View Full Version : Our Glorious Moderator

10-15-2017, 11:24 PM

Over reporting macguyver's fake silver sale thread (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?111884-Selling-Silvers-4-50-Per)

Cool mod. :lol:

10-16-2017, 11:44 AM
You got an infraction for insulting macgyver?

We should all be banned then.

10-16-2017, 11:53 AM
He should really just leave. There is actual fucking spam from a robot in another thread and he didn't do jack shit.

10-16-2017, 11:56 AM
You got an infraction for insulting macgyver?

We should all be banned then.

Apparently reporting his fake 600m sale thread is a super mean insult even though he doesn't actually play and was trying to fuck with prices. You'd think the fact that 600m "sold" in 43 minutes at 10am on a Wednesday would make it obvious, but Whirlin's gonna Whirlin.


I'm sure it has nothing at all to do with Whirlin being butthurt over being told to do the one thing he's supposed to be doing here as a mod, especially in the merchant folder since "I only mod the merchant folder" was one of his recent copouts if I remember right.

10-16-2017, 12:07 PM
I got an infraction for inappropriate language, but I think it was a joke.

10-16-2017, 12:08 PM
Yeah, I got one for insulting another member. He was the member. It expired and I think it was a joke. Yours may not be tho, Methamphetmineias.

10-16-2017, 12:37 PM
Yeah, I got one for insulting another member. He was the member. It expired and I think it was a joke. Yours may not be tho, Methamphetmineias.

Pretty sure he's not if he's threatening me with a ban and saying I'm "abusing" report. "Abusing" report by reporting macguyver for doing macguyver things. Like blatantly scamming the merchant folder with fake sales.

All I can come up with is that maybe Whirlin is on his period. And I mean that in a totally non-insulting way. Wouldn't want anyone on the Players Corner to feel insulted. This is a safe space, unlike that other Elanthia forum!

10-16-2017, 12:37 PM
Whirlin does have a sense of humor.

10-16-2017, 12:43 PM
This from the guy who was called out in the Repaggedon for being a not-so-closeted horrible troll? The guy who In Game chased me around saying, 'oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, don't be mad, it was just good fun, rite?' the day your cover was blown? Pulease. Just accept your hand-slap, move on, and stop crying that it's not YOUR safe space anymore.

10-16-2017, 01:01 PM
This from the guy who was called out in the Repaggedon for being a not-so-closeted horrible troll? The guy who In Game chased me around saying, 'oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, don't be mad, it was just good fun, rite?' the day your cover was blown? Pulease. Just accept your hand-slap, move on, and stop crying that it's not YOUR safe space anymore.

I don't remember Methais really trolling people via rep comments.

10-16-2017, 01:16 PM
This from the guy who was called out in the Repaggedon for being a not-so-closeted horrible troll? The guy who In Game chased me around saying, 'oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, don't be mad, it was just good fun, rite?' the day your cover was blown? Pulease. Just accept your hand-slap, move on, and stop crying that it's not YOUR safe space anymore.

What in the blue fuck are you even talking about? I'll deal with that bullshit in a minute.

You're failing to even realize, probably because you're retarded, which I mean in a non-insulting way of course, what the "hand slap" was for. A fake sale thread was posted to try and fuck with prices. I reported it, and Whirlin responds. Please tell me how that has anything to do with safe space. Please also elaborate on "it's not YOUR safe space anymore" when this place was never a safe space for anyone and no one in their right mind viewed it as such at any point in time. Emphasis on in their right mind, which you aren't. Which I also mean in a non-insulting way.

This is before even taking into account the fact that Whirlin has stated numerous times he's not going to play whack-a-mole with macguyver's 4873209472304 accounts, so he already knows macguyver is a problem. He's just not gonna do anything about it. I don't give a fuck about "normal" trolling. My problem is with fake/scam sales being ignored.

But tell me more about this chasing you around in game begging for forgiveness thing. I'm genuinely curious, because at best I might have been in a good mood one day and said something nice to you on LNet or something. But tell me more about this chasing you around in game bullshit. Because I can assure you that never happened. I'm too lazy in game to even log in my picker alt to pick my boxes most of the time. I'm damn sure not gonna put forth any effort to "chase around" some stupid delusional cunt like you, which I again mean in a completely non-insulting manner, in game to apologize for something I never gave a shit about in the first place. Especially if you're claiming it was over Repageddon, as I've still yet to give the first fuck about anything as a result of that.

You're either thinking of someone else, or you're just being your regular delusional self. Knowing you, it's probably both.

I don't remember Methais really trolling people via rep comments.

Leifa seems to think that anyone who's ever left anyone red rep = trolling people via rep. Which by her own logic makes her just as much of a troll with the red rep she's left me before.

10-16-2017, 01:19 PM
He has his shiny new toy, you interrupted his reading of it with that awful report, shame on you Methais!

10-16-2017, 01:20 PM
He has his shiny new toy, you interrupted his reading of it with that awful report, shame on you Methais!


10-16-2017, 01:39 PM
What in the blue fuck are you even talking about? I'll deal with that bullshit in a minute.

You're failing to even realize, probably because you're retarded, which I mean in a non-insulting way of course, what the "hand slap" was for. A fake sale thread was posted to try and fuck with prices. I reported it, and Whirlin responds. Please tell me how that has anything to do with safe space. Please also elaborate on "it's not YOUR safe space anymore" when this place was never a safe space for anyone and no one in their right mind viewed it as such at any point in time. Emphasis on in their right mind, which you aren't. Which I also mean in a non-insulting way.

