View Full Version : Acuity/Nerve runestaff Questions

10-12-2017, 03:04 PM
So I am a bit confused on the newer (since I been gone) acuity/nerve staff. On the wiki they seem to be two different topics but a lot of people call or use both the terms together which is further confusing me. Whats the difference between them? Is acuity just a variation of these nerve staffs listed here https://gswiki.play.net/Nerve_staff/saved_posts? Or are they two entirely different things and people just like to confuse me far more than my simple mind can handle? Before I go out and buy a new staff I wanted to really understand what I am looking at.


10-12-2017, 03:13 PM
Acuity is a flare of its own. Nerve staff is a script on runestaves, and they happen to come with Acuity flares.

10-12-2017, 03:14 PM
perfect I wasnt really interested in having to level up affinity with a weapon so glad to see I can just get it on its own.

10-12-2017, 03:20 PM
perfect I wasnt really interested in having to level up affinity with a weapon so glad to see I can just get it on its own.

What's cool about the staffs that come with both though is that you can get double flares from both the acuity and the nerve script. On top of that, you can get them ensorcelled and have like all 3 flares go off. Insanity!

10-12-2017, 03:22 PM
hows the backlash on them early on? Honest thats what is keeping me away from the nerve staff piece because I have enough things almost killing me in the Bowel to add randomly getting stunned from my weapon.

10-12-2017, 03:43 PM
hows the backlash on them early on? Honest thats what is keeping me away from the nerve staff piece because I have enough things almost killing me in the Bowel to add randomly getting stunned from my weapon.

Well, you bring up a different issue actually. There was a different post recently that brought up the nervestaff script and the bowels and that there is a 10% chance for the nerve staff offfensive flare to be shock based and would therefore trigger the explosive room/environment effect that exists in that hunting area. In addition, one of the backlash effects could also be shock based and do the same thing, although it's less than a 10% chance because it's not always guaranteed to backlash and you never know if the backlash effect will be shock based. For those reasons alone though, I think you're right that although in a lot of cases nerve + acuity + ensorcells are pretty great, in your current circumstance it's probably not ideal.