View Full Version : Dueling organization

01-17-2005, 12:37 AM
ok, in order to make GSIV a bit more lively, why dont we start a dueling organization where everyone that participates is ranked? whoever is the champion would have to constantly defend there title through OFFICIAL duels (meaning using the challenge verb) and the duel could be posted here so that everyone can see and declare who the winner is. I think it would be interesting and it would be nice to have a title that no one else in GS would have unless they defeated you.

Just think of it like the wrestling organization where there are different belts (titles) and different types of fights. There could be many different champions within the organization like the Champion of the warriors/ Rogues..etc or the Elanthian Champion which would be champion above all.

I would put more thought and details into this but I wanna hear what everyone has to say first.

01-17-2005, 05:04 AM

01-17-2005, 06:20 PM
hey...it was just a thought