This is before even taking into account the fact that Whirlin has stated numerous times he's not going to play whack-a-mole with macguyver's 4873209472304 accounts, so he already knows macguyver is a problem. He's just not gonna do anything about it. I don't give a fuck about "normal" trolling. My problem is with fake/scam sales being ignored.

But tell me more about this chasing you around in game begging for forgiveness thing. I'm genuinely curious, because at best I might have been in a good mood one day and said something nice to you on LNet or something. But tell me more about this chasing you around in game bullshit. Because I can assure you that never happened. I'm too lazy in game to even log in my picker alt to pick my boxes most of the time. I'm damn sure not gonna put forth any effort to "chase around" some stupid delusional cunt like you, which I again mean in a completely non-insulting manner, in game to apologize for something I never gave a shit about in the first place. Especially if you're claiming it was over Repageddon, as I've still yet to give the first fuck about anything as a result of that.

You're either thinking of someone else, or you're just being your regular delusional self. Knowing you, it's probably both.

Leifa seems to think that anyone who's ever left anyone red rep = trolling people via rep. Which by her own logic makes her just as much of a troll with the red rep she's left me before.

Sure, write another diatribe defending your upstanding actions on the PC and in-game. I have no interest in pulling out the spreadsheet that I made after Repaggedon nor do I have game logs because I was done worrying about that bullshit and barely playing Gemstone when you got exposed. Parkbandit still enjoys trolling me via rep, it's true, but you were the worst with very fucking personally hurtful rep and you know it. I have posted a few examples before and I am not making the effort again. Regarding in game, you apologized THAT DAY to me before I had even seen PC and then when I messaged you with a sad face after I read it all, you went back to being your usual self afterwards, wreaking havoc on people's lives, in game and out. Last I heard, you had driven two of my best friends away from game. Before I even KNEW YOU, I had read your filth posts 'exposing' people on PC. How many people have you fucked over and run off posting pages and pages of nonsense? You are absolutely a major reason I avoid Teras now. Please just stop feigning mock horror and offense. Your memes are showing.

10-16-2017, 01:46 PM
I don't remember Methais really trolling people via rep comments.


Glad you were spared :)

10-16-2017, 01:54 PM
Sure, write another diatribe defending your upstanding actions on the PC and in-game. I have no interest in pulling out the spreadsheet that I made after Repaggedon nor do I have game logs because I was done worrying about that bullshit and barely playing Gemstone when you got exposed. Parkbandit still enjoys trolling me via rep, it's true, but you were the worst with very fucking personally hurtful rep and you know it. I have posted a few examples before and I am not making the effort again. Regarding in game, you apologized THAT DAY to me before I had even seen PC and then when I messaged you with a sad face after I read it all, you went back to being your usual self afterwards, wreaking havoc on people's lives, in game and out. Last I heard, you had driven two of my best friends away from game. Before I even KNEW YOU, I had read your filth posts 'exposing' people on PC. How many people have you fucked over and run off posting pages and pages of nonsense? You are absolutely a major reason I avoid Teras now. Please just stop feigning mock horror and offense. Your memes are showing.

The fact that you made a spreadsheet over rep shows how unstable you are.

Btw here's every red rep I've ever left you. But first, let's re-emphasize your statement:

Parkbandit still enjoys trolling me via rep, it's true, but you were the worst with very fucking personally hurtful rep and you know it.

Anyway here's every red rep I've ever left Leifa:

Thread: Tyrant201 is a faggot (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?110499-Tyrant201-is-a-faggot&p=1966052#post1966052)
No thank you. But feel free to clean the salt out of your cunt. And lol @ "hate speech is against the law"
07-24-2017 04:17 PM

Thread: Respond to Reputation Comments (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?36834-Respond-to-Reputation-Comments&p=1814931#post1814931)
You're a cunt. And if you were a dude I'd still call you a cunt. -Mr McShartSniffer
11-03-2015 09:56 AM

Thread: Respond to Reputation Comments (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?36834-Respond-to-Reputation-Comments&p=1703533#post1703533)
I hear you're in charge of the cunt clux clan
10-18-2014 09:54 AM

Thread: French Feminist Group Is Cunting (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?92628-French-Feminist-Group-Is-Cunting&p=1705420#post1705420)
10-08-2014 10:57 AM

Thread: Let's Have a Discussion With Only Memes (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?76975-Let-s-Have-a-Discussion-With-Only-Memes&p=1637077#post1637077)
your memes suck
03-01-2014 04:46 AM

Thread: Respond to Reputation Comments (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?36834-Respond-to-Reputation-Comments&p=1605811#post1605811)
shut up cunt you're old dried up and desperate for dick and attention and nobody likes you
11-05-2013 01:03 PM

6 reps in 4 years is really making the case for you. Pretty sure I also saw you on Teras very recently. :lol:

When I get home where my browser has the rep addon installed, if I both remember and give enough fucks to, we'll compare these to the red reps you've left me. Because rep is clearly very very important to you. Also take note of how each of your posts referenced here consist of you being a cunt.

