View Full Version : Damn Invasions

01-22-2005, 02:45 AM
Ok. Many of us come from the era when it was Kelfour's, new Landing, then Teras and Mule, which was huge. But lots of us go back to invasions when those who died droped their weaponry, and a beast would pick it up and fight with it, and the town would be in cahoots to find your weapon or shield. And, they would give it back to you. It would be the town against the being, to favor those who fell and recollect their goods, and fight for a purpose. They would fight for retrieve... and fight in honor for their town.... and fight cohesive.

New days. Warrior and ever profession able, taking on invaders. Killing to protect town while gold diggers searching for trunks and silvers and items. Keep fighting, because some can, looters dying like mad to give empaths and clerics a hard on. Meanwhile, elders giving life, fighting, never searching, the rats do that.... and when an elder falls, is ignored... nevermind he or she gave her life to protect many rats in the meantime to run off with loot.

Something is wrong with this. Too many Elders, who didn't give a damn about loot, decayed this eve. It's sad. We tagged the names that ran past dead bodies as they grabbed trunks and loot. We know who is too eager to run through for invasion trinkets. Goddess grant mercy when you are the elder and dead ... or not, since you won't have a cause, because your purpose is distorted. Decay your stinking black heart... it will happen. Could you imagine if the elders didn't stand strong at the gates in towns? Could you imagine if the ones of strength didn't show to fight a town's battle? Well, if you were there before and cared, you'd know.

Towns have seen it afore, dog's head on poles dead, banks invaded and stolen, everything turned lopsided and ill. Town burned to ground.

Was very ashamed to be one who could assist with Solhaven and Wehnimer's this eve, as were many other, many who could hold off the invaders, with all the snerts present. Was very ashamed at where folks have gone, to neglect where they have roots, and to neglect them who can protect them. Running around, grabbing loot, igoring dead bodies, never having the strenth, nor balls, to weild a weapon to protect.... just protective spells to run through and steal everything that others died for.

I will always my honor to my town. But now I know where many stand. And, many rats on this forum. I pity you.


It's a different day and age.

Sean of the Thread
01-22-2005, 03:25 AM
Glad I quit.

01-22-2005, 03:31 AM
Originally posted by LadyLuck
Ok. Many of us come from the era when it was Kelfour's, new Landing, then Teras and Mule, which was huge.

Something is wrong with this. Too many Elders, who didn't give a damn about loot, decayed this eve.

We tagged the names that ran past dead bodies as they grabbed trunks and loot.

Could you imagine if the elders didn't stand strong at the gates in towns?

Could you imagine if the ones of strength didn't show to fight a town's battle?

I have many questions:

Who are the many who are ICE that still play?

When you say Elders are you talking about those people who are to old to learn from any creatures at a town and only log in during invasions?

Can you imagine if the so called elders didnt log in and people who could actually learn from a creature fought off the invansions?

Perhaps in the future you elders would worry more about making friends so you would not decay and less about getting Elder.

01-22-2005, 03:34 AM
Decaying and recovering in 20 minutes or waiting for a raise and waiting 10 minutes for recovry?

I'll take the latter.

Oh yah the full mana is also quite nice from decaying.

01-22-2005, 04:16 AM
I don't get it. Death really doesn't matter. During an invasion, unless you're well connected, chances are you're going to waiit, like Nakiro said, at least 10 minutes for healing and a raise, if not more. So what, decay, get full mana, spellup, and wait 15 minutes for recovery. I rarely assist in the raising in invasions anymore since I decay on almost every death, and because as a somewhat elder cleric, I barely learn a thing raising 20th level characters in a town like Haven. I see it as more greedy to take raises from the younger clerics who can get max exp on a raise and can't fight in an invasion.

01-22-2005, 06:56 AM
Point proven and made.

Good eve.

01-22-2005, 11:18 PM

Does anyone else have a hard time understanding some of LadyLucks post. Is it the server yoinking the words around or something like a bug because I THINK I WANT TO PLUCK OUT MY EYES NOW. *twitch*

01-22-2005, 11:39 PM
Heh. Nope. I don't have any trouble understanding Luky's posts at all. Maybe your puter is infected with a dyslexia virus! ;)

Sean of the Thread
01-22-2005, 11:40 PM
It makes perfect sense... this game has gone to hell. I advise you all to quit as well.

01-23-2005, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
I don't get it. Death really doesn't matter. During an invasion, unless you're well connected, chances are you're going to waiit, like Nakiro said, at least 10 minutes for healing and a raise, if not more. So what, decay, get full mana, spellup, and wait 15 minutes for recovery. I rarely assist in the raising in invasions anymore since I decay on almost every death, and because as a somewhat elder cleric, I barely learn a thing raising 20th level characters in a town like Haven. I see it as more greedy to take raises from the younger clerics who can get max exp on a raise and can't fight in an invasion.

coming from someone who's played a quasi older cleric for 6-7+ years( 56ish trains), i just dont take this logic to heart....

because you decay, you therefor dont try and help those that die... the reason that people have to wait around is the lack of willing clerics to give up the loot/fun of killing things inorder to get others up.

i can understand if you dont raise or are againt the invasions in an IC reason, but the reason that the lands work is because each profession helps out the best they can....

can you imaggine that one character had the only weapon in the game that could kill a very very high level creature thats invading but he didnt want to get it ot of his locker because he couldnt learn from what was attacking.... i know its a stretch but thats how i read your post

i know your concerned about taking learning from younger characters but if there is an overload of dead people then maybe your helpe is needed more behind the battlefields rather than adding to the body count

01-23-2005, 03:58 AM
A raise that takes more than 10 minutes to get is not worth it. When you walk past a room filled with 20 bodies, you know its going to take more than 10 minutes to get a raise.

So you do the smart thing and decay. Really, what is so hard to understand?

[Edited on 1-23-2005 by Nakiro]

01-23-2005, 04:31 AM
Some of the game has gone to hell.. but I still enjoy playing and I doubt I am going to quit anytime soon. Invasions are just too hard for me to fight in.. so I wait em out. I saw a few certain people running through and picking up stuff even though they didnt do any work for it.. they are greedy assholes.. but what can ya do.

01-23-2005, 09:28 AM
I had an alias to run out of the gate, get something, and run back inside in .005 seconds. I made like 25k.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-23-2005, 09:32 AM
I havent' had deeds since GS4, death means nothing to a spell caster except maybe 10 minutes spell up time? Decay gives you full mana...

01-23-2005, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by LadyLuck
Was very ashamed to be one who could assist with Solhaven and Wehnimer's this eve, as were many other, many who could hold off the invaders, with all the snerts present. Was very ashamed at where folks have gone, to neglect where they have roots, and to neglect them who can protect them. Running around, grabbing loot, igoring dead bodies, never having the strenth, nor balls, to weild a weapon to protect.... just protective spells to run through and steal everything that others died for.

I will always my honor to my town. But now I know where many stand. And, many rats on this forum. I pity you.


It's a different day and age.

I haven't played gemstone in a couple of months, but I'm assuming that you were one of them that decayed during the invasion and this is what inspired your post.

Ever since the run in with the house of brigatta in the park where they spammed it with about 4 sorcerers doing guild work as fast as they could, I lost respect for all of the "elders" that you speak of, including yourself. Had I been there, I would have also walked by the dead body of someone who acted as childish as you did that night. Actually, I would have probably stopped to point and laugh, and then move on.

In case you forgot what I'm talking about, here's a link for you.
