towering pair of rose quartz swans kiss, their heads and necks forming a heart-shaped archway leading into a temple on the north side of the esplanade. To the east and west of the swans, a thick hedge of rose bushes bearing yellow, white, pink, and deep red roses forms a striking, if impenetrable, wall. Small rose quartz blocks replace the terra cotta bricks in this part of the avenue. You also see a snake-headed soulstone golem, a couple of dark elf arms, a grieving crevasse spirit that is flying around, a snake-headed soulstone golem, a snake-headed soulstone golem, a snake-headed soulstone golem, a gloomy sunburst spirit that is flying around, a snake-headed soulstone golem that appears dead and a wooden gate that leads behind Oleani's temple.
Also here: Geminischild, Lord Morvule, Victorj who is lying down, the body of Vrairdrick who is lying down, Kaedra who is lying down, Great Lady Sherysse who is lying down, Vivil who is lying down, High Lord Svardin, Imraith, Renowned Lady Sraven, Lord Shonison, the body of Feydra who is lying down, Zosopage
Obvious paths: east, west
Zosopage swings a dragon etched vultite falchion at a snake-headed soulstone golem!
The soulstone golem evades the attack!
Shonison says, "Run."
Zosopage swings a dragon etched vultite falchion at a snake-headed soulstone golem!
AS: +496 vs DS: +278 with AvD: +21 + d100 roll: +84 = +323
... and hits for 42 points of damage!
Flattened the soulstone golem's right hand.
** Zosopage's etched vultite falchion flares with a burst of flame! **
... 10 points of damage!
Minor burns to abdomen. Looks painful.
Imraith pulls on Sherysse, trying to get her closer.
A snake-headed soulstone golem swings a massive arm at Drakam!
AS: +452 vs DS: +205 with AvD: +38 + d100 roll: +91 = +376
... and hits for 143 points of damage!
Massive blow punches a hole through Drakam's chest!
* Drakam drops dead at your feet!
The deep blue glow leaves Drakam.
The powerful look leaves Drakam.
Drakam seems to lose an aura of confidence.
The air about Drakam stops shimmering.
The very powerful look leaves Drakam.
The white light leaves Drakam.
The light blue glow leaves Drakam.
A satisfied rumbling comes from within the soulstone golem.
A snake-headed soulstone golem swings a massive arm at Kaedra!
AS: +443 vs DS: +701 with AvD: +42 + d100 roll: +16 = -200
A clean miss.
A snake-headed soulstone golem swings a massive arm at Zosopage!
AS: +433 vs DS: +400 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +47 = +112
... and hits for 2 points of damage!
Glancing blow to Zosopage's left leg!
A snake-headed soulstone golem raises its massive foot and attempts to smash Victorj!
Victorj evades the attack!
The Symbol of Thought begins to burn in your mind and you hear Arshwikk thinking, "just preserve her and raise her"
Lord Morvule just went west.
You follow your master, Morvule.
[Solhaven, Liabo Esplanade]
A wall built of the same golden-yellow bricks as the esplanade borders the southern side of the avenue. To the west, the brick wall ends where a white granite wall begins. Above the brick wall the red tiled roofs and stuccoed walls of several large, gabled buildings can be seen. Near the compound's gate the paving takes on a fanciful appearance as crimson, white, green, cerulean, and black bricks take turns alternating with the ever-present golden-yellow ones. You also see a raven that is flying around, a golden brown jaguar and a large domed building.
Also here: Lord Morvule, Lady Neyana, Zakah
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Zakah blinks.
Neyana sticks her tongue out at Morvule, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from her lips!
You say, "Least yers ain forked Neyana."
Neyana melodically says, "I'm not impressed."
Arianiss whispers, "Watch your health, acn't tend."
Arianiss raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Neyana smirks at Morvule.
[Arianiss makes a large sacrifice to break the animation link.]
Arianiss gestures at you.
As the last of Arianiss's life energy is drained into the effort of restoring life to you, he collapses!
* Arianiss drops dead at your feet!
You feel the touch of the hand leave your soul.
Arianiss's body decays into compost.
* Arianiss just bit the dust!
Morvule hisses, "Neither am I."
The voice of Tashalin says, "Hrm."
You sense Naelan looking in on you.
Zakah whispers, "What should I do?"