10-16-2017, 02:16 PM
And just for giggles, here's every green rep I've ever left you:

Thread: REP-AGEDDON!!!! THE REP-TURE! Post your worst rep comments! (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?100746-REP-AGEDDON!!!!-THE-REP-TURE!-Post-your-worst-rep-comments!&p=1874541#post1874541)
Old McBallsack had a farm, P-E-N-I-S. And on that farm he had some balls, B-A-L-L-S, with a ballsack here and a ballsack there, here a wang there a wang everywhere a weng weng HOLY FUCK ITS WENG WENG http://youtu.be/eqh5O9LbjhY
09-28-2016 11:21 PM

Thread: Thread for Things That Made You Smile Today (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?50263-Thread-for-Things-That-Made-You-Smile-Today&p=1855432#post1855432)
No Comment Made
05-29-2016 11:56 AM

Thread: The Animated Gif thread (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?64597-The-Animated-Gif-thread&p=1757463#post1757463)
I fapped
05-28-2015 07:30 AM

Thread: Thread for Things That Made You Frown Today (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?50559-Thread-for-Things-That-Made-You-Frown-Today&p=1750355#post1750355)
03-02-2015 03:03 PM

Thread: Colorado making so much money from drugs they don't know what to do with it all! (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?94315-Colorado-making-so-much-money-from-drugs-they-don-t-know-what-to-do-with-it-all!&p=1744522#post1744522)
because you can't say syrup without saying anus
02-12-2015 03:13 PM

Thread: Pet Pics (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?77418-Pet-Pics&p=1717221#post1717221)
yay basset hounds -Meth
11-07-2014 01:33 PM

Thread: Camera advice (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?92455-Camera-advice&p=1700524#post1700524)
your camera won't get reception either
09-25-2014 08:39 AM

Thread: Thread for Things That Made You Frown Today (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?50559-Thread-for-Things-That-Made-You-Frown-Today&p=1695264#post1695264)
Thanks :-/ -Meth
09-09-2014 04:57 AM

Thread: Let's clarify some things! (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?90338-Let-s-clarify-some-things!&p=1660774#post1660774)
With your smelly vagina
05-14-2014 11:14 AM

Thread: Let's Have a Discussion With Only Memes (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?76975-Let-s-Have-a-Discussion-With-Only-Memes&p=1595085#post1595085)
someone still hasn't learned what a meme is
10-01-2013 12:31 PM

Thread: Let's Have a Discussion With Only Memes (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?76975-Let-s-Have-a-Discussion-With-Only-Memes&p=1578667#post1578667)
And a fatass cunt too
08-12-2013 02:26 PM

Thread: The Open Letters Thread (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?56454-The-Open-Letters-Thread&p=1556778#post1556778)
penis and balls
06-14-2013 03:26 AM

Thread: Inspire Characters (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?81038-Inspire-Characters&p=1532723#post1532723)
Time to buy more statues!!!!!111 -Meth
05-12-2013 04:54 PM
(You used to buy lots of charged statues from me regularly. Which is clearly indicative of all this bad blood between us from before you even joined the PC according to your own claims.)

Thread: Trash On the Poster Above You (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?35469-Trash-On-the-Poster-Above-You&p=1533769#post1533769)
No Comment Made
04-21-2013 10:41 PM

Thread: Let's Have a Discussion With Only Memes (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?76975-Let-s-Have-a-Discussion-With-Only-Memes&p=1478230#post1478230)
12-14-2012 01:20 AM

Thread: Jihnas thread of AWESOME (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?44951-Jihnas-thread-of-AWESOME&p=1352051#post1352051)
No Comment Made
11-02-2011 06:14 PM

Yes, you've certainly proved the point. Unfortunately, that point only consists of you being delusional and emotionally unstable. And you proved it by accident.

And as usual and should go without saying, I mean all of this in a completely non-insulting way.

10-16-2017, 02:28 PM
Sure, write another diatribe defending your upstanding actions on the PC and in-game.


I have no interest in pulling out the spreadsheet that I made after Repaggedon

Holy shit, seriously?

That is hilarious.

nor do I have game logs because I was done worrying about that bullshit and barely playing Gemstone when you got exposed.

Methais was never exposed.

Parkbandit still enjoys trolling me via rep, it's true, but you were the worst with very fucking personally hurtful rep and you know it.

Honestly, you aren't even in the top 30. You're forgettable. Like I literally didn't know you existed like 2 years ago. The only time I gave you rep is when you were being a super dumb cunt. Sort of like today.

I have posted a few examples before and I am not making the effort again. Regarding in game, you apologized THAT DAY to me before I had even seen PC and then when I messaged you with a sad face after I read it all, you went back to being your usual self afterwards, wreaking havoc on people's lives, in game and out. Last I heard, you had driven two of my best friends away from game. Before I even KNEW YOU, I had read your filth posts 'exposing' people on PC. How many people have you fucked over and run off posting pages and pages of nonsense? You are absolutely a major reason I avoid Teras now. Please just stop feigning mock horror and offense. Your memes are showing.

Aren't you the dumb bitch who believes when a guy even talks to her in game, he's "stalking" you?

You seriously have some mental issues. If I get around to it, I'll red rep you today so you don't go all batshit insane on me "ignoring" you.

Don't say I never help out the mentally disabled.

10-16-2017, 02:30 PM
The fact that you made a spreadsheet over rep shows how unstable you are.

Btw here's every red rep I've ever left you. But first, let's re-emphasize your statement:

Thread: Respond to Reputation Comments (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?36834-Respond-to-Reputation-Comments&p=1703533#post1703533)
I hear you're in charge of the cunt clux clan
10-18-2014 09:54 AM

I laughed.

