View Full Version : EG 2017 Quest Item

11-06-2017, 03:08 PM
So for those of us who did not attend, what are the properties of the quest item?


11-06-2017, 03:19 PM
If I may ask, why didn't you? You didn't need to buy a pass to participate in the quest, and you didn't even need to participate to get the item (but it would've been just fluff).

For people who got 1000 quest favor by donating building materials tot he temple, the item can be pointed at a target to debuff it. It starts at 3x/day -5 DS/-3 TD, and presumably can be boosted each year.

11-06-2017, 05:05 PM
If I may ask, why didn't you? You didn't need to buy a pass to participate in the quest, and you didn't even need to participate to get the item (but it would've been just fluff).

For people who got 1000 quest favor by donating building materials tot he temple, the item can be pointed at a target to debuff it. It starts at 3x/day -5 DS/-3 TD, and presumably can be boosted each year.

I just had very mixed feeling about the new EG setup. I was less than thrilled when bloodscrip was introduced and now there are seashells, bleh. There was nothing in the shops I was interested in except the large gem jars and I was not about to earn/buy 50k seashells for the 200 jars I would want, just to save a little locker space. I do not need or want more gear and I have no desire for tiered items, I already have 30-40 lockers full of stuff - playing since '96 and the crap just adds up.

As for the quest, it just did not feel like my cup of tea.


11-06-2017, 05:11 PM
It wasn't mine either, but at the start, you only needed 20 building items, and then you were set until the item was released.

11-06-2017, 05:26 PM
Wasn't particularly jazzed about helping build the temple of the eel. AAARRPEEEE says no!

11-07-2017, 09:32 PM
Quest item is a progressive item for the next 4 years. At its base, it is a zested item (which will also increase in verb traps); If you have the max 1000 favor, then you have access to a POINT ability which (currently) is -5DS/-3TD, 3x/day. That will increase both in strength and usage. If you are a convert (and at max favor) you also have the COVER ability which is a fear resistance boost. That will increase both in strength and usage, as well.