Neyana melodically says, "I would think you might try being a bit creative."
Morvule hisses, "Kindly rot."
Neyana shakes her head.
Morvule traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
The voice of Tashalin says, "Mental note. Raisin kadesha bad fer yer health."
Neyana melodically says, "Won't be the first time it happened."
Neyana melodically says, "This is my home. Hit the road."
The voice of Tashalin says, "Oh wow."
Your surroundings blur into a white fog . . .
[He did kill Neyana as I fogged away.. mean critters were still all about.]
[Solhaven, Liabo Plaza]
Easily as large as the entire North Market, the plaza is paved with a spiral pattern of alternating terra-cotta and golden-yellow bricks. On the eastern edge of the plaza stands an ornate, white limestone arch, and beyond it the brick-paved avenue stretches toward Vornavis' towering west wall. A steady mix of merchants, artisans, and clerics pass through the arch in both directions. You also see some silver coins, some ambrominas leaf, a dovesnail shell, a tabby cat that is sitting, a raven, a grey stone arch, a terra-cotta bench and an old barrel with a short sword on it.
Also here: Victorj, Shykyre, Dillinja
Obvious paths: north, west
[Solhaven, Liabo Esplanade]
The color of paving shifts to a pale gold as the terra cotta bricks are replaced by small blocks of white granite. South of the avenue the view is blocked by a high, white granite wall, although a stonework structure is just visible beyond it. A large wooden gate, painted with a golden crown atop a circle of white, fills the gateway in the center of the wall. A sign hangs below the symbol. You also see a speckled owl that appears dead, a white owl that is flying around, a lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra, a shadowy Luukosian arch-lich, a snake-headed soulstone golem, a gold-flecked white marble building and a white limestone archway.
Also here: Lord Morvule
[Solhaven, Liabo Esplanade]
A wall built of the same golden-yellow bricks as the esplanade borders the southern side of the avenue. To the west, the brick wall ends where a white granite wall begins. Above the brick wall the red tiled roofs and stuccoed walls of several large, gabled buildings can be seen. Near the compound's gate the paving takes on a fanciful appearance as crimson, white, green, cerulean, and black bricks take turns alternating with the ever-present golden-yellow ones. You also see a large domed building.
Also here: the body of Lady Neyana who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, west
You grab Neyana's body and drag it west with you...
[Solhaven, Liabo Esplanade]
The color of paving shifts to a pale gold as the terra cotta bricks are replaced by small blocks of white granite. South of the avenue the view is blocked by a high, white granite wall, although a stonework structure is just visible beyond it. A large wooden gate, painted with a golden crown atop a circle of white, fills the gateway in the center of the wall. A sign hangs below the symbol. You also see a speckled owl that is flying around, a white owl, a lithe dark-skinned abyran'ra, a shadowy Luukosian arch-lich, a snake-headed soulstone golem, a gold-flecked white marble building and a white limestone archway.
Also here: the body of Lady Neyana who is lying down, Lord Morvule
Obvious paths: east
Roundtime: 10 sec.
The ghostly voice of Neyana melodically asks, "You okay, Kade?"
Morvule smiles.
[Here I am being dyslexic and dragging the wrong way in a crisis.]
You let out an eloquently vile series of grunts.
The voice of Tashalin says, "Thems some spiffy wings there."
Morvule hisses, "Kill her again, my petssss."
A snake-headed soulstone golem reaches over and grasps Neyana by the neck preventing her from being dragged anywhere.
Lord Morvule just went through a white limestone archway.
[I hope Neyana eventually got helped, I had to leave being unspelled still and the golems prevented dragging.]
A snake-headed soulstone golem reaches over and grasps Neyana by the neck preventing her from being dragged anywhere.
A shadowy Luukosian arch-lich leans over Neyana and rakes his thin fingers across her neck, leaving a bloody trail.
The Symbol of Thought begins to burn in your mind and you hear Railien thinking, "Those of the Order, if you fall, be quick about preserving yourself."
[I do not think preservation prevents animation.. maybe?, I tend not to use on myself right away unless it is apprarant I am going to be dead a long while. ]
Kadesha's player, who had fun through it all, even though I accidently deleted in the log my best arcastic remark to Morvule. Kadesha is gonna get him I hope.
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