A lot

10-16-2017, 02:32 PM
Back on topic though:

Whirlin is a terrible moderator... but I DID warn all of you idiots prior to the vote of this fact.

And Methais.. this is Whirlin trying his hardest to be 1) funny and 2) remind you he is a moderator.

10-16-2017, 02:35 PM
Back on topic though:

Whirlin is a terrible moderator... but I DID warn all of you idiots prior to the vote of this fact.

And Methais.. this is Whirlin trying his hardest to be 1) funny and 2) remind you he is a moderator.

I voted for Tgo!

Tgo plz save us!

10-16-2017, 02:44 PM
as they say in the politics thread, you reap what you sow. or was that in the bible? I know they say that somewhere

10-16-2017, 02:45 PM
as they say in the politics thread, you reap what you sow. or was that in the bible? I know they say that somewhere

You're retarded. You'd have been a worse choice, due to said retardation.

10-16-2017, 02:55 PM
Just make everyone who registered before 2010 a mod.

10-16-2017, 03:06 PM
Just make everyone who registered before 2010 a mod.

That would make me a mod.


10-16-2017, 03:14 PM
You would forget about it in 10 minutes PB, old age and all.....

10-16-2017, 03:15 PM
You would forget about it in 10 minutes PB, old age and all.....


10-16-2017, 05:07 PM
For consistency, here's all the red and some questionable green rep Leifa has left me. I do hope this clears up her confusion, she seems to be confused quite often. :)

Thread: Tyrant201 is a faggot
(http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?110499-Tyrant201-is-a-faggot&p=1965854#post1965854)Seriously, fuck off ~ Leifa - leifastagsweed
07-23-2017 11:55 PM

Thread: REP-AGEDDON!!!! THE REP-TURE! Post your worst rep comments!
(http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?100746-REP-AGEDDON!!!!-THE-REP-TURE!-Post-your-worst-rep-comments!&p=1872778#post1872778)Even if you are a meanosaurus.... PFFFFT! ~ Leif - leifastagsweed
08-10-2016 09:41 PM

^This is very interesting green rep from you considering it's from the Repageddon thread you went off about a few posts up.

Thread: French Feminist Group Is Cunting
(http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?92628-French-Feminist-Group-Is-Cunting&p=1705048#post1705048)you clearly CLEARLY have a problem with women - these women may fail, but your knuckles are draggin, bud - leifastagsweed
10-08-2014 07:01 AM

Thread: Selling 3m for 2 months GoA (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?84190-Selling-3m-for-2-months-GoA&p=1573747#post1573747)
ahaha you are nice!!!!!!! (you can't hide it, yo) ~ Leif - leifastagsweed
07-31-2013 11:31 PM

She said I'm nice! I'm so confused now.

Thread: Thank you Loralaii, for this gem! NSFW! (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?82539-Thank-you-Loralaii-for-this-gem!-NSFW!&p=1553274#post1553274)
I love you...and your tractor ~ Leif - leifastagsweed
06-04-2013 11:23 PM

^ I'm nice AND she loves me? Wow! This is also very interesting green rep from you since you say you've hated me for soooooo long, even before you cam to the PC. Unfortunately neither me nor my fictional tractor are interested.

Also, who are these two people I've supposedly run off from the game that you mentioned earlier? Any F2P accounts you may have had don't count.

10-16-2017, 05:09 PM
not sure what methais' rep has to do with macguyver posting fake sales threads to manipulate the market and whirlin giving him a warning for reporting it

10-16-2017, 05:10 PM
not sure what methais' rep has to do with macguyver posting fake sales threads to manipulate the market and whirlin giving him a warning for reporting it

Nothing. Leifa is just mentally unstable and delusional.

10-16-2017, 05:21 PM
Nothing. Leifa is just mentally unstable and delusional.

She's a chick ain't she.

10-16-2017, 06:23 PM
Oh good, she has moved on to calling someone else mentally unstable now. Has she block you on all social media yet? Because that is something she likes to claim she has done.

10-16-2017, 07:31 PM
How has no one talked about the irony of Methais Hargraves reporting anyone for anything, ever.

10-17-2017, 12:10 AM
What's this with rep being unmasked? That's fucking hysterical. Been away from the boards for a bit.

10-17-2017, 12:48 AM
What's this with rep being unmasked? That's fucking hysterical. Been away from the boards for a bit.

Been a couple years now.

10-17-2017, 01:58 AM
How has no one talked about the irony of Methais Hargraves reporting anyone for anything, ever.

Please link to any instance of me scamming the merchant folder.

10-17-2017, 03:31 AM

Honestly, you aren't even in the top 30. You're forgettable. Like I literally didn't know you existed like 2 years ago. The only time I gave you rep is when you were being a
super dumb cunt. Sort of like today.

You seriously have some mental issues. If I get around to it, I'll red rep you today so you don't go all batshit insane on me "ignoring" you.

It speaks not not to my sanity level nor the intelligence level of my genitalia but moreover to your extreme sadism and psychopathology that you spew that kind of venom and intentionally try to hurt people and it's "forgettable."

Sadly, you already neg repped me randomly on a necro thread with your stupid sad little text penis this week trying to stir up shit. Too bad, so sad, have to wait until next week.

The fact that you made a spreadsheet over rep shows how unstable you are.

When I get home where my browser has the rep addon installed, if I both remember and give enough fucks to, we'll compare these to the red reps you've left me. Because rep is clearly very very important to you. Also take note of how each of your posts referenced here consist of you being a cunt.

So you have a Rep Addon installed and at the ready, you manually sorted and cherry picked some reps, and then spent a significant amount of time posting and commenting on each. Then you went home, ran your add on, cherry picked some more, commented some more. I'm sorry, who is clearly unstable?

...in your own whiny ass bitch thread. Because you're a bitch.

Oh good, she has moved on to calling someone else mentally unstable now. Has she block you on all social media yet? Because that is something she likes to claim she has done.


Please, let me go slit wrists because you three still have shitty things to say about me, tho.

10-17-2017, 03:51 AM
Sooo, about that Whirlin guy...

10-17-2017, 04:58 AM
Sooo, about that Whirlin guy...

Sounds like he wrote some dude up for an infraction.

Tsk Tsk
10-17-2017, 07:10 AM
Thread: Respond to Reputation Comments (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?36834-Respond-to-Reputation-Comments&p=1703533#post1703533)
I hear you're in charge of the cunt clux clan
10-18-2014 09:54 AM

I almost spit out my coffee laughing.

Who the fuck makes a spreadsheet over that?! Welcome to the world of the reality that not everyone is going to like you. At least Methais had the decency to make it funny. Christ.

10-17-2017, 09:56 AM
It speaks not not to my sanity level nor the intelligence level of my genitalia but moreover to your extreme sadism and psychopathology that you spew that kind of venom and intentionally try to hurt people and it's "forgettable."

Sadly, you already neg repped me randomly on a necro thread with your stupid sad little text penis this week trying to stir up shit. Too bad, so sad, have to wait until next week.

So you have a Rep Addon installed and at the ready, you manually sorted and cherry picked some reps, and then spent a significant amount of time posting and commenting on each. Then you went home, ran your add on, cherry picked some more, commented some more. I'm sorry, who is clearly unstable?

...in your own whiny ass bitch thread. Because you're a bitch.


Please, let me go slit wrists because you three still have shitty things to say about me, tho.

You do realize that nearly everyone here has the rep addon installed right? Someone from here made it like a day after Repageddon you fucking dumbass. Try to keep up. Speaking of Repageddon, I'm glad we were able to clear up how full of shit and mentally ill you are.

And while I'm sure that using CTRL+F and then copy & pasting a handful of lines of text might be an extreme undertaking for a retarded horse fucker like you, but for normal people who aren't complete wastes of life like you it's a pretty quick and easy process. Took me all of 5 minutes while simultaneously dealing with work stuff at work.

Speaking of spending significant amounts of time on stuff, how many hours did you spend putting together your butthurt rep spreadsheet? You should post it so we can see your idiocy on full display. If it even exists, which it probably doesn't.

Still waiting to hear who these two people are you say I ran off from GS too. So far everything you've said in this thread has been proven to be bullshit. Much like your entire existence on this planet. In typical Leifa fashion, you take a thread that has nothing to do with you, turn your attention whore meter up to 11 and talk a bunch of shit that isn't even accurate in order to make it about you, and then you deflect and cry and try to play the victim when everyone calls you out on being delusional and full of shit, and proving once again like you do every time you click the post button that you have some serious mental issues and should seek professional help. I mean don't get me wrong, it is hilarious watching the same cycle of mental instability play out over and over with you, but you really should seek some sort of treatment for it. If not for you then for the people who have to put up with your crazy shit on a day to day basis in real life.

Please elaborate on this cherry picking though. Or do you just not have it in you to break out this mysterious spreadsheet that probably doesn't even exist outside of your own delusions while calling everyone else crazy?

The only thing you've been right about so far was how you should go slit your wrists.

Fun fact: I literally forget you even exist until you show up in random threads shrieking all over the place like a horse just went surprise balls deep in those two chunks of dough you call an ass.

10-17-2017, 10:00 AM
Fun fact: I literally forget you even exist until you show up in random threads shrieking all over the place like a horse just went surprise balls deep in those two chunks of dough you call an ass.


10-17-2017, 10:04 AM
It speaks not not to my sanity level nor the intelligence level of my genitalia but moreover to your extreme sadism and psychopathology that you spew that kind of venom and intentionally try to hurt people and it's "forgettable."

Or.. it's more likely that you simply haven't had anything intelligent to post, making you "forgettable".

Sadly, you already neg repped me randomly on a necro thread with your stupid sad little text penis this week trying to stir up shit.

I think I found the main issue behind your problems. You are used to guys having a penis that literally looks like this: .......................

Too bad, so sad, have to wait until next week.

You clearly don't understand how this or anything else works.

So you have a Rep Addon installed and at the ready, you manually sorted and cherry picked some reps, and then spent a significant amount of time posting and commenting on each. Then you went home, ran your add on, cherry picked some more, commented some more. I'm sorry, who is clearly unstable?

I thought it's been clearly established that it's you that is unstable?

...in your own whiny ass bitch thread. Because you're a bitch.

Easy..... don't blow a gasket.


Please, let me go slit wrists because you three still have shitty things to say about me, tho.

Wait.. you think there are only 3 of us who believe you are mentally unstable?



10-17-2017, 03:06 PM
You do realize that nearly everyone here has the rep addon installed right? Someone from here made it like a day after Repageddon you fucking dumbass. Try to keep up. Speaking of Repageddon, I'm glad we were able to clear up how full of shit and mentally ill you are.

And while I'm sure that using CTRL+F and then copy & pasting a handful of lines of text might be an extreme undertaking for a retarded horse fucker like you, but for normal people who aren't complete wastes of life like you it's a pretty quick and easy process. Took me all of 5 minutes while simultaneously dealing with work stuff at work.

Speaking of spending significant amounts of time on stuff, how many hours did you spend putting together your butthurt rep spreadsheet? You should post it so we can see your idiocy on full display. If it even exists, which it probably doesn't.

Still waiting to hear who these two people are you say I ran off from GS too. So far everything you've said in this thread has been proven to be bullshit. Much like your entire existence on this planet. In typical Leifa fashion, you take a thread that has nothing to do with you, turn your attention whore meter up to 11 and talk a bunch of shit that isn't even accurate in order to make it about you, and then you deflect and cry and try to play the victim when everyone calls you out on being delusional and full of shit, and proving once again like you do every time you click the post button that you have some serious mental issues and should seek professional help. I mean don't get me wrong, it is hilarious watching the same cycle of mental instability play out over and over with you, but you really should seek some sort of treatment for it. If not for you then for the people who have to put up with your crazy shit on a day to day basis in real life.

Please elaborate on this cherry picking though. Or do you just not have it in you to break out this mysterious spreadsheet that probably doesn't even exist outside of your own delusions while calling everyone else crazy?

Quoted for 100% fucking truth.

10-17-2017, 03:16 PM
Even if every single thing she's saying about Methais were 100% confirmed as absolutely irrefutably true, that wouldn't at all change the hilarious fact that she came in here red hot to make the thread all about her.

10-17-2017, 03:49 PM
Guys, guys, guys.... there are only THREE of us that believe she's batshit insane.

If you aren't me, Methais or Gelston.. then clearly you believe she's normal.

10-17-2017, 04:00 PM
All people who aren't Leifa that think Leifa is normal raise your hand and say "Aye sharted."

10-17-2017, 04:04 PM
Nope, he's not the only vicious fuck which has long since been established. Please, continue to whine about getting called out for being horrible by being more fucking horrible.

The horse comments were certainly original...not.

10-17-2017, 04:11 PM
Nope, he's not the only vicious fuck which has long since been established. Please, continue to whine about getting called out for being horrible by being more fucking horrible.

The horse comments were certainly original...not.


10-17-2017, 04:29 PM
Nope, he's not the only vicious fuck which has long since been established. Please, continue to whine about getting called out for being horrible by being more fucking horrible.

Your incredible lack of self awareness would be funny if it didn't cause spontaneous explosive diarrhea.


Still waiting for you to elaborate on your claims of me cherry picking rep.

Still waiting for you to elaborate on who these two people are you claim I made quit GS. Especially considering I'm one of the nicest and most helpful people in game as long as you're not being a cuntbasket. Which rules you out of course, but I'm not going to judge your friends just because they hang out with you. Especially when they don't exist in the first place and are almost definitely made up.

Still waiting for you to elaborate on how I terrorize people in game.

Still waiting for you to back up literally anything you've claimed in this thread. Because so far you've deflected 100% of the time you've been called out on your cunting. This is typically what people like you do when they get called out for being full of shit and can't come up with a way out. It also fits your pattern behavior. Your unstable cunting is documented all over these forums.

The horse comments were certainly original...not.

My bad, I just meant it as a general term. I wasn't aware that you actually fuck horses. Or that you were unaware that "...not." hasn't been cool since Adam Curry was telling us about Def Leppard's newest video.

If you're not going to back up any of your claims though, please let us know. We already know you won't, but it would be nice to have the official word on it.

And do it politely.

And hurry it the fuck up.


10-17-2017, 04:35 PM
I would like to hear more about Methais's crimes. If you don't have time to type everything out, Leifa, as they appear to be quite vast, just link to threads? That's reasonable, I think. If you don't have the time/it isn't worth the effort, why start it at all?

10-17-2017, 04:37 PM
I'm sorry about your explosive diarrhea. Actually, I'm not. I am kind of glad to hear it. (oooh, I am mean!)

I came here to buy some EG merchandise. Part of the reason I'm not here 24/7 is that I have a life. Also, I don't care to prove myself to you. You guys can and will have a carnivorous feast in my absence.

10-17-2017, 04:41 PM
Especially considering I'm one of the nicest and most helpful people in game

This is a bold face lie. I remember one time, I believe it was in 1998.. you slept me FOR NO FUCKING REASON!

as long as you're not being a cuntbasket.

Oh wait.. didn't see that part.


10-17-2017, 04:46 PM
You looked tired. I mean you were old then too

10-17-2017, 04:48 PM
I'm sorry about your explosive diarrhea. Actually, I'm not. I am kind of glad to hear it. (oooh, I am mean!)

I came here to buy some EG merchandise. Part of the reason I'm not here 24/7 is that I have a life. Also, I don't care to prove myself to you. You guys can and will have a carnivorous feast in my absence.

So.. you can't prove your claims.

I'm shocked. It's like you came here just to get some attention.. got it.. so now you're leaving because it didn't turn out like you "thought" it would in your head.

http://thumbs.newschoolers.com/index.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Ff.cl.ly%2Fitems%2F2g3r4 63B2e1i1R0h3V2J%2Ftwo-girls-four-punches.gif&size=400x1000

10-17-2017, 04:49 PM
You looked tired. I mean you were old then too


10-17-2017, 04:52 PM
I'm sorry about your explosive diarrhea. Actually, I'm not. I am kind of glad to hear it. (oooh, I am mean!)

I came here to buy some EG merchandise. Part of the reason I'm not here 24/7 is that I have a life. Also, I don't care to prove myself to you. You guys can and will have a carnivorous feast in my absence.

So you went nuts (again) in a thread that had nothing to do with you in an attempt to make it about you while throwing out a bunch of claims that you're unwilling to back up, even after doubling down on them after they got debunked within minutes, and it's because you have a life and we don't?

Just wanna make sure I'm getting this right, as this is before even taking into consideration the fact that you came here to buy some fluff at a pay event festival in a 29 year old text based online fantasy roleplaying game while telling other people they have no life. :lol:

I also like how you made it a point earlier to say (without elaborating why of course) that I'm why you avoid Teras, even though I'd probably just laugh at you and go on about my business, but you have no problem with coming at me with your bullshit on the PC, which doesn't have any of the play nice rules that GS does. Please explain that entertaining as fuck logic.

I've also shipped a bag of explosive diarrhea to your house. Should be there by Wednesday.

10-17-2017, 04:52 PM
So.. you can't prove your claims.

I'm shocked. It's like you came here just to get some attention.. got it.. so now you're leaving because it didn't turn out like you "thought" it would in your head.

http://thumbs.newschoolers.com/index.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Ff.cl.ly%2Fitems%2F2g3r4 63B2e1i1R0h3V2J%2Ftwo-girls-four-punches.gif&size=400x1000

Do something useful with all that pent up bullshit and write a book on How To Troll. I mean, your gif usage is at least one chapter, another on proper textual penis shapes. See, even I can come up with better ways to fill time than what you are doing. Even if you are not ambulatory, you can do something good with your life.

It's my day off. I'm going to pick up my EG purchase, maybe even play my character a little since I have time, and then I will get back to treating cancer patients tomorrow and not thinking about you at all.

I guess you're kind of forgettable, too. Man, that's a mean thing to say, tho.

10-17-2017, 05:02 PM
Do something useful with all that pent up bullshit and write a book on How To Troll. I mean, your gif usage is at least one chapter, another on proper textual penis shapes. See, even I can come up with better ways to fill time than what you are doing. Even if you are not ambulatory, you can do something good with your life.

It's my day off. I'm going to pick up my EG purchase, maybe even play my character a little since I have time, and then I will get back to treating cancer patients tomorrow and not thinking about you at all.

I guess you're kind of forgettable, too. Man, that's a mean thing to say, tho.

8=========D ~o ~o ~o ~o :o <-----you

http://thumbs.newschoolers.com/index.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Ff.cl.ly%2Fitems%2F2g3r4 63B2e1i1R0h3V2J%2Ftwo-girls-four-punches.gif&size=400x1000

10-17-2017, 05:10 PM
Thread: 91 Elf Bard

Should I just buy you to make you stop trolling? ~ Leif

I'll just answer here 'cause you seem pretty focused on this thread and will likely see it more quickly... Yes. Because paying me hundreds and hundreds of dollars for my old character will make me stop saying anything on this forum. I promise. And really, I feel like my post was fair and relatively neutral. I would like to hear about whatever Methais has done. I doubt he's done much at all but if he has, I'd love to hear about it. It's not a troll post; it's an honest request for information that you said existed.

10-17-2017, 05:58 PM
I quit GS because of Methais. He hurt my feelings. He is the reason I avoid Teras.

10-17-2017, 06:25 PM
Do something useful with all that pent up bullshit and write a book on How To Troll. I mean, your gif usage is at least one chapter, another on proper textual penis shapes.

Only you, with your obviously limited exposure to what an actual penis looks like, would believe this: .......................... is a penis.

No one else has ever thought "OMG HE SENT ME A TEXT PENIS!". That's only you.

See, even I can come up with better ways to fill time than what you are doing. Even if you are not ambulatory, you can do something good with your life.

My life is fantastic. Thanks for your worry, but it's literally for nothing.

It's my day off. I'm going to pick up my EG purchase, maybe even play my character a little since I have time, and then I will get back to treating cancer patients tomorrow and not thinking about you at all.


I guess you're kind of forgettable, too. Man, that's a mean thing to say, tho.

It's only mean when I say it. When you say it, no one really cares.


10-17-2017, 07:03 PM
then I will get back to treating cancer patients tomorrow and not thinking about you at all.

Shit, you treat cancer patients? I guess you're better than us.

10-17-2017, 07:08 PM
Shit, you treat cancer patients? I guess you're better than us.

It's the Internet! You can be anything you want to be!

10-17-2017, 08:48 PM
It's the Internet! You can be anything you want to be!

I'm the President

of tart lovers anonymous

10-17-2017, 10:01 PM
<sigh> I'm way the fuck out of my league, I quit.

::throws off troll hat

I would be honored to sever your head if you choose to commit seppuku.

10-17-2017, 10:04 PM
Shit, you treat cancer patients? I guess you're better than us.

Plot twist: She's the cancer

10-17-2017, 10:36 PM
<sigh> I'm way the fuck out of my league, I quit.

::throws off troll hat

Your word honestly means zero. You've claimed you were going to do a great deal of things and never could follow through.

10-17-2017, 11:36 PM
Wait does she know you are stalking her yet? When is the restraining order going into effeft?

10-17-2017, 11:45 PM
I'm actually seeing someone right now.

What's his name?

10-17-2017, 11:51 PM
hey go find your own troll to troll Drauz, i got here first dammit!

10-18-2017, 12:01 AM
hey go find your own troll to troll Drauz, i got here first dammit!


10-18-2017, 09:10 AM
Yeah I know. If you noticed I've been getting quieter and quieter,I'm actually seeing someone right now. She's making me happy and the evil troll spirit is being exorcised from my body. Oh well, guess the funs over even time4fun left! no pun intended.

So you're saying all this stupidity was because you were lonely and tired of masturbating?

I didn't actually notice your almost-absence. Kind of like when time4fun went on vacation and nobody noticed until she came back and was like "Hi guys I've been on vacation what'd I miss?"

10-18-2017, 09:39 AM
Yeah I know. If you noticed I've been getting quieter and quieter,I'm actually seeing someone right now. She's making me happy and the evil troll spirit is being exorcised from my body. Oh well, guess the funs over even time4fun left! no pun intended.

Didn't notice anything. You are nothing but background noise to me.

You are barely 1 rung up from Leifastagsweed or whatever her name is.

10-18-2017, 10:16 AM
Didn't notice anything. You are nothing but background noise to me.

You are barely 1 rung up from Leifastagsweed or whatever her name is.

Oh, you're ranking him higher because he claims to be a man. Sexist! Reported.

10-18-2017, 10:23 AM
Oh, you're ranking him higher because he claims to be a man. Sexist! Reported.

"He's" also claimed he was a woman.

Why do you hate trannies so much? REPORTED! WHIRLIN, HATE SPEECH!

10-18-2017, 10:47 AM
"He's" also claimed he was a woman.

Why do you hate trannies so much? REPORTED! WHIRLIN, HATE SPEECH!

Please stop abusing report or else banned.

10-18-2017, 11:04 AM
Please stop abusing report or else banned.

so...all those times you said, "reported", you were actually reporting? Or were you reporting a ton of posts? Not sure why you'd get singled out over this.

10-18-2017, 11:14 AM
so...all those times you said, "reported", you were actually reporting? Or were you reporting a ton of posts? Not sure why you'd get singled out over this.

None of those were actual reports. I did report a couple things though, like when macguyver was impersonating me (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?111239-Calling-It-Smithy-Won-t-Open). All were macguyver related.

Reported for asking.

10-18-2017, 11:16 AM
None of those were actual reports. I did report a couple things though, like when macguyver was impersonating me.

hmm. ok, well maybe whirlin was pmsing or something. I'm sure he'll be by momentarily to apologize.

10-18-2017, 11:23 AM
hmm. ok, well maybe whirlin was pmsing or something. I'm sure he'll be by momentarily to apologize.

He'd better, or else!


10-18-2017, 11:27 AM
If all were macgyver related, then it's definitely out of bounds to reprimand and threaten a ban.

10-18-2017, 11:34 AM
If all were macgyver related, then it's definitely out of bounds to reprimand and threaten a ban.

I wonder what would happen if I reported myself. You should try it and let me know what happens.


10-18-2017, 11:50 AM
I wonder what would happen if I reported myself. You should try it and let me know what happens.


Instant permaban.

10-18-2017, 01:09 PM
I wonder what would happen if I reported myself. You should try it and let me know what happens.


Okay so I just reported myself. We'll see what happens. DO YOUR JOB, WHIRLIN!!!!!!1!1

10-18-2017, 06:35 PM
hmm. ok, well maybe whirlin was pmsing or something. I'm sure he'll be by momentarily to apologize.

Reported for sexism.

10-18-2017, 06:40 PM
If all were macgyver related, then it's definitely out of bounds to reprimand and threaten a ban.

I'm 98.3% sure it was just Whirling trying his hardest to be funny and as usual, failing.

10-18-2017, 11:35 PM

Lol this thread. Whirlin still visits the PC? Huh.

10-19-2017, 04:19 AM
Only when that evil bully Methais forces him too, very rude of Methais

10-19-2017, 07:42 AM
Only when that evil bully Methais forces him too, very rude of Methais

Don't make me make your friends quit GS!!!

10-19-2017, 01:24 PM
hmm. ok, well maybe whirlin was pmsing or something. I'm sure he'll be by momentarily to apologize.

Why would he? There is nothing he can post that won't be attacked. Not saying he wouldn't deserve it, but what has he got to gain by assisting in his own smackdown?

10-19-2017, 01:34 PM
I am surprised he hasn't said anything in here. I guess he is really that fucking detached now. I am happy with Whirlin's modding now.

10-19-2017, 01:42 PM
He knew what he signed up for!

10-19-2017, 01:51 PM
He knew what he signed up for!

STOP USING SPEAKER PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111

10-19-2017, 01:53 PM
STOP USING SPEAKER PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111

reported for yelling at other members.

10-19-2017, 02:29 PM
reported for yelling at other members.

Reported for not politely asking me to stop yelling first.


10-19-2017, 05:13 PM
Wait! Methais is threatening to quit GS! He said he'd make my friends quit, and he is a friend, he is clearly quitting! See what Whilrin has caused!

10-19-2017, 05:15 PM